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Rules on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by Means of Bid Tendering, Auction and Quotation (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规范(试行) [现行有效]


Rules on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by Means of Bid Tendering, Auction and Quotation (for Trial Implementation) 


(Promulgated by the Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China on May 31, 2006, and shall come into force as of August 1, 2006)
(2006年5月31日发布2006年8月1日实施 中华人民共和国国土资源部发布)

Table of Contents
目   次

前  言

1.Scope of Application 1 适用范围

2.Quoted Standards and Documents 2 引用的标准和文件

3.Basis 3 依据

4.General Provisions 4 总则

5.Publication of an Assignment Plan and Determination of Land Supply 5 公布出让计划,确定供地方式

6.Formulation and Determination of an Assignment Plan 6 编制、确定出让方案

7.Land Price Evaluation and Determination of the Base Price of Assignment 7 地价评估,确定出让底价

8.Formulation of Assignment Documents 8 编制出让文件

9.Publication of an Assignment Announcement 9 发布出让公告

10.Application and Qualification Examination 10 申请和资格审查

11.Implementation of the Policy of “Bid Tendering, Auction and Quotation”---Bid Tendering 11 招标拍卖挂牌活动实施--招标

12.Implementation of the Policy of “Bid Tendering, Auction and Quotation”---Auction 12 招标拍卖挂牌活动实施--拍卖

13.Implementation of the Policy of “Bid Tendering, Auction and Quotation”--- Quotation 13 招标拍卖挂牌活动实施--挂牌

14.Conclusion of an Assignment Contract and Publication of the Result of Assignment 14 签订出让合同,公布出让结果

15.Verification and Issuance of an Approval for Construction Land and Land Delivery 15 核发《建设用地批准书》,交付土地

16.Handling of Land Registration 16 办理土地登记

17.Archival Filing of Materials 17 资料归档

Annex A Model Text of “Preliminary Application for Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right”
附录 A 国有土地使用权出让预申请书示范文本

Annex B Text Format for “Announcement on Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right”
附录 B 国有土地使用权出让公告文本格式

Annex C Model Text for “Instructions on Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right”
附录 C 国有土地使用权出让须知示范文本

Annex D Model Text for “Application for Bid Tending (Sale)”
附录 D 投标〔竞买〕申请书示范文本

Annex E Model Text for “Confirmation of the Qualification for Bid Tending (Sale)”
附录 E 投标〔竞买〕资格确认书示范文本

Annex F Model Text for “Bid Documents on Auction-based Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right”
附录 F 国有土地使用权招标出让投标书示范文本

Annex G Model Text for “Bid Quotation of Quotation Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right”
附录 G 国有土地使用权挂牌出让竞买报价单示范文本

Annex H Model Text for “Power of Attorney”
附录 H 授权委托书示范文本

Annex I Model Text for “Notice on Bid Winning”
附录 I 中标通知书示范文本

Annex J Model Text for “Confirmation on Striking a Deal”
附录 J 成交确认书示范文本

前    言

The present Rules are formulated according to the Urban Real Estate Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Urban Real Estate, the Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Assignment and Transfer of Urban State-owned Land Use Right, and the Provisions on the Assignment of the State-owned Use Right by Means of Bid Tendering, Auction and Quotation in order to perfect the assignment system of the state-owned land use rights, regulate the assignment of the state-owned land use rights and uniform the relevant procedures and standards, optimize the allocation of land resources and promote the construction of the land market.
为完善国有土地使用权出让制度,规范国有土地使用权招标拍卖挂牌出让行为,统一程序和标准,优化土地资源配置,推进土地市场建设,根据 《 中华人民共和国土地管理法 》、《 中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法 》、《 中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例 》、《 招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规定 》 等规定,制定本规范。

Annex B is the text format for an Assignment Announcement by means of bid tendering, auction and quotation and Annexes A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are the model formats for the other documents as required in the assignment by means of bid tendering, auction and quotation.
本规范的附录 B 为招标拍卖挂牌出让公告应当使用的文本格式,附录 A 、附录 C 、附录 D 、附录 E 、附录 F 、附录 G 、附录 H 、附录 I 、附录 J 为招标拍卖挂牌出让活动中所需其他文本的示范格式。

The present Rules shall be formulated and put under charge of the Ministry of Land and Resources.

The drafting organs of the present Rules are: The Administrative Department of Land Utilization under the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Land Sort-out Center under the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Department of Land and Resources of Liaoning Province, the Department of Land and Resources of Jiangsu Province, the Department of Land and Resources of Fujian Province, the Department of Land and Resources of Shangdong Province, the Department of Land and Resources of Guangdong Province and the Administrative Bureau of Real Estate of Shenzhen Municipality.

The major drafting personnel of the present Rules are: Liao Yonglin, Leng Hongzhi, Yue Xiaowu, Lei Aixian, Gao Yong, Xie Liangxiong, Song Yubo, Huang Qicai, Pan Guangming, Tu Gaokun, Wang Lianzhu, Mou Aofeng, Ye Weidong, Zhong Songyi, Lin Lisen, Shen Liang, Chen Meiying, Zhou Xu, Shen Fei and Zhang Fang.

The drafting personnel of the present Rules (arranged in a sequence with regard to the number of strokes of their surnames) are: Yu Shizhuan, Ma Shang, Wang Wei, Che Changzhi, Deng Yuefang, Ye Yuanpeng, Ye Dong, Ren Zhaohong, Guan Wenrong, Liu Xianqi, Liu Xiangyuan, Liu Ruiping, Zhu Yude, Yan Hongxi, Yan Zheng, Wu Yonggao, Wu Di, Wu Haiyang, Zhang Wanzhong, Zhang Yingqi, Li Yanrong, Li Xiaojuan, Li Xiaobin, Shu Kexin, Yang Yufang, Yang Jiangzheng, Xiao Jianjun, Chen Yongzhen, Chen Guoqing, Lin Junheng, Luo Yanguang, Zhu Jun, Hu Libing, Hu Hongbing, Zhao Chunhua, Hao Jihu, Gao Zhiyun, Xu Jianshe, Qin Shuirong, Qian Yougen, Liang Hong, Huan Wenbo, Han Jianguo, Han Hongwei, Jin Wei, Pan Honggao, Wei Cheng and Wei Lihua.

