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Regulation for Implementing the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国外商投资法实施条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 723) (第723号)

The Regulation for Implementing the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 74th executive meeting of the State Council on December 12, 2019, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2020. 中华人民共和国外商投资法实施条例》已经2019年12月12日国务院第74次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2020年1月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总 理  李克强
December 26, 2019 2019年12月26日
Regulation for Implementing the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国外商投资法实施条例
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed in accordance with the Foreign Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Foreign Investment Law”).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国外商投资法》(以下简称外商投资法),制定本条例。
Article 2 The state shall encourage and promote foreign investment, protect the lawful rights and interests of foreign investors, regulate the administration of foreign investment, continuously optimize the foreign investment environment, and advance a higher level of opening up.   第二条 国家鼓励和促进外商投资,保护外商投资合法权益,规范外商投资管理,持续优化外商投资环境,推进更高水平对外开放。
Article 3 For the purposes of subparagraphs (1) and (3), paragraph 2, Article 2 of the Foreign Investment Law, “other investors” includes Chinese natural persons.   第三条 外商投资法二条第二款第一项、第三项所称其他投资者,包括中国的自然人在内。
Article 4 The negative list for the access of foreign investment (hereinafter referred to as the “negative list”) shall be proposed by the investment department of the State Council in conjunction with the commerce and other appropriate departments of the State Council, and be reported to and issued by the State Council or after being reported to and approved by the State Council, be issued by the investment and commerce departments of the State Council.   第四条 外商投资准入负面清单(以下简称负面清单)由国务院投资主管部门会同国务院商务主管部门等有关部门提出,报国务院发布或者报国务院批准后由国务院投资主管部门、商务主管部门发布。
The state shall adjust the negative list in due time based on the needs for the further expansion of opening up and the economic and social development. The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the procedures for adjusting the negative list. 国家根据进一步扩大对外开放和经济社会发展需要,适时调整负面清单。调整负面清单的程序,适用前款规定。
Article 5 The commerce department, investment department, and other appropriate departments of the State Council shall, according to their division of duties, jointly and effectively conduct the promotion, protection, and administration of foreign investment through close cooperation and collaboration.   第五条 国务院商务主管部门、投资主管部门以及其他有关部门按照职责分工,密切配合、相互协作,共同做好外商投资促进、保护和管理工作。
The local people's governments at and above the county level shall enhance the organization and leadership of the promotion, protection and administration of foreign investment, support and supervise the promotion, protection and administration of foreign investment conducted by the appropriate departments in accordance with laws and regulations and their division of duties, and coordinate and resolve major issues in the promotion, protection and administration of foreign investment in a timely manner. 县级以上地方人民政府应当加强对外商投资促进、保护和管理工作的组织领导,支持、督促有关部门依照法律法规和职责分工开展外商投资促进、保护和管理工作,及时协调、解决外商投资促进、保护和管理工作中的重大问题。
Chapter II Investment Promotion 

第二章 投资促进

Article 6 Governments and their appropriate departments shall, in accordance with the law, equally treat foreign-funded enterprises and wholly Chinese-funded enterprises in such aspects as government funding arrangements, land supply, tax and fee reduction and exemption, qualification licensing, development of standards, project applications, and human resource policies.   第六条 政府及其有关部门在政府资金安排、土地供应、税费减免、资质许可、标准制定、项目申报、人力资源政策等方面,应当依法平等对待外商投资企业和内资企业。
The policies develped by governments and their appropriate departments to support the development of enterprises shall be disclosed to the public in accordance with the law. For matters that require applications of enterprises in the implementation of policies, governments and their appropriate departments shall disclose to the public the conditions, steps, and time limits, among others, for such applications, and during examination, equally treat foreign-funded enterprises and wholly Chinese-funded enterprises in accordance with the law. 政府及其有关部门制定的支持企业发展的政策应当依法公开;对政策实施中需要由企业申请办理的事项,政府及其有关部门应当公开申请办理的条件、流程、时限等,并在审核中依法平等对待外商投资企业和内资企业。
