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Agricultural Product Quality Safety Law of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法 [已被修订]

Order of the President 


(No. 49)

The "Agricultural Product Quality Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", which was adopted at the 21st session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2006, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on November 1, 2006.

Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

April 29, 2006

Agricultural Product Quality Safety Law of the People's Republic of China

(Adopted at the 21st session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2006)

Contents 目 录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Chapter II Agricultural Product Quality Safety Standards 第二章 农产品质量安全标准

Chapter III Places of Origin of Agricultural Products 第三章 农产品产地

Chapter IV Production of Agricultural Products 第四章 农产品生产

Chapter V Packages and Marks of Agricultural Products 第五章 农产品包装和标识

Chapter VI Supervision and Inspection 第六章 监督检查

Chapter VII Legal Liabilities 第七章 法律责任

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附则

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Law is formulated for the purpose of guaranteeing the quality safety of agricultural products, maintaining the health of the general public, and promoting the development of agriculture and rural economy.   第一条 为保障农产品质量安全,维护公众健康,促进农业和农村经济发展,制定本法。

Article 2 The term agricultural products as mentioned in the present Law shall refer to primary products sourced from agriculture, i.e., the plants, animals, microbes and their products, which are obtained from agricultural activities.   第二条 本法所称农产品,是指来源于农业的初级产品,即在农业活动中获得的植物、动物、微生物及其产品。

The term agricultural product quality safety as mentioned in the present Law shall mean that the quality of an agricultural product meets the requirements for guaranteeing human health and safety.

Article 3 The administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the county level or above shall take charge of the supervision over and inspection of agricultural product quality safety; while the relevant departments of the people's government at the county level or above shall, according to the division of their duties, take charge of the relevant work on agricultural product quality safety respectively.   第三条 县级以上人民政府农业行政主管部门负责农产品质量安全的监督管理工作;县级以上人民政府有关部门按照职责分工,负责农产品质量安全的有关工作。

Article 4 The people's government at the county level or above shall include the agricultural product quality safety administration into the national economic and social development planning at the present level, and provide funds of agricultural product quality safety for carrying out the work of agricultural product quality safety.   第四条 县级以上人民政府应当将农产品质量安全管理工作纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划,并安排农产品质量安全经费,用于开展农产品质量安全工作。

Article 5 The local people's government at the county level or above shall uniformly lead and coordinate the work of agricultural product quality safety within its own jurisdiction, take measures to establish and improve an agricultural product quality safety service system, and improve the level of agricultural product quality safety.   第五条 县级以上地方人民政府统一领导、协调本行政区域内的农产品质量安全工作,并采取措施,建立健全农产品质量安全服务体系,提高农产品质量安全水平。

Article 6 The administrative department of agriculture of the State Council shall establish an agricultural product quality safety risk evaluation experts' committee composed of experts in relevant areas, so as to make risk analysis and evaluation on the potential harms which might affect the agricultural product quality safety.   第六条 国务院农业行政主管部门应当设立由有关方面专家组成的农产品质量安全风险评估专家委员会,对可能影响农产品质量安全的潜在危害进行风险分析和评估。

The administrative department of agriculture of the State Council shall take commensurate administrative measures according to the results of agricultural product quality safety risk evaluation, and timely circularize the results of agricultural product quality safety risk evaluation to the relevant departments of the State Council.

Article 7 The administrative department of agriculture of the State Council and the administrative department of agriculture of the people's government of each province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within the scope of their respective powers and duties, publish relevant information on the situation of agricultural product quality safety.   第七条 国务院农业行政主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府农业行政主管部门应当按照职责权限,发布有关农产品质量安全状况信息。

Article 8 The state leads and extends standardized production of agricultural products, encourages and supports the production of high-quality agricultural products, and prohibits the production and sale of agricultural products which do not meet the agricultural product quality safety standards prescribed by the state.   第八条 国家引导、推广农产品标准化生产,鼓励和支持生产优质农产品,禁止生产、销售不符合国家规定的农产品质量安全标准的农产品。

Article 9 The state supports the scientific and technological research on agricultural product quality safety, implements scientific quality safety administration methods, and extends advanced and safe production technologies.   第九条 国家支持农产品质量安全科学技术研究,推行科学的质量安全管理方法,推广先进安全的生产技术。