The power to interpret the present Rules shall remain with the Ministry of Land and Resources.

1.Scope of Application 

1 适用范围

The present Rules shall apply to the assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Where any state-owned land use right is leased or any other right to the stand-owned land are assigned by mean of bid tendering, auction or quotation, it shall be implemented by referring to the present Rules. Where the state-owned land use right is assigned by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation or where the land use right of the peasants' collective construction land is circulated by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation according to law, it shall be implemented by referring to the present Rules.

2.Quoted Standards and Documents 

2 引用的标准和文件

The clauses as included by the following standards and documents form an integral part of the articles of the present Rules due to their quotation. All the versions included herein take effect upon promulgation of the present Rules. All the parties that apply the present Rules shall use the latest versions of the following standards and documents.

GB / T 18508 –2001 Rules for Urban Land Price Evaluation
GB / T 18508 一 2001 《 城镇土地估价规程 》

Model Text of Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right No. 303 [2000] of the Ministry of Land and Resources
国土资发〔2000〕303号 《国有土地使用权出让合同示范文本》

Classification of the National Land No. 255 [2001] of the Ministry of Land and Resources
国土资发〔2001〕255号《 全国土地分类 》

Controlling Indicators of the Land Used for Industrial Construction Projects No. 232 [2004] of the Ministry of Land and Resources
国土资发〔2004〕232号《 工业建设项目用地控制指标 》


3 依据

(1)The Law of the People's Republic of China on Land Administration (1)《 中华人民共和国土地管理法

(2)The Urban Real Estate Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (2)《 中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法

(3)The Law of the People's Republic of China on Urban Planning (3)《 中华人民共和国城市规划法

(4)The Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Licensing (4)《 中华人民共和国行政许可法

(5)The Law of the People's Republic of China on Contract (5)《 中华人民共和国合同法

(6)The Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Assignment and Transfer of Urban State-owned Land Use Right  (6)《 中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例

(7)The Program for Establishing and Improving the System of Punishing and Preventing the Corruption By Paying Equal Attention to Education, Bylaws and Supervision (No. 3 [2005]) (7)《 建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》(中发〔2005〕3 号)

(8)Circular of the State Council on Intensifying the Administration of State-owned Land Assets (No. 15 [2001] of the State Council) (8)《 国务院关于加强国有土地资产管理的通知》(国发 〔2001〕15号)

(9)Decision of the State Council on Furthering Reform and Regidifying Land Administration (No. 28 [2004] of the State Council) (9)《 国务院关于深化改革严格土地管理的决定》(国发 〔2004〕28 号)

(10)The Provisions of the Disciplinary Supervision Department of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPC and the Ministry of Government Supervision on Treating Those Cadres who Take Advantages of Their Functions and Power to Meddle and Intervene in Such Market Economic Activities as the Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects, Assignment of Operational Land Use rights, Real Estate Development and Operation so as to Secure Private Interests for Himself or His Relatives (No. 3 [2004] of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission) (10)《中共中央纪委监察部关于领导干部利用职权违反规定干预和插手建设工程招投标、经营性土地使用权出让、房地产开发与经营等市场经济活动,为个人和亲友谋取私利的处理规定 》(中纪发〔2004〕3号)

(11)The Provisions on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Rights by Means of Bid Tendering, Auctionand Quotation (Order No. 11 of the Ministry of Land and Resources) (11)《招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权规定》(国土资源部令第11号)

4.General Provisions 

4 总则


4.1 Concept of the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by Means of Bid Tendering, Auctionand Quotation 4.1 招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权内涵

The term “assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering” refers to an act whereby the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level publicizes an announcement on bid tendering or sending out an invitation so as to invite specified or non-specified legal persons, natural persons or any other organizations to participate in the bid tendering of the state-owned land use right, on the basis of which a land user may be determined according to the result of bidding.

The term “assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of auction” refers to an act whereby the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level publicizes an announcement on auction so that the buyers conduct open bidding at a designated place and time, on the basis of which a land user may be determined according to the result of bidding.

The term “assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of quotation” refers to an act whereby the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level publicizes an announcement on quotation, indicating the requirements for land assignment within a prescribed term, on thequotation in the designated trading place of land and the prices on thequotation shall be updated upon acceptance of the quotation as offered by buyers, on the basis of which a land user may be determined according to the result of bidding upon expiration of the term for quotation or the on-site bidding result.

4.2 Principles in the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by Means of Bid Tendering, Auctionand Quotation 4.2 招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权原则

(1)Being open, fair and impartial; and (1)公开、公平、公正;

(2)Being creditworthy. (2)诚实信用。

4.3 Scope of the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by Means of Bid tendering, Auctionand Quotation 4.3 招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权范围

(1)In the case of such operational land for commerce, tourism, entertainment and commercial residence as well as the industrial land requiring competition; (1)供应商业、旅游、娱乐和商品住宅等各类经营性用地以及有竞争要求的工业用地;

(2)In the case of two or more land users who desire land use upon publication of another plan of land supply; (2)其他土地供地计划公布后同一宗地有两个或者两个以上意向用地者的;

(3)Where the purpose of the use right of any allocated land is altered and if it is explicitly indicated in the Decision on Assignment of the State-owned Land or according to the relevant laws, regulations and administrative provisions that the land use right shall be withdrawn and that an assignment shall be conducted by means of bid tendering, auctionand quotation; (3)划拨土地使用权改变用途,《 国有土地划拨决定书 》 或法律、法规、行政规定等明确应当收回土地使用权,实行招标拍卖挂牌出让的;

(4)In the case of assignment of the use right of any allocated land and if it is explicitly indicated in the Decision on Assignment of the State-owned Land or according to the relevant laws, regulations and administrative provisions that the land use right shall be withdrawn and that an assignment shall be conducted by means of bid tendering, auctionand quotation; (4)划拨土地使用权转让,《国有土地划拨决定书》或法律、法规、行政规定等明确应当收回土地使用权,实行招标拍卖挂牌出让的;

(5)Where the purpose of the use right of any assigned land is altered and if it is explicitly indicated in the Decision on Assignment of the State-owned Land or according to the relevant laws, regulations and administrative provisions that the land use right shall be withdrawn and that an assignment shall be conducted by means of bid tendering, auctionand quotation; (5)出让土地使用权改变用途,《国有土地使用权出让合同》 约定或法律、法规、行政规定等明确应当收回土地使用权,实行招标拍卖挂牌出让的;

(6)Under any other circumstance where an assignment shall be conducted by means of bid tendering, auctionand quotation according to the provisions of relevant laws, regulations and administrative provisions. (6)法律、法规、行政规定明确应当招标拍卖挂牌出让的其他情形。

4.4 Organization and Implementation of the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by Means of Bid Tendering, Auctionand Quotation 4.4 招标拍卖挂牌出让国有土地使用权组织实施

4.4.1 Subject of Implementation 4.4.1 实施主体

The assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall be organized and implemented by the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level.

