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Measures of the People's Republic of China on the Registration of Fishing Vessels (2019 Amendment) [Effective]
中华人民共和国渔业船舶登记办法(2019修正) [现行有效]

Measures of the People's Republic of China on the Registration of Fishing Vessels 


(Issued in Order No. 8 [2012] of the Ministry of Agriculture on October 22, 2012; revised in Order No. 5 [2013] of the Ministry of Agriculture on December 31, 2013; and amended by Order No. 2 [2019] of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural on April 25, 2019) (2012年10月22日农业部令2012年第8号公布,2013年12月31日农业部令2013年第5号、2019年4月25日农业农村部令2019年第2号修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 To strengthen the supervision and administration of fishing vessels, determine the ownership, nationality, port of registry and other relevant legal relations of fishing vessels, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties involved in fishing vessel registration, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China ,the Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China , the Maritime Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations.   第一条 为加强渔业船舶监督管理,确定渔业船舶的所有权、国籍、船籍港及其他有关法律关系,保障渔业船舶登记有关各方的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》、《中华人民共和国渔业法》、《中华人民共和国海商法》等有关法律、法规的规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The fishing vessels owned by citizens or legal persons or unincorporated organizations of the People's Republic of China and the fishing vessels chartered by citizens or legal persons or unincorporated organizations of the People's Republic of China from abroad on a bareboat basis shall be registered in accordance with these Measures.   第二条 中华人民共和国公民、法人或非法人组织所有的渔业船舶,以及中华人民共和国公民、法人或非法人组织以光船条件从境外租进的渔业船舶,应当依照本办法进行登记。
Article 3 The Ministry of Agriculture shall take charge of the registration of fishing vessels nationwide. The Bureau of Fishery Administration of the People's Republic of China shall take charge of the registration of fishing vessels nationwide and the supervision and administration thereof.   第三条 农业部主管全国渔业船舶登记工作。中华人民共和国渔政局具体负责全国渔业船舶登记及其监督管理工作。
The fishery administrative departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall take charge of the registration of fishing vessels within their respective administrative regions. Thefishing port regulatory organs (hereinafter referred to as “registration organs”) subject to the fishery administrative departments of local people's governments at or above the county level shall take charge of the registration of fishing vessels within their respective administrative regions according to the prescribed authority and the supervision and administration thereof. 县级以上地方人民政府渔业行政主管部门主管本行政区域内的渔业船舶登记工作。县级以上地方人民政府渔业行政主管部门所属的渔港监督机关(以下称登记机关)依照规定权限负责本行政区域内的渔业船舶登记及其监督管理工作。
Article 4 Fishing vessels are allowed to sail under the national flag of the People's Republic of China only after being registered in accordance with these Measures and granted the nationality of the People's Republic of China.   第四条 渔业船舶依照本办法进行登记,取得中华人民共和国国籍,方可悬挂中华人民共和国国旗航行。
Article 5 A fishing vessel shall not have dual nationality. A fishing vessel registered abroad whose former registration of nationality has not been suspended or cancelled shall not be granted the nationality of the People's Republic of China.   第五条 渔业船舶不得具有双重国籍。凡在境外登记的渔业船舶,未中止或者注销原登记国籍的,不得取得中华人民共和国国籍。
Article 6 A fishing vessel owner shall apply for undergoing the formalities for fishing vessel registration to the registration organ at or above the county level at the place of domicile or theplace where the enterprise is registered.   第六条 渔业船舶所有人应当向户籍所在地或企业注册地的县级以上登记机关申请办理渔业船舶登记。
The owners of deep-sea fishing vessels shall apply for undergoing the formalities for registration of such vessels to the provincial registration organs at the places where such vessels are located. The owners of deep-sea fishing vessels under central enterprises in Beijing shall apply for undergoing the formalities for registration of such vessels to provincial registration organs at the places where such vessels are located. 远洋渔业船舶登记由渔业船舶所有人向所在地省级登记机关申请办理。中央在京直属企业所属远洋渔业船舶登记由渔业船舶所有人向船舶所在地的省级登记机关申请办理。
The ports where fishing vessels are registered are the ports of registry of fishing vessels. Each fishing vessel may only correspond to one port of registry. 渔业船舶登记的港口是渔业船舶的船籍港。每艘渔业船舶只能有一个船籍港。
Provincial registration organs shall, according to the actual circumstances of administration of fishing vessels within their respective administrative regions, determine the registration powers of the registration organs below the provincial level and the names of ports of registry, and make a public announcement. 省级登记机关应当根据本行政区域渔业船舶管理实际确定省级以下登记机关的登记权限和船籍港名称,并对外公告。
Article 7 Registration organs shall establish Fishing Vessel Register Books, and record the contents of fishing vessel registration in Fishing Vessel Register Books.   第七条 登记机关应当建立渔业船舶登记簿,并将渔业船舶登记的内容载入渔业船舶登记簿。
Right holders and interested parties shall be entitled to consulting Fishing Vessel Register Books, in accordance with the law. 权利人和利害关系人有权依法查阅渔业船舶登记簿。
Article 8 Registration organs shall publicize atoffice premises the registrationitems, basis, conditions, procedures, time limits as well as the catalogue of all materials that need to be submitted and model application forms.   第八条 登记机关应当将登记的事项、依据、条件、程序、期限以及需要提交的全部材料目录和申请书示范文本在办公场所进行公示。
A registration organ shall, within 20 working days upon acceptance of anapplication, make a decision of whether to approve the registration of a fishing vessel. Where the registration is refused, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons therefor shall be given. 登记机关应当自受理申请之日起二十个工作日内作出是否准予渔业船舶登记的决定。不予登记的,书面通知当事人并说明理由。
Chapter II Vessel Name Ratification 

