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Regulation of Shenzhen Economic Zone on Social Endowment Insurance for Employees of Enterprises (2006 Amendment) [Expired]
深圳经济特区企业员工社会养老保险条例(2006修正) [失效]

Regulation of Shenzhen Economic Zone on Social Endowment Insurance for Employees of Enterprises 


(Adopted during the 27th Session of the Standing Committee of the 2nd Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on October 27, 1998, revised for the first time according to the Decision on Amending the Regulation of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Social Endowment Insurance for Employees of Enterprises at the 3rd Session of the Standing Committee of the 3rd Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on December 22, 2000, and revised for the second time according to the Decision on Amending the Regulation of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Social Endowment Insurance for Employees of Enterprises at the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the 4th Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on July 26, 2006)
(1998年10月27日深圳市第二届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十七次会议通过 根据2000年12月22日深圳市第三届人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议《关于修改〈深圳经济特区企业员工基本养老保险条例〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2006年7月26日深圳市第四届人民代表大会常务委员会第七次会议《关于修改〈深圳经济特区企业员工社会养老保险条例〉的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 With a view to guaranteeing the basic living needs of employees of enterprises after retirement, this Regulation is formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and by taking into consideration the actual circumstances of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as the SEZ).   第一条 为保障企业员工退休后的基本生活,根据有关法律、法规的规定,结合深圳经济特区(以下简称特区)的实际,制定本条例。

Article 2 Shenzhen Special Economic Zone adopts the social endowment insurance system. The social endowment insurance as mentioned in this Regulation includes the basic endowment insurance, local supplemental endowment insurance, enterprise annuities and other multi-layer endowment insurance.   第二条 深圳经济特区实行社会养老保险制度。本条例所指的社会养老保险包括基本养老保险、地方补充养老保险和企业年金等多层次的养老保险。

The Municipal People's Government (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Government) shall establish the basic endowment insurance and local supplemental endowment insurance. It shall encourage and support enterprises and their employees to buy the endowment insurance in the forms of enterprise annuities and personal savings.

Article 3 The term “basic endowment insurance” as mentioned in this Regulation shall apply to enterprises (including public institutions administrated as enterprises, and private non-enterprise entities, the same below) in the SEZ and their employees.   第三条 本条例规定的基本养老保险适用于特区内的企业(包括企业化管理的事业单位、民办非企业单位,下同)及其员工。

The term “local supplementary endowment insurance” as mentioned in this Regulation shall apply to enterprises in the SEZ and their employees who are permanent residents in this Municipality who shall buy basic endowment insurance and local supplementary endowment insurance according to this Regulation.

The enterprises and their employees shall, under this Regulation, buy the basic endowment insurance and local supplemental endowment insurance.

Article 4 The social endowment insurance shall follow the principles of combining fairness with efficiency, making the rights correspond to the obligations and making the guarantee level suitable for the level of development of social productivity.   第四条 社会养老保险应遵循公平与效率相结合、权利与义务相对应和保障水平与社会生产力发展水平相适应的原则。

Article 5 The basic endowment insurance shall be managed by combining the social mutual aid with the individual account.   第五条 基本养老保险实行社会共济与个人账户相结合的基金管理模式。

Article 6 The municipal labor and social security administrative department (hereinafter referred to as the municipal labor and social security department) shall be responsible for the social endowment insurance for employees of enterprises.   第六条 市劳动和社会保障行政部门(以下简称市劳动保障部门)负责企业员工社会养老保险工作。

The relevant departments of the Municipal Government shall, under their respective functions, help the municipal labor and social security department in the endowment insurance work.

The municipal social insurance agency shall be responsible for the concrete social insurance affairs relating to the basic endowment insurance and local supplemental endowment insurance.

The sub-district offices shall be responsible for the socialization management services for the retirees within their respective jurisdiction.

