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Progress in China's Human Rights in 2013

Progress in China's Human Rights in 2013



(Information Office of the State Council The People's Republic of China May 2014, Beijing) (中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 2014年5月)

Contents 目 录
Foreword 前 言
I. Right to Development 一、发展权利
II. Right to Social Security 二、社会保障权利
III.Democratic Rights 三、民主权利
IV. Rights to Freedom of Speech 四、言论自由权利
V. Rights of the Person 五、人身权利
VI. Rights of Ethnic Minorities 六、少数民族权利
VII.Rights of Persons with Disabilities 七、残疾人权利
VIII.Right to a Clean and Healthy Environment 八、环境权利
IX. Foreign Exchanges and Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights 九、人权领域的对外交流与合作
Foreword 前 言
In 2013 China made progress in its human rights undertaking while advancing on the course of the Chinese Dream, a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 2013年,在实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的征程上,中国人权事业又取得了新进展。
In that year, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government, based on China's prevailing conditions and reality, and aiming at promoting social fairness, justice and the people's well-being, comprehensively deepened the reform, promoted various undertakings in the economic, social and cultural fields, and safeguarded the people's rights to equal participation and development, so that the fruits of development would benefit the people in a better and more equal way. China's development provides all Chinese people with the opportunities to develop themselves, serve society, make successes in their life and realize their dreams. China is now reaching for a higher goal in its human rights undertaking. 这一年里,中国共产党和中国政府坚持从本国国情和实际出发,以促进社会公平正义、增进人民福祉为出发点和落脚点,全面深化改革,推动经济社会文化各项事业的发展,保证人民平等参与、平等发展权利,让发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民。中国的发展进步,使每个中国人都得到发展自我和服务社会的机会,都享有人生出彩和梦想成真的机会。中国的人权事业正在向更好更高的目标迈进。
In 2013 China's human rights undertaking made remarkable achievements in the following aspects: 2013年,中国人权事业在以下若干方面取得的成就备受瞩目:
-The people's living standards have risen steadily, as China continuously improves the urban and rural residents' clothing, food, accommodation, and transportation conditions, further equalizes basic public services, and better protects the people's rights to subsistence and development. ——人民生活水平稳步提高,城乡居民衣食住行条件不断改善,基本公共服务均等化进一步推进,人民的生存权和发展权得到更好的保障。
-The world's largest social security system has taken shape, and both urban and rural residents, especially people in straitened circumstances, can live in dignity, with their basic living conditions better ensured. ——世界上规模最大的社会保障体系初步形成,城乡居民特别是困难群体的基本生活更有保障,生活更有尊严。
-China's democracy and legal system have been further strengthened. China's rural and urban areas for the first time realized the same ratio of deputies to the represented population in the election to the National People's Congress (NPC) deputies in 2013. China also took an important step forward in building a clean government, as it has restricted the use of power and cracked down on corruption. ——民主法制建设进一步加强,首次实现城乡按相同人口比例选举全国人大代表。加强对权力的约束,严惩贪污腐败,建设廉洁政治迈出重要步伐。
-China has continuously constitutionalized consultative democracy, and promoted the sound development of grassroots democracy. Chinese citizens now have diversified ways to realize their democratic rights according to law and in an orderly manner, and the country's political life has become more democratic. ——协商民主制度化持续推进,基层直接民主健康发展,公民依法有序实现民主权利形式更加多样,国家政治生活的民主化水平进一步提高。
-China has further upgraded its governance system and capacity. The exercise of power is more procedure-based, government work is more transparent, and public freedom of speech is better ensured. ——国家治理体系和治理能力现代化建设取得新进展,权力运行更加规范,政务信息更加公开,公众言论自由的权利得到保障。
-China has abolished the system of reeducation through labor, and adopted multiple measures to curb the practice of extorting confessions by torture and prevent unjust, false and erroneous litigation. In order to better protect the citizens' rights to life, health and personal freedom, China has also made great efforts to guarantee food and pharmaceuticals safety, and to prevent major accidents. ——废止劳动教养制度,多措并举防范冤假错案,遏制刑讯逼供,保障食品药品安全,遏制重特大安全事故,公民人身自由与生命健康权利更有保障。
-China has continued to provide preferential policies for ethnic minorities, and made sure they can enjoy and exercise their rights according to law. China has also accelerated the comprehensive development of various social, economic and human rights protection undertakings in regions inhabited by ethnic minorities, including the Xinjiang Uygur and Tibet autonomous regions. ——国家对少数民族继续实施倾斜性政策,少数民族依法享有和行使各项权利。西藏、新疆等民族地区经济社会各项事业发展步伐加快,人权保障事业全方位推进。
-China has entered a new stage in efforts to help the disabled. With their various rights well protected and an improved public service system in place, disabled people are in a better position to participate in social life as equals. ——残疾人事业发展进入新阶段,残疾人基本公共服务体系更加完善,各项权利得到有效保障,残疾人平等参与社会生活的条件进一步改善。
-China has speeded up its ecological progress, increased financial input, strengthened environmental protection, punished environmental crimes, and is striving to build a beautiful China. ——加快生态文明制度建设,加大资金投入和生态环境保护力度,依法惩治环境侵权犯罪,努力建设美丽中国。
