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Leaders' Declaration G20 Riyadh Summit

Leaders' Declaration G20 Riyadh Summit



(November 22, 2020) (2020年11月22日)

1. We, the G20 Leaders, meeting for the second time under the Saudi Presidency, stand united in our conviction that coordinated global action, solidarity, and multilateral cooperation are more necessary today than ever to overcome the current challenges and realize opportunities of the 21st century for all by empowering people, safeguarding the planet, and shaping new frontiers. We are committed to leading the world in shaping a strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive post-COVID-19 era. 1.我们,二十国集团领导人,在沙特主席国任期内第二次举行会议。我们团结一致,坚信现在比以往任何时候更加需要全球协调行动、团结和多边合作,以克服当前挑战,并通过赋权人民、保护地球和塑造新疆域来实现21世纪所有人的机遇。我们致力于在共建强劲、可持续、平衡、包容的后新冠肺炎疫情时代方面发挥引领作用。
A. Rising to the Challenge Together 一、共同应对挑战
2. The COVID-19 pandemic and its unprecedented impact in terms of lives lost, livelihoods and economies affected, is an unparalleled shock that has revealed vulnerabilities in our preparedness and response and underscored our common challenges. We reiterate the commitments of our Extraordinary Summit on March 26, welcome the progress achieved since, and will continue to spare no effort to protect lives, provide support with a special focus on the most vulnerable, and put our economies back on a path to restoring growth, and protecting and creating jobs for all. We express our gratitude to and support for health and other frontline workers as we continue to fight this pandemic. We remain determined to support all developing and least developed countries as they face the intertwined health, economic, and social effects of COVID-19, recognizing the specific challenges in Africa and small island developing states. 2.新冠肺炎大流行及其对生命健康、民生与经济造成的空前影响给我们带来前所未有的冲击,暴露出我们在疫情防范应对方面的脆弱性,突显了我们面临的共同挑战。我们重申3月26日二十国集团领导人应对新冠肺炎特别峰会所作承诺,欢迎此后取得的进展,并将继续不遗余力地保护生命,给予最脆弱群体特别关注与支持,使各国经济重回恢复增长、保护和创造就业的轨道。在继续抗击疫情的同时,我们向医务人员和其他一线工作者表示感谢与支持。我们继续坚定支持所有发展中国家和最不发达国家应对疫情引发的卫生、经济和社会影响,注意到非洲和小岛国面临的特殊挑战。
3. We have mobilized resources to address the immediate financing needs in global health to support the research, development, manufacturing, and distribution of safe and effective COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines. We will spare no effort to ensure their affordable and equitable access for all people, consistent with members' commitments to incentivize innovation. In this regard, we fully support all collaborative efforts, especially the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) initiative and its COVAX facility, and the voluntary licensing of intellectual property. We commit to addressing the remaining global financing needs, welcome the efforts made by the multilateral development banks to strengthen the financial support for countries' access to COVID-19 tools, in line with existing multilateral efforts, and encourage them to do more. We recognize the role of extensive immunization as a global public good. 3.我们已动员资源,以解决当前全球卫生领域融资需求,支持安全有效的新冠病毒诊断、治疗和疫苗的研发、生产和分配,并将根据各成员创新激励政策,不遗余力实现人人可负担和公平获取。为此,我们全力支持所有合作努力,特别是“全球合作加速开发、生产、公平获取新冠肺炎防控新工具倡议”及其“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划”,以及知识产权自愿许可。我们承诺解决当前的全球融资需求,欢迎多边开发银行根据目前的多边行动,加强对各国获得新冠肺炎防控工具的资金支持,并鼓励他们采取更多行动。我们认识到广泛免疫接种作为全球公共产品的作用。
4. While the global economy experienced a sharp contraction in 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, global economic activity has partially picked up as our economies gradually reopened and the positive impact of our significant policy actions started to materialize. However, the recovery is uneven, highly uncertain and subject to elevated downside risks, including those arising from renewed virus outbreaks in some economies, with some countries reintroducing restrictive health measures. We underscore the urgent need to bring the spread of the virus under control, which is key to supporting global economic recovery. We are determined to continue to use all available policy tools as long as required to safeguard people's lives, jobs and incomes, support the global economic recovery, and enhance the resilience of the financial system, while safeguarding against downside risks. We also reaffirm the exchange rate commitments made by our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in March 2018. 4.尽管受新冠肺炎疫情影响,全球经济在2020年出现急剧收缩,但随着各国经济逐渐重新开放及重大政策行动的积极影响开始显现,全球经济活动已部分回升。然而,经济复苏不平衡且高度不确定,面临较高下行风险,包括部分国家疫情再次暴发,以及重新采取限制性卫生措施等。我们强调,控制病毒传播是支持全球经济复苏的当务之急。我们决心继续利用一切可用的政策工具,在防范经济下行风险的同时,保障人民的生命、就业和收入,支持全球经济复苏并增强金融体系韧性。我们重申2018年3月二十国集团财长和央行行长作出的汇率承诺。
