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Measures for the Administration of the Refined Oil Market (2019 Amendment PKULAW Version) [Expired]
成品油市场管理办法(2019修正) [失效]

Measures for the Administration of the Refined Oil Market 


(Promulgated by the Order No.23 [2006] of the Ministry of Commerce on December 4th, 2006, and effective from January 1st, 2007; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Commerce on Amending Some Rules and Regulatory Documents by the Order No. 2 [2015] of the Ministry of Commerce on October 28, 2015; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Commerce to Repeal and Amend Some Rules by Order No. 1 [2019] of the Ministry of Commerce on November 30, 2019) (2006年12月4日商务部令2006年第23号公布 自2007年1月1日起施行 根据2015年10月28日商务部令2015年第2号《商务部关于修改部分规章和规范性文件的决定》第一次修正 根据2019年11月30日商务部令2019年第1号《商务部关于废止和修改部分规章的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening the supervision and administration of the refined oil market, regulating the business activities of refined oil, maintaining the refined oil market order and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of refined oil operators and consumers, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Establishing Administrative License for the Administrative Examination and Approval Items that Really Need to Be Preserved (Order No.412 of the State Council) and the relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为加强成品油市场监督管理,规范成品油经营行为,维护成品油市场秩序,保护成品油经营者和消费者的合法权益,根据《国务院对确需保留的行政审批项目设定行政许可的决定》(国务院令第412号)和有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 The enterprises engaging in the wholesale, storage and retail of refined oil within the territory of the People's Republic of China must observe these Measures and other relevant laws and regulations.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事成品油批发、零售、仓储经营活动,应当遵守有关法律法规和本办法。
Article 3 The state applies a licensing system to the refined oil business activities.   第三条 国家对成品油经营实行许可制度。
The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for drafting the laws and regulations for the administration of the refined oil market, drawing up ministerial regulations and organizing the implementation thereof, and supervising and managing the refined oil market nationwide according to law. 商务部负责起草成品油市场管理的法律法规,拟定部门规章并组织实施,依法对全国成品油市场进行监督管理。
The administrative departments of commerce of the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and cities under separate state planning (hereinafter referred to as the administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's governments) shall be responsible for formulating the development planning of the fueling stations and storage industry within their respective jurisdictions, and organizing and coordinating the supervision and administration of the refined oil business activities within their respective jurisdictions. 省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市人民政府商务主管部门(以下简称省级人民政府商务主管部门)负责制定本辖区内加油站和仓储行业发展规划,组织协调本辖区内成品油经营活动的监督管理。
Article 4 The term “refined oil” as mentioned in these Measures refers to gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil and other alternative fuels that meet the product quality standards of the state and satisfies the same purposes, such as ethanol gasoline and bio-diesel oil.   第四条 本办法所称成品油是指汽油、煤油、柴油及其他符合国家产品质量标准、具有相同用途的乙醇汽油和生物柴油等替代燃料。
Chapter II Application for Refined Oil Business License and Its Acceptance 