The pursuit of the improvement of human rights never ends, for there is always room for better human rights conditions. China's progress in its human rights undertaking is there for everybody to see, and every unbiased and reasonable observer can draw a fair conclusion. At the same time, China is still a large developing country, with conspicuous problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development. Therefore, greater efforts are needed to bring higher standards to human rights protection. It has been proved that only by adhering to the socialist path with Chinese characteristics can China's human rights undertaking achieve better development, and the Chinese people realize more comprehensive development. 人权事业永无止境。在人权问题上没有最好,只有更好。中国人权事业发展取得的进步有目共睹,任何一个客观理性的观察者,都会得出公正的结论。同时,中国是一个发展中大国,发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题还比较突出。在中国,实现更高水平的人权保障,仍需做出更大的努力。实践证明,只有坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,中国人权事业才会有更好的发展,全体中国人民才能实现更加全面的发展。
I. Right to Development 一、发展权利
China's economy was stable and improved in 2013, better benefiting the Chinese people. The material and cultural needs of the people have been better satisfied, and the Chinese people's right to development has been better guaranteed. 2013年,中国经济运行稳中向好,发展成果更多地惠及全体人民,广大群众的物质文化需要得到更好的满足,中国人民的发展权利得到更加充分的保障。
The people's living standards are steadily on the rise. In 2013 China maintained a GDP growth rate of 7.7 percent, which was relatively fast. The annual per capita net income for rural residents reached 8,896 yuan, up 9.3 percent in real terms; the annual per capita disposable income for urban residents was 26,955 yuan, an increase of 7 percent in real terms; and the rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) remained at the low level of 2.6 percent. China's annual grain output in 2013 reached 601.935 million tons; the number of civil vehicle holding reached 137.41 million; the number of fixed phone lines was 266.99 million, and the number of mobile phone users increased by 116.96 million to 1,229.11 million. The number of domestic tours totaled 3.26 billion, and the number of trips abroad made by Chinese citizens reached 98.19 million, up 10.3 percent and 18 percent, respectively, over the previous year. Among them, the number of trips abroad for private purposes reached 91.97 million, an increase of 19.3 percent. 人民生活水平持续提高。2013年,中国国内生产总值保持了7.7%的较快增长。全年农村居民人均纯收入8,896元,扣除价格因素,实际增长9.3%;城镇居民人均可支配收入26,955元,扣除价格因素,实际增长7.0%;居民消费价格涨幅保持在2.6%的低水平。全国粮食产量达到60,193.5万吨;民用汽车保有量达到13,741万辆;固定电话用户26,699万户,移动电话用户新增11,696万户,达到122,911万户。国内游客32.6亿人次,比上年增长10.3%;国内居民出境9,819万人次,增长18.0%,其中因私出境9,197万人次,增长19.3%。
Employment is expanding through various channels. Despite great employment pressure, China adheres to the employment priority strategy, taking stable growth and ensuring employment as the threshold of a proper economic range, and creating more and better-quality jobs on the basis of development. China attaches great importance to the development of labor-intensive industries, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), private enterprises and service industries that can create more jobs. In 2013 some 13.1 million urban jobs were created, an increase of 440,000 over 2012, and the registered urban unemployment rate stayed at 4.1 percent, which was relatively low. The government also provided skills training. As many as 20.49 million people participated in vocational training with government subsidies in 2013, among whom 12.275 million participated in employment skills training, 2.082 million attended entrepreneurship training, 5.487 million took part in job skills upgrading training and 646,000 received other types of training. The number of laid-off workers receiving training reached 3.98 million. China endeavors to facilitate the transfer to non-agricultural jobs of rural people, organized more than 20,000 special job fairs for migrant workers in 2013, and trained 9.384 million farmers. The government attaches ever-more importance to the employment of young people, especially college graduates. Through employment guidance services, campus recruitment activities, the "Employment Promotion Plan for Unemployed College Graduates" and other measures, China encourages college graduates to find jobs and start businesses in various forms and through various channels. 多渠道扩大就业。在就业压力大的情况下,中国坚持实施就业优先战略,将稳增长、保就业作为经济运行合理区间的下限,在发展的基础上创造更多和更高质量的就业机会。注重发展吸纳就业能力强的劳动密集型产业、中小企业、民营企业、服务业。2013年城镇新增就业1,310万人,比2012年多增44万人。城镇登记失业率保持在4.1%的较低水平。加强技能培训,全国开展政府补贴性职业培训2,049万人次,其中,就业技能培训1227.5万人次,创业培训208.2万人次,岗位技能提升培训548.7万人次,其他培训64.6万人次。城镇登记失业人员培训398万人。帮助农村劳动力稳定转移就业,全年共组织农民工专场招聘2万多场,培训农民工938.4万人次。更加关注以高校毕业生为重点的青年就业,通过加强就业指导服务,开展校园招聘活动,实施“离校未就业高校毕业生就业促进计划”等措施,促进高校毕业生多渠道、多形式就业和创业。