5. We are taking immediate and exceptional measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic and its intertwined health, social and economic impacts, including through the implementation of unprecedented fiscal, monetary and financial stability actions, consistent with governments' and central banks' respective mandates, while ensuring that the international financial institutions and relevant international organizations continue to provide critical support to emerging, developing and low-income countries. Based on the International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates, our efforts to temporarily extend social protection measures have supported the livelihoods of nearly 645 million people. 5.我们正采取重大紧急措施,包括根据各国政府和中央银行各自职责采取前所未有的财政、货币和金融稳定行动,以应对疫情及其引发的卫生、社会和经济影响,同时确保国际金融机构和相关国际组织继续向新兴经济体、发展中国家和低收入国家提供关键支持。根据国际劳工组织估计,我们临时扩展社会保护措施的努力已为近6.45亿人的生计提供了支持。
6. The G20 Action Plan sets out key principles and commitments to drive forward international economic cooperation as we navigate this crisis and take steps to support the recovery and achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. Recognizing that members are in different stages of responding to the crisis and that the global economic outlook continues to evolve, we endorse the October 2020 updates to the G20 Action Plan, which will ensure that we continue to promptly respond to the evolving health and economic situation and make the most of ongoing economic, social, environmental, technological and demographic changes. We also endorse the second G20 Action Plan Progress Report, which provides up to date information on progress made against Action Plan commitments. The G20 Action Plan is a living document, and we ask our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to continue to regularly review, update, track implementation of, and report on it. 6.《二十国集团行动计划》明确了我们应对危机的关键原则,并承诺采取具体行动,推动国际经济合作,以及采取措施支持经济恢复,实现强劲、可持续、平衡和包容增长。考虑到各成员处在应对危机的不同阶段,以及全球经济前景不断演化,我们核可《二十国集团行动计划》(2020年10月更新版),确保及时应对不断变化的卫生和经济形势,并充分考虑经济、社会、环境、技术和人口变化。同时,第二份《二十国集团行动计划进展报告》就落实《二十国集团行动计划》各项承诺提供最新进展情况,我们也予以核可。《二十国集团行动计划》是一份不断更新的文件,我们要求二十国集团财长和央行行长继续定期审议、更新、跟踪并报告其落实情况。
7. We are committed to implementing the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) including its extension through June 2021, allowing DSSI-eligible countries to suspend official bilateral debt service payments. We welcome the progress achieved thus far. The preliminary reporting from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) highlighted that, together with exceptional financing, the DSSI is significantly facilitating higher pandemic-related spending. The IMF and WBG will continue to work on their proposal of a process to strengthen the quality and consistency of debt data and improve debt disclosure. We reiterate the importance of joint efforts by both borrowers and creditors, official and private, to improve debt transparency. Our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will examine by the time of the 2021 IMF/WBG Spring Meetings if the economic and financial situation requires further extension of the DSSI by another 6 months, which is also agreed by the Paris Club. All official bilateral creditors should implement this initiative fully and in a transparent manner. We will continue to closely coordinate its ongoing implementation to provide maximum support to DSSI-eligible countries. There is a lack of participation from private creditors, and we strongly encourage them to participate on comparable terms when requested by eligible countries. While protecting their current rating and low cost of funding, multilateral development banks (MDBs) are encouraged to go further on their collective efforts in supporting the DSSI, including through providing net-positive flows to DSSI-eligible countries during the suspension period, including the extension period. As of 13 November 2020, 46 countries have requested to benefit from the DSSI, amounting to an estimated USD 5.7 billion of 2020 debt service deferral. 