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Notice by the the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2009

Notice by the the Supreme People's Court on Issuing the Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2009 


(No. 176 [2010] of the Supreme People's Court)

The higher people's courts of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Military Court of the PLA; and the Production and Construction Branch of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region:

In order to actively and effectively organize the National Intellectual Property Publicity Week activity, thoroughly implement the national strategies of intellectual property rights, further strengthen efforts in publicizing the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, fully exhibit the achievements of people's courts in the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, and strive to create a favorable environment for the sound development of the judicial protection of intellectual property rights by people's courts, this Court has decided to issue the Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights by Courts in China (2009).

The Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights by Courts in China (2009) has fully reviewed and summarized the judicial protection of intellectual property rights by people's courts in 2009, made a brief introduction to the judicial protection of intellectual property rights for over 30 years since the reform and opening up, fully displayed the achievements in judicial protection of intellectual property rights in China, and demonstrated China's determination of and confidence in the protection of intellectual property rights. This is the first time that the people's court fully disclosed and introduced to the public the protection of intellectual property rights in the form of annual report on protection, an important measure for the people's court to further strengthen the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, a significant event in the trials of intellectual property rights cases of the people's court, as well as one of the work highlights of the people's court of the year. The people's courts at all levels nationwide shall take this opportunity by taking into consideration serving the overall situation of the work of the Party and the state, the thorough implementation of the national strategies on intellectual property rights and the promotion of the building of an innovation-based country, further enhance the awareness of the importance and urgency of the trials of intellectual property right cases, maximize the guiding role of the judicial protection of intellectual property rights, resolutely forge ahead and work in an innovative and effective manner, and strive to continuously create a new situation of the judicial protection of intellectual property rights.


April 16, 2010

Intellectual Property Protection by Chinese Courts in 2009


The People's Courts are the State judicial authority for intellectual property (IP) protection, which independently exercise adjudicative powers according to the Constitution and the law.

China's reform and opening-up (gaige kaifang) has spurred the development of intellectual property since the late 1970s and early 1980s. Being a national and Party priority, and buttressed by strong social support and diligent judges, judicial protection of intellectual property in Chinese courts has germinated and grown. The current comprehensive judicial intellectual property protection regime embodies the ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics, embraces the country's development needs, observes China‘s duties under international conventions. It is an essential part of China's judicial architecture.

––In the last 30 years, the People's Courts have expanded their functions and powers in intellectual property protection. The People's Courts provided judicial protection for intellectual property through civil, administrative and criminal procedures. Civil adjudication had begun including cases relating to technology contracts toward the end of the 1970s. Trademark, patent and copyright cases were added during the mid 1980s, and unfair competition disputes in the early 1990s. The People's Courts had received many filings, and had rendered decisions for as many as 166,408 IP-related cases between 1985 and 2009. In terms of administrative adjudicative duties, the People's Courts have been given the mandate to handle patent suits against the Patent Re-examination Board since 1985. Hence, Chinese courts are responsible for conducting judicial reviews for intellectual property administrative enforcement disputes and cases relating to granting or validation of patent or trademark. Between 1985 and 2009, the local People's Courts have altogether concluded 6387 IP-related administrative cases of first instance. Since the implementation of the 1979 Criminal Law, the People's Courts were able to offer protection against criminal violations of registered trademark rights under the Law. The 1997 Amendment of the Criminal Law further enhances judicial powers in criminal protection against violation of the various intellectual property rights, including the imposition of severe punishment against serious violations of intellectual property rights, such as counterfeit and piracy. Following the Judicial Interpretation Concerning the Adjudication of Cases Involving Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate at the end of 2004, the number of IP-related criminal cases admitted and decided by the courts increased substantially; between 1997 and 2009, 14,509 IP-related criminal cases of first instance were decided by the courts.
--30年来,人民法院知识产权司法保护职能不断强化。人民法院通过行使民事、行政和刑事三种审判职能,对知识产权提供全方位司法保护。民事审判方面,自上世纪70年代末开始技术合同案件审判,80年代中期陆续开始商标、专利、著作权民事案件审判,90年代初期开始不正当竞争案件审判,人民法院依法受理和审结了大量知识产权民事案件。从1985年至2009年,人民法院共审结知识产权民事一审案件 166 408件。行政审判方面,自1985年专利法实施后人民法院开始受理以专利复审委员会为被告的专利行政案件以来,有关法院认真履行对涉及专利、商标等授权确权案件和知识产权行政执法案件的司法审查职责。从1985年至2009年,全国地方法院共审结知识产权行政一审案件6387件。刑事审判方面,1979年刑法颁布施行后人民法院据此对注册商标予以刑事司法保护, 1997年刑法修订后对各类知识产权提供全面的刑事司法保护,不断加大知识产权的刑事司法保护力度,依法严惩假冒、盗版等严重侵犯知识产权犯罪。在2004年底最高人民法院和最高人民检察院联合发布关于办理侵犯知识产权刑事案件的司法解释以后,人民法院受理和审结的涉及知识产权侵权的刑事案件明显增加。从1997年至 2009年,共审结知识产权刑事一审案件 14 509件。