Article 10 The people's government at each level and the relevant departments shall strengthen the propaganda of the knowledge on agricultural product quality safety, improve the general public's consciousness of agricultural product quality safety, lead producers or sellers of agricultural products to strengthen quality safety management, and guarantee the safety of agricultural product consumption.   第十条 各级人民政府及有关部门应当加强农产品质量安全知识的宣传,提高公众的农产品质量安全意识,引导农产品生产者、销售者加强质量安全管理,保障农产品消费安全。

Chapter II Agricultural Product Quality Safety Standards 

第二章 农产品质量安全标准

Article 11 The state establishes and improves a system of agricultural product quality safety standards. The agricultural product quality safety standards shall be compulsory technical norms.   第十一条 国家建立健全农产品质量安全标准体系。农产品质量安全标准是强制性的技术规范。

The agricultural product quality safety standards shall be made and promulgated in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations.

Article 12 To make the agricultural product quality safety standards, the department concerned shall take the results of agricultural product quality safety risk evaluation into full consideration, and listen to the opinions of producers, sellers and consumers of agricultural products, so as to guarantee the consumption safety.   第十二条 制定农产品质量安全标准应当充分考虑农产品质量安全风险评估结果,并听取农产品生产者、销售者和消费者的意见,保障消费安全。

Article 13 The agricultural product quality safety standards shall be amended in time on the basis of the scientific and technological development level and the needs in agricultural product quality safety.   第十三条 农产品质量安全标准应当根据科学技术发展水平以及农产品质量安全的需要,及时修订。

Article 14 The responsibility to organize the implementation of agricultural product quality safety standards shall remain with the administrative department of agriculture in consultation with other relevant departments.   第十四条 农产品质量安全标准由农业行政主管部门商有关部门组织实施。

Chapter III Places of Origin of Agricultural Products 

第三章 农产品产地

Article 15 The administrative department of agriculture of a local people's government at the county level or above shall, as per the requirements of agricultural product quality safety, as well as according to the factors such as variety characters of the agricultural products, and the toxic and harmful substances in the atmosphere, soil and water body of the production area, propose areas prohibited from production which it considers unsuitable for production of certain agricultural products, and promulgate such areas upon approval of the people's government at the present level. The power to formulate specific measures shall remain with the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council in consultation with the administrative department of environmental protection of the State Council.   第十五条 县级以上地方人民政府农业行政主管部门按照保障农产品质量安全的要求,根据农产品品种特性和生产区域大气、土壤、水体中有毒有害物质状况等因素,认为不适宜特定农产品生产的,提出禁止生产的区域,报本级人民政府批准后公布。具体办法由国务院农业行政主管部门商国务院环境保护行政主管部门制定。

The adjustment of areas prohibited from production of agricultural products shall be in compliance with the procedures prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Article 16 The people's government at the county level or above shall take measures to strengthen the construction of agricultural product bases, and improve the conditions for production of agricultural products.   第十六条 县级以上人民政府应当采取措施,加强农产品基地建设,改善农产品的生产条件。

The administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the county level or above shall take measures to propel the construction of comprehensive demonstration areas for standardized production, demonstration farms, breeding areas, and areas without prescribed epidemic animal or plant diseases, which may guarantee the agricultural product quality safety.

Article 17 It is prohibited to produce, fish or collect edible agricultural products or to build up bases for production of agricultural products in the areas where the toxic and harmful substances exceed the prescribed standards.   第十七条 禁止在有毒有害物质超过规定标准的区域生产、捕捞、采集食用农产品和建立农产品生产基地。

Article 18 It is prohibited to violate any law or regulation to discharge or dump waste water, waste gas, solid wastes or other toxic and harmful substances to a place of origin of agricultural products.   第十八条 禁止违反法律、法规的规定向农产品产地排放或者倾倒废水、废气、固体废物或者其他有毒有害物质。

The water used for agricultural production and the solid wastes used as fertilizers shall meet the standards prescribed by the state.

