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Notice of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Other Ministries and Commissions on Issuing Four Supporting Rules of the Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies (Annexes: the Measures for the Administration of Financing Guarantee Business Permits, the Measures for the Measurement of Balances of Financing Guarantee Liabilities, the Measures for the Administration of the Asset Proportions of Financing Guarantee Companies and the Guidelines for the Business Cooperation between Banking Financial Institutions and Financing Guarantee Companies) [Revised]
中国银行保险监督管理委员会、国家发展和改革委员会、工业和信息化部等关于印发《融资担保公司监督管理条例》四项配套制度的通知(附:融资担保业务经营许可证管理办法、融资担保责任余额计量办法、融资担保公司资产比例管理办法、银行业金融机构与融资担保公司业务合作指引) [已被修订]

Notice of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration for Market Regulation on Issuing Four Supporting Rules of the Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies 


(No. 1 [2018] of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) (银保监发[2018]1号)

The supervision and administration departments of the financing guarantee companies in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all local offices of the former China Banking Regulatory Commission (“former CBRC”); all policy banks, large-scale banks, and joint-stock banks; Postal Savings Bank of China; foreign-funded banks; financial assets management companies; and other financial institutions administered by the CBIRC: 各省、自治区、直辖市融资担保公司监督管理部门,各银监局,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行,邮储银行,外资银行,金融资产管理公司,其他会管金融机构:
According to the relevant provisions of the Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies (Order No. 683, the State Council, hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”), in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the People's Bank of China, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other member entities of the inter-ministerial joint meeting for the supervision of the financing guarantee business, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”) has developed the Measures for the Administration of Financing Guarantee Business Permits, the Measures for the Measurement of Balances of Financing Guarantee Liabilities, the Measures for the Administration of the Asset Proportions of Financing Guarantee Companies and the Guidelines for the Business Cooperation between Banking Financial Institutions and Financing Guarantee Companies (hereinafter referred to as the “four supporting rules”), which are hereby issued and the following matters are hereby notified, for your compliance and implementation. 根据《融资担保公司监督管理条例》(国务院令第683号,以下简称《条例》)有关规定,中国银行保险监督管理委员会会同发展改革委、工业和信息化部、财政部、农业农村部、人民银行、国家市场监督管理总局等融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议成员单位,制定了《融资担保业务经营许可证管理办法》《融资担保责任余额计量办法》《融资担保公司资产比例管理办法》和《银行业金融机构与融资担保公司业务合作指引》(以下简称四项配套制度)。现印发给你们,并将有关事项通知如下,请遵照执行。
I. All localities may, in light of the local reality, replace the financing guarantee business permits after the completion of the unified centralized administration of local finance.   一、对于融资担保业务经营许可证换发工作,各地可根据实际情况,在地方金融实行统一归口管理工作完成以后实施。
II. For the guarantee business of the guaranteed funds before the Regulation comes into force, the existing business is not required to be included in the balance of the financing guarantee liabilities, but shall be separately listed and reported to the supervision and administration department.   二、《条例》施行前发生的保本基金担保业务,存量业务可不计入融资担保责任余额,但应向监督管理部门单独列示报告。
III. All localities may, according to the Regulation and four supporting rules, issue detailed implementation rules that shall comply with the provisions and principles of the Regulation and the four supporting rules strictly.   三、各地可根据《条例》及四项配套制度出台实施细则,实施细则应当符合《条例》及四项配套制度的规定和原则,且只严不松。