––In the last 30 years, the People's Courts have enlarged the scope of judicial protection for intellectual property. The mid-1990s was a turning point in terms of the general nature of intellectual property cases received by the courts. Before the mid-1990s, the cases related mainly to technology contracts. From that period onwards and until 2002, patent cases were predominant. And since 2002, copyright cases represent the largest caseload. Besides catering to the general speedy rise in traditional IP caseload involving copyright, patents, trademarks, unfair competition & technology contracts, judicial protection expanded to address emerging issues such as copyright on the internet, computer software, new plant varieties, layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits, folk literature & art, geographical indications, special signs, corporate names, domain names, judicial recognition of well-known marks, non-material cultural heritage, franchise, application for pre-trial provisional measures, declaration of non-infringement, and anti-monopoly. Among those, cases relating to copyright infringements on the internet have been swiftly on the rise. The People's Courts have handled cases involving all categories of intellectual property and many different types of competitive behaviour, ranging from the creation, use, protection, to the management of intellectual property. The judicial channel is becoming the primary means of intellectual property dispute resolution. For example, to settle patent disputes, most patent owners would choose to file a civil suit with the People's Courts directly, instead of using administrative means.

––In the last 30 years, the People's Courts have increased the level of judicial protection for intellectual property. The quality and efficiency of judicial decisions on cases relating to intellectual property have improved over the years. The clearance rate of first instance civil intellectual property cases increased from 75.35% in 2003 to 85.35% in 2009. Appeals fell from 59.38% in 2003 to 48.82% in 2009. Likewise, cases remanded or decisions reversed at the second instance reduced from 15.19% in 2003 to 6.00% in 2009, and retrials fell from 0.80% in 2003 to 0.33% in 2009. Court mediation has also proven to be an effective means of dispute settlement. In recent years, more than 50%, on the average, of intellectual property civil cases were settled through court mediation at first instance. At the same time, the People's Courts have built a respected international reputation for their fair and equitable treatment of all parties in cases involving foreign litigants. Judicial transparency is progressively improving. The People's Courts adopt the principle of judicial openness, and effective court judgements and decisions as well as judicial information are disseminated via the media, internet, publications and other vehicles according to law. On 10 March 2006, the Supreme People's Court formally launched a website on “China IPR Judgments & Decisions”, a centralised open library of judgements and decisions rendered by the People's Courts of different levels.
--30年来,人民法院知识产权司法保护水平不断提高。人民法院知识产权案件的审判质量和效率得到不断提高,知识产权民事案件一审结案率从2003年的 75.35%上升到2009年的85.35%,上诉率从2003年的59.38%下降到2009年的 48.82%,二审改判发回率从2003年的 15.19%下降到2009年的6.00%,再审率从 2003年的0.80%下降到2009年的0.33%。诉讼调解效果显著,近年来,全国法院知识产权民事一审案件平均调解撤诉率始终维持在50%之上。在涉外知识产权案件的审理中,人民法院坚持依法平等保护原则,依法平等保护中外当事人的合法权益,树立了良好的国际司法形象。司法保护的透明度不断增强,人民法院始终坚持审判公开原则,依法通过媒体、网络和出版物等形式及时向社会公开生效裁判和发布审判信息,最高人民法院于2006年3月10日正式开通“中国知识产权裁判文书网”,统一上网公开各级人民法院的生效知识产权裁判文书。

