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Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues Concerning the Reform of the Verification and Writing-off System of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade [Expired]
国家外汇管理局关于实施进口付汇核销制度改革有关问题的通知 [失效]

Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues Concerning the Reform of the Verification and Writing-off System of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade 


(No.57 [2010] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange)

The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the branches of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange in Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen and Ningbo; and all designated Chinese-funded foreign exchange banks:

To accelerate the reform of the verification and writing-off system for import and export trade and gradually transform the inspection mode into one featuring “total quantity check, off-site inspection and subject supervision” in the foreign exchange administration of the trade in goods, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) started the pilot reform of the foreign exchange payment verification and writing-off system in import trade in seven areas including Tianjin, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Fujian and Qingdao from May 1, 2010. On the basis of that, the SAFE decided to promote the reform to the whole nation. We hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows:

I. The objectives of the reform are: stick to the authenticity principle and the people-oriented principle, change the mode and means of management, facilitate trade, reduce the operational cost of enterprises and banks, adapt to the new situations and new development trends of foreign trade, grasp and compare information about the capital flow and commodity flow of enterprises, strengthen continuous and dynamic monitoring and analysis, and effectively control the various kinds of illegal cross-border capital flow. To guarantee the realization of these objectives, the basic thought about the reform is to gradually transform the foreign exchange administration mode from one-by-one verification to total quantity check, from on-site verification to off-site inspection and from behavior examination to subject supervision. The foreign exchange bureaus shall collect comprehensive information about enterprises' foreign exchange payments and goods delivery in import trade, compare it with the off-site total quantity check information through the information system, monitor and, on the basis of that, analyze the foreign exchange payments of enterprises by off-site monitoring and pre-warning measures so as to timely identify unusual circumstances. The foreign exchange bureaus shall also apply classified management to enterprises upon evaluation on the basis of the off-site monitoring, pre-warning and on-site inspection results.   一、进口核销改革的目标是以真实性原则为基础,坚持以人为本,通过转变管理方式和手段,促进贸易便利化,降低企业和银行经营成本,适应对外贸易的新形势和新发展;通过全面掌握和比对企业的贸易资金流和货物流信息,加强持续和动态的监测分析,有效遏制各类违法违规跨境资金的流动。为保证这一目标的实现,改革的基本思路是实现进口付汇管理由逐笔核销向总量核查、由现场核销向非现场核查、由行为审核向主体监管的转变,外汇局全面采集企业进口付汇及到货的完整信息,依托信息系统进行非现场总量对比,在此基础上通过非现场监测预警对企业进口付汇情况监测分析,及时识别异常行为;根据非现场监测预警、现场核查等情况,对企业实施考核分类。

II. The Interim Measures for the Administration of Foreign Exchange Payment in the Import of Goods and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Foreign Exchange Payment in the Import of Goods (hereinafter collectively referred to the “Interim Measures”, see Annexes 1 and 2) shall come into force on December 1, 2010. From the day when they come into force, importers shall handle their foreign exchange payments for import trade pursuant to the Interim Measures, and banks shall also handle the foreign exchange payment business for importers pursuant to the Interim Measures.   二、《货物贸易进口付汇管理暂行办法》及其实施细则(以下统称《暂行办法》,见附件1、2)从2010年12月1日开始施行。自实施之日起,进口单位应按《暂行办法》规定办理进口付汇业务;银行应按《暂行办法》规定为进口单位办理进口付汇业务。

III. Banks must finish the connection and configuration of the foreign exchange payment and receipt inspection system (hereinafter referred to as the “Inspection System”) before November 30, 2010, and, from the day when the Interim Measures come into force, inquire about the directory of importers, the import foreign exchange payment registration form, the evaluation-based classification results and other relevant information about importers through the Inspection System.   三、银行须于2010年11月30日前完成与贸易收付汇核查系统(以下简称核查系统)的连通配置工作,自《暂行办法》实施之日起,通过核查系统查询进口单位名录、进口付汇登记表以及分类考核级别等相关信息。

