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Interim Provisions on the Administration of Fire Protection Design Review and Final Inspection of Construction Projects [Revised]
建设工程消防设计审查验收管理暂行规定 [已被修订]

Order of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China 


(N0. 51) (第51号)

The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Fire Protection Design Review and Final Inspection of Construction Projects, as approved by the 15th executive meeting of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on January 19, 2020, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on June 1, 2020. 《建设工程消防设计审查验收管理暂行规定》已经2020年1月19日第15次部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2020年6月1日起施行。
Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development: Wang Menghui 住房和城乡建设部部长 王蒙徽
April 1, 2020 2020年4月1日
Interim Provisions on the Administration of Fire Protection Design Review and Final Inspection of Construction Projects 建设工程消防设计审查验收管理暂行规定
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the administration of fire protection design review and final inspection of construction projects and ensuring the fire protection design and construction quality of construction projects, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Construction Law of the People's Republic of China, the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Quality Management of Construction Projects and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为了加强建设工程消防设计审查验收管理,保证建设工程消防设计、施工质量,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》《中华人民共和国消防法》《建设工程质量管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the fire protection design review and fire protection final inspection of special construction projects as well as the recordation and the fire protection final inspection recordation (hereinafter referred to as “recordation”) and random inspection of other construction projects.   第二条 特殊建设工程的消防设计审查、消防验收,以及其他建设工程的消防验收备案(以下简称备案)、抽查,适用本规定。
For the purpose of these Provisions, “special construction projects” means the construction projects listed in Article 14 of these Provisions. 本规定所称特殊建设工程,是指本规定第十四条所列的建设工程。
For the purpose of these Provisions, “other construction projects” means the construction projects, other than special construction projects, requiring fire protection designs in accordance with the national technical standards of fire protection for construction projects. 本规定所称其他建设工程,是指特殊建设工程以外的其他按照国家工程建设消防技术标准需要进行消防设计的建设工程。
Article 3 The competent department of housing and urban-rural construction of the State Council shall be responsible for guiding and supervising the fire protection design review and final inspection of construction projects nationwide.   第三条 国务院住房和城乡建设主管部门负责指导监督全国建设工程消防设计审查验收工作。
The competent department of housing and urban-rural development of the local people's government at or above the county level (hereinafter referred to as the “competent department of fire protection design review and final inspection”) shall undertake the fire protection design review, fire protection final inspection, recordation and random inspection of construction projects within their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方人民政府住房和城乡建设主管部门(以下简称消防设计审查验收主管部门)依职责承担本行政区域内建设工程的消防设计审查、消防验收、备案和抽查工作。
The department in charge of fire protection design review, fire protection final inspection, recordation and random inspection of a construction project across administrative regions shall be designated by the common competent department of at the next higher level of the competent department of fire protection design review and final inspection in the administrative regions where the construction project is located. 跨行政区域建设工程的消防设计审查、消防验收、备案和抽查工作,由该建设工程所在行政区域消防设计审查验收主管部门共同的上一级主管部门指定负责。
Article 4 The competent department of fire protection design review and final inspection shall utilize information technology such as Internet technology to conduct fire protection design, fire protection final inspection, recordation and random inspection, establish and improve a credit management system for relevant entities and their employees, and continuously enhance the level of government services.   第四条 消防设计审查验收主管部门应当运用互联网技术等信息化手段开展消防设计审查、消防验收、备案和抽查工作,建立健全有关单位和从业人员的信用管理制度,不断提升政务服务水平。
Article 5 The expenses required in the fire protection design, fire protection final inspection, recordation and random inspection conducted by the competent department of fire protection design review and final inspection shall be governed by the provisions of the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations.   第五条 消防设计审查验收主管部门实施消防设计审查、消防验收、备案和抽查工作所需经费,按照《中华人民共和国行政许可法》等有关法律法规的规定执行。
Article 6 The competent department of fire protection design review and final inspection shall promptly inform the fire and rescue departments of the information on fire protection final inspection, recordation and random inspection, and share materials such as the building plans, fire facility layout plans, and fire facility system drawings with the fire and rescue departments.   第六条 消防设计审查验收主管部门应当及时将消防验收、备案和抽查情况告知消防救援机构,并与消防救援机构共享建筑平面图、消防设施平面布置图、消防设施系统图等资料。
Article 7 Staff members engaged in the fire protection design review and final inspection of construction projects as well as employees of entities such as construction entities, design entities, construction contractors, project supervision entities, and technical service providers shall have the corresponding professional technical capabilities, and attend vocational training on a regular basis.   第七条 从事建设工程消防设计审查验收的工作人员,以及建设、设计、施工、工程监理、技术服务等单位的从业人员,应当具备相应的专业技术能力,定期参加职业培训。
Chapter II Fire Protection Design and Construction Quality Responsibilities and Obligations of Relevant Entities 