第二章 成品油经营许可的申请与受理

Article 5 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the wholesale or storage of refined oil shall send an application to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government of the place where it is located, which shall examine the application and report the preliminary examination opinions together with the application materials to the Ministry of Commerce, which shall decide whether to grant a refined oil wholesaling or storing license or not.   第五条 申请从事成品油批发、仓储经营资格的企业,应当向所在地省级人民政府商务主管部门提出申请,省级人民政府商务主管部门审查后,将初步审查意见及申请材料上报商务部,由商务部决定是否给予成品油批发、仓储经营许可。
Article 6 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the retail business of refined oil shall send an application to the administrative department of commerce of the municipal people's government (or the level of districted city, same below) of the place where it is located, which shall examine the application and report the preliminary examination opinion together with the application materials to the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government, which shall decide whether to grant a refined oil retailing license or not.   第六条 申请从事成品油零售经营资格的企业,应当向所在地市级(设区的市,下同)人民政府商务主管部门提出申请。地市级人民政府商务主管部门审查后,将初步审查意见及申请材料报省级人民政府商务主管部门。由省级人民政府商务主管部门决定是否给予成品油零售经营许可。
Article 7 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the wholesale business of refined oil shall satisfy the following conditions:   第七条 申请成品油批发经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件:
(1) having long-term and stable supply of refined oil; (一)具有长期、稳定的成品油供应渠道:
a. having an oil refining enterprise that conforms to the industrial policies of the state, is capable of processing crude oil of 1 million tons or more at one time, and whose annual productive capacity of gasoline and diesel oil that conform to the product quality standards of the state is 500,000 tons or more, or 1. 拥有符合国家产业政策、原油一次加工能力100万吨以上、符合国家产品质量标准的汽油和柴油年生产量在50万吨以上的炼油企业,或者
b. being an import enterprise qualified to import refined oil, or 2.具有成品油进口经营资格的进口企业,或者
c. it has signed with an enterprise qualified to wholesale refined oil and whose annual business volume of refined oil is 200,000 tons or more a refined oil supply agreement for one year or more, which shall be in line with its business scale, or 3.与具有成品油批发经营资格且成品油年经营量在20万吨以上的企业签订1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议,或者
d. it has signed with an import enterprise whose annual import volume of refined oil is 100,000 tons or more a refined oil supply agreement for one year or more, which shall be in line with its business scale; 4.与成品油年进口量在10万吨以上的进口企业签订1年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议;
(2) the applicant shall be a qualified Chinese enterprise legal person; (二)申请主体应具有中国企业法人资格;
(3) where the applicant is a branch of a Chinese enterprise legal person, its legal person shall have the qualification to engage in the wholesale of refined oil; (三)申请主体是中国企业法人分支机构的,其法人应具有成品油批发经营资格;
(4) it shall have a refined oil depot whose capacity shall not be smaller than 10,000 steres and whose construction shall conform to the local urban and rural planning and oil depot layout planning; the depot shall have been checked and accepted by the relevant departments in charge of state land and resources, planning and construction, safety and supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc; (四)拥有库容不低于10000立方米的成品油油库,油库建设符合城乡规划、油库布局规划;并通过国土资源、规划建设、安全监管、公安消防、环境保护、气象、质检等部门的验收;
(5) it shall be equipped with such facilities for unloading refined oil as conduit pipes, railway special lines, highway transport vehicles or the ports for transporting refined oil over water whose capacity shall not be smaller than 10,000 tons. (五)拥有接卸成品油的输送管道或铁路专用线或公路运输车辆或1万吨以上的成品油水运码头等设施。
Article 8 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the retailing business of refined oil shall satisfy the following conditions:   第八条 申请成品油零售经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件:
(1) it shall comply with the local development planning for the fueling station industry and the relevant technical specifications and requirements; (一)符合当地加油站行业发展规划和相关技术规范要求;
(2) it shall have long-term and stable channels to supply refined oil, and have signed with an enterprise qualified to engage in the wholesale business of refined oil a refined oil supply agreement for three years or more, which shall be in line with its business scale; (二)具有长期、稳定的成品油供应渠道,与具有成品油批发经营资格的企业签订3年以上的与其经营规模相适应的成品油供油协议;
(3) the design and construction of the fueling station shall conform to the corresponding standards of the state and have been checked and accepted by the relevant departments in charge of state land and resources, planning and construction, safety and supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc; (三)加油站的设计、施工符合相应的国家标准,并通过国土资源、规划建设、安全监管、公安消防、环境保护、气象、质检等部门的验收;
(4) it shall have professional and technical personnel with respect to the inspection, metrology, storage and fire-fighting and safe production of refined oil; (四)具有成品油检验、计量、储运、消防、安全生产等专业技术人员;
(5) the marine fueling stations (vessels) and land-based fueling stations (sites) for the supply of refined oil used for vessels shall conform to, in addition to the above-mentioned provisions, the relevant provisions concerning ports, water transportation safety and prevention and control of water pollution, etc; (五)从事船用成品油供应经营的水上加油站(船)和岸基加油站(点),除符合上述规定外,还应当符合港口、水上交通安全和防止水域污染等有关规定;
(6) as for the fueling stations that are established in rural areas and only distribute diesel oil, the administrative departments of commerce of the provincial people's governments shall formulate specific conditions for their establishment in accordance with these Measures. (六)面向农村、只销售柴油的加油点,省级人民政府商务主管部门可根据本办法规定具体的设立条件。
Article 9 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the storage business of refined oil shall satisfy the following conditions:   第九条 申请成品油仓储经营资格的企业,应当具备下列条件:
