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Notice by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Regulatory Evaluation of Commercial Banks' Financial Services for Micro and Small-sized Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
中国银保监会关于印发商业银行小微企业金融服务监管评价办法(试行)的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Regulatory Evaluation of Commercial Banks' Financial Services for Micro and Small-sized Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) 


All provincial offices of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission ("CBIRC"); all policy banks, large-sized banks, and joint-stock banks; and foreign-funded banks: 各银保监局,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行、外资银行:
For the purposes of further strengthening the implementation of various regulatory policies on financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises and urging and encouraging commercial banks to improve the quality and efficiency of serving micro and small-sized enterprises, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the unified arrangements of the Financial Stability Development Committee of the State Council, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”) has developed the Measures for the Regulatory Evaluation of Commercial Banks' Financial Services for Micro and Small-sized Enterprises (for Trial Implementation), which are hereby issued to you for your conscientious organization and implementation. 为进一步强化小微企业金融服务各项监管政策的贯彻落实,督促和激励商业银行提升服务小微企业的质效,根据有关法律法规和国务院金融委统一部署,银保监会制定了《商业银行小微企业金融服务监管评价办法(试行)》,现印发给你们,请认真组织实施。
Regulatory departments at all levels shall, by reference to these Measures, organize a trial evaluation of 2019's financial services of commercial banks for micro and small-sized enterprises, which will be completed by October 31, 2020. The specific requirements for the trial evaluation will be notified separately. 各级监管部门应参照本办法,对商业银行2019年度的小微企业金融服务工作组织开展试评价,于2020年10月31日前完成。试评价工作具体要求另行通知。
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission 中国银保监会
June 29, 2020 2020年6月29日
Measures for the Regulatory Evaluation of Commercial Banks' Financial Services for Micro and Small-sized Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) 商业银行小微企业金融服务监管评价办法(试行)
General Provisions 总 则
These Measures are developed in light of the regulatory policy documents of the CBIRC on promoting banking institutions' financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises, in accordance with the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, for the purposes of comprehensively and scientifically evaluating the development and effectiveness of commercial banks' financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises, urging and encouraging commercial banks to fully implement the Party's and the state's strategic plans for financial support for the development of micro and small-sized enterprises, and continuously improving the quality and efficiency of their services. 为全面科学评价商业银行小微企业金融服务工作开展情况和成效,督促和激励商业银行深入贯彻落实党和国家关于金融支持小微企业发展的战略部署,持续提升服务小微企业的质效,依据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》《中华人民共和国中小企业促进法》,结合银保监会关于推进银行业金融机构小微企业金融服务的监管政策文件,制定本办法。
Providing better financial services to micro and small-sized enterprises is an important connotation for commercial banks to serve the real economy and achieve high-quality development. The regulatory evaluation of commercial banks' financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the “regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs”) shall follow the following principles: 做好小微企业金融服务是商业银行服务实体经济、实现高质量发展的重要内涵。对商业银行小微企业金融服务工作开展监管评价(以下简称小微金融监管评价),应当坚持以下原则:
Equal emphasis shall be placed on both quantitative and qualitative indicators. The elements of regulatory evaluation shall include two types of indicators, quantitative and qualitative, so that the objectivity, comprehensiveness, and flexibility of the regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs may be taken into account. The total scores of quantitative indicators shall be higher than those of qualitative indicators. 定量与定性并行。为兼顾小微金融监管评价的客观性、全面性和灵活性,监管评价要素中包括定量和定性两大类指标。定量指标的总分值高于定性指标。
