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The Sofia Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries [Effective]
中国—中东欧国家合作索非亚纲要 [现行有效]

The Sofia Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries



2018/07/09 (2018年7月8日)

On July 7,2018, the 7th Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (hereinafter referred to as "CEECs") was held in Sofia Bulgaria. Prime Minister Boyko Borissov of the Republic of Bulgaria, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, Prime Minister Edi Rama of the Republic of Albania, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic of Republic of Croatia, Prime Minister Andrej Babis of the Czech Republic, Prime Minister Jyri Ratas of the Republic of Estonia, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis of the Republic of Latvia, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev of the Republic of Macedonia, Prime Minister Dusko Markovic of Montenegro, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila of Romania, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic of the Republic of Serbia, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic, Prime Minister Miro Cerar of the Republic of Slovenia, Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin of the Republic of Poland and Minister of Finance Vilius Sapoka of the Republic of Lithuania attended the meeting. They expressed appreciation and gratitude to Bulgaria for the efforts it had made as the host country to ensure the success of the meeting. Austria, Belarus, the European Union, Greece, Switzerland, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development were present as observers. 2018年7月7日,第七次中国—中东欧国家领导人会晤在保加利亚索非亚举行。保加利亚共和国总理博伊科·鲍里索夫、中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强、阿尔巴尼亚共和国总理埃迪·拉马、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那部长会议主席戴尼斯·兹维兹迪奇、克罗地亚共和国总理安德烈·普连科维奇、捷克共和国总理安德烈·巴比什、爱沙尼亚共和国总理于里·拉塔斯、匈牙利总理欧尔班·维克托、拉脱维亚共和国总理马里斯·库钦斯基斯、马其顿共和国总理佐兰·扎埃夫、黑山总理杜什科·马尔科维奇、罗马尼亚总理维奥丽卡·登奇勒、塞尔维亚共和国总理安娜·布尔纳比奇、斯洛伐克共和国总理彼得·佩莱格里尼、斯洛文尼亚共和国总理米罗·采拉尔、波兰共和国副总理雅罗斯瓦夫·戈温、立陶宛共和国财政部长维柳斯·沙波卡出席会议(以下简称各方)。与会领导人对保加利亚作为主办国为会晤成功举办所作努力表示赞赏和感谢。奥地利、白俄罗斯、欧盟、希腊、瑞士、欧洲复兴开发银行应邀派代表作为观察员与会。
The Participants note the progress and achievements of China-CEEC cooperation ( hereinafter referred to as "16+1 Cooperation" ) and the implementation of the Budapest Guidelines for Cooperation between China and CEECs and are convinced that 16+1 Cooperation across various fields is on the way to becoming a practical and beneficial cross-regional cooperation platform. 与会各方认为中国—中东欧国家合作(以下简称“16+1合作”)取得积极进展和众多成果,《中国—中东欧国家合作布达佩斯纲要》得到有效落实,确信16+1各领域合作蓬勃发展,日益成为务实的跨区域合作机制,惠及各方。
The Participants remain committed to the principles of mutual respect, mutually beneficial cooperation and building an open world economy, making economic globalization more dynamic, inclusive and sustainable. They further reaffirm their commitment to develop cooperation in the spirit and according to the principles of the UN Charter. 各方将继续秉持相互尊重、合作共赢、共同发展的原则,共同建设开放型世界经济,推动经济全球化更有活力,更加包容,更可持续。各方重申致力于根据《联合国宪章》精神和原则开展合作。
The Participants underline that 16+1 Cooperation constitutes an important part of and a positive complementary to the relationship between China and the EU and that they are ready to work together, through this format and in line with their respective competences and existing commitments to ensure that China-EU relations continue to develop in a balanced way. The Participants are ready to actively implement the Belt and Road cooperation MOUs that they signed to bring more results to this cooperation while maintaining its openness, based on market rules and international norms which, on the part of EU member states would also complement relevant EU policies and projects. 各方强调,“16+1合作”是中欧关系的重要组成部分和有益补充,各方愿根据各自国情和既有承诺,以“16+1合作”为依托,共同促进中欧关系持续均衡发展。各方愿积极落实业已签署的“一带一路”建设合作文件,基于市场规则和国际准则推动取得更多合作成果,保持合作的开放性。中东欧国家中的欧盟成员国将推动合作为相关欧盟政策和项目提供补充。
The Participants reiterate that they will cooperate on the basis of willingness, transparency, inclusiveness, reciprocity, fairness and mutual benefit through consultation and cooperation, which will contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, within the applicable norms of international law, and in accordance with the laws, regulations and respective competences of each other and EU standards and policies for EU member states and candidate countries. 各方重申将本着自愿、透明、包容、互惠、公平、共赢的原则,通过协商与合作,助力实现联合国2030年可持续发展议程,并将在遵守国际关系准则的基础上,根据各自法规和国情,欧盟成员国与候选国根据欧盟相关法规及作为成员国应遵守的政策,开展合作。