第二章 船名核定

Article 9 A fishing vessel may only have one vessel name.   第九条 渔业船舶只能有一个船名。
The name of a deep-sea fishing vessel, a scientific research vessel or a practice teaching vessel shall be put forward by an applicant in the course of application for fishing vessel and net devices quota, and, where a vessel name involves no name repetition or homophone and meets the standards upon consultation by the provincial registration organ via the dynamic management system for marine fishing vessels nationwide, the name and port of registry of the vessel shall be indicated in the Application Form for Fishing Vessel and Net Devices Quota. The Approval Letter for Fishing Vessel and Net Devices Quota issued by thefishery administrative department shall specify the aforesaid name and port of registry of the vessel. 远洋渔业船舶、科研船和教学实习船的船名由申请人在申请渔业船网工具指标时提出,经省级登记机关通过全国海洋渔船动态管理系统查询,无重名、同音且符合规范的,在《渔业船网工具指标申请书》上标注其船名、船籍港。渔业行政主管部门核发的《渔业船网工具指标批准书》应当载明上述船名、船籍港。
The names of public-service vessels shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Agriculture. 公务船舶的船名按照农业部的规定办理。
The names of the fishing vessels other than those as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be ratified by the registration organs in accordance with the uniform provisions of the Ministry of Agriculture. 前款规定以外的其他渔业船舶的船名由登记机关按照农业部的统一规定核定。
Article 10 Under any of the following circumstances, theowner or charterer of a fishing vessel shall apply for the vessel name to the registration organ:   第十条 有下列情形之一的,渔业船舶所有人或承租人应当向登记机关申请船名:
(1) He or it manufactures or imports fishing vessels. (一)制造、进口渔业船舶的;
(2) He or it needs to alter the vessel name as it obtains the ownership of the fishing vessel due to inheritance, gift, purchase, auction or the effective judgment of a people's court. (二)因继承、赠与、购置、拍卖或法院生效判决取得渔业船舶所有权,需要变更船名的;
(3) He or it charters the fishing vessel from abroad on a bareboat basis. (三)以光船条件从境外租进渔业船舶的。
Article 11 To apply for the ratification of the name of a fishing vessel, an applicant shall complete the Application Form for Fishing Vessel Name, submit for examination the residence booklet or the business license for an enterprise legal person of the owner or charterer of the fishing vessel, and submit the following materials:   第十一条 申请渔业船舶船名核定,申请人应当填写渔业船舶船名申请表,交验渔业船舶所有人或承租人的户口簿或企业法人营业执照,并提交下列材料:
(1) For a fishing vessel or an auxiliary fishing vessel, the applicant shall submit the Approval Letter for Fishing Vessel and Net Devices Quota signed and issued by thefishery administrative department of the people's government at or above the province level. (一)捕捞渔船和捕捞辅助船应当提交省级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门签发的渔业船网工具指标批准书;
(2) For a fishingvessel for aquaculture, the applicant shall submit the aquaculture permit held by a fishing vessel owner. (二)养殖渔船应当提交渔业船舶所有人持有的养殖证;
(3) For a fishing boat chartered from abroad, the applicant shall submit the charter approval documents of Ministry of Agriculture. (三)从境外租进的渔业船舶,应当提交农业部同意租赁的批准文件;
(4) To apply for altering the name of the fishing vessel, the applicant shall provide the reasons for alternation and the relevant certification materials. (四)申请变更渔业船舶船名的,应当提供变更理由及相关证明材料。
Article 12 A registration organ shall make a ratification decision within seven working days upon acceptance of an application. Where the vessel name is ratified, the Ratification Letter for the Name of a Fishing Vessel shall be issued to the applicant, and the port of registry of such fishing vessel shall be determined concurrently; otherwise, the party concerned shall be notified in writing and the reasons therefor shall be given.   第十二条 登记机关应当自受理申请之日起七个工作日内作出核定决定。予以核定的,向申请人核发渔业船舶船名核定书,同时确定该渔业船舶的船籍港。不予核定的,书面通知当事人并说明理由。
Article 13 The Ratification Letter for the Name of a Fishing Vessel shall be valid for 18 months.   第十三条 渔业船舶船名核定书的有效期为十八个月。
Where the vessel name fails to be used within a valid period, the Ratification Letter for the Name of a Fishing Vessel shall become invalid, and the fishing vessel owner shall file a new application in accordance with the provisions of these Measures. 超过有效期未使用船名的,渔业船舶船名核定书作废,渔业船舶所有人应当按照本办法规定重新提出申请。
Chapter III Ownership Registration 