Equal emphasis shall be placed on both the total supply and the structure. While the steady growth of the total supply of financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises is being continuously promoted through the regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs, different types of commercial banks shall be encouraged to develop an in-depth differentiated competition, segment the market and the financing needs of micro and small-sized enterprises, optimize the structure of financial service contents and targets as micro and small-sized enterprises, and expand service coverage. 总量与结构并重。通过小微金融监管评价,持续推动小微企业金融服务供给总量稳定增长的同时,引导不同类型的商业银行深入开展差异化竞争,细分小微企业市场和融资需求,优化小微企业金融服务对象、内容的结构,扩大服务覆盖面。
Equal emphasis shall be placed on both encouragement and restraint. The results of the regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs shall be used as the main basis for measuring the financial services of commercial banks for micro and small-sized enterprises in the year, and be effectively linked to the development and implementation of differentiated regulatory policies, on-site inspections, and the work related to financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises such as the selection of the outstanding and advanced entities, policy trials and incentives. 激励与约束并举。小微金融监管评价结果应当作为衡量该年度商业银行小微企业金融服务情况的主要依据,与差异化监管政策制定与执行、现场检查以及小微企业金融服务相关的评先创优、政策试点和奖励等工作有效联动。
The entities that implement the regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs shall be the CBIRC and its local offices. 小微金融监管评价的实施主体是银保监会及其派出机构。
These Measures shall apply to the regulatory evaluation of the financial services for MSEs provided by the Chinese-funded commercial banks, rural commercial banks, rural cooperative banks, and rural credit cooperatives that are legally formed within the territory of the People's Republic of China. For new commercial banks that are formed in the same year (excluding rural commercial banks that have been formed through restructuring), the regulatory authorities may conduct a trial evaluation of their financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises by reference to these Measures. 本办法适用于对在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的中资商业银行及农村商业银行、农村合作银行、农村信用社的小微金融监管评价。对当年新成立的商业银行(改制成立的农村商业银行除外),监管部门可参照本办法对其小微企业金融服务情况进行试评价。
All provincial offices of the CBIRC may, according to the realities within their respective jurisdictions and by reference to these Measures and the Annex—Table of Regulatory Evaluation Indicators for Commercial Banks' Financial Services for Micro and Small-sized Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the “Table of Evaluation Indicators”), independently decide whether to carry out the regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs as to village banks within their jurisdictions. 各银保监局可根据辖内实际情况,参照本办法及附件《商业银行小微企业金融服务监管评价指标表》(以下简称《评价指标表》),自主决定是否对辖内村镇银行开展小微金融监管评价。
Development banks, policy banks, and foreign-funded banks shall, by reference to these Measures and in light of their own business characteristics and functional positioning, conscientiously implement the requirements of the relevant regulatory policies, and actively improve the financial services provided by them to micro and small-sized enterprises. The regulatory authorities of relevant institutions and the provincial offices of the CBIRC shall, by reference to these Measures, strengthen supervision and guidance over the financial services of development banks, policy banks, and foreign-funded banks for micro and small-sized enterprises. 开发银行、政策性银行、外资银行应参照本办法,结合自身业务特点和职能定位,认真贯彻落实相关监管政策要求,积极改进完善本行向小微企业提供的金融服务。相关机构监管部门和银保监局应参照本办法,对开发银行、政策性银行、外资银行小微企业金融服务工作加强督促指导。
The Evaluation System 评价体系
The system for regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs consists of five evaluation elements, namely credit extension, system and institutional construction, implementation of key regulatory policies, product and service innovation, and supervision and inspection. 小微金融监管评价体系由五部分评价要素构成,分别为:信贷投放情况、体制机制建设情况、重点监管政策落实情况、产品及服务创新情况、监督检查情况。
There are several evaluation indicators under each evaluation element. The scores of each evaluation element are comprehensively obtained by scoring the evaluation indicators and taking the professional judgment of supervisors into consideration. 各项评价要素下设若干评价指标。每项评价要素的得分通过对评价指标的打分,结合监管人员的专业判断综合得出。
The evaluation scores are achieved by the sum of the scores of each of the five elements. Quantitative indicators are scored based on the calculation results (rounding to 1 decimal place), and the minimum scoring unit for qualitative indicators is 0.5 points. 评价得分由五部分要素各自得分加总产生。定量指标依据计算结果得分(保留小数点后一位),定性指标最小计分单位为0.5分。