IV. The reform of the verification and writing-off system for import trade is a significant measure facilitating foreign trade, so all branches shall attach great importance to it, make overall arrangements and do your best to do it well:   四、进口核销改革是推进贸易便利化的重大举措,各分局应当高度重视,统筹安排,全力做好改革工作:

1. It is required to unify the understanding of the reform and strengthen the organization and leadership of the reform. All branches shall fully realize the significance of the reform, form a leading group led by the directors to be responsible for leading and overseeing the reform within your respective jurisdictions, and coordinate the efforts of the relevant departments to support the reform. Each leading group shall have a working team composed of operating and technical personnel, which shall undertake the implementation of the reform, the publicity and interpretation of policies, the rendering of professional and technical support, feedback of information, etc. (一)统一认识,加强对改革的组织领导。各分局应充分认识进口核销改革的重大意义,成立以主管局长任组长的改革领导小组,负责辖内改革工作的领导和监督,协调相关部门积极支持配合改革工作;改革领导小组下设工作小组,包含业务和技术人员,负责辖内改革实施、政策宣传解释、业务和技术支持以及信息反馈等具体工作。

2. All branches shall conduct total quantity checks, monitor the recent developments and exercise classified management pursuant to the Interim Measures so as to improve the efficiency of the regulatory work. (二)根据《暂行办法》有关规定,实施总量核查、动态监测和分类管理,提高监管有效性。

3. It is required to strengthen publicity and training. All branches shall, under the overall arrangements of the SAFE, adopt various means to do a good job in publicity and interpretation, guide and urge banks and importers to understand the line of thoughts about the reform and the purposes of the relevant policies, and provide trainings toward the functionaries of the foreign exchange bureaus as well as the banks and importers within your respective jurisdictions so as to help familiarize themselves about the business operations under the new policies as soon as possible, and to guarantee the effective implementation of the reform measures. (三)加强宣传和培训。在总局的统一部署下,采取多种形式做好宣传和解释工作,引导并督促银行、进口单位尽快了解改革思路及政策意图;对外汇局工作人员、辖内银行以及进口单位开展各种形式的培训,使银行、进口单位尽快熟悉新政策下的业务操作,确保改革措施落实到位。

4. All branches shall do a good job in providing technical support to the enterprises within your jurisdictions, including the installation and debugging of the terminals of the Inspection System. (四)做好辖内核查系统企业端和银行端软件安装和调试等技术支持工作。

5. All branches shall report the implementation process in time and make monthly reports on the implementation of the reform measures to the SAFE. (五)及时上报执行情况,按月向总局上报进口核销改革实施情况。

V. Emergency Measures   五、应急措施

If the Inspection System fails to run normally, e.g. data cannot be entered or the system breaks down, the branches shall immediately notify the Verification and Writing-off System Reform Office of the SAFE and keep records of the problems. During that period, the foreign exchange bureaus shall establish accounts and keep records for the foreign exchange payment transactions they have handled.

VI. Log in to the Inspection System   六、核查系统登录方式

Web address of the Inspection System for the foreign exchange bureaus:;

Web address for banks: http://asone.safe:9101/asone/;

Web address for enterprises: http://asone.safesvc.gov.cn/asone.

Verification and Writing-off System Reform Office of the SAFE can be reached at:

Tel: 010-68402546, 010-68402547
联系电话: 010-68402546  010-68402547

Fax: 010-68402594
传  真: 010-68402594

E-mail: (Intranet) tradebus@mail.safetradetech@mail.safe

(Internet) tradebus@mail.safe.gov.cntradetech@mail.safe.gov.cn

After this Notice is issued, all branches (and foreign exchange administrative departments) shall commence the preparatory work, and forward it to all (central) sub-branches, banks and importers within your respective jurisdictions as soon as possible. If encountering any problem in the process of implementation, importers and banks shall immediately report it to the local foreign exchange bureaus, while the branches (and foreign exchange administrative departments) shall immediately report it to the SAFE.

