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Measures for the Administration of Tour Guides [Effective]
导游管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the China National Tourism Administration 


(No. 44) (第44号)

The Measures for the Administration of Tour Guides, as deliberated and adopted at the 16th director's executive meeting of the China National Tourism Administration on October 16, 2017, are hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2018. 《导游管理办法》已经2017年10月16日国家旅游局第17次局长办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年1月1日起施行。
Director of the China National Tourism Administration: Li Jinzao 国家旅游局局长 李金早
November 1, 2017 2017年11月1日
Measures for the Administration of Tour Guides 导游管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the practicing conduct of tour guides, improving the service quality of tour guides, protecting the lawful rights and interests of tour guides, and promoting the sound development of the tour guide industry, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Administration of Tour Guides, the Regulation on Travel Agencies and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为规范导游执业行为,提升导游服务质量,保障导游合法权益,促进导游行业健康发展,依据《中华人民共和国旅游法》《导游人员管理条例》和《旅行社条例》等法律法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 Licensing, management, guarantee and incentive for practicing of tour guides shall be governed by these Measures.   第二条 导游执业的许可、管理、保障与激励,适用本办法。
Article 3 The state implements the licensing system for practicing of tour guides. A person carrying out the activities of practicing of tour guides shall obtain the tour guide qualification certificate and tour guide license.   第三条 国家对导游执业实行许可制度。从事导游执业活动的人员,应当取得导游人员资格证和导游证。
The China National Tourism Administration (“CNTA”) has established a tour guide level assessment system, a tour guide service star rating system and a national tourism supervision service information system, and the competent departments of tourism at all levels shall implement dynamic supervision of tour guides and provide services by standardized and informative means. 国家旅游局建立导游等级考核制度、导游服务星级评价制度和全国旅游监管服务信息系统,各级旅游主管部门运用标准化、信息化手段对导游实施动态监管和服务。
Article 4 The tour industry organization shall protect the lawful rights and interests of tour guides according to the law, promote the career development of tour guides and strengthen the self-discipline of tour guides.   第四条 旅游行业组织应当依法维护导游合法权益,促进导游职业发展,加强导游行业自律。
Travel agencies and other employers shall strengthen the management and training of tour guides, and protect the lawful rights and interests of tour guides, to improve the quality of tour guides. 旅行社等用人单位应当加强对导游的管理和培训,保障导游合法权益,提升导游服务质量。
Tour guides shall observe the professional ethics, improve the service standards, and consciously maintain the image of the tour guide industry. 导游应当恪守职业道德,提升服务水平,自觉维护导游行业形象。
Article 5 Support and encouragement shall be given to various social institutions for actively carrying forward the advanced model of the tour guide industry, optimizing the tour guide practicing environment, and promoting the sound and steady development of the tour guide industry.   第五条 支持和鼓励各类社会机构积极弘扬导游行业先进典型,优化导游执业环境,促进导游行业健康稳定发展。
Chapter II Practicing Licensing for Tour Guides 