The basic rights of workers are guaranteed. In 2013 a total of 27 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) raised their minimum wage standards, averaging a 17 percent annual hike. The average monthly income of rural workers employed away from their homes was 2,609 yuan, an increase of 319 yuan over 2012. Community-level trade unions and organizations for safeguarding workers' rights continue to maintain a relatively rapid pace of development. By the end of 2013 the formation rate of labor dispute mediation organizations in townships and subdistricts had reached 60 percent, an increase of 10 percent year on year; the formation rate of labor dispute arbitration committees had reached 91.6 percent; and the rate of labor dispute arbitration courts nationwide was 72.7 percent, up 20 percent year on year. The number of community-level trade unions increased to 2.77 million, up 4 percent over 2012; a total of 1.298 million effective collective contracts were signed throughout the country, involving 3.64 million enterprises and 160 million employees, up 6 percent, 18 percent and 9 percent over 2012, respectively. Assistance to impoverished workers was strengthened, benefiting 7.739 million people in 2013. 劳动者权利得到切实保障。2013年,全国有27个省(区、市)提高了最低工资标准,平均提高幅度为17%。外出农民工月平均收入2,609元,比2012年增加319元。全国基层工会组织和职工维权机构继续保持较快发展。截至2013年,各地乡镇街道劳动争议调解组织组建率达60%,同比增加10个百分点;劳动人事争议仲裁委员会组建率达91.6%;全国劳动人事争议仲裁院建院率为72.7%,同比增加约20个百分点。截至2013年,全国共有基层工会组织277万个,比2012年增长4%;全国签订有效集体合同129.8万份,比2012年增长6%,覆盖364万家企业1.6亿职工,分别比2012年增长18%和9%。加大帮扶困难职工工作力度,773.9万人次困难职工得到帮助。
The government-subsidized housing projects continue to make progress. In 2013 the central government appropriated 200.3 billion yuan to help facilitate the building of government-subsidized housing and the rebuilding of dilapidated areas in all regions, and the improvement of supporting infrastructure. In the same year, construction of 6.6 million government-subsidized housing units and housing units in dilapidated areas started, and 5.4 million were basically finished. By the end of the year China had provided housing for another 36 million urban families. Cities at prefectural level and above had all worked out the conditions, procedures and waiting rules for government-subsidized housing applications by migrant workers, and the government-subsidized housing system had expanded to cover not only households with permanent urban residency but all the resident population in urban areas. China continued to promote the renovation of rural housing, renovating 2.66 million dilapidated rural houses in 2013. 保障性安居工程建设不断推进。2013年,中央财政下达2,003亿元补助资金,支持各地加快保障性住房建设和棚户区改造,完善配套基础设施建设。全年新开工建设保障性住房和棚户区改造住房660万套,基本建成540万套。截至2013年,全国累计解决了3,600多万户城镇家庭的住房困难。地级以上城市均制定了外来务工人员申请住房保障的条件、程序和轮候规则,住房保障制度由仅覆盖城镇户籍家庭扩展到覆盖全部常住人口。继续推进农村危房改造,全年改造农村危房266万户。
Poverty reduction in rural areas is making steady headway. In 2013 the State Council issued Opinions on Promoting Rural Poverty Alleviation though Innovation Mechanisms. The central government appropriated 39.4 billion yuan on poverty reduction, an increase of 6.2 billion yuan over the previous year. In 2013 some 16.5 million rural residents got rid of poverty. The per capita net income for rural residents in the counties which are key targets of the government's poverty-reduction work reached 5,389 yuan, an increase of 787 yuan over 2012, or up 13.8 percent in real terms, a growth rate higher than that of the average level in China. 农村扶贫开发扎实推进。2013年,国务院发布了《关于创新机制扎实推进农村扶贫开发工作的意见》。中央财政投入专项扶贫资金394亿元,比上年增加了62亿元。2013年全国农村共有1,650万人脱贫。国家扶贫开发工作重点县农村居民人均纯收入5,389元,比上年增加787元,扣除价格因素,实际增长13.8%,增幅继续高于全国平均水平。
Education in poverty-stricken areas is better ensured, with bigger efforts being made in this regard. The expenditure from public finance on education in 2013 was 2187.7 billion yuan, up 3 percent over the previous year and mainly focusing on poverty-stricken rural areas. In the same year, the central financial body allocated 19 billion yuan of nutrition subsidies (including 2.218 billion yuan of government awards and subsidies for local pilot projects) and a special fund of nearly 10 billion yuan for building student dining halls. By the end of 2013 some 32.45 million rural students receiving compulsory education were benefiting from the nutrition subsidy policy. A total of 699 counties with contiguous poor areas (including 19 regiment-level entities of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps) in 22 provincial-level administrative areas carried out pilot projects, covering 95,900 schools and benefiting 32 million students; 529 counties in 19 provincial-level administrative areas launched pilot projects, covering 39,800 schools and benefiting 10.02 million students. The central government appropriated 10 billion yuan to upgrade rural schools with poor compulsory education conditions, with the focus on supporting the central and western rural areas, regions inhabited by ethnic minorities and poverty-stricken areas in improving their compulsory education conditions. The government allocated 16.5 billion yuan of funds from the central budget to support and lead the expansion of preschool educational resources in various regions, and to encourage the local governments to establish the preschool education financial assistance system so as to help impoverished children, orphans and disabled children receive preschool education; the government also provided 4.647 billion yuan of national grants to regular senior high schools, benefiting nearly 5 million students from poverty-stricken households; secondary vocational education was made free for all rural students, urban students whose majors are related to agriculture, and urban impoverished students, and the first- and second-grade students whose majors are related to agriculture or who are from impoverished households enjoy national grants. Thirty provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) have released policies allowing the children of rural migrant workers who live in cities to take the local college entrance examinations, and 12 provinces and municipalities have started solving the problem. 