Article 19 A producer of agricultural products shall use chemical products such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural films, etc. in a reasonable way, and prevent such chemical products from polluting the place of origin of agricultural products.   第十九条 农产品生产者应当合理使用化肥、农药、兽药、农用薄膜等化工产品,防止对农产品产地造成污染。

Chapter IV Production of Agricultural Products 

第四章 农产品生产

Article 20 The administrative department of agriculture of the State Council and the administrative department of agriculture of the people's government of each province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall formulate the requirements on production technologies and operational rules which guarantee the agricultural product quality safety. The administrative department of agriculture of each people's government at the county level or above shall strengthen its guidance to the production of agricultural products.   第二十条 国务院农业行政主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府农业行政主管部门应当制定保障农产品质量安全的生产技术要求和操作规程。县级以上人民政府农业行政主管部门应当加强对农产品生产的指导。

Article 21 A license system shall be applied to the pesticides, veterinary drugs, feeds and feed additives, fertilizers, and veterinary devices, which might affect the agricultural product quality safety, in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第二十一条 对可能影响农产品质量安全的农药、兽药、饲料和饲料添加剂、肥料、兽医器械,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定实行许可制度。

The administrative department of agriculture of the State Council and the administrative department of agriculture of the people's government of each province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, by sampling at regular intervals, supervise the agricultural input products such as pesticides, veterinary drugs, feeds and feed additives, and fertilizers, which might endanger the agricultural product quality safety, and shall publish the results of sampling.

Article 22 The administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the county level or above shall strengthen its administration of and guidance to the use of agricultural input products, as well as establish and improve a system for safe use of agricultural input products.   第二十二条 县级以上人民政府农业行政主管部门应当加强对农业投入品使用的管理和指导,建立健全农业投入品的安全使用制度。

Article 23 Agricultural scientific research and educational institutions, and agricultural technology extension institutions shall strengthen their trainings on quality safety knowledge and skills for producers of agricultural products.   第二十三条 农业科研教育机构和农业技术推广机构应当加强对农产品生产者质量安全知识和技能的培训。

Article 24 An enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products or a professional peasant cooperative economic organization shall establish records on production of agricultural products, and truthfully record the following particulars:   第二十四条 农产品生产企业和农民专业合作经济组织应当建立农产品生产记录,如实记载下列事项:

(1) the name, source, usage, dosage of the agricultural input product in use, date of using it, and the date of stopping using it; (一)使用农业投入品的名称、来源、用法、用量和使用、停用的日期;

(2) the information on occurrence, prevention and control of animal epidemic diseases, pests and weeds of turf grass; and (二)动物疫病、植物病虫草害的发生和防治情况;

(3) the date of harvest, slaughter or fishing. (三)收获、屠宰或者捕捞的日期。

The records on production of agricultural products shall be preserved for two years. It is prohibited to forge records on production of agricultural products.

The state encourages other producers of agricultural products to establish records on production of agricultural products.

Article 25 A producer of agricultural products shall, in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations, and provisions of the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council, reasonably use the agricultural input products, strictly implement the provisions on safe intervals or withdrawal period for using agricultural input products, so as to prevent the agricultural input products from endangering the agricultural product quality safety.   第二十五条 农产品生产者应当按照法律、行政法规和国务院农业行政主管部门的规定,合理使用农业投入品,严格执行农业投入品使用安全间隔期或者休药期的规定,防止危及农产品质量安全。

It is prohibited to, in the process of producing agricultural products, use any agricultural input product explicitly prohibited by the state from being used.

Article 26 An enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products or a professional peasant cooperative economic organization shall test the agricultural product quality safety either by itself or by entrusting a test institution. Any agricultural product which is found from the test to fail to meet the agricultural product quality safety standards shall not be sold.   第二十六条 农产品生产企业和农民专业合作经济组织,应当自行或者委托检测机构对农产品质量安全状况进行检测;经检测不符合农产品质量安全标准的农产品,不得销售。

Article 27 A professional peasant cooperative economic organization or an agricultural products industry association shall timely provide its members with production technology services, establish agricultural product quality safety management rules, improve the agricultural product quality safety control system, and strengthen self-disciplinary management.   第二十七条 农民专业合作经济组织和农产品行业协会对其成员应当及时提供生产技术服务,建立农产品质量安全管理制度,健全农产品质量安全控制体系,加强自律管理。