第二章 导游执业许可

Article 6 A tour guide may only obtain a tour guide qualification certificate after passing the qualification examination.   第六条 经导游人员资格考试合格的人员,方可取得导游人员资格证。
The CNTA shall be responsible for developing the policies and standards for the national tour guide qualification examinations, organizing the unified tour guide qualification examinations, and supervise and manage the implementation of the tour guide qualification examinations by the local competent departments of tourism at all levels. 国家旅游局负责制定全国导游资格考试政策、标准,组织导游资格统一考试,以及对地方各级旅游主管部门导游资格考试实施工作进行监督管理。
The competent departments of tourism of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for organizing and implementing the specific work of tour guide qualification examinations within their respective administrative regions. 省、自治区、直辖市旅游主管部门负责组织、实施本行政区域内导游资格考试具体工作。
The specific measures for the management of the national tour guide qualification examinations shall be separately developed by the CNTA. 全国导游资格考试管理的具体办法,由国家旅游局另行制定。
Article 7 A person that has obtained a tour guide qualification certificate and has entered into the labor contract with a travel agency or has been registered with the tour industry organization may apply to the local competent department of tourism for obtaining a tour guide license through the national tourism supervision service information system.   第七条 取得导游人员资格证,并与旅行社订立劳动合同或者在旅游行业组织注册的人员,可以通过全国旅游监管服务信息系统向所在地旅游主管部门申请取得导游证。
The form of electronic license shall be adopted for tour guide license, the format standards shall be developed by the CNTA, and the competent departments of tourism at all levels shall implement management through the national tourism supervision service information system. The electronic tour guide license shall be kept in the mobile phone and other mobile terminal equipment of the tour guide in the form of electronic data. 导游证采用电子证件形式,由国家旅游局制定格式标准,由各级旅游主管部门通过全国旅游监管服务信息系统实施管理。电子导游证以电子数据形式保存于导游个人移动电话等移动终端设备中。
Article 8 To register with the tour industry organization and apply for a tour guide license, a person shall submit the following materials to the tour industry organization in the place where he or she is located:   第八条 在旅游行业组织注册并申请取得导游证的人员,应当向所在地旅游行业组织提交下列材料:
(1) identity card; (一)身份证;
(2) tour guide qualification certificate; (二)导游人员资格证;
(3) his or her recent photo; and (三)本人近期照片;
(4) registration application. (四)注册申请。
The tourism industry organization shall not collect any registration fee when accepting the registration of an applicant obtaining a tour guide license; and a tour industry organization collecting membership fees shall comply with the Regulation on the Registration of Social Organizations and other laws and regulations, and shall not collect any membership fee in the name of registration fees for tour guide license. 旅游行业组织在接受申请人取得导游证的注册时,不得收取注册费;旅游行业组织收取会员会费的,应当符合《社会团体登记条例》等法律法规的规定,不得以导游证注册费的名义收取会费。
Article 9 Where a tour guide obtains a tour guide license by entering into a labor contract with a travel agency, the labor contract shall be valid for more than one month.   第九条 导游通过与旅行社订立劳动合同取得导游证的,劳动合同的期限应当在1个月以上。
Article 10 To apply for a tour guide license, an applicant shall, through the national tourism supervision service information system, enter the application information and submit the following application materials:   第十条 申请取得导游证,申请人应当通过全国旅游监管服务信息系统填写申请信息,并提交下列申请材料:
(1) the scanned copy or digital photo and other electronic versions of the identity card; (一)身份证的扫描件或者数码照片等电子版;
(2) commitment on having no infectious disease; (二)未患有传染性疾病的承诺;
(3) commitment on having no criminal record other than criminal negligence; and (三)无过失犯罪以外的犯罪记录的承诺;
(4) confirmation information on entering into a labor contract with a travel agency in the area where he or she frequently practices or being registered with a tour industry organization in the area where he or she frequently practices. (四)与经常执业地区的旅行社订立劳动合同或者在经常执业地区的旅游行业组织注册的确认信息。
The information as prescribed in item (4) of the preceding paragraph shall be confirmed by the travel agency or the tour industry organization within 5 working days of the submission of an application by the applicant. 前款第(四)项规定的信息,旅行社或者旅游行业组织应当自申请人提交申请之日起5个工作日内确认。
Article 11 The local competent department of tourism shall issue a written voucher of acceptance or rejection according to the law for an application filed by an applicant for obtaining a tour guide license. Where supplements and corrections are required to be made, the applicant shall be notified of all necessary supplements and corrections at a time within 5 working days of the receipt of the application materials; and where an applicant is not notified within the prescribed time limit, it shall be deemed acceptance on the date of receipt of materials.   第十一条 所在地旅游主管部门对申请人提出的取得导游证的申请,应当依法出具受理或者不予受理的书面凭证。需补正相关材料的,应当自收到申请材料之日起5个工作日内一次性告知申请人需要补正的全部内容;逾期不告知的,收到材料之日起即为受理。
The local competent department of tourism shall, within 10 working days of the acceptance of an application, make a decision of approving or disapproving the verification and issuance of a tour guide license. Where verification and issuance is disapproved, the applicant shall be notified of the reasons in writing. 所在地旅游主管部门应当自受理申请之日起10个工作日内,作出准予核发或者不予核发导游证的决定。不予核发的,应当书面告知申请人理由。
Article 12 Where a person falls under the following circumstances, a tour guide license shall not be verified and issued:   第十二条 具有下列情形的,不予核发导游证:
(1) He or she has no civil capacity or limited civil capacity. (一)无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的;
(2) He or she suffers Category A or B infectious disease and other infectious diseases that may endanger the personal health and safety of tourists. (二)患有甲类、乙类以及其他可能危害旅游者人身健康安全的传染性疾病的;
(3) He or she has been subject to criminal punishment, except criminal negligence. (三)受过刑事处罚的,过失犯罪的除外;
(4) Three years have not elapsed since the date when his or her tour guide license is revoked. (四)被吊销导游证之日起未逾3年的。