基层贫困地区教育保障力度加大。2013年全国公共财政教育支出21,877亿元,增长3%,对农村贫困地区予以重点倾斜。2013年,中央财政安排营养膳食补助资金190亿元(含地方试点奖补资金22.18亿元),食堂建设专项资金近100亿元。截至2013年,共有3,245万农村义务教育学生享受营养补助政策,其中:全国22个省份的699个集中连片特困县(包括新疆兵团19个团场)开展了国家试点,覆盖学校9.59万所,受益学生3,200万人;19个省份的529个县开展了地方试点,覆盖学校3.98万所,受益学生1,002万人。中央下达农村义务教育薄弱学校改造计划资金100亿元,重点支持中西部农村地区、民族地区、贫困地区改善薄弱学校办学条件。中央财政安排资金165亿元,支持和引导地方扩大学前教育资源,鼓励地方建立学前教育资助制度,帮助家庭经济困难儿童、孤儿和残疾儿童接受普惠性学前教育;安排普通高中国家助学金46.47亿元,资助家庭经济困难学生近500万人;所有农村学生、城市涉农专业和家庭经济困难学生均享受中职免学费政策,一、二年级在校涉农专业学生和非涉农专业家庭经济困难学生享受国家助学金。30个省(区、市)向社会公布了进城务工人员随迁子女在当地参加高考的实施方案,12个省市开始解决随迁子女在当地参加高考问题。
Chinese citizens enjoy better and equal cultural services. China has continued to implement the National Construction Plan of Prefectural (City) Level Public Cultural Facilities, and has started the project of building demonstration sites of the national public service system, with 18 billion yuan of funds from the central and local public finance. By the end of 2013, with the cultural information resource-sharing program, China had built one service center at the national level, 33 sub-centers at the provincial level, 2,843 branches at the county level, 29,555 service stations at the township (subdistrict) level, and 602,000 service outlets at the incorporated village (community) level, and the service outlet coverage in some provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) has extended to unincorporated villages; China has built 42,654 public electronic reading rooms, among which 27,706 are in townships, 2,282 are in subdistricts and 12,666 are in communities. In 2013 public libraries in China handed out 28.77 million library cards, 3.93 million more than in the previous year; the number of visits to libraries reached 492.32 million, 57.95 million more than in the previous year. In the same year, cultural institutes across the country organized 1.2884 million activities of various kinds to provide services to 434.31 million people. China has delivered public cultural resources directly to communities by implementing a series of major cultural projects benefiting the people, including providing radio and television services to every household of rural areas, launching the national cultural information resource-sharing program, building libraries for farmers, projecting free films in rural areas, and setting up township cultural stations. In 2013 the country' s total funds for culture, sports and media services provided by the public finances reached 251.956 billion yuan, an increase of 11.1 percent as compared with the previous year. The central government spent 17 billion yuan on the building of the public cultural service system, an increase of 1.6 billion yuan, or 10.55 percent over the previous year. The government uses incremental funds mainly at the community level and in rural areas, and provides preferential policies to former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, border areas and impoverished regions. Public cultural services have also been made more equitable. 公民享受更加优质、均等的文化服务。继续实施《全国地市级公共文化设施建设规划》,开展创建国家公共服务体系示范区(项目)工作,中央和各地投入创建的财政资金超过180亿元。截至2013年,文化信息资源共享工程已建成1个国家中心,33个省级分中心,2,843个市县支中心,29,555个乡镇(街道)基层服务点,60.2万个行政村(社区)基层服务点,部分省(区、市)村级覆盖范围已延伸到自然村;已建设公共电子阅览室42,654个,其中乡镇27,706个,街道2,282个,社区12,666个。2013年,全国公共图书馆共发放借书证2,877万个,比上年增加393万个;总流通人次49,232万人次,比上年增加5795万人次。2013年,全国群众文化机构共组织开展各类活动128.84万场次,服务人次43,431万人次。国家通过实施广播电视村村通户户通、全国文化信息资源共享、农家书屋、农村电影公益放映、乡镇综合文化站建设等一系列重大文化惠民工程,将公共文化资源直接输送到基层。2013年,全国公共财政文化体育与传媒支出2519.56亿元,比上年增长11.1%。2013年,中央财政用于公共文化服务体系建设的资金达170亿元,比上年增加16亿元,增长10.55%。在资金支出时切实贯彻落实增量经费主要用于基层、用于农村的规定,并向老少边穷地区倾斜。基本公共文化服务均等化取得进展。
II. Right to Social Security 二、社会保障权利
China's social security has been continuously improving in recent years, as we speed up the process of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China's social security developed rapidly in 2013, as it expanded constantly both in coverage and scope. Although not very developed, China has put in place a rudimentary social security system, which is the world's largest and suitable to China' s current social conditions. 随着全面建成小康社会的加快推进,近年来中国的社会保障水平不断提高。2013年,中国社会保障事业快速发展,保障内容持续增加,保障范围不断扩大,在经济发展水平还不是很高的情况下,初步建立了世界上规模最大的符合现阶段中国社会实际的社会保障体系。
In 2012 full coverage was achieved by the new social endowment insurance system for rural residents and social endowment insurance for non-working urban residents. By the end of 2013 a total of 497.5 million rural and non-working urban residents had participated in social endowment insurance, an increase of 13.81 million compared with 2012. A total of 322.18 million people had participated in the basic endowment insurance for urban workers by the end of 2013, an increase of 17.91 million compared with 2012. In 2013 the monthly per capita basic pension for enterprise retirees, which had been continuously raised for years, reached almost 1,900 yuan, 10 percent of the average monthly pension of 2012. The new adjustment also provided preferential treatment for retired senior enterprise technicians, and retirees whose pensions were relatively low. In February 2014 the State Council issued Opinions on Establishing a Unified Basic Pension Insurance System for Rural and Non-working Urban Residents, which integrates the new social endowment insurance system for rural residents with the social endowment insurance system for non-working urban residents, and build a unified basic pension insurance system for both rural and non-working urban residents nationwide. 2012年,实现全国新型农村社会养老保险和城镇居民社会养老保险制度全覆盖。截至2013年,全国城乡居民参保人数达到49,750万人,比2012年增加1,381万人;全国城镇职工基本养老保险参保人数为32,218万人,比2012年增加1,791万人。2013年,企业退休人员月人均基本养老金水平继续调整,调整水平按2012年企业退休人员月人均基本养老金的10%左右确定,达到近1900元,并对具有高级职称的企业退休科技人员、基本养老金相对偏低的人员等进行适当倾斜。2014年2月,国务院发布《关于建立统一的城乡居民基本养老保险制度的意见》,将新型农村社会养老保险和城镇居民社会养老保险两项制度合并实施,在全国范围内建立统一的城乡居民基本养老保险制度。