Article 7 In the development of administrative regulations, rules, and regulatory documents relating to foreign investment, or when governments and their appropriate departments draft laws and local regulations relating to foreign investment, comments and recommendations from foreign-funded enterprises and the relevant chambers of commerce and associations, among others, shall be solicited according to the actual circumstances in multiples forms, such as written requests for comments, symposiums, justification meetings, and hearings; and for comments and recommendations involving central issues or the major rights and obligations of foreign-funded enterprises, feedbacks regarding the adoption of such comments and recommendations shall be provided by appropriate means.   第七条 制定与外商投资有关的行政法规、规章、规范性文件,或者政府及其有关部门起草与外商投资有关的法律、地方性法规,应当根据实际情况,采取书面征求意见以及召开座谈会、论证会、听证会等多种形式,听取外商投资企业和有关商会、协会等方面的意见和建议;对反映集中或者涉及外商投资企业重大权利义务问题的意见和建议,应当通过适当方式反馈采纳的情况。
Regulatory documents relating to foreign investment shall be published in a timely manner in accordance with the law, and those unpublished shall not serve as the basis for public administration. For regulatory documents closely related to the production and distribution activities of foreign-funded enterprises, the time between their issuance and implementation shall be rationally determined according to the actual circumstances. 与外商投资有关的规范性文件应当依法及时公布,未经公布的不得作为行政管理依据。与外商投资企业生产经营活动密切相关的规范性文件,应当结合实际,合理确定公布到施行之间的时间。
Article 8 The people's governments at all levels shall establish and improve their foreign investment service systems under the principles of government dominance and participation by multiple parties, and continuously raise their foreign investment service capabilities and levels.   第八条 各级人民政府应当按照政府主导、多方参与的原则,建立健全外商投资服务体系,不断提升外商投资服务能力和水平。
Article 9 Governments and their appropriate departments shall, in a centralized manner, publish the laws, regulations, rules, regulatory documents, policies, and measures relating to foreign investment and investment project information through government websites and the national integrated online government service platform, strengthen publicity and interpretation through various channels and in various methods, and provide advisory, guidance, and other services for foreign investors and foreign-funded enterprises.   第九条 政府及其有关部门应当通过政府网站、全国一体化在线政务服务平台集中列明有关外商投资的法律、法规、规章、规范性文件、政策措施和投资项目信息,并通过多种途径和方式加强宣传、解读,为外国投资者和外商投资企业提供咨询、指导等服务。
Article 10 For the purposes of Article 13 of the Foreign Investment Law, “special economic zones” means the specific zones established with the approval of the state where stronger policies and measures for opening up are implemented.   第十条 外商投资法十三条所称特殊经济区域,是指经国家批准设立、实行更大力度的对外开放政策措施的特定区域。
The experimental foreign investment policies and measures implemented by the state in some regions, which have proved practicable, may extend to other regions or nationwide according to the actual circumstances. 国家在部分地区实行的外商投资试验性政策措施,经实践证明可行的,根据实际情况在其他地区或者全国范围内推广。
Article 11 As needed for national economic and social development, the state shall develop a catalogue of industries for encouraging foreign investment to specify the industries, fields, and regions where foreign investors are encouraged and directed to invest. The catalogue of industries for encouraging foreign investment shall be drafted by the investment department of the State Council in conjunction with the commerce and other appropriate departments of the State Council, and after being reported to and approved by the State Council, be issued by the investment and commerce departments of the State Council.   第十一条 国家根据国民经济和社会发展需要,制定鼓励外商投资产业目录,列明鼓励和引导外国投资者投资的特定行业、领域、地区。鼓励外商投资产业目录由国务院投资主管部门会同国务院商务主管部门等有关部门拟订,报国务院批准后由国务院投资主管部门、商务主管部门发布。
Article 12 Foreign investors and foreign-funded enterprises may enjoy fiscal, taxation, financial, land use, and other preferences in accordance with laws, administrative regulations, or the provisions issued by the State Council.   第十二条 外国投资者、外商投资企业可以依照法律、行政法规或者国务院的规定,享受财政、税收、金融、用地等方面的优惠待遇。
Foreign investors increasing their investment within China with their return on investment within China may enjoy corresponding preferences in accordance with the law. 外国投资者以其在中国境内的投资收益在中国境内扩大投资的,依法享受相应的优惠待遇。
Article 13 Foreign-funded enterprises and wholly Chinese-funded enterprises shall equally participate in the development and revision of national standards, industry standards, local standards, and group standards in accordance with the law. Foreign-funded enterprises may, as needed, develop enterprise standards independently or jointly with other enterprises.   第十三条 外商投资企业依法和内资企业平等参与国家标准、行业标准、地方标准和团体标准的制定、修订工作。外商投资企业可以根据需要自行制定或者与其他企业联合制定企业标准。