第三章 所有权登记

Article 14 The acquisition, transfer or extinction of the ownership of a fishing vessel shall be registered in accordance with these Measure; no acquisition, transfer or extinction of a vessel's ownership may act against a third party in good faith unless registered.   第十四条 渔业船舶所有权的取得、转让和消灭,应当依照本办法进行登记;未经登记的,不得对抗善意第三人。
Article 15 The application for the ownership registration of a fishing vessel shall be made by the fishing vessel owner. The application for the ownership registration of a co-owned fishing vessel shall be made by the co-owner that holds the largest proportion of shares; where shares are equally held, the agreed co-owner shall make the application.   第十五条 渔业船舶所有权登记,由渔业船舶所有人申请。共有的渔业船舶,由持股比例最大的共有人申请;持股比例相同的,由约定的共有人一方申请。
To apply for the ownership registration of a fishing vessel, an applicant shall complete the Application Form for the Ownership Registration of a Fishing Vessel, and submit the following materials: 申请渔业船舶所有权登记,应当填写渔业船舶所有权登记申请表,并提交下列材料:
(1) The residence booklet or the business license for an enterprise legal person of the fishing vessel owner. (一)渔业船舶所有人户口簿或企业法人营业执照;
(2) The certification documents on acquisition of the ownership of the fishing vessel. (二)取得渔业船舶所有权的证明文件:
(a) Where the fishing vessel is manufactured, the construction contract and handover documents shall be submitted. 1.制造渔业船舶,提交建造合同和交接文件;
(b) Where the fishing vessel is purchased, the sales contract and handover documents shall be submitted. 2.购置渔业船舶,提交买卖合同和交接文件;
(c) Where the ownership is acquired through inheritance, gift, auction, court judgment or any other reason, the certification documents with correspondinglegal forceshall be submitted. 3.因继承、赠与、拍卖以及法院判决等原因取得所有权的,提交具有相应法律效力的证明文件;
(d) Where the fishing vessel is co-owned, the co-ownership agreement shall be submitted. 4.渔业船舶共有的,提交共有协议;
(e) Other documents certifying the legitimate sources of the fishing vessel. 5.其他证明渔业船舶合法来源的文件。
(3) Fishing Vessel Inspection Certificate and the Ratification Letter for the Name of a Fishing Vessel that shall be obtained in accordance with the law. (三)渔业船舶检验证书、依法需要取得的渔业船舶船名核定书;
(4) Fishing vessel photo which reflects the panorama and main characteristics of the vessel. (四)反映船舶全貌和主要特征的渔业船舶照片;
(5) Certificate of Deregistration of the Ownership of A Fishing Vessel issued by the original registration organ at the port of registry. (五)原船籍港登记机关出具的渔业船舶所有权注销登记证明书(制造渔业船舶除外);
(6) The Approval Letter for Fishing Vessel and Net Devices Quota for a fishing vessel and for an auxiliary fishing vessel. (六)捕捞渔船和捕捞辅助船的渔业船网工具指标批准书;
(7) The aquaculture permit held by a fishing vessel owner for aquaculture. (七)养殖渔船所有人持有的养殖证;
(8) The document for approving the import of the fishing vessel and the certificate on the completion of the customs formalities. (八)进口渔业船舶的准予进口批准文件和办结海关手续的证明;
(9) Other materials as prescribed by the Ministry of Agriculture. (九)农业部规定的其他材料。
Where the registration organ approves the registration, the Fishing Vessel Ownership Registration Certificate shall be issued to the fishing vessel owner. 登记机关准予登记的,向渔业船舶所有人核发渔业船舶所有权登记证书。
Chapter IV Nationality Registration 