October 20, 2010

Annex 1: Interim Measures for the Administration of Foreign Exchange Payments in the Import of Goods

Annex 2: Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Foreign Exchange Payments in the Import of Goods

Annex 1

Interim Measures for the Administration of Foreign Exchange Payments in the Import of Goods

Chapter I General Principles 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To further improve the administration of foreign exchange payments in the import of goods, facilitate the trade in goods and enhance the economic development in foreign-related fields, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration and other relevant provisions.   第一条 为进一步完善货物贸易进口付汇(以下简称进口付汇)管理,推进贸易便利化,促进涉外经济发展,根据《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》相关规定,制定本办法。

Article 2 The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) and its branch offices (hereinafter referred to as “foreign exchange bureaus”) shall supervise and ensure the authenticity and regulation-compliance of foreign exchange payments for imports.   第二条 国家外汇管理局及其分支机构(以下简称外汇局)依法对进口付汇的真实性与合规性进行监督管理。

Article 3 The administration of foreign exchange payments in import trade shall follow the principle of territorial jurisdiction. The foreign exchange bureaus shall supervise and regulate importers and financial institutions which provide foreign exchange services (hereinafter referred to as “banks”) within their respective jurisdictions.   第三条 进口付汇管理按照属地管理原则进行,外汇局对辖内进口单位和经营外汇业务的金融机构(以下简称银行)进行监管。

Article 4 The state sets no limitation on international payments for the trade in goods. Importers' foreign exchange payment in import trade shall be based on real and legal transactions, and banks shall reasonably examine the authenticity of the trading bills and their consistency with the foreign exchange payments in import trade.   第四条 国家对货物贸易项下国际支付不予限制。进口单位的进口付汇应当具有真实、合法的交易基础,银行应对交易单证的真实性及其与进口付汇的一致性进行合理审查。

Article 5 Foreign exchange bureaus shall subject importers' foreign exchange payment in import trade to off-site inspection, total-quantity inspection, monitoring and pre-warning. Unusual capital flows will be subject to on-site inspection.   第五条 外汇局对进口单位进口付汇情况进行非现场总量核查和监测预警,对异常资金流动情况进行现场核实调查(以下简称现场核查)。

Article 6 In addition to off-site inspection, total-quantity inspection, monitoring and pre-warning, the foreign exchange bureaus shall, based on the on-site inspection results and the importers' compliance with the foreign exchange administrative provisions, apply classified management to importers by dividing them into “importers of Class A”, “importers of Class B” and “importers of Class C”. Classified management includes the examination, registration and one-by-one reporting of foreign exchange payments in import trade.   第六条 外汇局对进口单位实行分类管理,在非现场总量核查及监测预警的基础上,结合现场核查情况和进口单位遵守外汇管理规定等情况,将进口单位分为“A类进口单位”、“B类进口单位”和“C类进口单位”。分类管理内容包括进口付汇审核、进口付汇登记以及逐笔报告等业务环节。

Article 7 Importers and banks shall handle foreign exchange payments for import trade pursuant to these Measures and other relevant provisions, and assist and cooperate with the on-site inspection of the foreign exchange bureaus.   第七条 进口单位和银行应按本办法及有关规定办理进口付汇业务,并协助、配合外汇局现场核查。