第二章 有关单位的消防设计、施工质量责任与义务

Article 8 In a construction project, the construction entity shall assume the primary responsibility for the fire protection design and construction quality of the construction project in accordance with the law. Entities such as design entity, construction contractor, project supervision entity, and technical service provider shall assume the entity responsibility for the fire protection design and construction quality of the construction project in accordance with the law. Employees of design entity, construction contractor, project supervision entity, and technical service provider shall assume the corresponding personal responsibility for the fire protection design and construction quality of the construction project in accordance with the law.   第八条 建设单位依法对建设工程消防设计、施工质量负首要责任。设计、施工、工程监理、技术服务等单位依法对建设工程消防设计、施工质量负主体责任。建设、设计、施工、工程监理、技术服务等单位的从业人员依法对建设工程消防设计、施工质量承担相应的个人责任。
Article 9 A construction entity shall fulfill the following fire protection design and construction quality responsibilities and obligations:   第九条 建设单位应当履行下列消防设计、施工质量责任和义务:
(1) It shall not expressly or impliedly allow any entity such as a design entity, construction contractor, projects supervision entity, or technical service provider or any of its employee to violate laws and regulations regarding construction projects as well as the national technical standards of fire protection for construction projects or reduce the fire protection design and construction quality of any construction project. (一)不得明示或者暗示设计、施工、工程监理、技术服务等单位及其从业人员违反建设工程法律法规和国家工程建设消防技术标准,降低建设工程消防设计、施工质量;
(2) It shall apply for the fire protection design review and fire protection final inspection of a construction project in accordance with the law, undergo recordation formalities and accept random inspection. (二)依法申请建设工程消防设计审查、消防验收,办理备案并接受抽查;
(3) It shall entrust the supervision of fire protection construction quality in accordance with the law where a construction project is subject to project supervision. (三)实行工程监理的建设工程,依法将消防施工质量委托监理;
(4) It shall entrust design entities, construction contractors and project supervision entities with appropriate qualifications. (四)委托具有相应资质的设计、施工、工程监理单位;
(5) It shall select qualified fire protection products and the building materials, components and equipment subject to fireproof performance requirements based on the fire protection design requirements and contracts for a construction project. (五)按照工程消防设计要求和合同约定,选用合格的消防产品和满足防火性能要求的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备;
(6) It shall check whether a construction project meets the fire protection requirements when arranging for relevant entities to conduct the final inspection of the as-built construction project. (六)组织有关单位进行建设工程竣工验收时,对建设工程是否符合消防要求进行查验;
(7) It shall handover archives related to fire protection of a construction project to the archives administrative department in a timely manner in accordance with the law. (七)依法及时向档案管理机构移交建设工程消防有关档案。
Article 10 A design entity shall fulfill the following fire protection design and construction quality responsibilities and obligations:   第十条 设计单位应当履行下列消防设计、施工质量责任和义务:
(1) It shall design in accordance with the laws and regulations of construction projects and the national technical standards of fire protection for construction projects, formulate the fire protection design documents which meet the relevant requirements, and shall be prohibited from violating the compulsory requirements of the national technical standards of fire protection for construction projects. (一)按照建设工程法律法规和国家工程建设消防技术标准进行设计,编制符合要求的消防设计文件,不得违反国家工程建设消防技术标准强制性条文;
(2) The fire protection products used in design documents and the building materials, components and equipment subject to fireproof performance requirements shall be indicated with specification, performance and other technical indicators, and shall meet the standards prescribed by the state. (二)在设计文件中选用的消防产品和具有防火性能要求的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备,应当注明规格、性能等技术指标,符合国家规定的标准;