4.4.2 Form of Organization 4.4.2 组织方式

The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level may, when implementing any assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation, choose any of the following ways according to the real situation:

(1)Where the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level handles it by itself; (1)市、县国土资源管理部门自行办理;

(2)Where the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level designates or authorizes its subordinated public institution to specifically take charge; or (2)市、县国土资源管理部门指定或授权下属事业单位具体承办;

(3)Where the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level entrusts the trading agencies with relevant qualification for handling. (3)市、县国土资源管理部门委托具有相应资质的交易代理中介机构承办。

4.4.3 Organ in Charge of Coordination and Decision-making 4.4.3 协调决策机构

A collective decision-making system shall be applied to the assignment of the state-owned land use right. The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level may, according to the real situation, establish an organ in charge of the coordination and decision-making of the state-owned land use right, which shall take charge of coordinating and handling the relevant issues in assignment and determining the relevant matters in a collective manner.

4.4.4 Presider of the Bid Tendering, Auction or Quotation of Land 4.4.4 土地招标拍卖挂牌主持人

The assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall be presided over by a staff who meets the requirements for a presider of the bid tendering, auction or quotation of land as prescribed by the Ministry of Land Resources and has obtained the relevant qualification.

4.4.5 Procedures for Land Assignment by Means of Bid Tendering, Auction or Quotation 4.4.5 招标拍卖挂牌出让程序

(1)Publicizing a plan of assignment and determining the way of land supply; (1)公布出让计划,确定供地方式;

(2)Formulating and determining a plan of assignment; (2)编制、确定出让方案;

(3)Evaluating the land price and determining the base price of assignment; (3)地价评估,确定出让底价;

(4)Formulating the assignment documents; (4)编制出让文件;

(5)Publicizing an announcement on assignment; (5)发布出让公告;

(6)Examining the application and qualification; (6)申请和资格审查;

(7)Implementing the bid tendering, auction or quotation; (7)招标拍卖挂牌活动实施;

(8)Concluding an assignment contract and publicizing the result of assignment; (8)签订出让合同,公布出让结果;

(9)Verifying and issuing an Approval for Construction Land and delivering the land; (9)核发《建设用地批准书》,交付土地;

(10)Handling the land registration; and (10)办理土地登记;

(11)Putting the relevant materials on archives. (11)资料归档。

4.5 Local Supplementary Provisions 4.5 地方补充规定

A local government may formulate supplementary provisions or detailed rules for the present Rules, which shall be reported to the administrative department of land and resources at the next higher level for archival filing.

5.Publication of an Assignment Plan as well as Determination of Land Supply 

5 公布出让计划,确定供地方式


5.1 The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or country level shall publicize an approved assignment plan of the state-owned land use right to the general society, and the relevant region with mature conditions may, according to the arrangement of land supply, detail the relevant assignment plan of the state-owned land use right to specific location and plots by installments and publicize the relevant information to the society in a timely manner. An assignment plan of the state-owned land use right as well as the detailed information on location and plots shall be simultaneously publicized on www. landchina.com. 5.1 市、县国土资源管理部门应当将经批准的国有土地使用权出让计划向社会公布。有条件的地方可以根据供地进度安排,分阶段将国有土地使用权出让计划细化落实到地段、地块,并将相关信息及时向社会公布。国有土地使用权出让计划以及细化的地段、地块信息应当同时在中国土地市场网(www.la11dchi11a.com)上公布。

5.2 Where the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level publicizes an assignment plan of the state-owned land use right as well as the detailed information on location and plots, it shall, at the same time, clarify the way and means whereby a land user applies for land use, and publicly accepts an application for land use. 5.2 市、县国土资源管理部门公布国有土地使用权出让计划、细化的地段、地块信息,应当同时明确用地者申请用地的途径和方式,公开接受用地申请。

5.3 An entity or individual that needs land use (hereinafter referred to as an intended user of operational land) shall, according to the information on the assignment of the state-owned land use and the detailed information on location and plots that have been publicized as well as its/his own demand, file an application for land use with the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level. 5.3 需要使用土地的单位和个人(以下简称意向用地者)应当根据公布的国有土地使用权出让计划、细化的地段、地块信息以及自身用地需求,向市、县国土资源管理部门提出用地申请。

5.4 Preliminary Application for Land Use 5.4 用地预申请

In order to get a full knowledge of the market demand and arrange the scale and progress of land supply in a scientific and reasonable manner, the relevant region with mature conditions may establish a system of preliminary application for land use. An entity or individual that has any intent to use any specific plot that has been included into an assignment plan based on bid tendering, auction or quotation may file an preliminary application for land use and commit a land price it/he may offer. Where the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level deems that any land price and conditions that an entity or individual has offered is acceptable, it may, according to the plan of land assignment as well as the current land market, organize and implement a bid tendering, auction or quotation for assignment at a proper time and may notify the entities or individuals that have filed a preliminary application for land use to join it. An entity or individual that has filed a preliminary application for land use shall participate in the tendering or bidding, wherein the price shall not be any lower than the land price it/he has promised.