EU member states and candidate countries within the 16 CEECs support the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of peace, growth, reform and civilization and EU-China Agenda 2020, including actively promoting practical cooperation through pilot projects in the framework of the EU-China Connectivity Platform , the Investment Plan for Europe and the extended Trans-European Network (TEN-T) and supporting the conclusion of an ambitious and comprehensive Agreement on Investment between the EU and China. 16国中的欧盟成员国和候选国将支持推动中欧和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系及《中欧合作2020战略规划》,在中欧互联互通平台、欧洲投资计划和泛欧交通网络及其延长线等框架下通过试点项目积极推动务实合作,支持中国与欧盟缔结高水平、全面的投资协定。
The Participants, acting upon the spirit of the Medium Term Agenda and past Summit Guidelines, formulate and issue the Sofia Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries with "Deepening open and pragmatic cooperation for inclusive prosperity" as its theme. 与会各方本着《中国—中东欧国家合作中期规划》及领导人会晤系列纲要精神,围绕“深化开放务实合作,共促共享繁荣发展”主题,共同制定和发表《中国—中东欧国家合作索非亚纲要》。
1. The Participants support Croatia in hosting the 8th China-CEEC Summit. 一、与会各方支持克罗地亚承办第八次中国—中东欧国家领导人会晤
2. Strengthening 16+1 coordination 二、加强16+1统筹协调
(1) The Participants support the Secretariat for China-CEEC Cooperation in strengthening coordination together with relevant departments of China and CEECs so as to further improve the system and structure of cooperation. (一)各方支持中国—中东欧国家合作秘书处同中国和中东欧国家有关部门加强统筹协调,进一步完善合作体系和架构。
(2) China will invite National Coordinators of the 16 CEECs to visit China and attend 16+1 National Coordinators' Meeting during the first half of 2019. Croatia will hold 16+1 National Coordinators' Meeting during the second half of the year. (二)2019年上半年,中方邀请中东欧16国国家协调员访华并出席中国—中东欧国家合作国家协调员会议。下半年,在克罗地亚举办中国—中东欧国家合作国家协调员会议。
(3) The Participants support continuing to hold meetings between the Secretariat for 16+1 Cooperation and CEEC Embassies in China and strengthening its communication with associations and coordination centers in various fields. The Participants encourage the Secretariat to conduct 16+1 cooperation consultations in China and CEECs through bilateral and multilateral activities. The Participants support website building for China-CEEC cooperation to provide more accessible information to institutions, companies and people in our countries. (三)继续举办中国—中东欧国家合作秘书处与中东欧国家驻华使馆信息通报会,加强秘书处同各领域联合会、协调中心之间的工作交流。鼓励秘书处同中东欧国家有关部门结合双多边活动,在中国和中东欧国家举行“16+1合作”有关磋商。支持不断完善中国—中东欧国家合作网站建设,为各国有关部门、企业和民众提供更加便捷的信息服务。
The Participants recognize the need to conduct a review of existing 16+1 cooperation mechanisms and meetings to ensure efficient use of administrative resources of Participants and a more focused, result oriented approach. 各方认识到有必要对现有的“16+1合作”机制和会议进行回顾,以高效利用成员国的行政资源,让合作更有针对性,更加注重结果导向。
(4) The Participants will explore the possibility of conducting exchanges and cooperation in areas such as international law and training for civil servants. (四)探讨在“16+1合作”框架下加强国际法和公务员培训等方面的交流与合作。
(5) Participants will organize activities within the framework of 16+1 cooperation in relation to the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and some CEEC countries. (五)各方将在“16+1合作”框架下,结合中国与部分中东欧国家建交70周年,举办有关活动。
(6) The Participants welcome the constructive role of observers and other third countries and institutions in 16+1 cooperation, and their potential involvement on the basis of prior consultation and consensus by all Participants. (六)各方欢迎观察员、其他国家和机构在各方协商一致的基础上参与“16+1合作”并发挥建设性作用。
3. Deepening Practical Cooperation in Trade, Investment and Connectivity. 三、深化经贸投资、互联互通等领域务实合作
While welcoming the growing cooperation in trade between China and CEECs and China's recent efforts to improve market access and investment environment, the Participants recognize the need to develop a more balanced economic partnership, in the case of WTO members in compliance with WTO rules, based on the principles of level-playing field and equal opportunities. The Participants will examine possibilities of practical cooperation in trade in services and e-commerce. 各方欢迎中国与中东欧国家之间贸易合作不断增长,欢迎中方为促进市场准入和改善投资环境所作努力,同时认识到有必要在公平竞争和机会均等原则基础上,世贸组织成员并在遵守世贸组织规则基础上,构建更加平衡的经济伙伴关系。各方将探讨在服务贸易和电子商务方面开展务实合作的可能性。