Article 13 A tour guide license shall be valid for 3 years. A tour guide that needs to continue to practice after the expiry of the validity period of his or her tour guide license shall, within 3 months before the expiry of the validity period, file an application with the local competent department of tourism and submit the materials as prescribed in items (2) to (4) of Article 10 of these Measures through the national tourism supervision service information system.   第十三条 导游证的有效期为3年。导游需要在导游证有效期届满后继续执业的,应当在有效期限届满前3个月内,通过全国旅游监管服务信息系统向所在地旅游主管部门提出申请,并提交本办法第十条第(二)项至第(四)项规定的材料。
A travel agency or tour industry organization shall confirm the information within 3 working days of the date of filing an application by a tour guide. The local competent department of tourism shall, within 5 working days of the date when the travel agency or travel industry organization verifies the information, conduct examination, and change the tour guide license for a tour guide meeting the conditions. 旅行社或者旅游行业组织应当自导游提交申请之日起3个工作日内确认信息。所在地旅游主管部门应当自旅行社或者旅游行业组织核实信息之日起5个工作日内予以审核,并对符合条件的导游变更导游证信息。
Article 14 Where a labor contract concluded by and between a tour guide and a travel agency is dissolved and terminated, or a tour guide cancels registration with the tour industry organization, the tour guide and the travel agency or tour industry organization shall, within 5 days of the date when the contract is dissolved or terminated or registration is canceled, report the information change to the competent department of tourism through the national tourism supervision service information system.   第十四条 导游与旅行社订立的劳动合同解除、终止或者在旅游行业组织取消注册的,导游及旅行社或者旅游行业组织应当自解除、终止合同或者取消注册之日起5个工作日内,通过全国旅游监管服务信息系统将信息变更情况报告旅游主管部门。
Article 15 A tour guide shall, within 10 working days of the occurrence of the following circumstances, submit the corresponding materials through the national tourism supervision service information system, to apply for changing the tour guide license:   第十五条 导游应当自下列情形发生之日起10个工作日内,通过全国旅游监管服务信息系统提交相应材料,申请变更导游证信息:
(1) The name, identity card number, tour guide level and language and other information are changed. (一)姓名、身份证号、导游等级和语种等信息发生变化的;
(2) After the labor contract concluded with the travel agency is dissolved or terminated or registration with the tour industry organization is canceled, a labor contract is concluded with another travel agency or registration is conducted with another tour industry organization within 3 months. (二)与旅行社订立的劳动合同解除、终止或者在旅游行业组织取消注册后,在3个月内与其他旅行社订立劳动合同或者在其他旅游行业组织注册的;
(3) The area where he or she frequently practices is changed. (三)经常执业地区发生变化的;
(4) Other tour guide identity information is changed. (四)其他导游身份信息发生变化的。
A travel agency or tour industry organization shall verify the information change within 3 working days of the date of receiving an application. The local competent department of tourism shall, within 5 working days of the date when the travel agency or travel industry organization verifies the information, conduct examination and confirmation. 旅行社或者旅游行业组织应当自收到申请之日起3个工作日内对信息变更情况进行核实。所在地旅游主管部门应当自旅行社或者旅游行业组织核实信息之日起5个工作日内予以审核确认。
Article 16 Under one of the following circumstances, the local competent department of tourism shall revoke the tour guide license:   第十六条 有下列情形之一的,所在地旅游主管部门应当撤销导游证:
(1) A tour guide license is verified for and issued to an applicant disqualified for applying or failing to meet the statutory conditions. (一)对不具备申请资格或者不符合法定条件的申请人核发导游证的;
(2) An applicant obtains a tour guide license by such improper means as fraud and bribery. (二)申请人以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得导游证的;
(3) Other circumstances under which a tour guide license may be revoked according to the law. (三)依法可以撤销导游证的其他情形。
Article 17 Under one of the following circumstances, the local competent department of tourism shall cancel the tour guide license:   第十七条 有下列情形之一的,所在地旅游主管部门应当注销导游证:
(1) A tour guide is dead. (一)导游死亡的;
(2) A tour guide does not apply for replacing a tour guide license upon expiry of the validity period of the tour guide license. (二)导游证有效期届满未申请换发导游证的;
(3) A tour guide license is canceled or revoked according to the law. (三)导游证依法被撤销、吊销的;
(4) After the labor contract concluded by and between a tour guide and a travel agency is dissolved or terminated or registration with the tour industry organization is canceled, a tour guide does not enter into any labor contract with any other travel agency or does not conduct registration with any other tour industry organization for more than 3 months. (四)导游与旅行社订立的劳动合同解除、终止或者在旅游行业组织取消注册后,超过3个月未与其他旅行社订立劳动合同或者未在其他旅游行业组织注册的;
(5) The circumstances as specified in items (1) to (3) of Article 12 of these Measures occur after a tour guide license is obtained. (五)取得导游证后出现本办法第十二条第(一)项至第(三)项情形的;
(6) Other circumstances under which a tour guide license shall be canceled according to the law. (六)依法应当注销导游证的其他情形。
After a tour guide license is canceled, a tour guide that meets the statutory conditions for practicing and needs to continue with practicing shall re-apply for a tour guide license according to the law. 导游证被注销后,导游符合法定执业条件需要继续执业的,应当依法重新申请取得导游证。
Article 18 The area where a tour guide frequently practices shall be consistent with the provincial administrative region of the place where the travel agency (including branch of a travel agency) with which a tour guide enters into a labor contract or the tour industry organization with which a tour guide conducts registration.   第十八条 导游的经常执业地区应当与其订立劳动合同的旅行社(含旅行社分社)或者注册的旅游行业组织所在地的省级行政区域一致。
Where the area where an applicant for a tour guide license frequently practices is the place where a branch of a travel agency is located, the competent department of tourism in the place where the branch of a travel agency is located shall be responsible for the relevant work of obtaining a tour guide license.

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