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Law of the People's Republic of China on International Criminal Judicial Assistance [Effective]
中华人民共和国国际刑事司法协助法 [现行有效]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 13) (第十三号)

The Law of the People's Republic of China on International Criminal Judicial Assistance, as adopted at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 26, 2018, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《中华人民共和国国际刑事司法协助法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议于2018年10月26日通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
President of the People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
October 26, 2018 2018年10月26日
Law of the People's Republic of China on International Criminal Judicial Assistance 中华人民共和国国际刑事司法协助法
(Adopted at the 6th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 26, 2018) (2018年10月26日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议通过)
Table of Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Presentation, Receipt and Handling of Requests for Criminal Judicial Assistance 第二章 刑事司法协助请求的提出、接收和处理
Section 1 Requesting a Foreign Country to Provide Criminal Judicial Assistance 第一节 向外国请求刑事司法协助
Section 2 Requesting the People's Republic of China to Provide Criminal Judicial Assistance 第二节 向中华人民共和国请求刑事司法协助
Chapter III Service of Documents 第三章 送达文书
Section 1 Requesting a Foreign Country to Serve Documents 第一节 向外国请求送达文书
Section 2 Requesting the People's Republic of China to Serve Documents 第二节 向中华人民共和国请求送达文书
Chapter IV Investigation and Evidence Collection 第四章 调查取证
Section 1 Requesting a Foreign Country to Conduct Investigation and Collect Evidence 第一节 向外国请求调查取证
Section 2 Requesting the People's Republic of China to Conduct Investigation and Collect Evidence 第二节 向中华人民共和国请求调查取证
Chapter V Arranging for a Witness to Testify or Assist in Investigation 第五章 安排证人作证或者协助调查
Section 1 Requesting a Foreign Country to Arrange for a Witness to Testify or Assist in Investigation 第一节 向外国请求安排证人作证或者协助调查
Section 2 Requesting the People's Republic of China to Arrange for a Witness to Testify or Assist in Investigation 第二节 向中华人民共和国请求安排证人作证或者协助调查
Chapter VI Seizure, Impoundment and Freezing of Property Involved in a Case 第六章 查封、扣押、冻结涉案财物
Section 1 Requesting a Foreign Country to Seize, Impound or Freeze the Property Involved in a Case 第一节 向外国请求查封、扣押、冻结涉案财物
Section 2 Requesting the People's Republic of China to Seize, Impound or Freeze the Property Involved in a Case 第二节 向中华人民共和国请求查封、扣押、冻结涉案财物
Chapter VII Confiscation and Return of Illegal Income and Other Property Involved in a Case 第七章 没收、返还违法所得及其他涉案财物
Section 1 Requesting a Foreign Country to Confiscate or Return the Illegal Income and Other Property Involved in a Case 第一节 向外国请求没收、返还违法所得及其他涉案财物
Section 2 Requesting the People's Republic of China to Confiscate or Return the Illegal Income and Other Property Involved in a Case 第二节 向中华人民共和国请求没收、返还违法所得及其他涉案财物
Chapter VIII Transfer of Sentenced Persons 第八章 移管被判刑人
Section 1 Transfer of Sentenced Persons to a Foreign Country 第一节 向外国移管被判刑人
Section 2 Transfer of Sentenced Persons to the People's Republic of China 第二节 向中华人民共和国移管被判刑人
Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions 第九章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is developed for purposes of guaranteeing the normal proceeding of international criminal judicial assistance, strengthening international cooperation in the field of criminal judicial justice, effectively punishing crimes, protecting the lawful rights and interests of individuals and organizations, and maintaining national interest and social order.   第一条 为了保障国际刑事司法协助的正常进行,加强刑事司法领域的国际合作,有效惩治犯罪,保护个人和组织的合法权益,维护国家利益和社会秩序,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purpose of this Law, “international criminal judicial assistance” means the mutual assistance provided between the People's Republic of China and foreign countries in the investigation, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, execution and other activities of criminal cases, including the service of documents, investigation and evidence collection, arrangement of witnesses to testify or assist in investigation, seizure, impoundment and freezing of properties involved in cases, confiscation and return of illegal income and other properties involved in cases, transfer of sentenced persons and other assistance.   第二条 本法所称国际刑事司法协助,是指中华人民共和国和外国在刑事案件调查、侦查、起诉、审判和执行等活动中相互提供协助,包括送达文书,调查取证,安排证人作证或者协助调查,查封、扣押、冻结涉案财物,没收、返还违法所得及其他涉案财物,移管被判刑人以及其他协助。