5.5 According to the application of an intended land user, where the requirements in Provisions 4.3 for assignment of the land use right are satisfied, the means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall be adopted. Where it cannot be decided whether the specific land satisfies the requirements of Provisions 4.3, it may be confirmed by the organ in charge of the coordination and decision-making of assignment of the state-owned land use right. 5.5 根据意向用地者申请情况,符合4.3规定条件的土地使用权出让,应当采取招标拍卖挂牌方式。对不能确定是否符合4.3规定条件的具体宗地,可由国有土地使用权出让协调决策机构集体认定。

As to the assignment of any land use right with comprehensive objects or with comparatively high and specified requirements for society or public welfare construction or for development and construction and if only a few entities and individuals intend to obtain the right, the means of bid tendering, auction or quotation may be adopted, an assigner shall be determined according to the principles of “one with most favorable conditions wins”. As to the assignment of any other land use right, the means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall be adopted and an assignee shall be determined according to the principles of “one who offers the highest price wins”.

Where the state-owned land use right is assigned by means of bid tendering, the means of an open biding shall be adopted. In the case of any strict restriction on or special requirements for land users, the means of bid invitation may be adopted.

6.Formulation and Determination of an Assignment Plan 

6 编制、确定出让方案


6.1 Formulating an Assignment Plan Based on Bid Tendering, Auction or Quotation 6.1 编制招标拍卖挂牌出让方案

The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal and country level shall, in collaboration with such relevant departments of city planning, formulate an assignment plan of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation according to the relevant assignment plan and city planning of the state-owned land use right.

An assignment plan of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall include: the specific location of the to-be-assigned plot, boundary, purpose of use, area, term, requirements for land use, time of land supply, way of land supply and time of construction. As to any land of comprehensive use, the specific purposes of use, areas as well as their terms for assignment shall be clarified. Where any real estate of different purposes of use can be divided up and if the final users are different entities and individuals, the term for assignment can be determined according to the specific purpose of land use as included into the purpose of comprehensive land use. Where the multiple purposes of use are hard to be divided up and the final user is unique, the term for assignment may be deemed as 50 years, which is the maximum term for comprehensive land use.
国有土地使用权招标拍卖挂牌出让方案应当包括:拟出让地块的具体位置、四至、用途、面积、年限、土地使用条件、供地时间、供地方式、建设时间等。属于综合用地的,应明确各类具体用途、所占面积及其各自的出让年期。对于各用途不动产之间可以分割,最终使用者为不同单位、个人的,应当按照综合用地所包含的具体土地用途分别确定出让年期;对于多种用途很难分割、最终使用者唯一的,也可以统一按照综合用地最高出让年限 50 年确定出让年期。

6.2 Reporting for Approval of an Assignment Plan by Means of Bid Tendering, Auction or Quotation 6.2 招标拍卖挂牌出让方案报批

An assignment plan of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall be subject to the approval of the people's government at the municipal or county level according to the relevant provisions.

7.Land Price Evaluation and Determination of the Base Price 

7 地价评估,确定出让底价


7.1 Land Price Evaluation 7.1 地价评估

The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level shall, according to the conditions of the to-be-assigned plot and the situation of the current land market, organize an evaluation on the to-be-assigned plot so as to work out the normal land market price thereof according to the Rules for Urban Land Evaluation.

A land price evaluation shall be carried out by the administrative department of land and resources at or above the municipal or county level or any other subordinated public institution thereof and, when it so requires, to an organ with the qualification may be entrusted to carry out a price evaluation on the land or real estate.


7.2 Determination of the Base Price 

Where any assignment is based on a base price, the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level or the organ in charge of the coordination and decision-making of the assignment of the state-owned land use right shall, according to the result of land price evaluation, industrial policies and the current land market, make a collective decision on determining the base price and the deposits for bid tendering and purchase in a comprehensive manner. Where any assignment is conducted by bid tendering, the base price for a tender shall be determined at the same time. Where any assignment is conducted by means of auction or quotation, the initial price or starting price shall be determined at the same time.
 7.2 确定底价

Where a base price for a tender or a base price is determined, it shall be kept confidential before the assignment is concluded, and shall not be divulged by any entity or individual.

8.Formulation of Assignment Documents 

The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level shall, according to a plan of assignment by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation that has been approved, organize the formulation of assignment documents on the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation.

8 编制出让文件



8.1 The documents of assignment based on bid tendering shall include: 

 8.1 招标出让文件应当包括:
(1)An announcement on assignment by means of bid tendering or bid invitation; 

(2)Instructions on the assignment based on bid tendering; 

(3)Tender letter; 

(4)An application for bidding; 

(5)A boundary map of land; 

(6)The requirements for land indicators; 

(7)Notice on Bid Winning 

(8)Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right; and 

(9)Other relevant documents. 

8.2 The documents of auction-based assignment shall include: 

 8.2 拍卖出让文件应当包括:
(1)An announcement on auction-based assignment; 

(2)Instructions on auction-based assignment; 

(3)An application for bidding; 

(4)A boundary map of land; 

(5)Requirements of the land planning indicators; 

(6)Confirmation on Striking a Deal; 

(7)A Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right; and 

(8)Other relevant documents. 

8.3 The documents of assignment based on quotation shall include: 

 8.3 挂牌出让文件应当包括:
(1)An announcement on assignment based on quotation; 

(2)Instructions on assignment based on quotation; 

(3)An application for bidding; 

(4)Price quotation of assignment based on quotation; 

(5)A boundary map of land; 

(6)Requirements of the land planning indicators; 

(7)Confirmation on Striking a Deal; 

(8)Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right; and 

(9)Other relevant documents. 

9.Publication of an Assignment Announcement 


9 发布出让公告

9.1 Publication of an Announcement 

An announcement on the assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall be publicized by the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level. An assignment announcement shall be publicized on the website: www.landchina.com, and the local tangible land market or may be publicized through such media as newspaper and TV stations.
 9.1 发布公告

An assignment announcement shall be publicized at least 20 days before any bid tendering, auction or quotation is initiated and the time of initial publication is deemed as the day of commencement.

Where such specific means as bid tendering, auction and quotation are clarified in an approved assignment plan, a specific “Announcement on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by means of Bid Tendering”, “Announcement on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by means of Auction” or “Announcement on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by means of Quotation” shall be publicized. Where any of the aforesaid specific means fails to be clarified in an approved assignment plan, an “Announcement on Public Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right” may be publicized, wherein the specific means of bid tendering, auction or quotation shall be determined according to the application upon expiration of the term for application.
出让公告应当至少在招标拍卖挂牌活动开始前 20 日发布,以首次发布的时间为起始日。

An assignment announcement may be an announcement on single land or be a joint announcement on several pieces of land.