第四章 国籍登记

Article 16 A fishing vessel may obtain the right of navigation only after it has undergone the formalities for fishing vessel nationality registration in accordance with these Measures.   第十六条 渔业船舶应当依照本办法进行渔业船舶国籍登记,方可取得航行权。
Article 17 The application for the nationality registration of a fishing vessel shall be made by the fishing vessel owner.   第十七条 渔业船舶国籍登记,由渔业船舶所有人申请。
To apply for nationality registration, an applicant shall complete the Application Form for Fishing Vessel Nationality Registration, and submit the following materials: 申请国籍登记,应当填写渔业船舶国籍登记申请表,并提交下列材料:
(1) The residence booklet or the business license for an enterprise legal person of the fishing vessel owner. (一)渔业船舶所有人的户口簿或企业法人营业执照;
(2) Fishing Vessel Ownership Registration Certificate. (二)渔业船舶所有权登记证书;
(3) Fishing Vessel Inspection Certificate. (三)渔业船舶检验证书;
(4) Approval Letter for Fishing Vessel and Net Devices Quota of a fishing vessel and of an auxiliary fishing vessel. (四)捕捞渔船和捕捞辅助船的渔业船网工具指标批准书;
(5) The aquaculture permit held by the fishing vessel owner. (五)养殖渔船所有人持有的养殖证;
(6) The document for approving the import of the fishing vessel and the certificate on the completion of the customs formalities. (六)进口渔业船舶的准予进口批准文件和办结海关手续的证明;
(7) Where any other enterprise is entrusted with the agency business operation of the fishing vessel, the agency agreement and the business license of agent enterprises. (七)渔业船舶委托其他渔业企业代理经营的,提交代理协议和代理企业的营业执照;
(8) The Fishing Vessel Nationality Cancellation or Suspension Certificate issued by the original registration organ at the port of registry. (八)原船籍港登记机关出具的渔业船舶国籍注销或者中止证明书(制造渔业船舶除外);
(9) Other materials as prescribed by the Ministry of Agriculture. (九)农业部规定的其他材料。
Where an application for nationality registration is made at the same time as an application for ownership registration, the applicant shall be exempt from submitting the materials as prescribed in items (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of the preceding paragraph. 国籍登记与所有权登记同时申请的,免予提交前款规定的第一、二、三、四、五、六项材料。
Where the registration organ approves the registration, the Fishing Vessel Nationality Certificate shall be issued to the vessel owner, and the Fishing Vessel Navigation Visa Book which specifies the main technical parameters of the vessel shall be issued concurrently. 登记机关准予登记的,向船舶所有人核发渔业船舶国籍证书,同时核发渔业船舶航行签证簿,载明船舶主要技术参数。
Article 18 Where a fishing vessel operating within China is approved to engage in deep-sea fishing, the fishing vessel owner shall apply forrenewal of the Fishing Vessel Nationality Certificate, and hand over the original Fishing Vessel Nationality Certificate to the provincial registration organ for temporary safekeeping.   第十八条 从事国内作业的渔业船舶经批准从事远洋渔业的,渔业船舶所有人应当持有关批准文件和国际渔船安全证书向省级登记机关申请换发渔业船舶国籍证书,并将原渔业船舶国籍证书交由省级登记机关暂存。