Evaluation indicators are the constituent units of evaluation elements. For the specific content and scores of the indicators, the Table of Evaluation Indicators shall prevail. 评价指标是评价要素的构成单元。指标具体内容及分值以《评价指标表》为准。
Evaluation indicators include conventional indicators and point addition indicators. The total scores of conventional indicators and point addition indicators are the final scores of the evaluated banks. 评价指标包含常规指标和加分指标两类。常规指标与加分指标的合计得分为被评价银行的最终得分。
The evaluation content of conventional indicators is the evaluation goals or specific tasks in the financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises that commercial banks should accomplish or regulatory requirements that they must complete, as expressly stipulated by supervisory laws and regulations and normative documents. 常规指标的评价内容是小微企业金融服务中监管法律法规、规范性文件明文规定商业银行应当完成的考核目标、具体任务或必须遵守的监管要求。
The scores of conventional indicators are mainly based on positive scoring, namely those that meet the requirements of indicators will get scores according to the specific circumstances while those that do not meet the requirements will not get scores. According to some indicators, negative scores shall be given to the acts of commercial banks as expressly prohibited by regulatory laws, regulations, and normative documents or those that commercial banks should carry out but fail to do as explicitly stipulated by regulatory laws, regulations and normative documents. In the case of any act specified in the indicators, points shall be deducted according to the specific circumstances; points shall not be deducted if no prescribed act occurred. The total scores of conventional indicators are 100 points. 常规指标的分值以正向赋分为主,符合指标要求的,按具体情况得分,不符合要求的不得分;部分指标对监管法律法规和规范性文件明令禁止商业银行实施的行为,或监管法律法规和规范性文件明文规定商业银行应当实施但未能实施、情节严重的行为给予负向赋分,发生指标规定行为的,按具体情况扣分,未发生规定行为的不扣分。常规指标合计满分100分。
The evaluation content of point addition indicators is the work in the financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises that the regulatory policies guide, encourage, and support commercial banks to develop or promote. 加分指标的评价内容是小微企业金融服务中监管政策明确引导、鼓励、支持商业银行发展或推进的工作。
The scores of point addition indicators are based on positive scoring, namely those that meet the requirements of indicators will be scored according to the specific circumstances while those that do not meet the requirements will not be scored. The total scores are 15 points. 加分指标分值为正向赋分,符合指标要求的,按具体情况得分,不符合要求的不得分,合计满分15分。
The results of the regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs are divided into four evaluation levels according to the scores. 小微金融监管评价结果根据得分划分为四个评价等级。
Those whose evaluation scores are 90 (inclusive) or above are considered as Level 1; those whose evaluation scores are between 75 and 90 as Level 2, among which those whose evaluation scores are between 85 and 90 are considered as Level 2A, those whose evaluation scores are between 80 and 85 as Level 2B; those whose evaluation scores are between 60 and 75 are considered as Level 3, among which those whose evaluation scores are between 70 and 75 are considered as Level 3A, those whose evaluation scores are between 65 and 70 as Level 3B; those whose evaluation scores are below 60 are considered as Level 4. 评价得分在90分(含)以上者为一级;得分在[75,90)区间者为二级,其中得分在[85,90)区间者为二A,[80,85)区间者为二B,[75,80)区间者为二C;得分在[60,75)区间者为三级,其中得分在[70,75)区间者为三A,[65,70)区间者为三B,[60,65)区间者为三C;得分在60分以下者为四级。
Those whose conventional indicator scores are below 60 points, the evaluation results of that year will be directly determined as Level 4. 常规指标得分在60分以下者,当年评价结果等级直接判定为四级。
The meanings corresponding to the levels for the results of the regulatory evaluation of financial services for MSEs are as follows: 小微金融监管评价结果等级对应的评价含义如下:
Level 1 indicates that the commercial bank has a full understanding of the importance of financial services for micro and small-sized enterprises, a clear strategic positioning and a sound internal organizational structure and mechanism, effectively conducts policy implementation and system guarantee, and achieves all regulatory evaluation goals; also, it means that the bank achieves outstanding results in innovation in products, services and services for micro and small-sized enterprises, and that its business and service activities are basically standardized.

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