9.2 Content of an Announcement 

 9.2 公告内容
9.2.1 An announcement on assignment based on bid tendering shall include the following contents: 

 9.2.1 招标出让公告应当包括以下内容:
(1)The name, address, telephone number, etc. of the assigner; where a subordinated public institution is authorized or designated to conduct a bid tendering or where an agency is entrusted to conduct a bid tendering, the name, address and telephone number of the organization shall be indicated as well; 

(2)The location, area, purpose of use, development and requirements of the planning indicators, term for land use and term for construction of the plot subject to bid tendering; 

(3)The requirements for the qualification of bidders as well as the methods to apply for the bidding qualification; 

(4)The time, address and way to obtain the bid documents; 

(5)The time, address, term for bidding, place and way of bidding; 

(6)Standards for and method of determining a bid winner; 

(7)The amount, way and term for payment of bid deposits; and 

(8)Any other matter that requires an announcement. 

9.2.2 An announcement on auction-based assignment shall include the following contents: 

 9.2.2 拍卖出让公告应当包括以下内容:
(1)The name, address, telephone number, etc. of the assigner; where a subordinated public institution is authorized or designated to conduct a bid tendering or where an agency is entrusted to conduct a bid tendering, the name, address and telephone number of the organization shall be indicated as well; 

(2)The location, area, purpose of use, development and requirements of the planning indicators, term for land use and term for construction of the plot subject to bidding; 

(3)The requirements for buyers as well as the methods to apply for the qualification of purchase; 

(4)The time, address or way to obtain the bid documents; 

(5)The address, time and bidding method of an auction; 

(6)The amount, way and term for the payment of bid deposits; and 

(7)Any other matter that requires an announcement. 

9.2.3 An announcement on assignment based on quotation shall include the following contents: 

 9.2.3 挂牌出让公告应当包括以下内容:
(1)The name, address, telephone number, etc. of the assigner; where a subordinated public institution is authorized or designated to conduct a quotation or where an agency is entrusted to conduct a quotation, the name, address and telephone number of the organization shall be indicated as well; 

(2)The location, area, purpose of use, development, requirements of the planning indicators, term for land use and time of construction of the plot subject to quotation; 

(3)Requirements for the qualification of buyers as well as the method of applying for the qualification of purchase; 

(4)The time, address and way to obtain the documents of quotation; 

(5)The place as well as the date of commencement and deadline of a quotation; 

(6)The amount, way and time limit to pay the bid deposits; and 

(7)Any other matter that requires an announcement. 

9.3 Adjustment of Announcement 

In the duration of an announcement, where any announced content is changed, the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level shall publicize a supplementary announcement through the publication channel of the original announcement in a timely manner. Where any major change that involves the requirements for land use and thus affects the land price, and if the publication time of a supplementary announcement is within 20 days as of the time when the relevant bid tendering, auction or quotation is started, the relevant activities shall be postponed correspondingly.
 9.3 公告调整

Where a supplementary announcement is publicized, the administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level shall notify the registered applicant in written form.

10 Application and Examination of Qualification 


10 申请和资格审查

10.1 Applicants 

An applicant for the assignment of the state-owned land use right by means of bid tendering, auction or quotation may be a legal person, natural person or any other organization within or out of the territory of the People's Republic of China, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law or regulation.
 10.1 申请人

An applicant may file an independent or joint application.

10.2 Application 

An applicant shall, within a time limit as prescribed by an announcement, pay the deposit for bidding or purchase, and shall, in light of its position under the category of applicants, file an application for purchase or bidding upon the strength of the relevant documents.
 10.2 申请

1.Where a legal person files an application, it shall submit the following documents: 

(1)An Application; 

 ① 申请书;
(2)Effective certification documents of a legal person entity; 

 ② 法人单位有效证明文件;
(3)Effective identity certification documents of its legal representative; 

 ③ 法定代表人的有效身份一证明文件;
(4)Where the applicant entrusts any other party to handle any matter, a power of attorney and the relevant effective identity certification documents of the authorized agent shall be submitted; 

 ④ 申请人委托他人办理的,应提交授权委托书及委托代理人的有效身份证明文件;
(5)Deposit payment certificate; 

 ⑤ 保证金交纳凭证;
(6)Any other document that shall be submitted according to the provisions of documents of bid tendering, auction or quotation. 

 ⑥ 招标拍卖挂牌文件规定需要提交的其他文件。
2.Where a natural person files an application, the following documents shall be submitted: 

(1)An Application; 

 ① 申请书;
(2)Effective identification certification documents of the applicant; 

 ② 申请人有效身份证明文件;
(3)Where the applicant entrusts any other party to handle any matter, a power of attorney and the identity certification documents of the authorized agents shall be submitted; 

 ③ 申请人委托他人办理的,应提交授权委托书及委托代理人的身份证明文件;
(4)Deposit payment certificate; and 

 ④ 保证金交纳凭证;
(5)The other documents as required to be submitted for bid tendering, auction or quotation. 

 ⑤ 招标拍卖挂牌文件规定需要提交的其他文件。
3. Where any other organization files an application, the following documents shall be submitted: 

(1)An Application; 

 ① 申请书;
(2)Effective documents or certification proving the legal existence of the organization; 

 ② 表明该组织合法存在的文件或有效证明;
(3)Effective certification documents showing the identity of the person-in-charge of the organization; 

 ③ 表明该组织负责人身份的有效证明文件;
(4)Where an applicant entrusts any other party to handle it, a power of attorney and the identification certification documents of the authorized agent shall be submitted; 

 ④ 申请人委托他人办理的,应提交授权委托书及委托代理人的身份证明文件;
(5)Payment certificate of the deposit; and 

 ⑤ 保证金交纳凭证;
(6)Any other document as required to be submitted for bid tendering, auction or quotation. 

 ⑥ 招标拍卖挂牌文件规定需要提交的其他文件。
4. Where an overseas applicant files an application, the following documents shall be submitted: 

(1)An Application; 

 ① 申请书;
(2)The effective identification certification documents of the overseas legal person, natural person or any other overseas organization; 

 ② 境外法人、自然人、其他组织的有效身份证明文件;
(3)Where the applicant entrusts any other party to handle any matter, a power of attorney and the identification certification documents of the authorized agent shall be submitted; 

 ③ 申请人委托他人办理的,应提交授权委托书及委托代理的有效身份证明文件;
(4)Deposit payment certificate; and 

 ④ 保证金交纳凭证;
(5)Any other document as required to be submitted for bid tendering, auction or quotation. 