Article 19 Where a fishing vessel which is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture to engage in deep-sea fishing may operate at the sea area under the jurisdiction of any other country only after it obtains the nationality of the other country, the fishing vessel owner shall, by holding the relevant approval documents and the International Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate, apply to the provincial registration organ for suspending the nationality of the fishing vessel. Where the registration organ approves the suspension of the nationality, the fishing vessel's Nationality Certificate and Navigation Visa Book shall be sealed up for safekeeping, and the Fishing Vessel Nationality Suspension Certificate shall be issued.   第十九条 经农业部批准从事远洋渔业的渔业船舶,需要加入他国国籍方可在他国管辖海域作业的,渔业船舶所有人应当持有关批准文件和国际渔船安全证书向省级登记机关申请中止渔业船舶国籍。登记机关准予中止国籍的,应当封存该渔业船舶国籍证书和航行签证簿,并核发渔业船舶国籍中止证明书。
Where an application for recovering a fishing vessel's nationality which had been suspended is made in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the applicant shall file the application with the provincial registration organ by holding the relevant approval documents and the certificate on cancellation of the nationality of such country or the certificate that the nationality of such country will be cancelled immediately when a new registration is made issued by other registration organ. Where the registration approves the recovery of the nationality, the fishing vessel's Nationality Certificate and Navigation Visa Book shall be returned, and the Fishing Vessel Nationality Suspension Certificate shall be withdrawn. 依照前款规定中止国籍的渔业船舶申请恢复国籍的,应当持有关批准文件和他国登记机关出具的注销该国国籍证明书或者将于重新登记时立即注销该国国籍的证明书,向省级登记机关提出申请。登记机关准予恢复国籍的,应当发还该渔业船舶国籍证书和航行签证簿,并收回渔业船舶国籍中止证明书。
Article 20 Where a fishing vessel is chartered from abroad on a bareboat basis, the charterer shall apply to the provincial registration organ for obtaining the Temporary Fishing Vessel Nationality Certificate by holding a bareboat charter contract, the Fishing Vessel Inspection Certificate or Report, the charter approval document of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the certificate on suspension or cancellation of the original nationality issued by the original registration organ, or the certificate that the original nationality will be suspended or cancelled immediately when a new registration is made.
   第二十条 以光船条件从境外租进渔业船舶的,承租人应当持光船租赁合同、渔业船舶检验证书或报告、农业部批准租进的文件和原登记机关出具的中止或者注销原国籍的证明书,或者将于重新登记时立即中止或者注销原国籍的证明书,向省级登记机关申请办理临时渔业船舶国籍证书。

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