China has established and improved its medical insurance system to protect both rural and urban residents' right to medical treatment. So far, China has established a basic national medical insurance system, and kept raising its standard. More than 1.3 billion people, or over 90 percent of the total population have participated in medical insurance for non-working urban workers, basic medical insurance for urban residents or the new rural cooperative medical care system. By the end of 2013 some 299.06 million people had participated in the basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents. Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents have been rising year by year-from 40 yuan per person in 2007 to 280 yuan in 2013. The reimbursement rate for hospitalization expenses covered by relevant policies has been raised to around 70 percent, and the maximum payment has been raised to six times local residents' per capita disposable income. The new rural cooperative medical care system has expanded rapidly to cover the entire rural population. By the end of 2013 a total of 802 million people had participated in the new rural cooperative medical care system, compared with 730 million in 2007, with its coverage rate rising from 85.7 percent to 99 percent. Government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical care system and per capita funding have grown year by year. In 2013 per capita financing for the new rural cooperative medical care increased to about 340 yuan, of which 280 yuan was subsidies from government at various levels; the reimbursement rate for hospitalization expenses covered by relevant policies has stayed at 75 percent, and the maximum payment and the reimbursement rate for outpatient expenses have been further increased. In the same year the new rural cooperative medical care system benefited a total of 1.32 billion people, up 14.9 percent year on year, and 1.37 million patients benefited from serious illness insurance under the new rural cooperative medical care system, with a reimbursement rate of 70 percent. (more) 建立和完善医疗保险制度,保障城乡居民医疗权利。目前,中国已基本建立全民医疗保险体系,且保障水平在不断提升。参加城镇职工医疗保险、城镇居民医疗保险和新型农村合作医疗的人数超过13亿,参保率达到90%以上。截至2013年,参加城镇居民基本医疗保险人数达到 29,906万人。政府对城镇居民医疗保险的补助标准逐年提高,从2007年的人均40元提高到2013年的280元,政策范围内住院费用报销比例提高到70%左右,基层最高支付限额达到当地居民年人均可支配收入的6倍左右。新型农村合作医疗制度自建立以来,迅速覆盖了全体农民。2007年参加新农合的人数为7.3亿,参合率为85.7%;截至2013年,人数达到8.02亿,参合率上升至99%。政府对新农合的财政补助逐年增加,人均筹资水平不断提高。2013年,新农合的人均筹资水平提高到340元左右,其中各级财政补助标准提高到280元,政策范围内住院费用报销比例保持在75%左右,最高支付限额和门诊医药费用报销比例进一步提高。2013年,参合农民共计受益13.2亿人次,同比增长14.9%;新农合大病保障受益人次达137万,实际报销比例达到70%左右。
The urban and rural residents' medical burden resulting from serious illnesses has been greatly mitigated, because of the establishment of the medical care system for major and very serious illnesses and the smooth progress of the pilot projects for serious illness insurance for urban and rural residents. In 2012 six ministries, including the National Development and Reform Commission, jointly issued Guiding Opinions on Launching Serious Illness Insurance for Rural and Non-working Residents. So far, serious illness insurance has been piloted in 28 provincial-level administrative areas, and widely implemented in eight of them. In 2013 some 20 major diseases including lung cancer and gastric cancer were included in the serious illness insurance; children's phenylketonuria and hypospadias were included in the serious illness insurance under the new rural cooperative medical care system, bringing the number of serious diseases covered by the system to 22. 城乡居民大病保险试点进展顺利,重特大疾病保障机制开始建立,减轻了城乡居民大病医疗费用负担。2012年,国家发改委等6部门联合印发《关于开展城乡居民大病保险工作的指导意见》,全国已有28个省份启动实施了大病保险试点工作,8个省份全面推开。2013年,肺癌、胃癌等20种重大疾病全部纳入大病保障范畴。儿童苯丙酮尿症和尿道下裂被纳入新农合大病保障,新农合保障的重大疾病已达22种。
Steady development has been seen in unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance, which are playing an increasingly bigger role in helping the insured to maintain their living standards and obtain medical treatment and maternity protection. At the end of 2013 some 164.17 million people were covered by unemployment insurance, an increase of 11.92 million over the end of 2012; 199.17 million people had access to work-related injury insurance, among whom 72.63 million were migrant workers, an increase of 9.07 million and 840,000 people as compared with 2012, respectively. As many as 163.92 million people were covered by maternity insurance, an increase of 9.63 million over 2012. In 2013 some 4.17 million people benefited from unemployment insurance of different durations, and 1.97 million people received unemployment insurance allowances at the end of the year, with an average amount of 759 yuan per month, up 60.3 yuan or 8.5 percent over the previous year. 失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险稳步发展,对于参保人维持稳定的生活水准、获得医疗救治和生育保障等发挥了越来越大的作用。2013年末,全国参加失业保险人数为16,417万人,比上年末增加1,192万人;全国工伤保险参保人数达到19,917万人,比上年增加907万人,其中参加工伤保险的农民工7,263万人,增加84万人。全国生育保险参保人数16,392万人,比上年底增加963万人。2013年有417万人享受了不同期限的失业保险待遇,年末有197万人领取失业保险金,月人均领取失业保险金水平为759元,比上年增加60.3元,增长8.5%。