The supervision and administration departments of the financing guarantee companies in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall forward this Notice to the relevant entities and financing guarantee companies within their jurisdictions, and all local offices of the former CBRC shall forward this document to the local sub-offices of the former CBRC and the local incorporated banking financial institutions. 请各省、自治区、直辖市融资担保公司监督管理部门将本通知发至辖内有关单位和融资担保公司,请各银监局将此件发至银监分局和地方法人银行业金融机构。
Annexes: 附件:
1. Financing Guarantee Business Permit of the People's Republic of China (Template) 1.中华人民共和国融资担保业务经营许可证(式样)
2. Instructions for Completing the Financing Guarantee Business Permit of the People's Republic of China 2.中华人民共和国融资担保业务经营许可证填写说明
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国银行保险监督管理委员会
National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部
Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国财政部
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国农业农村部
People's Bank of China 中国人民银行
State Administration for Market Regulation 国家市场监督管理总局
April 2, 2018 2018年4月2日
Measures for the Administration of Financing Guarantee Business Permits 融资担保业务经营许可证管理办法
Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the supervision and administration departments' management of the financing guarantee business permits, promoting the lawful business operation of the financing guarantee companies, and maintaining the market order of financing guarantee, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies.   第一条 为规范监督管理部门对融资担保业务经营许可证的管理,促进融资担保公司依法经营,维护融资担保市场秩序,根据《融资担保公司监督管理条例》等有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, “financing guarantee business permits” means the legal documents lawfully issued by the supervision and administration departments to franchise financing guarantee companies to engage in financing guarantee business.   第二条 本办法所称融资担保业务经营许可证是指监督管理部门依法颁发的特许融资担保公司经营融资担保业务的法律文件。
The issuance, replacement, revocation, cancellation, etc. of the financing guarantee business permits shall be handled by the supervision and administration departments according to the law. 融资担保业务经营许可证的颁发、换发、吊销、注销等由监督管理部门依法办理。
Article 3 Only after obtaining a financing guarantee business permit according to the law, may a financing guarantee company apply to the department performing the industrial and commercial administrative function for handling registration.   第三条 融资担保公司依法取得融资担保业务经营许可证后,方可向履行工商行政管理职责的部门申请办理注册登记。
Article 4 The supervision and administration departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in light of the reality of the supervision and administration work and under the principles of legitimacy, openness and efficiency, determine the methods of the respective jurisdictions for managing the financing guarantee business permits.   第四条 各省、自治区、直辖市监督管理部门结合监管工作实际,按照依法、公开、高效的原则,确定本辖区融资担保业务经营许可证的管理方式。
Where a financing guarantee company forms a branch in a different province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, the supervision and administration department where the branch is located shall issue, replace, revoke and cancel the financing guarantee business permit. 融资担保公司跨省、自治区、直辖市设立的分支机构,由分支机构所在地监督管理部门颁发、换发、吊销、注销融资担保业务经营许可证。
Article 5 The first digit of the financing guarantee business permit number shall be the abbreviation of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, other numbers shall be uniformly compiled by the supervision and administration departments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the permanent number system shall apply.   第五条 融资担保业务经营许可证编号第一位为省、自治区、直辖市名称简称,其他编号由省、自治区、直辖市监管部门统一编制,并实行编号终身制。
Where an application for replacement is filed due to loss or damage of a financing guarantee business permit, the number of the original financing guarantee business permit shall continue to be used. 融资担保业务经营许可证因遗失或损坏申请换发时,原融资担保业务经营许可证编号继续沿用。
Where a financing guarantee business permit is revoked or canceled, the number of the financing guarantee business permit shall be automatically invalidated and no longer be used. 融资担保业务经营许可证如被吊销、注销,融资担保业务经营许可证编号自动作废,不再使用。