Article 3 Criminal judicial assistance between the People's Republic of China and foreign countries shall be provided in accordance with this Law.   第三条 中华人民共和国和外国之间开展刑事司法协助,依照本法进行。
The provisions of this Law, the Criminal Procedure Law and other relevant laws shall apply to the execution of requests for criminal judicial assistance made by foreign countries. 执行外国提出的刑事司法协助请求,适用本法、刑事诉讼法及其他相关法律的规定。
Such matters as the authority which signs the written request, the language of the written request and attached materials, the relevant time limit for handling and specific procedures may be handled in accordance with the provisions of criminal judicial assistance treaties or through consultation by both parties, provided that they are not against the basic principles of laws of the People's Republic of China. 对于请求书的签署机关、请求书及所附材料的语言文字、有关办理期限和具体程序等事项,在不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则的情况下,可以按照刑事司法协助条约规定或者双方协商办理。
Article 4 The People's Republic of China and foreign countries shall provide international criminal judicial assistance under the principles of equality and reciprocity.   第四条 中华人民共和国和外国按照平等互惠原则开展国际刑事司法协助。
International criminal judicial assistance shall not damage the sovereignty, security or public interest of the People's Republic of China, and shall not violate the basic principles of laws of the People's Republic of China. 国际刑事司法协助不得损害中华人民共和国的主权、安全和社会公共利益,不得违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则。
No foreign institution, organization or individual may conduct criminal proceedings prescribed by this Law within the territory of the People's Republic of China without the approval of the competent authority of the People's Republic of China, and no institution, organization or individual within the territory of the People's Republic of China may provide evidentiary materials and assistance prescribed by this Law to foreign countries. 非经中华人民共和国主管机关同意,外国机构、组织和个人不得在中华人民共和国境内进行本法规定的刑事诉讼活动,中华人民共和国境内的机构、组织和个人不得向外国提供证据材料和本法规定的协助。
Article 5 Criminal judicial assistance between the People's Republic of China and foreign countries shall be provided through liaison with foreign affairs liaison authorities.   第五条 中华人民共和国和外国之间开展刑事司法协助,通过对外联系机关联系。
The Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China and other foreign affairs liaison authorities shall be responsible for proposing, receiving and forwarding the requests for criminal judicial assistance and handling other affairs relating to international criminal judicial assistance. 中华人民共和国司法部等对外联系机关负责提出、接收和转递刑事司法协助请求,处理其他与国际刑事司法协助相关的事务。
The People's Republic of China and foreign countries shall communicate with each other through diplomatic channels, if there are no criminal judicial assistance treaties between them. 中华人民共和国和外国之间没有刑事司法协助条约的,通过外交途径联系。
Article 6 The National Oversight Commission, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security and other departments are the competent authorities in charge of international criminal judicial assistance, and shall be responsible for examining criminal judicial assistance requests made to foreign countries, examining and handling criminal judicial assistance requests made by foreign countries and forwarded by foreign affairs liaison authorities, and undertaking other work relating to international criminal judicial assistance according to the division of functions. In the cases on the transfer of sentenced persons, the Ministry of Justice shall, according to the division of functions, undertake the functions of corresponding competent authorities.   第六条 国家监察委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、国家安全部等部门是开展国际刑事司法协助的主管机关,按照职责分工,审核向外国提出的刑事司法协助请求,审查处理对外联系机关转递的外国提出的刑事司法协助请求,承担其他与国际刑事司法协助相关的工作。在移管被判刑人案件中,司法部按照职责分工,承担相应的主管机关职责。