––In the last 30 years, the People's Courts have enhanced the effectiveness of judicial protection for intellectual property. The People's Courts have imposed severe penalties for infringements as provided by law, so as to lower the cost of protection, and increase the cost of infringement. For valid infringement claims, infringers would be ordered to cease and desist, and would be exposed to damages awarded against them that sufficiently compensate the aggrieved party's losses. Also, the burden of proof for a right holder is reduced as appropriate, according to law. Recently, during the last instance of the patent infringement case of Wuhan Jingyuan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. (“WJC”) v. Fujikasui Engineering Co., Ltd and Huayang Electric Co., Ltd, the Supreme People's Court found in favour of the plaintiff, and ordered the two defendants to pay WJC RMB 50.6124 million yuan (USD 7.42 million) in damages. This was the highest damages award ever made by the Supreme People's Court for infringement of intellectual property right. In addition, the People's Courts have taken a prudent yet effective approach to using pre-trial provisional measures, and have imposed civil sanctions on infringement according to law. Between 2002 and 2009, a total of 808 applications for pre-trial preliminary injunction in IP-related cases were admitted by local courts, 84.18% were granted approval; 1312 applications for pre-trial preservation of evidence were admitted, 93.72% were granted approval, 527 applications for pre-trial preservation of property were admitted, 96.04% were granted approval. Criminal sanctions are an important means of protecting intellectual property by the People's Courts. Besides imposing principal punishments and regulating the use of probation, other punitive measures that include the imposition and enforcement of heavier criminal fines, recovery of criminal proceeds, seizure of criminal tools, destruction of infringing goods, ordering payment of damages, are also means to deprive perpetrators of the financial capacity to repeat the offence.

––In the last 30 years, the People's Courts have improved the judicial system in intellectual property protection. Since 1985, the Supreme People's Court has published 41 judicial interpretations relating intellectual property rights, 29 of which are currently in force. More than 40 judicial guidance documents (zhidaoxing wenjian) that helped instruct the lower courts were also issued. Especially since 2000, in line with China's accession to the World Trade Organisation and to serve the country's need to build an “innovation-based nation”, the Supreme People's Court has issued 25 IP-related judicial interpretations. Issuance and implementation of judicial interpretations and guidance documents have provided the People's Courts with more concrete substantive and procedural bases on which they rely for adjudication of intellectual property cases. As a result, the judicial system has continued to see progress. The jurisdiction regime for intellectual property has improved. To ensure quality adjudication of intellectual property cases, judicial interpretations provide for “designated jurisdiction” for cases involving patent, new plant varieties and layout designs of integrated circuits. In 1998, jurisdiction for other first instance civil cases relating to intellectual property was also largely transferred to the Intermediate People's Courts. In recent years, due to significant increase in the number of general intellectual property cases relating to copyrights and trademarks, designated Primary People's Courts are given jurisdiction to handle such cases. The grounds of action in intellectual property cases have also become more rational and more comprehensive. In April 2008, the Supreme People's Court issued and implemented the Regulations on Grounds of Action for Civil Cases[1] which consolidated the grounds of action relating to intellectual property right and the competition law. Optimised allocation of judicial resource for intellectual property has seen results. During the 1980s, civil cases involving copyrights and industrial property rights were each handled by the civil division and economic division in the People's Courts. The 1990s saw the creation of special intellectual property divisions to hear such cases. In recent years, some local courts have even conducted pilot programmes where the intellectual property division takes overall responsibility for IP-related civil, administrative and criminal cases. Also explored are the expansion of the judges panel (heyi ting) and participation of civil judges in the adjudication of criminal and administrative cases relating intellectual property rights.