As to the aforesaid documents, an application shall be written in Chinese and the other documents may be formulated in other languages, for which a relevant Chinese version shall be attached, and the explanations of all the documents shall be based on the Chinese versions.
 ⑤ 招标拍卖挂牌文件规定需要提交的其他文件。

5.As to a joint application, the following documents shall be submitted: 

(1)An application that has been signed by all the parties concerned to a joint application; 

 ① 联合申请各方共同签署的申请书;
(2)The effective certification documents of all the parties concerned to a joint application; 

 ② 联合申请各方的有效身份证明文件;
(3)An agreement on joint purchase or bidding, the rights and obligations of the joint parities prescribed in the agreement, including the proportion of capital contribution of all the joint parties and the clarified assignee when the Contract on the Assignment on the State-owned Land Use Right is concluded; 

 ③ 联合竞买、竞投协议,协议要规定联合各方的权利、义务,包括联合各方的出资比例,并明确签订 《 国有土地使用权出让合同 》 时的受让人;
(4)Where an applicant entrusts any other party to handle it, a power of attorney and the identification certification documents of the authorized agent shall be submitted; 

 ④ 申请人委托他人办理的,应提交授权委托书及委托代理人的有效身份证明文件;
(5)Deposit payment certificate; and 

 ⑤ 保证金交纳凭证;
(6)Any other document as required to be submitted for bid tendering, auction or quotation. 

 ⑥ 招标拍卖挂牌文件规定需要提交的其他文件。
6.Where a purchaser wins a land and plans to establish a new company for development and construction, it shall indicate in its application such contents as the structure of capital contribution and time of establishment of its new company. An assigner may, according to the result of assignment made through bid tendering, auction or quotation, first conclude with the bid winner a Contract on the Assignment on the State-owned Land Use Right and then, after the bid winner completes the formalities for registration of a new company, conclude with this new company an Agreement on the Alteration of the Assignment Contract on the State-owned Land Use Right or may directly conclude with the new company a Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right. 

 (6)申请人竞得土地后,拟成立新公司进行开发建设的,应在申请书中明确新公司的出资构成、成立时间等内容。出让人可以根据招标拍卖挂牌出让结果,先与竞得人签订 《 国有土地使用权出让合同 》 ,在竞得人按约定办理完新公司注册登记手续后,再与新公司签订 《 国有土地使用权出让合同变更协议 》 ;也可按约定直接与新公司签订 《 国有土地使用权出让合同 》 。
10.3 Acceptance of an Application and Examination of Qualification 

An assignor shall conduct an examination on an application as received within the time limit as prescribed by an announcement. Upon examination, under any of the following circumstances, it shall be deemed as an invalid application:
 10.3 受理申请及资格审查

(1)Where an applicant is disqualified for bidding; 

(2)Where the relevant deposit fails to be paid according to the relevant provisions; 

(3)Where the application documents are incomplete or fail to meet the relevant provisions; 

(4)Where any other party is entrusted or where the relevant documents are incomplete or fail to meet the relevant provisions; or 

(5)Under any other circumstance as prescribed by any law or regulation. 

Where, upon examination, the relevant requirements are satisfied, the qualification of an applicant for bidding or purchase shall be confirmed and the applicant shall be notified to participate in the activities of bid tendering, auction or quotation. Where the means of bid tendering or auction is adopted, the parties that have obtained the qualification for bidding or purchase shall be no fewer than 3.

经审查,符合规定条件的,应当确认申请人的投标或竞买资格,并通知其参加招标拍卖挂牌活动。采用招标或拍卖方式的,取得投标或竞买资格者不得少于 3 个。
10.4 An assigner shall keep confidential the information on an applicant; 

 10.4 出让人应当对申请人的情况进行保密。
10.5 Where an applicant has any doubt over the documents of bid tendering, auction or quotation, it may consult the assigner in written or oral form. The assignor shall facilitate the applicants in their consulting or inquiry of the relevant information on the assigned plot. According to the actual requirements, an assigner may organize the applicants to make an on-site inspection on the plot to be assigned. 

 10.5 申请人对招标拍卖挂牌文件有疑问的,可以书面或者口头方式向出让人咨询,出让人应当为申请人咨询以及查询出让地块有关情况提供便利。根据需要,出让人可以组织申请人对拟出让地块进行现场踏勘。
11.Implementation of Bid Tendering, Auction or Quotation---Bid Tendering 


11 招标拍卖挂牌活动实施―招标

11.1 Bid Tendering 

The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level shall, according to the time and place as prescribed in an announcement, organize the bid tendering. A bidding shall be presided over by a presider of bid tendering, auction or quotation.
 11.1 投标

Before a bidding is started, the relevant presider shall open the bid box on the spot and seal it up upon examination.

A bidder shall serve its bid documents and other relevant documents on the designate bidding place within the prescribed time limit and put its bid documents into the bid box upon registration by the bid caller.

Where it is allowed that the relevant bid documents may be submitted by mail, a bidder may post them yet provided that those documents are received before the expiration of bidding may they be deemed as effective. Upon registration by the bid caller, it shall put its bid documents into the bid box before the expiration of bidding.

After a bidder fires a bid, it can no long withdraw its bid documents and shall be responsible for its bid documents as well as relevant written commitments. A bidder may make supplementary statements on its submitted bid documents yet shall notify the relevant bid caller in written form and serve its supplementary documents on the bidding place before expiration for submission of the bid documents as prescribed in the bid documents.

11.2 Bidding 

Where a bid caller invites all the bidders according to the schedule and place as prescribed in an announcement on assignment based on bid tendering. The bidding shall be held by a presider of bid tendering, auction or quotation. A bid presider shall invite the bidders or the designated representatives to examine the seal-up status of the bid box and open it in the presence of all parties.
 11.2 开标

After a bid box is unsealed, the bid presider shall organize an examination of the bid documents within the bid box in a document-by-document manner. Upon confirmation that nothing is wrong, the work staffs shall unseal it in public, announce the names of bidders, bidding prices as well as other major contents of bid documents.