Article 6 A financing guarantee business permit shall specify the following:   第六条 融资担保业务经营许可证应当载明下列内容:
(1) the name of the institution; (一)机构名称;
(2) the registered capital; (二)注册资本;
(3) the business address; (三)营业地址;
(4) the business scope; (四)业务范围;
(5) the license number; (五)许可证编号;
(6) the issuing authority and official seal (the supervision and administration department and official seal); and (六)发证机关及公章(监督管理部门及公章);
(7) the date of issuance. (七)颁发日期。
Article 7 A financing guarantee company that is formed, merged or split, or reduces registered capital shall, with approval of the supervision and administration department, issue or replace a financing guarantee business permit.   第七条 融资担保公司设立、合并、分立或者减少注册资本,应当经监督管理部门批准后颁发、换发融资担保业务经营许可证。
Article 8 A financing guarantee company that changes its name, business address, or business scope or increases registered capital shall undergo the recordation formalities with the supervision and administration department and replace the financing guarantee business permit.   第八条 融资担保公司变更名称、营业地址、业务范围或者增加注册资本,应当向监督管理部门备案并换发融资担保业务经营许可证。
Article 9 To apply to the supervision and administration department for obtaining a financing guarantee business permit, a financing guarantee company shall provide the following materials:   第九条 融资担保公司向监督管理部门申请领取融资担保业务经营许可证时,应当提供下列材料:
(1) the approval or recordation documents of the supervision and administration department; (一)监督管理部门的批准或备案文件;
(2) the introduction letter of the applicant; (二)申领单位介绍信;
(3) the legal and valid identification of the handling staff member; and (三)经办人员的合法有效身份证明;
(4) other materials required by the supervision and administration department. (四)监督管理部门要求的其他材料。
Article 10 Where a financing guarantee business permit is lost or damaged, or its content is changed, an application shall be filed with the supervision and administration department for replacement of the financing guarantee business permit.   第十条 融资担保业务经营许可证遗失、损坏或载明内容变更的,应当向监督管理部门申请换发融资担保业务经营许可证。
Where a financing guarantee business permit is lost, the financing guarantee company shall declare the invalidity of the old permit on a website designated by the supervision and administration department or a publicly-issued newspaper, and apply for obtaining a new permit. 融资担保业务经营许可证遗失的,融资担保公司应当在监督管理部门指定的网站或公开发行的报纸上声明旧证作废,重新申请领取新证。
Where a financing guarantee business permit is damaged, the financing guarantee company shall surrender the old permit to the supervision and administration department when re-applying for a new one 融资担保业务经营许可证损坏的,融资担保公司应当在重新申请领取新证时将旧证交回监督管理部门。
Where the content specified in a financing guarantee business permit is changed, the financing guarantee company shall re-apply for obtaining a new permit upon strength of the materials set out in Article 9 of these Measures and surrender the old permit to the supervision and administration department when obtaining a new one 融资担保业务经营许可证载明内容变更的,融资担保公司持本办法第九条规定材料重新申请领取新证,并在领取新证时将旧证交回监督管理部门。
Article 11 A supervision and administration department that needs to issue a financing guarantee business permit to a financing guarantee company or replace a financing guarantee business permit therefor according to the administrative license decision shall, within ten working days of the date when the administrative license decision is made, issue a financing guarantee business permit to the applicant or replace a financing guarantee business permit therefor.   第十一条 监督管理部门根据行政许可决定需向融资担保公司颁发、换发融资担保业务经营许可证的,应当自作出行政许可决定之日起10个工作日内向申请人颁发、换发融资担保业务经营许可证。
Article 12 A financing guarantee company falling under one of the following circumstances shall surrender the financing guarantee business permit to the supervision and administration department as scheduled:   第十二条 融资担保公司出现下列情形之一时,应当按期将融资担保业务经营许可证交回监督管理部门:
(1) The financing guarantee business permit is canceled or withdrawn. (一)融资担保业务经营许可被撤销、被撤回的;
(2) The financing guarantee business permit is revoked. (二)融资担保业务经营许可证被吊销的;