––In the last 30 years, the People's Courts have bettered the capacity in providing judicial protection for intellectual property. The People's Courts have endeavoured to build a robust adjudication organisation, a stronger team of judges, and high level of professionalism for intellectual property protection. In August 1993, the Beijing Intermediate and High People's Courts became the first courts in the country to introduce dedicated Intellectual Property Divisions. In October 1996, the Supreme People's Court set up its Intellectual Property Division. At present, all High People's Courts, almost all Intermediate People's Courts and all Primary People's Courts with civil jurisdiction for intellectual property cases have created dedicated intellectual property divisions. According to statistics dated October 2008, local courts had established a total of 298 separate intellectual property divisions and 84 intellectual property panels in civil divisions, and staffed 2,126 specialised intellectual property judges (currently, among the general courts, there are 31 High People's Courts, 409 Intermediate People's Courts, and 3119 Primary People's Courts). As a general practice, the better and more experienced judges are selected to adjudicate intellectual property cases. Providing guidance for intellectual property judges and intensive training for their professional knowledge and adjudication skills is a priority, and has continuously strengthened the adjudication capacity and professional level of intellectual property judges. Thus, the combination of research, theoretical innovation and learning is a professional philosophy adopted and pursued by all intellectual property judges.
--30年来,人民法院知识产权司法保护能力不断增强。人民法院的知识产权审判组织不断健全,队伍建设不断加强,专业化水平不断提升。1993年8月,北京市高、中级人民法院在全国率先成立专门的知识产权审判庭,最高人民法院也于1996年10月成立知识产权审判庭。目前,各高级人民法院和多数中级人民法院以及所有具有知识产权民事案件管辖权的基层人民法院都设立了专门的知识产权审判庭,据截至2008年10月的统计,全国地方法院单设知识产权庭298个,专设知识产权合议庭84个,共有从事知识产权审判的法官 2126人(截至目前全国地方普通法院共有 31个高级人民法院、409个中级人民法院和3119个基层人民法院)。人民法院普遍选配素质较高、经验丰富的法官从事知识产权审判;重视对知识产权法官的培训以及专业知识和审判技能的强化训练,知识产权法官的司法能力和专业水平不断提高;注重调查研究和坚持理论创新,坚持学习和注重研究成为知识产权法官的普遍追求和职业特点。

In 2009, when China celebrated its 60 anniversary and its impressive achievements that astounded the world, the People's Courts have also made new progress in intellectual property protection. Guided by the tenets of Deng Xiaoping and the “Three Represents”, the courts have ensured actualisation of the “Scientific Development Concept” and adherence to the Party and national plans. Besides the delivery of the national intellectual property strategy, there was heavy emphasis on new issues or problems encountered during adjudication of intellectual property cases. The advances made in intellectual property adjudication are also attributed to the courts' focus on priorities, innovative methods, concentration of resources, comprehensive planning, as well as strengthened supervision and guidance.

In 2009, with their wisdom and dedication, Chinese judges wrote yet another new chapter on the judicial protection of intellectual property.

I. Fair and Efficient Adjudication of Intellectual Property Cases According to Law has Made the Judicial System a Leading Force in Intellectual Property Protection   一、依法公正高效审理知识产权案件,充分发挥司法保护知识产权的主导作用

In 2009, despite adjudication being made difficult by rapid increase in caseload, new types of disputes, and the more high-impact and controversial cases, the People's Courts remained committed to fair and efficient disposition of cases by tapping their potential in the protection of intellectual property rights. As a result, judicial adjudication has become an even more important channel of intellectual property dispute resolution, and judicial protection of intellectual property is increasingly trusted and recognised by the various social sectors both in China and abroad.

(1) Adjudicated IP-related civil cases according to law, and used civil procedures to protect intellectual property and encourage proprietary innovation (一)依法妥善审理知识产权民事案件,充分发挥民事审判在保护知识产权和激励自主创新中的主导作用

The number of civil cases relating to intellectual property has increased rapidly over the years, much faster than the other categories of civil and commercial cases. In 2009, first instance IP civil cases admitted and closed by all local courts were 30,626 and 30,509 respectively, a year-on-year increase of 25.49% and 29.73% respectively. Total disputed value of newly admitted cases of first instance was 3,084,950,000 yuan (USD 452.25 million). Of the newly admitted cases, there were 4,422 on patent, 8.54% increase from 2008; 6,906 on trademark, 10.80% increase from 2008; 15,302 on copyright, 39.73% increase from 2008; 747 on technology contracts, 19.9% increase from 2008; 1,282 on unfair competition, 8.19% increase from 2008; and 1,967 on other intellectual property, 46.79% increase from 2008. For IP-related civil cases where foreign parties are involved, the total number of closed cases was 1,361 in 2009, 19.49% more than last year; for cases involving Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, the number was 353, 56.89% more than last year. Newly admitted and closed intellectual property cases of second instance for the year were 5,340 and 5,492 respectively, and the respective year-on-year increases were 12.21% and16.88%. Newly admitted and closed retrial cases were 100 and 107 respectively, declining by 1.96% and 50.7% respectively from last year. In addition, since the implementation of the Anti-Monopoly Law on 1 August 2008 and until the end of 2009, total admitted and closed monopoly-related civil cases of first instance were 10 and 6 respectively.
知识产权民事案件数量继续保持多年来快速增长的势头,案件增幅明显,远超过其他类型民商事案件的增幅。2009年,全国地方法院共新收和审结知识产权民事一审案件30 626件和30 509件,分别比上年增长25.49%和29.73%,新收一审案件诉讼标的总金额达到308 495万元(约合 45 225万美元)。其中,新收专利案件4422件,比上年增长8.54%;商标案件6906件,比上年增长10.80%;著作权案件15 302件,比上年增长39.73%;技术合同案件 747件,比上年增长19.9%;不正当竞争案件1282件,比上年增长8.19%;其他知识产权案件1967件,比上年增长46.79%。全年共审结涉外知识产权民事一审案件 1361件,比上年增长19.49%;共审结涉港澳台知识产权民事一审案件353件,比上年增长56.89%。全年共新收和审结知识产权民事二审案件5340件和5492件,分别比上年增长12.21%和16.88%;共新收和审结再审案件100件和107件,分别比上年下降1.96%和增长50.7%。此外,自2008年8月1日反垄断法实施以来至2009年底,全国地方法院共受理和审结垄断民事一审案件10件和6件。