The subsistence allowance system has been further improved. By the end of 2013 there were altogether 20.613 million urban recipients of the subsistence allowance. The average amount of the allowance was 373 yuan per person per month, the amount actually paid was 252 yuan, and a total of 72.42 billion yuan in allowances was extended in 2013, up 13.8 percent, 1.3 percent and 7.4 percent over 2012, respectively. By the end of 2013 there were 53.821 million rural recipients, making up 6.1 percent of the rural population; the average amount of the allowance was 2,434 yuan per person per year, the amount actually paid was 111 yuan per person per month, and a total of 84.19 billion yuan of allowances was extended, up 18.7 percent, 2.9 percent and 17.3 percent over 2012, respectively. Altogether 5.382 million rural people enjoyed the "five guarantees" (food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses) across the country, with those living in nursing homes receiving an average of 4,685 yuan per person per year, those living on their own an average of 3,499 yuan per person per year, totaling 16.16 billion yuan of the "five guarantee" funds spent in the year, up 15.4 percent, 16.3 percent and 11.5 percent, respectively, over 2012. 最低生活保障制度进一步完善。截至2013年,全国城市低保对象2,061.3万人,平均保障标准为373元/人·月,月人均获得补助252元,2013年累计支出保障资金724.2亿元,分别比2012年增长13.8%、1.3%和7.4%。截至2013年,全国农村低保对象5,382.1万人,占农业人口的6.1%;平均保障标准为2,434元/人·年,月人均获得补助111元,2013年累计支出保障资金841.9亿元,分别比2012年增长18.7%、2.9%和17.3%。截至2013年,全国农村五保供养对象538.2万人,平均供养标准为集中供养4,685元/人·年、分散供养3,499元/人·年,2013年累计支出五保供养资金161.6亿元,分别2012年增长15.4%、16.3%、11.5%。
It is the last safety net of social security rights to provide social assistance to and meet the basic subsistence needs of people in poverty, caused by natural disasters, loss of labor capacity, or due to other reasons. By the end of 2013 some 26 provincial-level administrative areas had formulated or improved their own temporary assistance policies. In 2013 some 39.37 million households received temporary assistance. An increasing number of people are benefiting from medical aid, and the target groups are gradually expanding from urban and rural recipients of subsistence allowances and people enjoying the "five guarantees" to groups with special difficulties including low-income patients with serious illnesses, people with severe disabilities and senior citizens from low-income households. A total of 25.76 billion yuan in medical aid funds was extended in 2013, benefiting 26.39 million people. 对因遭受自然灾害、失去劳动能力或因其他原因陷入生活困境的社会成员实施社会救助,维持其最低生活水准,是社会保障权利的最后一道防护线和安全网。截至2013年,全国26个省份制定完善了临时救助政策。2013年,全国共实施临时救助3,937万户次。医疗救助惠及群体进一步扩大,救助对象从城乡低保对象、五保对象逐步向低收入重病患者、重度残疾人和低收入家庭老年人等特殊困难群体拓展。2013年累计支出医疗救助资金257.6亿元,救助2,639万人次。
III. Democratic Rights 三、民主权利
The Chinese Constitution stipulates that all power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people. In China, the people exercise the rights of democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic oversight through various channels and in various ways in accordance with the Constitution and other laws. In 2013 rural and urban areas in China for the first time adopted the same ratio of deputies to the represented population in the election to the NPC; extensive, multilevel and institutional development of consultative democracy were vigorously advanced; community-level democracy as an important means of directly exercising democratic rights witnessed sound development; efforts were increased to combat corruption and build political integrity; and Chinese citizens participated in democratic management of public affairs in more diversified forms. 中国宪法规定中华人民共和国的一切权力属于人民。在中国,人民依照宪法和法律规定,通过各种途径和方式行使民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督权利。2013年,首次实行城乡按相同人口比例选举全国人大代表,协商民主广泛多层制度化发展有力推进,作为直接行使民主权利重要方式的基层民主健康发展,惩治腐败、建设廉洁政治的力度加大,公民有序参与公共事务民主管理的形式更加丰富。
In 2013 China implemented the principle that everyone is equal as stipulated in the Electoral Law of the People's Republic of China, and adopted the same ratio of deputies to the represented population in the election of NPC deputies in both rural and urban areas. It abides by the principle of regional equality inasmuch as administrative areas at the same level enjoy equal legal status, all are entitled to a certain number of deputies in the highest organ of state power regardless of their population sizes. Each of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government is entitled to have the same minimum number of NPC deputies, which was eight for the 12th NPC in 2013. China abides by the principle of ethnic equality, and of the elected 2,987 deputies confirmed by the NPC Standing Committee, 409 are from ethnic minorities, accounting for 13.69 percent of the total and covering all the 55 minority ethnic groups in China. Female deputies to the 12th NPC account for 23.4 percent, 2.07 percentage points up over the 11th NPC in 2008. In the 12th NPC the number of community-level deputies increased, the number of migrant worker deputies doubled, and the number of Party and government official deputies shrank, compared to the 11th NPC. Of the deputies to the 12th NPC, the number of worker and farmer deputies increased by 5.18 percent over the 11th NPC, and the number of Party and government official deputies decreased by 6.93 percent. 