Chapter II Collection of Endowment Insurance Premium 

第二章 养老保险费的征集

Article 7 The basic endowment insurance fund shall be derived from the basic endowment insurance premiums and their interests, late fee for the basic endowment insurance premium, proceeds from lawful operation of the basic endowment insurance fund, fiscal subsidies and other revenues.   第七条 基本养老保险基金来源为:基本养老保险费及其利息、基本养老保险费滞纳金、基本养老保险基金合法运营收益、财政补贴及其它收入。

The local supplemental endowment insurance fund shall be derived from the local supplemental endowment insurance premium and its interest, late fee for the local supplemental endowment insurance premium, proceeds from lawful operation of the local supplemental endowment insurance fund, fiscal subsidies and other revenues.

Article 8 The social endowment insurance premium shall be based on the total amount of the monthly wage of each employee (hereinafter referred to as the wage base). However, if the total amount of the monthly wage of an employee exceeds the average monthly wage of the in-service employees of this Municipality of the previous year by 300%, the excessive part shall be excluded in the calculation of social endowment insurance premium. If the total amount of the monthly wage of employee who is a permanent resident in this Municipality is lower than the average monthly wage of the in-service employees of this Municipality of the previous year by 60%, the basic endowment insurance premium shall be calculated at 60% of the average monthly wage of the in-service employees of this Municipality of the previous year. The wage base for the calculation of the basic endowment insurance premium of an employee who is not a permanent resident of this Municipality shall not be lower than the minimum monthly wage in this Municipality.   第八条 缴纳养老保险费以员工的月工资总额作为缴费工资。但员工月工资总额超过本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资百分之三百的,超过部分不计征养老保险费;本市户籍员工的月工资总额低于本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资百分之六十的,按本市上年度在岗职工月平均工资百分之六十计征养老保险费;非本市户籍员工的缴费工资不得低于本市月最低工资。

Article 9 The payments for basic endowment insurance premium shall be made at 18% of the wage base of an employee, of which the employee himself shall pay 8% of the wage base and the enterprise shall pay 10% of the wage base.   第九条 基本养老保险费缴费比例为员工缴费工资的百分之十八,其中员工按本人缴费工资的百分之八缴纳;企业按员工个人缴费工资的百分之十缴纳。

The payment for local supplemental endowment insurance premium shall be made by the enterprise at 1 % of the wage base.

Article 10 All enterprises and employees shall pay the endowment insurance premium to the municipal social insurance agency on a monthly basis, of which the part to be paid by the employees themselves shall be withheld by the enterprises.   第十条 企业和员工应按月向市社保机构缴纳养老保险费,员工个人应缴纳的养老保险费由所在企业代为扣缴。

Article 11 The social endowment insurance premium shall be collected by a bank upon entrustment of an enterprise.   第十一条 养老保险费的缴纳采取由企业委托银行托收的方式办理。

Article 12 The municipal social insurance agency shall include the basic endowment insurance premiums paid by enterprises and employees in the personal accounts and the mutual aid fund at the following rates, respectively:   第十二条 市社保机构应将企业和员工缴纳的基本养老保险费,按下列比例分别计入个人账户和共济基金:

(1) 8% of the wage base shall be put into the personal accounts of the employees; (一)员工个人账户为缴费工资的百分之八;

(2)The rest shall be put into the mutual aid fund. (二)其余部分计入共济基金。

Article 13 For an employee who was transferred into this Municipality before July 31, 1992, his consecutive length of service prior to July 31, 1992 (except for the years in which he has not bought endowment insurance under the provisions of the Municipal Government) shall be regard as the payment years.   第十三条 1992年7月31日前调入本市的员工,其1992年7月31日前的连续工龄(没有按市政府规定参加养老保险的年份除外),视为缴费年限。

Article 14 Any employee, who was transferred to this Municipality after August 1, 1992, will no longer make up any payment to the mutual aid fund or to his personal account.   第十四条 1992年8月1日以后调入本市的员工不再补交共济基金和个人账户。

For an employee who was transferred to this Municipality during the period from August 1, 1992 to June 30, 1996, if he has made up a payment to the mutual aid fund, the said payment shall be shifted to his personal account.