(3) It shall participate in the final inspection of as-built construction projects organized by construction entities, affix the seal to the implementation of the fire protection design of construction projects for confirmation, and shall be responsible for the fire protection design quality of construction projects. (三)参加建设单位组织的建设工程竣工验收,对建设工程消防设计实施情况签章确认,并对建设工程消防设计质量负责。
Article 11 A construction contractor shall fulfill the following fire protection design and construction quality responsibilities and obligations:   第十一条 施工单位应当履行下列消防设计、施工质量责任和义务:
(1) It shall organize the construction in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding construction projects, the national technical standards of fire protection for construction projects and the fire protection design documents which have passed the fire protection design review or meet the needs of construction projects, and shall be prohibited from commencing construction after altering the fire protection design without authorization or from reducing the construction quality. (一)按照建设工程法律法规、国家工程建设消防技术标准,以及经消防设计审查合格或者满足工程需要的消防设计文件组织施工,不得擅自改变消防设计进行施工,降低消防施工质量;
(2) It shall check the quality of fire protection products and the building materials, components and equipment subject to fireproof performance requirements according to the fire protection design requirements, construction technical standards and contracts, use qualified products, and guarantee the fire protection construction quality. (二)按照消防设计要求、施工技术标准和合同约定检验消防产品和具有防火性能要求的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备的质量,使用合格产品,保证消防施工质量;
(3) It shall participate in the final inspection of as-built construction projects organized by construction entities, affix the seal to the fire protection construction quality of construction projects for confirmation, and shall be responsible for the fire protection construction quality of construction projects. (三)参加建设单位组织的建设工程竣工验收,对建设工程消防施工质量签章确认,并对建设工程消防施工质量负责。
Article 12 A project supervision entity shall fulfill the following fire protection design and construction quality responsibilities and obligations:   第十二条 工程监理单位应当履行下列消防设计、施工质量责任和义务:
(1) It shall conduct supervision of projects in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding construction projects, the national technical standards of fire protection for construction projects, as well as the design documents which have passed the fire protection design review or satisfy the needs of projects. (一)按照建设工程法律法规、国家工程建设消防技术标准,以及经消防设计审查合格或者满足工程需要的消防设计文件实施工程监理;
(2) It shall verify the product quality certificates before the use or installation of the fire protection products as well as the building materials, components and equipment subject to fireproof performance requirements, and shall be prohibited from approving the use or installation of unqualified fire protection products and the building materials, components and equipment which fail to meet the fireproof performance requirements. (二)在消防产品和具有防火性能要求的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备使用、安装前,核查产品质量证明文件,不得同意使用或者安装不合格的消防产品和防火性能不符合要求的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备;
(3) It shall participate in the final inspection of as-built construction projects organized by construction entities, affix the seal to the fire protection construction quality of construction projects for confirmation, and shall assume the supervisory responsibility for the fire protection construction quality of construction projects. (三)参加建设单位组织的建设工程竣工验收,对建设工程消防施工质量签章确认,并对建设工程消防施工质量承担监理责任。
Article 13 Fire protection technical service institutions which provide services such as technical review of fire protection design drawings of construction projects, testing of fire facilities, and on-site assessment of fire protection final inspection of construction projects shall provide services in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding construction projects as well as the national technical standards of fire protection for construction projects, and shall be responsible for the issued opinions or reports.   第十三条 提供建设工程消防设计图纸技术审查、消防设施检测或者建设工程消防验收现场评定等服务的技术服务机构,应当按照建设工程法律法规、国家工程建设消防技术标准和国家有关规定提供服务,并对出具的意见或者报告负责。
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