2013年,中国落实选举法规定的人人平等原则,正式全面实行城乡按相同人口比例选举全国人大代表。坚持地区平等原则,同级行政区域的法律地位平等,不论人口多少,在国家最高权力机关中均有一定数量的代表,地区基本名额数相同,选举第十二届全国人大代表的地区基本名额数为8名。坚持民族平等原则,在全国人大常委会确认的2,987名有效当选代表中,少数民族代表409名,占代表总数的13.69%,全国55个少数民族都有本民族的代表。第十二届全国人大女代表比例为23.4%,比上届提高2.07个百分点。基层代表数量增加,农民工代表数量倍增,党政领导干部代表数量减少。在第十二届全国人大代表中,来自一线工人农民的代表人数比上届增加5.18%,党政领导干部代表人数比上届减少6.93%。
The NPC vigorously promotes democratic legislation, and enhances the enforceability and operability of the laws. From March 2013 to March 2014 the NPC Standing Committee deliberated on 15 decision drafts of laws and related legal issues, and adopted ten of them; amended 21 laws including the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, and promulgated the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Safety of Special Equipment. The NPC Standing Committee evaluates law drafts before promulgation, improves the mechanism of soliciting public opinion for draft laws, and specifies that in addition to the first review draft, the full text of the second review draft should also be released to the public to extensively solicit supplementary opinions and proposals in all respects. China improves the feedback mechanism of public opinion adopted, and actively responds to social concerns. The NPC and its Standing Committee listen to the people's opinions during legislation in the forms of forums, online opinion collection, investigation and research, allowing people to listen to legislation deliberations, and discussion by citizens and the media. From March 2013 to January 2014 some 5,728 persons presented 45,121 opinions on draft laws. Take the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft Amendment) for example. Its first draft received 11,748 opinions, and the second draft received 2,434 online opinions and 48 letters. After soliciting opinions for released drafts of major laws, the NPC Standing Committee summarizes those opinions and issues such summaries to the public in a timely manner. 人大积极推进民主立法,增强法律的可执行性、可操作性。2013年3月至2014年3月,全国人大常委会审议了15件法律和有关法律问题的决定草案,通过了其中的10件,修改了消费者权益保护法等21部法律,新制定了旅游法特种设备安全法等法律。全国人大常委会探索法律出台前评估工作,完善公布法律草案征求意见机制,在向社会公布法律草案一次审议稿的基础上,明确法律草案二次审议稿也要向社会全文公布,广泛征求各方面补充意见和建议。健全公众意见采纳情况反馈机制,积极回应社会关切。全国人大及其常委会在立法过程中广泛采取诸如座谈会、网络征求意见、调查研究、列席、公民讨论、媒体讨论等形式广泛听取公民意见。2013年3月至2014年1月间,共有5,728人次对相关法律草案提出45,121条意见。以环境保护法修正案草案为例,草案初审稿向社会公布征求意见时收到11,748条意见,二审稿公布后收到2,434条网上意见和48封来信。每次公布草案征求意见结束后,全国人大常委会均对重要法律草案的意见整理汇总情况及时向社会作出反馈。
China further clears and expands rights relief channels, actively responds to public interest appeals, and respects and protects public opinion. The government endeavors to resolve the prominent problems concerning petition letters and visits, stresses preventing and reducing petition problems at the source, promotes open and transparent petition presentation and solution, encourages leading officials to directly receive and visit petitioners, and improves the mechanism of joint reception of petitioners by government departments concerned. China spares no effort to promote "petition in the sunshine," advances the building of an online petition information platform, and promotes the full exposure of petition handling and results, striving to achieve effective inquiry, tracking, oversight and evaluation of petition information. China makes open all online petitions accepted for examination, and the Internet has gradually become a window for the government to learn about public opinion. (more) 进一步畅通拓宽权利救济渠道,积极回应群众利益诉求,尊重并保障民意。国家着力解决信访突出问题,强调从源头上预防和减少信访问题发生,健全公开透明的诉求表达和办理方式,突出领导干部接访下访重点,完善联合接访运行方式。全力打造“阳光信访”,推进网上信访信息综合平台建设,推动信访事项办理过程和结果全面公开,努力实现信访事项可查询、可跟踪、可督办、可评价。全面放开网上投诉受理内容,互联网逐步成为政府了解社情民意的新窗口。
Building political integrity is the premise of the effective operation of a democratic system. In 2013 the CPC and the Chinese government further intensified their efforts to combat corruption, putting power, government operations and personnel management under institutional checks to ensure that the people oversee the exercise of power and that power is exercised in a transparent manner. Institutional reform of the State Council was fully launched; the central government decentralized and canceled 416 items of administrative approvals in 2013. In view of multiple corruption problems in certain fields, the CPC Central Committee issued the Work Plan for Establishing and Improving the System of Preventing and Punishing Corruption (2013-2017). In 2013 discipline inspection and procuratorial organs at all levels received 1,950,374 complaints of related offences through petition visits and letters, including 1,220,191 accusatory and prosecutable cases; filed 172,532 cases, concluded 173,186 cases, and punished 182,038 violators. In 2013 procuratorial organs at all levels filed and investigated 37,551 cases of official crimes involving 51,306 suspects, up 9.4percent and 8.4percent respectively on a year-on-year basis. China increased its efforts to handle major cases, filed and investigated 2,581 cases of embezzlement, bribery and appropriation of public funds, each involving over 1 million yuan, and 2,871 state functionaries at and above the county/division level, including 253 officials at the prefecture/bureau level and eight at the provincial/ministerial level. The courts at all levels fully performed their duty of combating corruption through criminal trials, intensified efforts to punish embezzlement and bribery crimes, wound up 29,000 cases of embezzlement, bribery, dereliction of duty and infringement of rights by state functionaries, and convicted 31,000 persons. 