7.我们致力于实施二十国集团暂缓最贫困国家债务偿付倡议(以下简称缓债倡议),包括将其延期至2021年6月,允许符合缓债资格的国家暂停双边官方债务偿付。我们欢迎迄今取得的进展。国际货币基金组织和世界银行的初步报告强调,缓债倡议与特殊融资一起显著增加了对大流行病相关支出的支持。国际货币基金组织和世界银行将继续就加强债务数据的质量和一致性、完善债务数据披露进程的建议开展工作。我们重申借款方和债权方、官方和私营部门共同努力提高债务透明度的重要性。二十国集团财长和央行行长将在2021年4月国际货币基金组织和世界银行春会前根据经济金融形势,决定是否需要再次将缓债倡议延期6个月,巴黎俱乐部亦同意。所有官方双边债权人都应当全面并以透明的方式落实缓债倡议。我们将就正在进行的落实工作继续保持密切协调,为符合缓债资格的国家提供最大程度的支持。私人债权人参与不足,我们强烈鼓励私人债权人在符合条件的国家向其提出请求时以可比方式参与。我们鼓励多边开发银行在保护现有评级和低融资成本的同时,进一步共同努力支持缓债倡议,包括通过在缓债期间和缓债延长期内向符合缓债资格的国家提供净资金流入。截至2020年11月13日,已有46个国家申请参与缓债倡议,2020年预计缓债总金额57亿美元。
8. Given the scale of the COVID-19 crisis, the significant debt vulnerabilities and deteriorating outlook in many low-income countries, we recognize that debt treatments beyond the DSSI may be required on a case-by-case basis. In this context, we endorse the "Common Framework for Debt Treatments beyond the DSSI", which is also endorsed by the Paris Club. 8.考虑到新冠肺炎疫情的规模,以及许多低收入国家面临显著的债务脆弱性和日益恶化的经济前景,我们认识到可能需要以个案方式处理超出缓债倡议范围的债务问题。鉴此,我们核可“缓债倡议后续债务处理共同框架”,该框架亦经巴黎俱乐部核可。
9. Our ongoing response to the crisis caused by COVID-19 marks a defining moment in our history. Building on the benefits of our interconnectedness, we will address the vulnerabilities revealed by this crisis, take the necessary steps to recover stronger, and work to ensure that future generations are safer than we have been. 9.持续的新冠肺炎疫情应对标志着我们历史上一个决定性时刻。基于彼此紧密联系带来的益处,我们将解决这次危机暴露出的脆弱性,采取必要措施推动更强劲的复苏,努力确保子孙后代比我们更安全。
B. Building a Resilient and Long-Lasting Recovery 二、打造有韧性且持久的复苏
10. Health: We commit to advancing global pandemic preparedness, prevention, detection, and response. We reaffirm our commitment to full compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005), to improving their implementation, including through supporting capacities of countries in need, and to the continued sharing of timely, transparent, and standardized data and information. We emphasize the important mandates of the United Nations' system and agencies, primarily the WHO, while considering the ongoing evaluations, its stated commitment to transparency, and the need to strengthen its overall effectiveness, in coordinating and supporting the global response to the pandemic and the central efforts of Member States. We take note of the assessments of gaps in pandemic preparedness undertaken by relevant international organizations and we look forward to the work of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response and the IHR Review Committee on evaluating the global health response to the pandemic as outlined in the World Health Assembly (WHA) Resolution on COVID-19. We commend the Saudi Presidency for initiating discussions on the need for long-term solutions to address gaps in global pandemic preparedness and response, including its proposal towards establishing access to pandemic tools, and we look forward to furthering this discussion during the Italian Presidency. 10.卫生:我们致力于推进全球大流行病的防范、预防、检测和应对。我们重申致力于全面遵守《国际卫生条例(2005年)》,通过支持有需要的国家进行能力建设等改进其实施,并继续分享及时、透明和标准化的数据和信息。我们强调联合国系统及其机构,主要是世界卫生组织,在协调和支持全球应对新冠肺炎大流行和成员国的核心努力方面的重要职能,同时考虑到正在进行的评估和世界卫生组织对透明度的承诺,以及加强其整体有效性的需要。我们注意到有关国际组织对大流行病防范缺口进行的评估,并期待世界卫生组织新冠肺炎疫情应对评估专家组及《国际卫生条例》审查委员会根据世界卫生大会关于新冠肺炎的决议,对全球新冠肺炎大流行的全球卫生应对开展评估工作。我们赞赏主席国沙特启动关于长期解决全球大流行病防范和应对方面差距的讨论,包括其建议确保获得大流行病应对工具,我们期待在意大利担任主席国期间就此进一步讨论。
11. Well-functioning, value-based, inclusive, and resilient health systems are critical to move towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). We reconfirm the importance of UHC financing in developing countries. We welcome the establishment of the Global Innovation Hub for Improving Value in Health, with which countries can engage on a voluntary basis. We will continue tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and zoonotic diseases based on the One-Health approach; supporting and accelerating research and development (R&D) of new antimicrobials; ensuring access to existing antimicrobials, while enhancing their prudent stewardship; and maintaining our efforts in tackling infectious and non-communicable diseases. 11.运转良好、以价值为基础、具有包容性和韧性的卫生体系对于实现全民健康覆盖至关重要。我们重申发展中国家全民健康覆盖融资的重要性。我们欢迎建立价值医疗全球创新中心,各国可在自愿基础上参与。我们将继续以“同一健康”原则应对抗菌药物耐药性和人畜共患疾病问题,支持和加快新型抗菌药物的研发,确保现有抗菌药物的获取并加强对其审慎管理,同时继续应对传染病和非传染性疾病。