In 2009, the Supreme People's Court admitted 243 IP-related civil cases, and closed 336 cases (including carried over cases). Of these, the newly admitted cases for retrial application totalled 176, and a total of 263 (including carried over cases) retrial application cases were closed. Hence, the Supreme People's Court has fulfilled its duty of supervision and guidance in intellectual property adjudication for all local courts.
2009年,最高人民法院共新收和审结知识产权民事案件243件和336件(含旧存)。其中,新收申请再审案件176件,审结 263件(含旧存),切实履行了对全国法院知识产权审判的监督和指导职责。

There were several cases in 2009 that had elicited the attention of the society at-large, and had produced substantial domestic and international impact. These include Chint v. Schneider utility model patent cases; Jiang Han Petro's “rotary drilling bit” trade secret case; the Wuhan Jingyuan Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd case involving a patented process of “flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)”; the BMW (Baoma) v. Shenzhen Century Baoma Apparel Co., Ltd case of well-known mark dispute; the “Wu Liangcai” case of trademark dispute and unfair competition; the “Lu Jin” case on trademark/generic name dispute; the Cn-map (“Daodao Tong”) navigation digital map copyright case; the Golden Holiday v. CTRIP unfair competition in flight tickets reservation case; the judicial review case of St-Flora v. Trademark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) on the cancellation of the “Cai-le” trademark; and the “Tomato Garden” software internet piracy case in Suzhou.

Quality and efficiency of adjudication has continued to improve. Clearance rate of IP-related civil cases at first instance in all local courts rose from 2008's 81.73% to 2009's 85.04%; appeals fell from 2008's 49.32% to 2009's 48.82%. Retrials fell from 0.44% in 2008 to 0.33% in 2009, while reversal of decisions at appeal also fell from 6.20% in 2008 to 6.00% in 2009. Clearance rate of civil cases relating to intellectual property at the Supreme People's Court increased from 55.93% in 2008 to 88.64% in 2009, an improvement of 32.71%.
案件的审判质量和效率不断提高。全国地方法院知识产权民事案件一审结案率从2008年的81.73%上升到2009年的 85.04%,上诉率从2008年的49.32%下降到2009年的48.82%,再审率从2008年的 0.44%下降到2009年的0.33%,上诉案件改判率从2008年的6.20%下降到2009年的6.00%。最高人民法院知识产权民事案件的结案率从2008年的55.93%上升到 2009年的88.64%,提高了32.71个百分点。

The courts have also leveraged the special role of provisional measures. In 2009, a total of 59 applications for pre-trial preliminary injunction in IP-related cases were admitted by local courts, 85.42% were granted approval; 237 applications for pre-trial preservation of evidence were admitted, 98.72% were granted approval; 56 applications for pre-trial preservation of property were admitted, 100% were granted approval. In general, the courts have been supportive of the use of provisional measures to protect intellectual property, as reflected in the percentage of approvals granted.
充分发挥临时措施在保护知识产权中的特殊作用。2009年,全国地方法院共受理与知识产权有关的诉前临时禁令申请案件59件,裁定支持率达到85.42%;受理诉前证据保全申请案件237件,裁定支持率达到98.72%;受理诉前财产保全申请案件 56件,裁定支持率达到100%。总体而言,人民法院对于适用临时措施保护知识产权的态度比较积极,裁定支持的比例较高。

(2) Punished perpetrators of intellectual property crimes according to law, and used criminal sanctions to deter intellectual property crimes

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