建设廉洁政治是民主制度有效运行的前提。2013年,中国共产党和中国政府进一步加大反腐败工作力度,坚持用制度管权管事管人,让人民监督权力,让权力在阳光下运行。国务院机构改革全面启动,中央政府全年下放取消审批事项416项。针对一些领域腐败问题多发的现象,中共中央印发《建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系2013-2017年工作规划》。2013年,全国各级纪检监察机关共接受信访举报1,950,374件(次),其中检举控告类1,220,191件(次);立案172,532件,结案173,186件,处分182,038人。全国各级检察机关全年共立案侦查各类职务犯罪案件37,551件51,306人,同比分别上升9.4%和8.4%。突出查办大案要案,立案侦查贪污、贿赂、挪用公款100万元以上的案件2,581件,涉嫌犯罪的县处级以上国家工作人员2,871人,其中厅局级253人、省部级8人。各级法院充分发挥刑事审判在惩治腐败中的职能作用,加大对贪污贿赂等犯罪的打击力度,审结包括国家工作人员贪污贿赂、渎职侵权犯罪案件2.9万件,判处罪犯3.1万人。
In China, socialist consultative democracy is an important form of ensuring the people's democratic rights. Socialist consultative democracy values final decision-making results as well as extensive public participation in decision-making, stresses respect for the opinion of the majority as well as ensuring that the minority can fully express their opinion and protect their own rights, thereby expanding the scope of democracy so as to realize the people's democracy to the maximum extent. In 2013 China accelerated the building of a consultative democratic system with reasonable procedures and complete links, expanded the consultation channels of state power organs, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) organizations, political parties and groups, community-level and non-governmental organizations, and conducted extensive consultations on issues relating to legislation, administration, democracy, political participation and social problems. Taking these specific consultation forms as the base, China conducted extensive consultations on major issues in social and economic development and specific problems concerning the immediate interests of the people, so as to reach and enhance agreement. As an important channel of consultative democracy, the CPPCC vigorously promotes consultative democracy, innovates consultation forms categorized by specialized topics, connecting all social circles, relying on special committees and by means of panel discussions; actively conducts consultations on particular topics, between representatives from relevant sectors of society, between parties with common concern, and with relevant departments in the handling of proposals. It promotes diversified consultation activities, invites responsible persons of related departments to listen to opinions and proposals directly, so as to transform such opinions and proposals into tangible results. The CPPCC makes specific plans for consultation topics, forms and activity organizations every year. In 2013, it carried on and innovated the biweekly "consultation symposium" mechanism, and conducted consultations on macroeconomy, architectural industrialization, protecting the interests of workers and staff members, deepening the reform of scientific and technological systems, enhancing automobile exhaust control and other topics. 在中国,社会主义协商民主是人民民主权利实现的重要形式。社会主义协商民主不仅关注最终的决策结果,也关注决策过程中的广泛参与,不仅强调对多数人意见的尊重,也强调少数人意见的充分表达和权利的维护,拓宽了民主的广度,从而在最大程度上实现人民民主。2013年,中国加快构建程序合理、环节完整的协商民主体系,不断拓宽国家政权机关、政协组织、党派团体、基层组织、社会组织的协商渠道,深入开展立法协商、行政协商、民主协商、参政协商、社会协商。以这些具体协商形式为平台,就经济社会发展重大问题和涉及群众切身利益的实际问题在全社会进行广泛协商,增进和达成共识。作为协商民主的重要渠道,中国人民政治协商会议积极推进协商民主建设,创新以专题为内容、以界别为纽带、以专委会为依托、以座谈为方法的协商形式,积极开展专题协商、界别协商、对口协商、提案办理协商,推动协商活动的多样化,约请有关部门负责人直接听取意见,推动建言献策成果的转化。人民政协每年在协商议题、协商形式、活动组织等方面作出明确安排;继承和创新“双周协商座谈会”制度,分别就宏观经济形势、建筑产业化、维护职工群众切身利益、深化科技体制改革、加强汽车尾气治理等议题举办双周协商座谈会。
Community-level democracy is being advanced in an orderly manner, and protection of electoral rights and community-level autonomy have been further strengthened. In 2013 the Procedures of the People's Republic of China on the Election of Villagers' Committees was promulgated and implemented, which further specifies the procedures and requirements of villagers' committee elections. Secret ballot and open vote-counting are fully practiced; secret ballot booths have been set up; and campaign speeches and village governance speeches are being extensively promoted. Now, 98percent of villages in China have formulated village regulations, villagers' agreements and rules for self-governance by villagers; villager's participation in decision-making and management of their own affairs has been improved by a large margin. By the end of 2013 cities and towns throughout China had held seven rounds of general elections for community residents' committees. Proprietors' management committees and other non-government and volunteer organizations are now playing a greater role in community democratic self-governance.

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