Transcripts shall be made in process of bid opening.

11.3 Bid evaluation 

Where a bid winner is determined according to the principle that “one who offers the highest price wins”, it is not so required that a bid evaluation group shall be established. Where a bid winner is determined according to the principle that “one who has the best comprehensive conditions wins”, the relevant bid caller shall establish a bid evaluation group.
 11.3 评标

11.3.1 A bid evaluation group shall be composed of an assigner and the relevant experts in odd number of more than 5. The relevant regions with mature conditions may establish a database of experts in land evaluation, wherefrom by selecting experts, a bid evaluation group is established before each bidding. 

 11.3.1 评标小组由出让人、有关专家组成,成员人数为5人以上的单数。有条件的地方,可建立土地评标专家库,每次评标前随机从专家库中抽取评标小组专家成员。
11.3.2 A bid caller shall adopt the necessary measures so as to guarantee that a bid evaluation is carried out under strict confidentiality. 

 11.3.2 招标人应当采取必要的措施,保证评标在严格保密的情况下进行。
11.3. 3 A bid evaluation group may request the relevant bidders to make necessary clarification or statement on any content that is not so clarified in the bid documents, yet the clarification or statement shall not overstep the scope of what the bid documents render or change the substantial contents thereof. 

 11.3.3 评标小组可以要求投标人对投标文件中含义不明确的内容做出必要的澄清或者说明,但澄清或者说明不得超出投标文件的范围或者改变投标文件的实质性内容。
11.3.4 A bid evaluation group shall conduct effective examination on the bid documents. Under any of the following circumstances, it shall be deemed as an ineffective bid document: 

 11.3.4 评标小组对投标文件进行有效性审查。有下列情形之一的,为无效投标文件:
(1)Where any bid document is not sealed up; 

(2)Where any bid document bears neither any seal of a bidder nor any signature of the legal representative thereof; 

(3)Where the bid documents are incomplete, or the contents thereof are incomplete or fail to satisfy the relevant provisions; 

(4)Where a bidder has two or more quotations for a same subject matter; 

(5)Where, in the case of an entrusted bidding, the entrustment documents are incomplete or fail to satisfy the provisions; and 

(6)Under any circumstance where a bid evaluation group deems the bid documents are invalid. 

11.3.5 Requirements for Bid Evaluation 

A bid evaluation group shall, according to the standards for and methods of bid evaluation as determined in the bid documents, score the bid documents in a comprehensive manner and decide the candidates for bid winners according to the results of comprehensive scoring.
 11.3.5 评标要求

A bid evaluation group shall, according to the results of bid evaluation, determine the sequence of the candidates for bid winners according to the results of comprehensive scoring, except for anyone that offers a price lower than the base price or base price of bidding. Where the comprehensive scores of two or more applicants are the same, they shall be ranked according to the quotations. In the case of a same quotation, the applicants of a same comprehensive score shall be ranked through an on-site bidding. Where the bidding prices of all the bidders are lower than the base price of bidding or their bidding offers fail to satisfy the requirements for the base price of bidding, the bidding shall be terminated.

11.4 Determination of Bidding 

A bid caller may determine a bid winner from among the candidates for bid winners as recommended by a bid evaluation group or may authorize the bid evaluation group to directly determine a bid winner.
 11.4 定标

Where a bid winner is determined according to the principles that “one who offers the highest price wins”, the relevant presider shall, according to the result of bidding, directly announce a bid winner whose quotation is the highest and not any lower than the base price of bidding. Where two or more applicants have a same quotation, which is the highest at the same time, the relevant applicants with the aforesaid quotation may offer another quotation within the prescribed time limit or the means of an on-site bidding may be adopted to determine a bid winner.

11.5 Sending of a Notice on Bid Winning 

Where a bid winner is determined, the relevant bid caller shall send a notice on bid winning and notify the other bid winners of the results of bidding.
 11.5 发出《中标通知书》

A Notice on Bid Winning shall include the names of the bid caller and the bid winner, the subject matter of assignment, the time, place and price of a deal as well as the time and place as to the conclusion of a Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right by both parties.

A Notice on Bid Winning shall have a legal force on the bid caller and the bid winner, thus, where a bid caller changes the result of bidding, or a bid winner fails to conclude a Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right according to the relevant stipulations or give up the land that it has won, it shall be subject to legal liabilities.

《中标通知书》对招标人和中标人具有法律效力,招标人改变中标结果,或者中标人不按约定签订 《 国有土地使用权出让合同 》 、放弃中标宗地的,应当承担法律责任。
12.Implementation of Bid Tendering, Auction and Quotation—Auction 


12 招标拍卖挂牌活动实施―拍卖

12.1 The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level shall, according to the time and place as prescribed in the announcement, organize an auction. An auction shall be held by a presider of the bid tendering, auction or quotation. 

 12.1 市、县国土资源管理部门应当按照出让公告规定的时间、地点组织拍卖活动。拍卖活动应当由土地招标拍卖挂牌主持人主持进行。
12.2 An auction shall be conducted according to the following procedures: 

 12.2 拍卖会按下列程序进行:
(1)An auction presider announces the commencement of the auction; 

(2)The presider announces the attendance of competitive buyers; 

where any base price is set, the assignor shall deliver to the presider its sealed-up base price of auction on the spot and the latter shall unseal it on the spot.

(3)The presider announces the location, area, purpose of use, term for use, requirements of the planning indicators and time of construction of the plot subject to auction; 

(4)The presider announces the benchmark price, rules on price rise and margin of price rise and explicitly clarifies whether there is any base price. In the process of auction, the presider may, according to the spot situation, adjust the margin of price rise; 

(5)The auction presider announces the starting price as well as the commencement of the auction; 

(6)The competitive buyers raise theirquotation to offer prices or quotations; 

(7)The presider continues the bidding upon confirming the prices or quotations as offered by buyers or; 

(8)Where a presider of an auction announces a same price or quotation for consecutive 3 times whereas nobody else makes a response thereto or offers any higher price and if the announced price is not lower than the base price, a deal is done when the auction presider let fall the pestle. Thereafter, the presider announces the one who has offered the highest price as an auction winner. The result of an auction has a legal binding force on the auctioneer, buyer and assigner. Where the highest price or quotation is lower than the base price, the auction presider shall announce the termination of the auction. 