(1) it shall have a refined oil depot whose capacity shall not be smaller than 10,000 steres and whose construction shall conform to the local urban and rural planning and oil depot layout planning; the depot shall have been checked and accepted by the relevant departments in charge of state land and resources, planning and construction, safety and supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc; (一)拥有库容不低于10000立方米的成品油油库,油库建设符合城乡规划、油库布局规划;并通过国土资源、规划建设、安全监管、公安消防、环境保护、气象、质检等部门的验收;
(2) the applicant shall be a qualified Chinese enterprise legal person; (二)申请主体应具有中国企业法人资格;
(3) it shall be equipped with such facilities for unloading refined oil as conduit pipes, railway special lines, highway transport vehicles or ports for transporting refined oil over water whose capacity shall not be smaller than 10,000 tons; (三)拥有接卸成品油的输送管道或铁路专用线或公路运输车辆或1万吨以上的成品油水运码头等设施;
(4) where the applicant is a branch of a Chinese enterprise legal person, its legal person shall have the qualification to engage in the storage of refined oil; (四)申请主体是中国企业法人分支机构的,其法人应具有成品油仓储经营资格。
Article 10 To establish a foreign-funded refined oil enterprise, these Measures, the relevant state policies and the provisions in the laws and regulations on foreign investment shall be abided by.   第十条 设立外商投资成品油经营企业,应当遵守本办法及国家有关政策、外商投资法律、法规、规章的规定。
Article 11 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the refined oil business shall submit the following documents:   第十一条 申请成品油经营资格的企业,应当提交下列文件:
(1) an application; (一)申请文件;
(2) a certificate of the property right of its oil depot, fueling stations (sites) and the supporting facilities; the approval certificates and acceptance documents on oil depot, fueling stations (sites) and other facilities issued by the departments in charge of state land and resources, planning and construction, safety supervision, public security and fire-fighting, environmental protection, meteorology and quality inspection, etc; (二)油库、加油站(点)及其配套设施的产权证明文件;国土资源、规划建设、安全监管、公安消防、环境保护、气象、质检等部门核发的油库、加油站(点)及其他设施的批准证书及验收合格文件;
(3) Business License for Enterprise Legal Person or Notice for Advance Approval of Enterprise Name as issued by the department of industry and commerce; (三)工商部门核发的《企业法人营业执照》或《企业名称预先核准通知书》;
(4) Hazardous Chemical Business License as issued by the department of safety supervision; (四)安全监管部门核发的《危险化学品经营许可证》;
(6) Other documents required by the organs of examination and verification. (六)审核机关要求的其他文件。
Article 12 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the wholesale business of refined oil shall, in addition to the documents prescribed in Article 11 of these Measures, provide the legal instruments and the relevant materials on its long-term and stable supply of refined oil.   第十二条 申请成品油批发经营资格的企业,除提交本办法第十一条规定的文件外,还应当提供具有长期、稳定成品油供应渠道的法律文件及相关材料。
Article 13 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the retailing business of refined oil shall, in addition to the documents prescribed in Article 11 of these Measures, provide the legal instruments and the relevant materials on its long-term and stable supply of refined oil and the confirmation on fueling station (site) planning as issued by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government.   第十三条 申请从事成品油零售经营资格的企业,除提交本办法第十一条规定的文件外,还应当提交具有长期、稳定成品油供应渠道的法律文件及相关材料以及省级人民政府商务主管部门核发的加油站(点)规划确认文件。
Where an enterprise obtains the land use right of its fueling station (site) through bidding, auction or listing, it shall also provide the advance approval documents on approving the applicant to participate in the bidding or auction as issued by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government and the Sales Confirmation of the auction (bidding, listing) of state-owned land use right as issued by the department of state land and resources. 通过招标、拍卖、挂牌方式取得加油站(点)土地使用权的,还应提供省级人民政府商务主管部门同意申请人投标或竞买的预核准文件及国土资源部门核发的国有土地使用权拍卖(招标、挂牌)《成交确认书》。
As for a marine fueling station (vessel), it is also necessary to provide the Opinion on Examining the Operating Conditions of Fueling Vessels as signed by the water area supervision department. 水上加油站(船)还需提供水域监管部门签署的《加油船经营条件审核意见书》。
Article 14 An enterprise that applies for the qualification to engage in the storage business of refined oil shall, in addition to the documents prescribed in Article 11 of these Measures, also provide the confirmation document on oil depot planning as issued by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government.   第十四条 申请从事成品油仓储经营资格的企业,除提交本办法第十一条规定的文件外,还应当提交省级人民政府商务主管部门核发的油库规划确认文件。
Where an enterprise has obtained the land use right of its oil depot through bidding, auction or listing, it shall also provide the advance approval documents on approving the applicant to participate in the bidding or auction as issued by the administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government and the Sales Confirmation of the auction (bidding, listing) of state-owned land use right as issued by the department of state land and resources. 通过招标、拍卖、挂牌方式取得油库土地使用权的,还应提供省级人民政府商务主管部门出具的同意申请人投标或竞买的预核准文件及国土资源部门核发的国有土地使用权拍卖(招标、挂牌)《成交确认书》。
Article 15 The administrative department of commerce shall publicize the conditions, procedures, time limit, list of the materials to be submitted and model application letter for applying for refined oil business license at its work place.   第十五条 商务主管部门应当在办公场所公示成品油经营许可申请的条件、程序、期限以及需提交的材料目录和申请书规范文本。
Article 16 Where an administrative department of commerce of the provincial people's government that accepts an application believes that the application materials are not complete or fail to be in line with the relevant provisions, it shall, within 5 workdays since the receipt of the application, notify, once and for all, the applicant all the content that needs to be supplemented or corrected. Where it fails to notify the applicant when the time limit expires, the application shall be deemed as having been accepted since the date when the application materials are received.
   第十六条 接受申请的商务主管部门认为申请材料不齐全或者不符合规定的,应当在收到申请之日起5个工作日内一次告知申请人所需补正的全部内容。逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理。

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