12. Trade and Investment: Supporting the multilateral trading system is now as important as ever. We strive to realize the goal of a free, fair, inclusive, non-discriminatory, transparent, predictable, and stable trade and investment environment, and to keep our markets open. We will continue to work to ensure a level playing field to foster an enabling business environment. We endorse the G20 Actions to Support World Trade and Investment in Response to COVID-19. We recognize the contribution that the Riyadh Initiative on the Future of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has made by providing an additional opportunity to discuss and reaffirm the objectives and foundational principles of the multilateral trading system as well as to demonstrate our ongoing political support for the necessary reform of the WTO, including in the lead up to the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference. We recognize the need to increase the sustainability and resilience of national, regional, and global supply chains that foster the sustainable integration of developing and least developed countries into the trading system, and share the objective of promoting inclusive economic growth including through increased participation of micro-, small-, medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in international trade and investment. We note that structural problems in some sectors, such as excess capacities, can cause a negative impact. 12.贸易和投资:当前,支持多边贸易体制的重要性一如既往。我们致力于实现自由、公平、包容、非歧视、透明、可预期和稳定的贸易和投资环境,并保持市场开放。我们将继续努力确保公平竞争,以营造良好营商环境。我们核可《二十国集团应对新冠肺炎、支持全球贸易投资集体行动》。我们认识到关于世界贸易组织未来的利雅得倡议所作贡献,为我们提供了一个额外机会,讨论和重申多边贸易体制的目标和基本原则,并继续展现我们对世界贸易组织进行必要改革的政治支持,包括支持世界贸易组织第12届部长级会议前的筹备工作。我们认识到有必要提高国家、地区和全球供应链的可持续性和韧性,促进发展中国家和最不发达国家可持续地融入贸易体系,共享促进包容性经济增长的目标,包括通过促进中小微企业参与国际贸易和投资。我们注意到如产能过剩等一些行业的结构性问题可能产生负面影响。
13. Transportation and Travel: We commit to ensuring that global transportation routes and supply chains remain open, safe, and secure, and that any restrictive measures related to COVID-19, including for air and sea crews, are targeted, proportionate, transparent, temporary, and in accordance with obligations under international agreements. We will continue to explore concrete ways to facilitate the movement of people in a way that does not impede our efforts to protect public health. 13.运输和旅行:我们承诺确保全球运输路线和供应链保持开放、安全和可靠,确保任何与新冠肺炎疫情相关的限制性措施,包括针对机组人员与海员的有关措施,均具有针对性、适当性、透明性和临时性,并符合国际条约中的义务。我们将继续探索具体方式,在不妨碍保护公众健康努力的情况下便利人员流动。
14. International Financial Architecture: We reiterate our commitment to ensure a stronger global financial safety net with a strong, quota-based, and adequately resourced IMF at its center. We remain committed to revisiting the adequacy of quotas and will continue the process of IMF governance reform under the 16th general review of quotas, including a new quota formula as a guide, by 15 December 2023. We call on the IMF to continue exploring additional tools that could serve its members' needs as the crisis evolves, drawing on relevant experiences from previous crises. We also support the IMF's enhanced assistance to help address particular challenges faced by small developing states. Beyond the crisis response, we call on the IMF to prepare an analysis of the external financing needs in low income developing countries in the coming years and sustainable financing options, and on the WBG, to scale up its work and deploy instruments in new ways to mobilize private financing to these countries. We welcome the G20 Reference Framework for Effective Country Platforms and the country-owned pilot platforms that have been deployed and look forward to further updates by MDBs on progress in this area. We will strengthen long-term financial resilience and support growth, including through promoting sustainable capital flows and developing domestic capital markets.

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