12.3 Conclusion of the Confirmation on Striking a Deal 

After a winner is determined, the auctioneer and the buyer shall conclude a Confirmation on Striking a Deal on the spot. Where any auctioneer or buyer fails to conclude a Confirmation on Striking a Deal on the spot, it shall be subject to the relevant legal liabilities. The refusal of a buyer to conclude a Confirmation on Striking a Deal cannot resist the legal force of the result of action.
 12.3 签订《成交确认书》

Such contents as the name of the auctioneer or buyer, subject matter of assignment, time, place and price of the deal as well as the time and place for both parties concerned to conclude a Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right shall be indicated in the Confirmation on Striking a Deal.

A Confirmation on Striking a Deal has a legal binding force on the auctioneer and buyer. Where an auctioneer changes the result of an auction or where a buyer fails to conclude a Contract on the Assignment of the State-owned Land Use Right and gives up the plot it has won, it shall be subject to legal liabilities.
《成交确认书》应包括拍卖人与竞得人的名称,出让标的,成交时间、地点、价款,以及双方签订 《 国有土地使用权出让合同 》 的时间、地点等内容。

Transcripts shall be made in the process of an auction.

13.Implementation of Bid tendering, Auction and Quotation---Quotation 

The administrative department of land and resources at the municipal or county level shall, according to the time and place as prescribed in an announcement on assignment, quotation. Aquotation hung out shall be held by a presider of the bid tendering, auction or quotation of land.

13 招标拍卖挂牌活动实施―挂牌

13.1 Publication of theQuotation Information 

As of the first day of quotation as prescribed in an announcement on quotation, aquotation placer shall announce such contents as the location, area, term for use, requirements of the planning indicators, starting price, the rules for price rise as well as the margin of price rise of thequotation land on the trading place of land as prescribed in an announcement on quotation. The period of quotation shall be no less than 10 workdays.
 13.1 公布挂牌信息

在挂牌公告规定的挂牌起始日,挂牌人将挂牌宗地的位置、面积、用途、使用年期、规划指标要求、起始价、增价规则及增价幅度等,在挂牌公告规定的土地交易地点挂牌公布。挂牌时间不得少于 10 个工作日。
13.2 Quotation of a Buyer 

A buyer who meets the relevant requirements shall fill in a price quotation form. A region with mature conditions may adopt a computer-based quotation system.
 13.2 竞买人报价

Where a buyer is under any of the following circumstances, it shall be deemed as an invalid price quotation:

(1)Where the form of price quotation fails to be received within the term for quotation; 

(2)Where any party fails to fill the form of price quotation according to the relevant provisions; 

(3)Where the form of price quotation as filled fails to comply with the application materials of a buyer; 

(4)Where any price quotation fails to comply with the rules for price quotation; or 

(5)Where any price quotation fails to meet the requirements of any case indicated in the documents of quotation. 

13.3 Confirmation of Price Quotation 

Where a presider quotation who confirms a price quotation, it shall update thequotation and continue to take new prices. In case two or more buyers offer a same price quotation, the first party that submits the price shall be deemed as the price offering party.
 13.3 确认报价

13.4 Termination of Quotation 

The termination of quotation shall be decided by a presider quotation. Where any base price is set, the relevant assignor shall deliver to the presider its basequotation as sealed before the termination of quotation and the latter shall unseal the confidential documents on spot. Upon termination of quotation as prescribed in an announcement, a buyer shall be present on the spot of quotation and the presider shall announce the highest price quotation as well as the offering party thereof and further inquire whether the bidding shall be continued.
 13.4 挂牌截止

13.4.1 Where a presider quotation who offers a highest price for consecutive 3 times, and if no buyer shows any intent to continue the bidding, the presider shall announce the termination of quotation and determine the result of quotation according to the relevant provisions: 

 13.4.1 挂牌主持人连续三次报出最高挂牌价格,没有竞买人示愿意继续竞价的,挂牌主持人宣布挂牌活动结束,并按下列规确定挂牌结果:
(1)Where the highestquotation is not any lower than the base price, the presider shall announce a deal of assignment based on quotation and the offering party that has offered the highestquotation as a winner; 

(2)Where the highestquotation is lower than the base price, the presider shall announce that an assignment fails to be done through quotation. 

13.4.2 Where a buyer expresses its intent to continue the bidding and if two or more buyers request for price quotation upon termination of quotation, the presider shall announce that the assignment based on quotation shall be turned into an on-site bidding as well as announce the time and place of the on-site bidding so as to determine a winner. 

 13.4.2 有竞买人表示愿意继续竞价的,即属于挂牌截止时有两个或两个以上竞买人要求报价的情形,挂牌主持人应当宣布挂牌出让转入现场竞价,并宣布现场竞价的时间和地点,通过现场竞价确定竞得人。
13.5 On-site Bidding 

An on-site bidding shall be held by a presider of the bid tendering, auction or quotation of land and the relevant buyers that have obtained the qualification for quotation bidding of land may participate in the on-site bidding. An on-site bidding shall be held according to the following procedures:
 13.5 现场竞价

(1)A presider announces the benchmark price, rules for bidding and margin of price rise and announce the start of the on-site bidding. The starting price of an on-site bidding shall be the sum of the highest price quotation upon termination of quotation plus a margin of price rise. 

(2)A buyer that attends an on-site bidding shall offer price or quotation according to the rules for bidding; 

(3)The presider continues the bidding upon confirmation of the price or quotation offered by buyers and; 

(4)Where a presider announces, for consecutive 3 times, a same price or quotation yet nobody makes any response or quotation, and if the price is not lower than the base price, the presider let fall the pestle to strike a deal in the on-site bidding and announce the offering party of the highest price or quotation is the buyer. The result of deal shall have a legal binding force on the buyer and assignor. Where the highest price or quotation is lower than the base price, the presider shall announce the termination of the on-site bidding. 

Where no party attends an on-site bidding or no party offers any price or quotation, the party that offers the highest price upon termination of quotation shall be the buyer, unless any offered price is lower than the base price of the assignment based on the quotation.


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