Chapter V Packages and Marks of Agricultural Products 

第五章 农产品包装和标识

Article 28 Where the agricultural products sold by an enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products, by a professional peasant cooperative economic organization, by an entity engaging in purchase of agricultural products or by an individual are required by relevant provisions to be packed or be attached with marks, they may not be sold until they have been packed or attached with marks. The packages or marks shall, according to the provisions, indicate the product name, place of origin, producer, date of production, quality guaranty period, product quality grade, etc.; if any additive is used, the name of the additive shall also be indicated according to the provisions. The power to formulate specific measures shall remain with the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council.   第二十八条 农产品生产企业、农民专业合作经济组织以及从事农产品收购的单位或者个人销售的农产品,按照规定应当包装或者附加标识的,须经包装或者附加标识后方可销售。包装物或者标识上应当按照规定标明产品的品名、产地、生产者、生产日期、保质期、产品质量等级等内容;使用添加剂的,还应当按照规定标明添加剂的名称。具体办法由国务院农业行政主管部门制定。

Article 29 The materials used in package, preservation, storage and transport of agricultural products, such as preservatives, antiseptics and additives, etc. shall meet the relevant compulsory technical norms of the state.   第二十九条 农产品在包装、保鲜、贮存、运输中所使用的保鲜剂、防腐剂、添加剂等材料,应当符合国家有关强制性的技术规范。

Article 30 The agricultural products which belong to agricultural genetically modified organisms shall be marked in accordance with the relevant provisions on the administration of the safety of agricultural genetically modified organisms.   第三十条 属于农业转基因生物的农产品,应当按照农业转基因生物安全管理的有关规定进行标识。

Article 31 The animals and plants required by the law to be subject to quarantine, as well as their products, shall be attached with quarantine marks of conformity and quarantine certificates of conformity.   第三十一条 依法需要实施检疫的动植物及其产品,应当附具检疫合格标志、检疫合格证明。

Article 32 The on-sale agricultural products must meet the agricultural product quality safety standards, and the producer may apply for using nuisance-free marks of agricultural products. If the quality of the agricultural products meets the standards prescribed by the state for relevant high-quality agricultural products, the producer may apply for using commensurate quality marks of agricultural products.   第三十二条 销售的农产品必须符合农产品质量安全标准,生产者可以申请使用无公害农产品标志。农产品质量符合国家规定的有关优质农产品标准的,生产者可以申请使用相应的农产品质量标志。

It is prohibited to imitate the quality marks of agricultural products as prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Chapter VI Supervision and Inspection 

第六章 监督检查

Article 33 An agricultural product under any of the following circumstances shall not be sold:   第三十三条 有下列情形之一的农产品,不得销售:

(1) It contains any pesticide, veterinary drug or other chemical substance prohibited by the state from being used; (一)含有国家禁止使用的农药、兽药或者其他化学物质的;

(2) The toxic and harmful substance such as the remnant of the pesticide, veterinary drug or other chemical substance, or the contained heavy metal, etc. does not meet the agricultural product quality safety standards; (二)农药、兽药等化学物质残留或者含有的重金属等有毒有害物质不符合农产品质量安全标准的;

(3) The contained pathogenic parasites, microorganisms or biological toxin does not meet the agricultural product quality safety standards; (三)含有的致病性寄生虫、微生物或者生物毒素不符合农产品质量安全标准的;

(4) The material in use such as the preservative, antiseptic or additive, etc. does not meet the relevant compulsory technical norms of the state; or (四)使用的保鲜剂、防腐剂、添加剂等材料不符合国家有关强制性的技术规范的;

(5) Other circumstances under which it does not meet the agricultural product quality safety standards. (五)其他不符合农产品质量安全标准的。

Article 34 The state establishes an agricultural product quality safety monitoring system. The administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the county level or above shall, as per the requirements for guaranteeing the agricultural product quality safety, make the agricultural product quality safety monitoring plan and organize the implementation thereof, and supervise the agricultural products under production or on sale in the market by sampling. The responsibility to promulgate the results of supervision by sampling shall remain with the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council or the administrative department of agriculture of the people's government of each province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government upon scope of its powers.   第三十四条 国家建立农产品质量安全监测制度。县级以上人民政府农业行政主管部门应当按照保障农产品质量安全的要求,制定并组织实施农产品质量安全监测计划,对生产中或者市场上销售的农产品进行监督抽查。监督抽查结果由国务院农业行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府农业行政主管部门按照权限予以公布。

For the sake of a supervisory test by sampling, the department concerned shall entrust an agricultural product quality safety test institution that meets the conditions in Article 35 of the present Law, but shall not charge any fee from the party subject to such a test, and the drawn samples shall not exceed the quantity prescribed by the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council. For the agricultural products which are subject to supervision of the administrative department of agriculture at the higher level by sampling, the administrative department of agriculture at the lower level shall not make the sampling repetitively.