(1)The Participants support the participation of enterprises and institutions from CEECs in the 2nd China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai in 2019 which aims at increasing exports to China. The Participants commend the establishment of the CEEC exhibition pavilion in Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and support Chinese cities such as Shenyang in building similar platforms. The Participants encourage more Chinese cities and provinces to set 16+1 economic cooperation and trade demonstration zones. China welcomes more CEEC investors' participation in the building of the Hainan Free Trade Port to share in the development opportunities. The Participants encourage the aforementioned platforms and relevant enterprises to take effective measures in promoting trade facilitation between China and CEECs. (一)各方支持中东欧企业和机构参加中国于2019年在上海举办的旨在增加对华出口的第二届中国国际进口博览会,赞赏在上海自由贸易试验区设立中东欧16国国家馆,支持沈阳等中国城市搭建类似平台。鼓励更多中方省市设立16+1经贸合作示范区。中方欢迎更多中东欧国家投资者参与海南自由贸易港建设,共享发展机遇。各方鼓励上述平台和有关企业采取有效措施,为中国与中东欧国家之间贸易便利化发挥积极作用。
(2)The 5th China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo will be held in Ningbo in June 2019. (二)2019年6月在宁波举办第五届中国—中东欧国家投资贸易博览会。
(3)The Participants support continuing the meeting of the China-CEEC Investment Promotion Agencies Contact Mechanism in Poland. (三)各方支持在波兰继续举办中国—中东欧国家投资促进机构联系机制会议。
(4)The Participants welcome a more active role by the China-CEEC Business Council in Poland in promoting cooperation in trade and investment between China and CEECs and support making the council meeting a regular mechanism. The fifth meeting of China-CEEC Business Council will be held in 2019. (四)各方欢迎设在波兰的中国—中东欧国家联合商会为促进贸易投资合作发挥更加积极的作用,支持联合商会年度会议机制化,并于2019年举办联合商会第五次会议。
(5) The Participants are willing to strengthen the building of China-EU Connectivity Platform. The Participants agree to promote projects within the Platform on the basis of level playing field, market rules and international norms so as to create a favorable environment where investment in transport is fair and open. (五)各方愿继续加强中欧互联互通平台建设。各方同意基于公平竞争、市场原则和国际准则,促进中欧互联互通平台项目发展,并为交通领域投资更加公平开放创造良好环境。
(6) The Participants recognize the importance of open, transparent and non-discriminatory procurement procedures. The Participants support China's accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement. (六)各方认识到政府采购程序开放、透明、非歧视的重要作用。各方支持中国加入世界贸易组织《政府采购协定》。
(7) The Participants will further promote container block trains services and combined mode transport solutions, while strengthening cooperation in customs clearance facilitation in the China-Europe Land Sea Express Line to increase the efficiency of border-crossing management and shorten waiting time on border crossings. Inter alia, the use of existing complementary capabilities offered by CEECs and ensuring of smooth flow of traffic in the presence of constantly increasing number of trains. (七)各方将推进中欧班列和多式联运务实合作,支持加强中欧陆海快线通关便利化合作,提升跨境运营效率,缩短跨境等候时间。同时更好使用中东欧国家既有的运输能力,在班列增多的情况下保证货运通畅。
(8) The Participants welcome the important progress that has been made by China, Serbia and Hungary on the Belgrade-Budapest railway project and are willing to explore the possible extension of the connection between Belgrade-Budapest railway and the Albanian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Slovenian ports, taking note of the Three Seas Initiative proposed by relevant countries. The Participants support moving forward practical cooperation in the development of the China-Europe Land Sea Express Line. The Participants welcome similar infrastructure development cooperation by enterprises from the 17 countries to develop routes of China-Europe Land Sea Express Line and the container block trains services. (八)各方欢迎中国、塞尔维亚、匈牙利在匈塞铁路项目上取得的重要进展,注意到有关国家提出的三海倡议,愿探讨将匈塞铁路延长至阿尔巴尼亚、克罗地亚、黑山和斯洛文尼亚有关港口的可能性,并继续推进中欧陆海快线务实合作。各方欢迎17国企业在中欧陆海快线和中欧班列沿线路段开展类似的基础设施建设合作。
(9) The Participants are willing to foster synergies between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and its extension to the Western Balkans and the relevant neighborhood initiatives, which would be of benefit to European integration. Coordination on economic cooperation and connectivity between initiatives, including China-CEEC Cooperation, EU-China Connectivity Platform and EU Eastern Partnership, will provide opportunities for deepening cooperation among interested parties.

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