(3) The financing guarantee company is dissolved and declared bankrupt according to the law. (三)融资担保公司解散、被依法宣告破产的;
(4) Other circumstances as prescribed by the supervision and administration department. (四)监督管理部门规定的其他情形。
A financing guarantee company shall, within 15 working days of the date of receiving the relevant documents and legal documents from the supervision and administration department or the written order of bankruptcy from the people's court, surrender the financing guarantee business permit to the supervision and administration department. A permit not surrendered within the prescribed time limit shall be confiscated in a timely manner according to the law. 融资担保公司应当在收到监督管理部门有关文件、法律文书或人民法院宣告破产裁定书之日起15个工作日内,将融资担保业务经营许可证交回监督管理部门。逾期不交回的,由监督管理部门及时依法收缴。
Article 13 To issue or replace a financing guarantee business permit, the supervision and administration department shall make an announcement on its website or a publicly-published newspaper.   第十三条 颁发或换发融资担保业务经营许可证,监督管理部门应当在其网站或公开发行的报纸上进行公告。
To revoke or cancel a financing guarantee business permit, the supervision and administration department shall make an announcement on its website or a publicly-published newspaper and shall, within ten working days, forward the relevant information to the department fulfilling the industrial and commercial administrative responsibilities. 吊销、注销融资担保业务经营许可证,监督管理部门应当在其网站或公开发行的报纸上进行公告,并在10个工作日内将相关信息推送至履行工商行政管理职责的部门。
An announcement shall specifically include: the institution's name, registered capital, business address, business scope, permit number, postal code and telephone number, among others. 公告的具体内容应当包括:机构名称、注册资本、营业地址、业务范围、许可证编号及邮政编码、联系电话等。
Article 14 A financing guarantee business permit shall be publicized at a conspicuous position of the business premise of a financing guarantee company.   第十四条 融资担保业务经营许可证应当在融资担保公司营业场所的显著位置公示。
Article 15 Financing guarantee business permits shall be uniformly printed and made by the office of the inter-ministerial joint meeting for the supervision of the financing guarantee business.   第十五条 融资担保业务经营许可证由融资性担保业务监管部际联席会议办公室统一印制。
Article 16 The supervision and administration department shall strengthen the information management of financing guarantee business permits, establish a sound institutional management archive system, and disclose the relevant information on financing guarantee business permits according to the law.   第十六条 监督管理部门应当加强融资担保业务经营许可证的信息管理,建立完善的机构管理档案系统,依法披露融资担保业务经营许可证的有关信息。
Article 17 The supervision and administration department shall print financing guarantee business permits according to the numbering method for financing guarantee business permits, and a financing guarantee business permit shall be valid only when an official seal of the supervision and administration department is affixed thereto.   第十七条 监督管理部门应当按照融资担保业务经营许可证编号方法打印融资担保业务经营许可证,融资担保业务经营许可证加盖监督管理部门的单位公章方具效力。
Article 18 The supervision and administration department shall specially administer the financing guarantee business permits as important vouchers, and establish a registration system for issuing, replacing, revoking, canceling, withdrawing, confiscating and destroying financing guarantee business permits.   第十八条 监督管理部门应当将融资担保业务经营许可证作为重要凭证专门管理,建立融资担保业务经营许可证颁发、换发、吊销、注销、收回、收缴、销毁登记制度。
The supervision and administration department shall affix seals of “invalid” to the invalidated permits generated during the process of the management of the financing guarantee business permits, the old permits withdrawn, and the financing guarantee business permits revoked, canceled and confiscated according to the law, specially archive them as important vouchers, and destroy them on a regular basis. 监督管理部门对融资担保业务经营许可证管理过程中产生的废证、收回的旧证以及依法吊销、注销、收缴的融资担保业务经营许可证,应当加盖“作废”章,作为重要凭证专门归档,定期销毁。
Article 19 The financing guarantee funds and credit guarantee funds, among others, that are established by the government and that apply for obtaining financing guarantee business permits may be governed, mutatis mutandis, by these Measures.   第十九条 政府设立的融资担保基金、信用保证基金等申领融资担保业务经营许可证,可参照本办法执行。