Article 35 For the sake of an agricultural product quality safety test, the existing qualified test institutions shall be given full consideration of.   第三十五条 农产品质量安全检测应当充分利用现有的符合条件的检测机构。

An institution engaging in agricultural product quality safety test must have commensurate conditions and capacities for test, and shall pass the assessment of the administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the provincial level or above or its authorized department. The power to formulate specific measures shall remain with the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council.

An agricultural product quality safety test institution shall be found qualified from lawful metrological certification.

Article 36 Where a producer or seller of agricultural products has any objection to the result of a supervisory test by sampling, it may, within 5 days as of receipt of the test result, apply to the administrative department of agriculture that organizes the implementation of the agricultural product quality safety supervision by sampling or to the administrative department of agriculture at the higher level for a re-test.   第三十六条 农产品生产者、销售者对监督抽查检测结果有异议的,可以自收到检测结果之日起五日内,向组织实施农产品质量安全监督抽查的农业行政主管部门或者其上级农业行政主管部门申请复检。

If, when the speedy test method ascertained by the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council jointly with the relevant department is adopted for supervisory test of the agricultural product quality safety by sampling, the party subject to such a test has any objection to the test result, it may, within four hours as of receipt of the test result, apply for a re-test. The re-test shall not be made in a speedy method.

Where the testing entity causes any damage to a party concerned due to a wrong test result, it shall bear liabilities for compensation in accordance with the law.

Article 37 An agricultural product wholesale market shall establish or entrust an agricultural product quality safety test institution to test the quality safety of the inward agricultural products for sale by sampling; and shall, when finding any inconformity with the agricultural product quality safety standards, require the seller to immediately stop the sale, and report to the administrative department of agriculture.   第三十七条 农产品批发市场应当设立或者委托农产品质量安全检测机构,对进场销售的农产品质量安全状况进行抽查检测;发现不符合农产品质量安全标准的,应当要求销售者立即停止销售,并向农业行政主管部门报告。

An enterprise engaging in sale of agricultural products shall, with respect to the agricultural products it sells, establish and improve the rules on inspection and acceptance of purchased goods; any agricultural product which is found from the inspection to fail to meet the quality safety standards shall not be sold.

Article 38 The state encourages entities and individuals to conduct public supervision over the agricultural product quality safety. Any entity or individual shall be entitled to reveal, expose or charge any act violating the present Law. The relevant department shall, after receipt of relevant revealment, exposure or charge, deal with the matter in time.   第三十八条 国家鼓励单位和个人对农产品质量安全进行社会监督。任何单位和个人都有权对违反本法的行为进行检举、揭发和控告。有关部门收到相关的检举、揭发和控告后,应当及时处理。

Article 39 The administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the county level or above may, in its agricultural product quality safety supervision and inspection, make on-site inspections on the produced or on-sale agricultural products, investigate and know about the relevant information on agricultural product quality safety, consult and photocopy the records and other information relevant to agricultural product quality safety; and shall be entitled to seal up or distrain the agricultural products which are found from test to fail to meet the agricultural product quality safety standards.   第三十九条 县级以上人民政府农业行政主管部门在农产品质量安全监督检查中,可以对生产、销售的农产品进行现场检查,调查了解农产品质量安全的有关情况,查阅、复制与农产品质量安全有关的记录和其他资料;对经检测不符合农产品质量安全标准的农产品,有权查封、扣押。

Article 40 When an agricultural product quality safety accident occurs, the relevant entities and individuals shall take controlling measures, and timely report to the local people's government at the township level and the administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the county level. The organ receiving the report shall timely deal with the accident and report to the people's government at the next higher level and other relevant departments. When a major agricultural product quality safety accident occurs, the administrative department of agriculture shall timely circularize it to the food and drug administrative department at the same level.   第四十条 发生农产品质量安全事故时,有关单位和个人应当采取控制措施,及时向所在地乡级人民政府和县级人民政府农业行政主管部门报告;收到报告的机关应当及时处理并报上一级人民政府和有关部门。发生重大农产品质量安全事故时,农业行政主管部门应当及时通报同级食品药品监督管理部门。