Chapter II Directory Management 

第二章 名录管理

Article 8 An importer which has obtained the right to operate foreign trade shall handle the registration formalities for the “Directory of Importers Making Foreign Exchange Payment” (hereinafter referred to as the “Directory”) at the foreign exchange bureau upon the strength of the relevant materials and sign a letter of confirmation on the foreign exchange payment for import. Where any registered information changes, it shall register the change at the foreign exchange bureau. If it terminates the foreign trade business or is deprived of the right to operate foreign trade, it shall handle the deregistration formalities at the foreign exchange bureau.   第八条 进口单位依法取得对外贸易经营权后,应当持有关资料到外汇局办理“进口单位付汇名录”(以下简称名录)登记手续,并签署进口付汇业务办理确认书;进口单位登记信息发生变更的,应当到外汇局办理变更登记手续;进口单位终止经营或被取消对外贸易经营权的,应当到外汇局办理注销登记手续。

Article 9 After an importer is listed in the Directory, the foreign exchange bureau shall provide mentoring services for its foreign exchange payment business incurred during the three months from the day when its first foreign exchange payment is made.   第九条 进口单位列入名录后,外汇局对其自发生进口付汇业务之日起三个月内的进口付汇业务进行辅导管理。

Article 10 Foreign exchange bureaus shall issue the Directory to banks in a unified way. Banks may not directly handle the foreign exchange payment business for importers not listed in the Directory.   第十条 外汇局统一向银行发布名录。不在名录的进口单位,银行不得直接为其办理进口付汇业务。

Article 11 For importers which do not meet the conditions for being registered in the Directory, the foreign exchange bureaus may remove them from the Directory.   第十一条 对于已不具备名录登记条件的进口单位,外汇局可将其从名录中注销。

Chapter III Administration of Foreign Exchange Payment for Import 

第三章 进口付汇管理

Article 12 The term “foreign exchange payment for import” as mentioned in these Measures includes:   第十二条 本办法所称进口付汇包括:

1. Payments made to overseas parties for the import of goods; (一)向境外支付进口货款;

2. Payments made for the import of goods to the payees in the domestic bonded areas under the customs' supervision, offshore accounts and overseas institutions' domestic accounts, or domestic payments under the item of deep processing and carrying over; and (二)向境内保税监管区域、离岸账户以及境外机构境内账户支付进口货款或深加工结转项下境内付款;

3. Other payments under the item of trade in goods, which bear the nature of foreign exchange payments. (三)其他具有对外付汇性质的货物贸易项下付款。

Article 13 Importers shall, according to the terms of settlement, mode of trade and capital flow, handle the import foreign exchange payment business at banks upon the strength of the required documents.   第十三条 进口单位应当根据结算方式、贸易方式以及资金流向,按规定凭相关单证在银行办理进口付汇业务。

Importers shall declare information about foreign exchange payment in import trade for verification as required. Banks shall file the relevant information with the foreign exchange bureaus as required.

Article 14 The foreign exchange payer shall be identical with the importer indicated in the contract and the business operator indicated in the imported goods declaration form. If the goods are imported by an agent, the agent shall be responsible for handling the import and foreign exchange purchase or payment formalities, unless it is otherwise provided by the state.   第十四条 付汇单位与合同约定进口单位、进口货物报关单经营单位应当一致。代理进口业务,应当由代理方负责进口、购付汇。国家另有规定的除外。

Article 15 Foreign exchange bureaus shall make pre-registrations for the foreign exchange payments made by importers not listed in the Directory or importers of Class C. Importers shall handle the registration formalities for their foreign exchange payments for import at the competent foreign exchange bureaus as required. Banks shall handle the foreign exchange payment business for importers upon the strength of the registration certificate and other relevant documents.   第十五条 外汇局对不在名录进口单位和“C类进口单位”的进口付汇实行事前登记管理。进口单位应当按规定到外汇局办理进口付汇业务登记。银行应当凭外汇局出具的登记证明和相关单证为进口单位办理进口付汇业务。