Article 20 These Measures shall come into force on the date of issuance.   第二十条 本办法自发布之日起施行。
Measures for the Measurement of Balances of Financing Guarantee Liabilities 融资担保责任余额计量办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of standardizing the business operation activities of financing guarantee companies, preventing the risks in financing guarantee business, and accurately measuring the balance of financing guarantee liabilities, these Measures are developed according to the relevant provisions of the Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Financing Guarantee Companies.   第一条 为规范融资担保公司经营活动,防范融资担保业务风险,准确计量融资担保责任余额,根据《融资担保公司监督管理条例》有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, financing guarantee business includes loan guarantee, guarantee of issued bonds and other financing guarantee business.   第二条 本办法所称融资担保业务,包括借款类担保业务、发行债券担保业务和其他融资担保业务。
Loan guarantee means that a guarantor provides guarantee for the loans, internet lending, finance leasing, commercial factoring, acceptance of commercial papers, letters of credit and other debt financing of a guaranteed person. 借款类担保,是指担保人为被担保人贷款、互联网借贷、融资租赁、商业保理、票据承兑、信用证等债务融资提供担保的行为。
Guarantee of issued bonds means that a guarantor provides guarantee for issued bonds and other debt financing of a guaranteed person. 发行债券担保,是指担保人为被担保人发行债券等债务融资提供担保的行为。
Other financing guarantee means that a guarantor provides guarantee for the fund products, trust products, asset management plans, asset-backed securities, among others, issued by a guaranteed person. 其他融资担保,是指担保人为被担保人发行基金产品、信托产品、资产管理计划、资产支持证券等提供担保的行为。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Measures, “balance of financing guarantee liabilities” means the weighted sum of the corresponding weights of the guaranteed amount of various financing guarantee business as prescribed in these Measures.   第三条 本办法所称融资担保责任余额,是指各项融资担保业务在保余额,按照本办法规定的对应权重加权之和。
Article 4 A financing guarantee company shall measure and manage the balance of financing guarantee liabilities in accordance with the provisions of these Measures.   第四条 融资担保公司应当按照本办法的规定计量和管理融资担保责任余额。
Article 5 The supervision and administration department shall supervise and administer financing guarantee companies' balance of financing guarantee liabilities according to these Measures.   第五条 监督管理部门按照本办法对融资担保公司融资担保责任余额进行监督管理。
Chapter 2 Weights of Financing Guarantee Business 

第二章 融资担保业务权重

Article 6 The loan guarantee of a single micro and small enterprise with guaranteed amount not more than 5 million yuan shall account for 75%.   第六条 单户在保余额500万元人民币以下且被担保人为小微企业的借款类担保业务权重为75%。
The loan guarantee of a single peasant household with guaranteed amount not more than 2 million yuan shall account for 75%. 单户在保余额200万元人民币以下且被担保人为农户的借款类担保业务权重为75%。
Article 7 Other loan guarantees except those prescribed in Article 6 shall account for 100%.   第七条 除第六条规定以外的其他借款类担保业务权重为100%。
Article 8 The guarantee of issued bonds whose guaranteed person has corporate credit rating of AA or above shall account for 80%.   第八条 被担保人主体信用评级AA级以上的发行债券担保业务权重为80%。
Article 9 Other guarantees of issued bonds except those prescribed in Article 8 shall account for 100%.   第九条 除第八条规定以外的其他发行债券担保业务权重为100%。
Article 10 Other financing guarantee business shall account for 100%.   第十条 其他融资担保业务权重为100%。
Chapter III Measurement and Management of Balances of Financing Guarantee Liabilities 

第三章 融资担保责任余额计量与管理

Article 11 Balance of loan guarantee liability = Guaranteed amount of loan guarantee of a single micro and small enterprise not more than 5 million yuan × 75% + Guaranteed amount of loan guarantee of a single peasant household not more than 2 million yuan × 75% + Guaranteed amount of other loan guarantees × 100%.
   第十一条 借款类担保责任余额=单户在保余额500万元人民币以下的小微企业借款类担保在保余额×75%+单户在保余额200万元人民币以下的农户借款类担保在保余额×75%+其他借款类担保在保余额×100%。

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