The organs handling criminal judicial assistance cases are the case handling organs of international criminal judicial assistance, and shall be responsible for submitting to the competent authorities to which they are subordinate the requests for criminal judicial assistance to be made to foreign countries, and executing the requests for criminal judicial assistance made by foreign countries and assigned by the competent authorities to which they are subordinate. 办理刑事司法协助相关案件的机关是国际刑事司法协助的办案机关,负责向所属主管机关提交需要向外国提出的刑事司法协助请求、执行所属主管机关交办的外国提出的刑事司法协助请求。
Article 7 The state shall guarantee the funds required for international criminal judicial assistance.   第七条 国家保障开展国际刑事司法协助所需经费。
Article 8 The expenses incurred from the mutual execution of requests for criminal judicial assistance between the People's Republic of China and foreign countries shall be borne in accordance with the provisions of the treaty if there is a treaty; and shall be resolved through consultation under the principles of equality and reciprocity if there is no treaty or it is not provided for in the treaty.   第八条 中华人民共和国和外国相互执行刑事司法协助请求产生的费用,有条约规定的,按照条约承担;没有条约或者条约没有规定的,按照平等互惠原则通过协商解决。
Chapter II Presentation, Receipt and Handling of Requests for Criminal Judicial Assistance 

第二章 刑事司法协助请求的提出、接收和处理

Section 1 Requesting a Foreign Country to Provide Criminal Judicial Assistance 

第一节 向外国请求刑事司法协助

Article 9 Where the case handling organ needs to request a foreign country to provide criminal judicial assistance, it shall prepare a written request for criminal judicial assistance with the relevant materials attached, which shall, after being examined and approved by the competent authority to which it is subordinate, be filed by the foreign affairs liaison authority with the foreign country in a timely manner.   第九条 办案机关需要向外国请求刑事司法协助的,应当制作刑事司法协助请求书并附相关材料,经所属主管机关审核同意后,由对外联系机关及时向外国提出请求。
Article 10 A written request for criminal judicial assistance shall be filed with a foreign country in accordance with the provisions of the criminal judicial assistance treaty; if there is no such treaty or it is not provided for in the treaty, the provision of Article 13 of this Law may apply mutatis mutandis, or if the requested country has particular requirements, the request may be filed according to the particular requirements of the requested country, provided that it is not against the basic principles of laws of the People's Republic of China.   第十条 向外国的刑事司法协助请求书,应当依照刑事司法协助条约的规定提出;没有条约或者条约没有规定的,可以参照本法第十三条的规定提出;被请求国有特殊要求的,在不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则的情况下,可以按照被请求国的特殊要求提出。
The written request and the attached materials shall be prepared in Chinese and be accompanied by a translation of the official language of the requested country. 请求书及所附材料应当以中文制作,并附有被请求国官方文字的译文。
Article 11 Where the requested country puts forward additional conditions for the execution of a request for criminal judicial assistance, if it does not damage the sovereignty, security or public interest of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may make a commitment. If the requested country expressly states that the commitment made by the foreign affairs liaison authority is sufficient and effective, the foreign affairs liaison authority may also make a commitment. The commitment to restrict prosecution shall be decided by the Supreme People's Procuratorate; and the commitment to sentencing shall be decided by the Supreme People's Court.   第十一条 被请求国就执行刑事司法协助请求提出附加条件,不损害中华人民共和国的主权、安全和社会公共利益的,可以由外交部作出承诺。被请求国明确表示对外联系机关作出的承诺充分有效的,也可以由对外联系机关作出承诺。对于限制追诉的承诺,由最高人民检察院决定;对于量刑的承诺,由最高人民法院决定。
When investigating the criminal liability of a person involved in a case, the relevant authority shall be bound by the commitment made. 在对涉案人员追究刑事责任时,有关机关应当受所作出的承诺的约束。
Article 12 After receiving the relevant notice or execution result provided by a foreign country, the foreign affairs liaison authority shall forward it to or inform the competent authority in a timely manner.   第十二条 对外联系机关收到外国的有关通知或者执行结果后,应当及时转交或者转告有关主管机关。