Foreign-funded enterprises may propose the initiation of development of standards to the standardization and other appropriate administrations, offer comments and recommendations during the course of, among others, the initiation of development, drafting, and technical review of standards and the provision of feedbacks on and assessment of the implementation of standards, and, according to the relevant provisions, undertake work related to the drafting and technical review of standards as well as translation of standards into foreign languages. 外商投资企业可以向标准化行政主管部门和有关行政主管部门提出标准的立项建议,在标准立项、起草、技术审查以及标准实施信息反馈、评估等过程中提出意见和建议,并按照规定承担标准起草、技术审查的相关工作以及标准的外文翻译工作。
The standardization and other appropriate administrations shall establish and improve the relevant working mechanisms, increase the transparency of the development and revision of standards, and promote the public disclosure of the whole process of development and revision of standards. 标准化行政主管部门和有关行政主管部门应当建立健全相关工作机制,提高标准制定、修订的透明度,推进标准制定、修订全过程信息公开。
Article 14 The compulsory standards developed by the state shall apply equally to foreign-funded enterprises and wholly Chinese-funded enterprises, and no technical requirements higher than compulsory standards may exclusively apply to foreign-funded enterprises.   第十四条 国家制定的强制性标准对外商投资企业和内资企业平等适用,不得专门针对外商投资企业适用高于强制性标准的技术要求。
Article 15 Governments and their appropriate departments shall not obstruct or restrict foreign-funded enterprises from freely entering the government procurement markets within their respective regions or regulated industries.   第十五条 政府及其有关部门不得阻挠和限制外商投资企业自由进入本地区和本行业的政府采购市场。
Purchasers and procurement agencies in government procurement shall not apply differential or discriminatory treatment to foreign-funded enterprises in such aspects as the release of government procurement information, determination of conditions for suppliers, eligibility examination, and bid evaluation criteria, shall not limit the suppliers by imposing ownership form, organizational form, equity structure, country of investor, product or service brand, and other unreasonable conditions, and shall not treat differently the products produced or services provided within China by foreign-funded enterprises and those of wholly Chinese-funded enterprises. 政府采购的采购人、采购代理机构不得在政府采购信息发布、供应商条件确定和资格审查、评标标准等方面,对外商投资企业实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇,不得以所有制形式、组织形式、股权结构、投资者国别、产品或者服务品牌以及其他不合理的条件对供应商予以限定,不得对外商投资企业在中国境内生产的产品、提供的服务和内资企业区别对待。
Article 16 Foreign-funded enterprises may, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Government Procurement Law”) and its implementing regulation, file inquiries and raise questions on government procurement activities with purchasers and procurement agencies, and file complaints with the government procurement regulatory departments. Purchasers, procurement agencies, and government procurement regulatory departments shall reply or make disposition decisions within the prescribed time limit.   第十六条 外商投资企业可以依照《中华人民共和国政府采购法》(以下简称政府采购法)及其实施条例的规定,就政府采购活动事项向采购人、采购代理机构提出询问、质疑,向政府采购监督管理部门投诉。采购人、采购代理机构、政府采购监督管理部门应当在规定的时限内作出答复或者处理决定。
Article 17 The government procurement regulatory departments and other appropriate departments shall strengthen the supervisory inspection of government procurement activities, and in accordance with the law, correct, investigate, and punish violations of laws and regulations such as differential treatment or discriminatory treatment to foreign-funded enterprises.   第十七条 政府采购监督管理部门和其他有关部门应当加强对政府采购活动的监督检查,依法纠正和查处对外商投资企业实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇等违法违规行为。
Article 18 Foreign-funded enterprises may legally raise funds within or outside China by means such as the public offerings of stocks, corporate bonds, and other securities, the public or non-public offerings of other financing instruments, and external debts.   第十八条 外商投资企业可以依法在中国境内或者境外通过公开发行股票、公司债券等证券,以及公开或者非公开发行其他融资工具、借用外债等方式进行融资。
Article 19 The local people's governments at and above the county level may, in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations, and local regulations, develop foreign investment promotion and facilitation policies and measures within their respective statutory powers in such aspects as fee reduction and exemption, guarantee of land use quota, and provision of public services.
   第十九条 县级以上地方人民政府可以根据法律、行政法规、地方性法规的规定,在法定权限内制定费用减免、用地指标保障、公共服务提供等方面的外商投资促进和便利化政策措施。

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