Article 16 Foreign exchange bureaus shall make ex post reports one by one for the foreign exchange payments made by importers in the mentoring period or importers of Class B and other special foreign exchange payments for import as recognized by them. Importers shall, after making foreign exchange payments, report such transactions and the corresponding information about the arrival of goods or foreign exchange collection to the foreign exchange bureaus one by one, and provide the relevant bills or evidentiary materials.   第十六条 外汇局对辅导期内进口单位和“B类进口单位”的进口付汇以及外汇局认定的其他业务实行事后逐笔报告管理。进口单位进口付汇后,需向外汇局逐笔报告其进口付汇和对应的到货或收汇信息,并提供相关单证或证明材料。

Chapter IV Off-site Inspection, Monitoring and Pre-warning 

第四章 非现场核查与监测预警

Article 17 Foreign exchange bureaus shall make off-site total quantity checks on the data about foreign exchange payments for import and the data about import goods (or data of foreign exchange receipts under import trade) so as to verify the authenticity and consistency of importers' foreign exchange payments for import.   第十七条 外汇局对进口付汇数据和进口货物数据(或进口项下收汇数据)进行非现场总量比对,核查进口单位进口付汇的真实性和一致性。

Article 18 Foreign exchange bureaus shall establish a monitoring and pre-warning indicator system for importers based on the characteristics of the local regions, industries and economic mode to monitor and analyze the foreign exchange payments for import, the import of goods and the foreign exchange receipts under import trade, give pre-warnings about the risks thereof, and identify unusual transactions and market players.   第十八条 外汇局以进口单位为主体,参考地区、行业、经济类型等特点,设置监测预警指标体系,对进口付汇和货物进口及进口项下收汇情况进行监测分析,实施风险预警,识别异常交易和主体。

Article 19 Foreign exchange bureaus may adjust the items subject to monitoring and pre-warning based on the macroeconomic situations and the balance of payments.   第十九条 外汇局可根据宏观经济形势和国际收支平衡需要调整监测预警内容。

Chapter V On-site Inspection 

第五章 现场核查

Article 20 Foreign exchange bureaus shall, based on the off-site inspection results and the monitoring and pre-warning situation, make on-site inspections on the importer's foreign exchange revenue and expenditure on import whose total quantity inspection indicators exceed the prescribed standards or which is under any other unusual circumstances.   第二十条 外汇局根据非现场核查及监测预警的结果,对于总量核查指标超过规定范围或存在其他异常情况的进口单位进口项下外汇收支业务实施现场核查。

Article 21 Foreign exchange bureaus may make on-site inspections on importers by such means as asking them to make reports, meeting the persons in charge of them, making field investigations, etc.   第二十一条 外汇局可采取要求被核查单位报告、约见进口单位法定代表人或其授权人、现场调查等方式,对进口单位进行现场核查。

Article 22 Foreign exchange bureaus may make on-site inspections on banks in terms of the regulation-compliance in handling the foreign exchange payments in import trade and the timeliness, accuracy and integrity of the filing of the relevant information.   第二十二条 外汇局可对银行办理进口付汇业务的合规性与报送相关信息的及时性、准确性和完整性实施现场核查。

Article 23 Importers and banks shall assist and be cooperative in the on-site inspections of the foreign exchange bureaus and timely and truthfully provide the required materials.   第二十三条 进口单位和银行应当协助、配合外汇局现场核查,及时、如实提供相关资料。

Chapter VI Classified Management 

第六章 分类管理

Article 24 Before an entity is determined as an “importer of Class B” or “importer of Class C”, the foreign exchange bureau shall notify it of its decision. If the importer has any demur, it may make an appeal to the foreign exchange bureau within 7 workdays from the date when it receives the written notice.   第二十四条 “B类进口单位”和“C类进口单位”确定前,外汇局应通知相关进口单位。进口单位如有异议,可在收到书面通知之日起7个工作日内向外汇局申述。

Article 25 Foreign exchange bureaus shall disclose information about the classified management of importers to banks and importers.   第二十五条 外汇局向银行和进口单位发布对进口单位的分类管理信息。