Where a foreign country requests a notification of the litigation result in a case for which it provides criminal judicial assistance, the foreign affairs liaison authority shall transfer the case to the competent authority for handling. 外国就其提供刑事司法协助的案件要求通报诉讼结果的,对外联系机关转交有关主管机关办理。
Section 2 Requesting the People's Republic of China to Provide Criminal Judicial Assistance 

第二节 向中华人民共和国请求刑事司法协助

Article 13 When a foreign country requests the People's Republic of China to provide criminal judicial assistance, it shall file a written request in accordance with the provisions of the criminal judicial assistance treaty. If there is no treaty or it is not provided for in the treaty, it shall indicate the following matters in the written request and attach the relevant materials:   第十三条 外国向中华人民共和国提出刑事司法协助请求的,应当依照刑事司法协助条约的规定提出请求书。没有条约或者条约没有规定的,应当在请求书中载明下列事项并附相关材料:
(1) Name of the organ that makes the request. (一)请求机关的名称;
(2) Case nature, basic information on personnel involved in the case and criminal facts. (二)案件性质、涉案人员基本信息及犯罪事实;
(3) Legal provisions applicable to this case. (三)本案适用的法律规定;
(4) Requested matters and the purpose of the request. (四)请求的事项和目的;
(5) Correlation between requested matters and the case. (五)请求的事项与案件之间的关联性;
(6) The period during which the request shall be executed. (六)希望请求得以执行的期限;
(7) Other necessary information or additional requirements. (七)其他必要的信息或者附加的要求。
In the absence of a criminal judicial assistance treaty, the requesting country shall make a reciprocal commitment. 在没有刑事司法协助条约的情况下,请求国应当作出互惠的承诺。
The written request and the attached materials shall be accompanied by a Chinese translation. 请求书及所附材料应当附有中文译文。
Article 14 Under any of the following circumstances, a request for criminal judicial assistance made by a foreign country to the People's Republic of China may be rejected:   第十四条 外国向中华人民共和国提出的刑事司法协助请求,有下列情形之一的,可以拒绝提供协助:
(1) The conduct against which the request is made does not constitute a crime in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. (一)根据中华人民共和国法律,请求针对的行为不构成犯罪;
(2) When a request is received, the crime against which the request is made is subject to investigation, criminal investigation, prosecution and trial within the territory of the People's Republic of China, an effective judgment has been rendered, criminal proceedings have been terminated, or the term for prosecution has expired. (二)在收到请求时,在中华人民共和国境内对于请求针对的犯罪正在进行调查、侦查、起诉、审判,已经作出生效判决,终止刑事诉讼程序,或者犯罪已过追诉时效期限;
(3) The crime against which the request is made is a political offense. (三)请求针对的犯罪属于政治犯罪;
(4) The crime against which the request is made is purely a military offense. (四)请求针对的犯罪纯属军事犯罪;
(5) The purpose of the request is to conduct investigation, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial or execute the punishment on the grounds of race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender, political opinion, or identity, among others, or the party may receive unfair treatment for the aforesaid reasons. (五)请求的目的是基于种族、民族、宗教、国籍、性别、政治见解或者身份等方面的原因而进行调查、侦查、起诉、审判、执行刑罚,或者当事人可能由于上述原因受到不公正待遇;
(6) The requested matters have no substantial relations with the case on which the request for assistance is made. (六)请求的事项与请求协助的案件之间缺乏实质性联系;
(7) Any other circumstance where the request may be rejected. (七)其他可以拒绝的情形。
Article 15 When the foreign affairs liaison authority receives a foreign country's request for criminal judicial assistance, it shall examine the written request and the attached materials. If the form and content of the written request satisfy the relevant requirements, the written request and the attached materials shall be forwarded to the competent authority for handling according to the division of functions. If the form and content of the written request fail to satisfy the requirements, the requesting country may be required to supplement materials or submit a new written request.   第十五条 对外联系机关收到外国提出的刑事司法协助请求,应当对请求书及所附材料进行审查。对于请求书形式和内容符合要求的,应当按照职责分工,将请求书及所附材料转交有关主管机关处理;对于请求书形式和内容不符合要求的,可以要求请求国补充材料或者重新提出请求。