Article 15 For an employee who was transferred to this Municipality after July 1, 1996, if he is beyond the limit of the Municipal Government on the age of worker or cadre to be transferred, a payment shall be made for the overage endowment insurance premium. After the payment is made, his consecutive length of service prior to his transfer into this Municipality shall be regarded as the payment years.   第十五条 1996年7月1日以后调入本市的员工,超过市政府规定的调工调干年龄界限的,应缴纳超龄养老保险费;缴纳后,其调入本市以前的连续工龄视为缴费年限。

The measures and criterions for the payment of overage endowment insurance premium shall be separately formulated by the Municipal Government.

The overage endowment insurance shall be paid by the transfer-in entity and shall be included in the local supplementary endowment insurance fund.

Article 16 For a person who is demobilized, has retired or transferred to civilian work from the army, or for a staff employee of the army, if his length of military service (length of service) is consecutive, it shall be deemed as payment years, unless it is otherwise provided for by the army.   第十六条 安置到本市的复员、退伍、转业军人及部队在编职工,其军龄(工龄)计算连续工龄的,视为缴费年限。但部队另有规定的除外。

Article 17 With 90 days after an enterprise obtains a business license, it shall go through formalities for the registration and purchase of the endowment insurance in the municipal social insurance agency.   第十七条 企业在取得营业执照后九十日内,应向市社保机构办理养老保险登记及参保手续。

Article 18 In the case of assignment, merger or split-up of an enterprise, the endowment insurance premium in arrears and its late fee shall be paid by the post-modification enterprise. If it is stipulated otherwise by the enterprise, it shall be paid the enterprise stipulated.   第十八条 企业依法转让、合并或分立的,其欠缴的养老保险费及其滞纳金,由变更后的企业予以缴纳;企业另有约定的,由约定的企业缴纳。

In the case of bankruptcy or dissolution of an enterprise, the endowment insurance premium in arrears and its late fee shall be listed into the first sequence of payment to be made.

Article 19 The endowment premium to be paid by an enterprise shall be disbursed as a cost. The endowment insurance premium to be paid by an employee shall be paid prior to tax.   第十九条 企业缴纳的养老保险费,在成本中列支。个人缴纳的养老保险费在税前提取。

Article 20 The accumulative amount in the personal account of an employee shall have interest according to the interest rate for the deposit of the bank of the same period. The interest shall be totally transferred to the personal account of the employee.   第二十条 员工个人账户积累额,每年参考银行同期存款利率计算利息,利息全部转入员工个人账户。

Article 21 Every year, the municipal social insurance agency shall regularly conduct annual inspections over the payment of endowment insurance premiums made by enterprises and shall issue social insurance annual inspection certificates to those who pass the annual inspection.   第二十一条 市社保机构每年定期对企业缴纳养老保险费的情况进行年检,并对年检合格的,发给社会保险年检证。

When an enterprise handles the formalities for employment, transfer of a worker or transfer of a cadre, it shall provide the social insurance annual inspection certificate issued by the municipal social insurance agency. When an enterprise rents or purchases any house with meager profit, it shall provide the social insurance annual inspection certificate.

Article 22 When the municipal social insurance agency checks the payment of endowment insurance premium made by an enterprise, the enterprise shall faithfully provide the roster of the employees, wage forms and other relevant materials.   第二十二条 市社保机构核查企业缴纳养老保险费的情况时,企业应如实提供员工名册、工资表及其他有关资料。

Chapter III Endowment Insurance Treatments 

第三章 养老保险待遇

Article 23 An employee (including a person who is out of work) who is entitled to fetch pensions on a monthly basis shall meet the following requirements simultaneously:   第二十三条 享受按月领取养老金的员工(含失业人员,下同),应同时具备以下条件:

(1)He attains the retirement age or meets the requirements of the state for quit of working; and (一)达到国家规定的退休年龄或者退职条件;

(2)For a permanent resident of this Municipality, he began to work prior to July 31, 1992 and his payment years in accumulation reach 10 years. For a permanent resident of this Municipality, he began to work after August 1, 1992 and his payment years in accumulation reach 15 years. For an employee who is not a permanent resident of this Municipality, his payment years in accumulation reach 15 years.

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