Article 26 The SAFE may, in light of the balance of payments and the needs for foreign exchange administration, adjust the term, frequency and standards for evaluating the classification results as well as the applicable control measures.   第二十六条 国家外汇管理局可根据国际收支形势和外汇管理需要,调整考核分类的期限、频率、标准以及适用的管理措施。

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions 

第七章 附则

Article 27 Importers refer to domestic institutions which have the right to engage in foreign trade.   第二十七条 进口单位是指具有对外贸易经营权的境内机构。

Article 28 Any bank or importer which handles the foreign exchange payment business in violation of these Measures or any other relevant provisions shall be punished by the competent foreign exchange bureau pursuant to the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration and other relevant provisions.   第二十八条 银行和进口单位违反本办法以及其他相关规定办理进口付汇业务的,由外汇局依据《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》等相关规定处罚。

Article 29 Where importers which are located in bonded areas under the customs' supervision and which have the right to engage in foreign trade make foreign exchange payments for the import of non-bonded goods, or where individuals with the right to engage in foreign trade handle the foreign exchange payment for import, these Measures shall analogically apply. If the SAFE has promulgated different provisions in this regard, such provisions shall prevail.   第二十九条 具有对外贸易经营权的保税监管区域内进口单位经营非保税货物的进口付汇、具有对外贸易经营权的个人办理进口付汇业务参照适用本办法。国家外汇管理局另有规定的,从其规定。

Article 30 The power to interpret these Measures shall remain with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.   第三十条 本办法由国家外汇管理局负责解释。

Article 31 These Measures shall come into force on December 1, 2010. Where any previous provisions conflict with these Measures, the latter shall prevail. From the date when these Measures come into force, the laws and regulations listed in the Annex shall be abolished.   第三十一条 本办法自2010年12月1日起施行,以前法规与本办法相抵触的,按照本办法执行。自本办法实施之日起,附件所列法规废止。


List of Laws and Regulations to Be Abolished

Serial No.


Document No.


关于下发《贸易进口付汇核销监管暂行办法》的通知Notice on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Administration of the Verification and Writing-off of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade

No.1 [1997] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


关于在“进口付汇备案表”上使用印鉴的备案函Filing Letter on the Use of Signature Specimen on the “Filing Form for Foreign Exchange Payments for Import”

No.74 [1997] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


关于启用贸易进口付汇监管软件有关问题的紧急通知Urgent Notice on Issues Concerning the Use of the Foreign Exchange Payment Regulatory Software in Import Trade

No.193 [1998] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


关于下发《进口付汇核销贸易真实性审核规定》的通知Notice on Issuing the Provisions on Examination of the Authenticity of the Verification and Writing-off of Foreign Exchange Payments for Import

No.199 [1998] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


关于修改《关于完善售付汇管理的通知》第八条、第十一条和《关于完善售付汇管理的补充通知》第三条的通知Notice on Amending Articles 8 and 11 of the Notice on Improving the Administration of Foreign Exchange Sale and Payment and Article 3 of the Supplementary Notice on Improving the Administration of Foreign Exchange Sale and Payment

No.66 [1999] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


关于加强进口金银及其制品售付汇审核的通知Notice on Strengthening the Examination of Foreign Exchange Sale and Payment for Import Gold and Silver and the Products thereof

No.244 [1999] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


关于航空公司对外付汇有关问题的通知Notice on Issues about the Foreign Exchange Payments of Airline Companies

No.76 [1999] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


关于规范《贸易进口付汇核销单》(代申报单)数据传送有关做法的通知Notice on Regulating the Data Transfer and Other Relevant Practices about the Verifying and Writing-off Form for Import Trade (Form of Declaration by Proxy)

No.106 [1999] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于进口付汇核销报审手续有关问题的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues Concerning the Examination and Approval Formalities for the Verification and Writing-off of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade

No.98 [2001] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于印发《贸易进口付汇核销管理操作规程》的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Operating Procedures for the Administration of the Verification and Writing-off of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade

No.113 [2002] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于取消部分进口付汇备案类别有关问题的通知 Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Canceling Some Filing Categories of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade

No.34 [2003] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于在中国电子口岸办理进口报关单联网核查业务有关问题的通知 Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the Online Inspection of Import Declaration Forms at China E-Port

No.103 [2003] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于印发《货到汇款项下贸易进口付汇自动核销管理规定》的通知 Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Provisions on the Administration of the Automatic Verification and Writing-off of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade Under Remittance on Delivery

No.82 [2004] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于印发《进口付汇逾期未核销备查管理规定》的通知 Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Provisions on the Administration of Unwritten-off Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade within the Prescribed Time for Future Reference

No.101 [2004] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于规范凭收汇凭证办理进口付汇核销手续有关问题的通知 Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Regulating the Procedure for Verifying and Writing off Foreign Exchange Payments upon the Strength of Foreign Exchange Receipts

No.76[2004] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于进口付汇备案表使用有关问题的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issues Concerning the Use of the Filing Form for Foreign Exchange Payments

No.112 [2004] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于印发《进口付汇差额核销管理办法》的通知 Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Measures for the Administration of the Verification and Writing-off of Foreign Exchange Payment Balance in Import Trade

No.116 [2004] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于做好贸易进口付汇核销监管系统升级工作的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Conducting Well the Upgrading of the Verification and Writing-off Regulatory System for Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade

No.3 [2005] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于中国石化国际事业有限公司所属经营部办理进口付汇核销业务有关问题的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the Handling of the Verification and Writing-off of Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade by the Business Departments under China Petrochemical International Co., Ltd

No.15 [2005] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于进一步简化贸易进口付汇及核销手续有关问题的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Further Simplifying the Formalities for Foreign Exchange Payments in Import Trade and the Verification and Writing-off thereof

No.67 [2005] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于调整“对外付汇进口单位名录”管理有关问题的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Adjusting the Administration of the “Directory of Importers Making Foreign Exchange Payments”

No.25 [2006] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局综合司关于简化航空公司支付预付货款手续有关问题的通知Notice of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Simplifying the Formalities for the Payment of Cash before Delivery by Airline Companies

No.51 [2006] of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局综合司关于办理“租赁不满一年”等经营租赁项下对外售(付)汇业务有关问题的批复 Reply of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the Foreign Exchange Sales (Payment) Business under “Lease for Less than a Year” and Other Operating Lease Items

No.32 [2009] of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局综合司关于进口信用证结算项下售汇银行与付汇银行不一致有关问题的批复Notice of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the Inconsistency between the Foreign Exchange Selling Bank and the Foreign Exchange Paying Bank under the Settlement of Account by Letter of Credit in Import Trade

No.58 [2009] of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于实施进口付汇核销制度改革试点有关问题的通知Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Carrying out the Pilot Reform in the Verification and Writing-off System of Foreign Exchange Payments for Import Trade

No.14 [2010] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局综合司关于组织实施进口付汇核销制度改革试点工作有关问题的通知Notice of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Organizing the Implementation of the Pilot Reform in the Verification and Writing-off System of Foreign Exchange Payments for Import Trade

No.44 [2010] of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局综合司关于发布《货物贸易进口付汇业务办理确认书》文本的通知 Notice of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Issuing the Text of the Letter of Confirmation on the Foreign Exchange Payment for Import

No.45 [2010] of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局关于综合司关于“进口单位付汇名录”查询有关问题的通知 Notice of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Inquiry about the “Directory of Importers Making Foreign Exchange Payments”

No.51 [2010] of the General Affairs Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange


国家外汇管理局经常项目管理司关于银行进口付汇留存凭证有关问题的批复 Reply of the Department of Current Account Administration of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Banks' Retention of Foreign Exchange Payment Vouchers for Import Trade

No.11 [2010] of the Department of Current Account Administration of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange





























































































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