Article 41 Where the administrative department of agriculture of a people's government at the county level or above finds in its agricultural product quality safety supervision and administration that an agricultural product is under any of the circumstances enumerated in Article 33 of the present Law, it shall, as per the requirements of the system for investigation of liabilities concerning agricultural product quality safety, find out the liable person, and punish him in accordance with the law or propose punishment suggestions.   第四十一条 县级以上人民政府农业行政主管部门在农产品质量安全监督管理中,发现有本法第三十三条所列情形之一的农产品,应当按照农产品质量安全责任追究制度的要求,查明责任人,依法予以处理或者提出处理建议。

Article 42 An imported agricultural product must be subject to inspection under the agricultural product quality safety standards prescribed by the state. If the relevant agricultural product quality safety standards have not been made, the department concerned shall timely make them in accordance with the law, and may, before finishing making such standards, inspect the imported agricultural product by referring to the relevant foreign standards designated by the relevant department of the state.   第四十二条 进口的农产品必须按照国家规定的农产品质量安全标准进行检验;尚未制定有关农产品质量安全标准的,应当依法及时制定,未制定之前,可以参照国家有关部门指定的国外有关标准进行检验。

Chapter VII Legal Liabilities 

第七章 法律责任

Article 43 Where any agricultural product quality safety supervisory and administrative staff member does not perform his supervisory duties in accordance with the law, or abuses his powers, he shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with the law.   第四十三条 农产品质量安全监督管理人员不依法履行监督职责,或者滥用职权的,依法给予行政处分。

Article 44 Where an agricultural product quality safety test institution forges a test result, it shall be ordered to make a correction, its illegal proceeds shall be confiscated, and in addition, it shall be fined 50,000 Yuan up to 100,000 Yuan. The person-in-charge directly responsible and other persons held directly liable shall be fined 10,000 Yuan up to 50,000 Yuan respectively. If the circumstance is serious, its test qualification shall be revoked. If it causes any damage, it shall bear liabilities for indemnity in accordance with the law.   第四十四条 农产品质量安全检测机构伪造检测结果的,责令改正,没收违法所得,并处五万元以上十万元以下罚款,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处一万元以上五万元以下罚款;情节严重的,撤销其检测资格;造成损害的,依法承担赔偿责任。

Where an agricultural product quality safety test institution issues an untrue test result, and causes any damage, it shall bear liabilities for indemnity in accordance with the law; if it causes any heavy damage, its test qualification shall be revoked, in addition.

Article 45 Whoever violates any law or regulation by discharging or dumping waste water, waste gas, solid wastes or other toxic and harmful substances to a place of origin of agricultural products shall be penalized in accordance with the relevant environmental protection laws and regulations; if it/he causes any damage, it/he shall bear liabilities for indemnity in accordance with the law.   第四十五条 违反法律、法规规定,向农产品产地排放或者倾倒废水、废气、固体废物或者其他有毒有害物质的,依照有关环境保护法律、法规的规定处罚;造成损害的,依法承担赔偿责任。

Article 46 Whoever violates any law or administrative regulation or any provision of the administrative department of agriculture of the State Council when using agricultural input products shall be penalized in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第四十六条 使用农业投入品违反法律、行政法规和国务院农业行政主管部门的规定的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定处罚。

Article 47 Where an enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products or a professional peasant cooperative economic organization fails to establish or fails to follow the provisions to preserve records on production of agricultural products, or forges records on production of agricultural products, it shall be ordered to make a correction within the time limit; if it fails to make a correction within the time limit, it may be fined up to 2,000 Yuan.   第四十七条 农产品生产企业、农民专业合作经济组织未建立或者未按照规定保存农产品生产记录的,或者伪造农产品生产记录的,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,可以处二千元以下罚款。

Article 48 Whoever violates Article 28 of the present Law by failing to follow the provisions to pack or mark the agricultural products for sale shall be ordered to make a correction within a time limit; if it/he fails to make a correction within the time limit, it/he may be fined up to 2,000 Yuan.   第四十八条 违反本法第二十八条规定,销售的农产品未按照规定进行包装、标识的,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,可以处二千元以下罚款。