Where the request for criminal judicial assistance evidently damages the sovereignty, security or public interest of the People's Republic of China, the foreign affairs liaison authority may directly reject the request. 对于刑事司法协助请求明显损害中华人民共和国的主权、安全和社会公共利益的,对外联系机关可以直接拒绝协助。
Article 16 After receiving the written request for criminal judicial assistance and the attached materials forwarded by the foreign affairs liaison authority, the competent authority shall conduct examination and handle them respectively as follows:   第十六条 主管机关收到对外联系机关转交的刑事司法协助请求书及所附材料后,应当进行审查,并分别作出以下处理:
(1) Where the competent authority deems that it may assist in the execution in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the criminal judicial assistance treaty, it shall make a decision and arrange the execution by the relevant case handling organ. (一)根据本法和刑事司法协助条约的规定认为可以协助执行的,作出决定并安排有关办案机关执行;
(2) Where the competent authority deems that it shall refuse to provide assistance, either entirely or partially, as prescribed by Article 4 or 14 of this Law or the criminal judicial assistance treaty, it shall return the written request and the attached materials to the foreign affairs liaison authority and explain the reason. (二)根据本法第四条、第十四条或者刑事司法协助条约的规定,认为应当全部或者部分拒绝协助的,将请求书及所附材料退回对外联系机关并说明理由;
(3) Where the competent authority has confidentiality requirements for or other conditions attached to the execution of the request, it shall put forward such requirements or conditions to the foreign country through the foreign affairs liaison authority, and decide to execute the request with attached conditions after the foreign country accepts the conditions and makes a written commitment. (三)对执行请求有保密要求或者有其他附加条件的,通过对外联系机关向外国提出,在外国接受条件并且作出书面保证后,决定附条件执行;
(4) Where the competent authority deems it necessary to supplement materials, it shall notify the foreign affairs liaison authority in writing to require the requesting country to provide the materials within a reasonable time limit. (四)需要补充材料的,书面通知对外联系机关要求请求国在合理期限内提供。
Where the competent authority deems that the execution of a request may obstruct the ongoing investigation, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial or execution of the relevant authority of the People's Republic of China, it may decide to postpone assistance and shall notify in writing the foreign affairs liaison authority of the decision on and grounds for postponing the assistance. 执行请求可能妨碍中华人民共和国有关机关正在进行的调查、侦查、起诉、审判或者执行的,主管机关可以决定推迟协助,并将推迟协助的决定和理由书面通知对外联系机关。
Where a foreign country has confidentiality requirements or other particular procedural requirements for the execution of its request, the competent authority may arrange the execution of the request in accordance with such requirements provided that it is not against the basic principles of laws of the People's Republic of China. 外国对执行其请求有保密要求或者特殊程序要求的,在不违反中华人民共和国法律的基本原则的情况下,主管机关可以按照其要求安排执行。
Article 17 The case handling organ shall, after receiving a foreign country's request for criminal judicial assistance assigned by the competent authority, execute the request in accordance with the law, and report the execution result or circumstances that obstruct execution to the competent authority in a timely manner.   第十七条 办案机关收到主管机关交办的外国刑事司法协助请求后,应当依法执行,并将执行结果或者妨碍执行的情形及时报告主管机关。
In the course of executing a request, the case handling organ shall protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties and other relevant persons, and protect personal information. 办案机关在执行请求过程中,应当维护当事人和其他相关人员的合法权益,保护个人信息。
Article 18 Where a foreign country requests the use of evidentiary materials obtained through criminal judicial assistance for purposes other than the request for a specific case, the foreign affairs liaison authority shall forward the request to the competent authority, and the competent authority shall make a decision on whether to approve the application or not.
   第十八条 外国请求将通过刑事司法协助取得的证据材料用于请求针对的案件以外的其他目的的,对外联系机关应当转交主管机关,由主管机关作出是否同意的决定。

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