Article 49 Where the circumstance under Item (4) of Article 33 of the present Law arises, and the material in use such as the preservative, antiseptic or additive, etc. does not meet the relevant compulsory technical norms of the state, the party concerned shall be ordered to stop selling the said material, and shall make innocuous treatment of the polluted agricultural products, or supervise the destruction of the material if no innocuous treatment can be made; meanwhile, its/his illegal proceeds shall be confiscated, and it/he shall be fined 2,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan, in addition.   第四十九条 有本法第三十三条第四项规定情形,使用的保鲜剂、防腐剂、添加剂等材料不符合国家有关强制性的技术规范的,责令停止销售,对被污染的农产品进行无害化处理,对不能进行无害化处理的予以监督销毁;没收违法所得,并处二千元以上二万元以下罚款。

Article 50 Where an agricultural product sold by an enterprise engaging in production of agricultural products or a professional peasant cooperative economic organization is under any of the circumstances enumerated in Items (1) through (3) or Item (5) of Article 33 of the present Law, the said enterprise shall be ordered to stop selling the product, replevy the sold agricultural products, and make innocuous treatment of or supervise the destruction of the illegally sold agricultural products; meanwhile, its illegal proceeds shall be confiscated, and it shall be fined 2,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan, in addition.   第五十条 农产品生产企业、农民专业合作经济组织销售的农产品有本法第三十三条第一项至第三项或者第五项所列情形之一的,责令停止销售,追回已经销售的农产品,对违法销售的农产品进行无害化处理或者予以监督销毁;没收违法所得,并处二千元以上二万元以下罚款。

Where an agricultural product sold by an enterprise engaging in sale of agricultural products is under any of the circumstances enumerated in the preceding paragraph, the said enterprise shall be punished or penalized in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

Where any on-sale agricultural products in an agricultural product wholesale market are under any of the circumstances enumerated in Paragraph 1, the agricultural products on illegal sale shall be dealt with in accordance with Paragraph 1, and the seller of the agricultural products shall be penalized in accordance with Paragraph 1.

Where an agricultural product wholesale market violates Paragraph 1 of Article 37 of the present Law, it shall be ordered to make a correction, and be fined 2,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan.

Article 51 Whoever violates Article 32 of the present Law by imitating the quality marks of an agricultural product shall be ordered to make a correction, its/his illegal proceeds shall be confiscated, and it/he shall be fined 2,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan.   第五十一条 违反本法第三十二条规定,冒用农产品质量标志的,责令改正,没收违法所得,并处二千元以上二万元以下罚款。

Article 52 The punishments and penalties prescribed in Article 44, Articles 47 through 49, Paragraphs 1 and 4 of Article 50, and Article 51 of the present Law shall be decided on by the administrative department of agriculture of the people's government at the county level or above; while the punishments and penalties prescribed in Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 of Article 50 shall be decided on by the administrative department for industry and commerce.   第五十二条 本法第四十四条、第四十七条至第四十九条、第五十条第一款、第四款和第五十一条规定的处理、处罚,由县级以上人民政府农业行政主管部门决定;第五十条第二款、第三款规定的处理、处罚,由工商行政管理部门决定。

Where any law has otherwise different provisions on an administrative penalty or the penalizing organ, such provisions shall prevail, provided that the same illegal act shall not be penalized for twice or more.

Article 53 Whoever violates the present Law and has committed a crime shall be subject to criminal liabilities in accordance with the law.   第五十三条 违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 54 Where anyone producing or selling the agricultural products enumerated in Article 33 of the present Law causes any damage to a consumer, it shall bear liabilities for compensation in accordance with the law.   第五十四条 生产、销售本法第三十三条所列农产品,给消费者造成损害的,依法承担赔偿责任。

Where any on-sale agricultural product in an agricultural product wholesale market is under the circumstance prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the consumer may claim against the agricultural product wholesale market for compensation; if the producer or seller is held liable, the agricultural product wholesale market shall be entitled to make recourse. The consumer concerned may also directly claim against the producer or seller of the agricultural products for compensation.

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 

第八章 附则

Article 55 The slaughter of live pigs shall be administered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.   第五十五条 生猪屠宰的管理按照国家有关规定执行。

Article 56 The present Law shall come into force on November 1, 2006.   第五十六条 本法自2006年11月1日起施行。
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