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Announcement No. 38 [2018] of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine—Announcement on Issuing the Detailed Working Rules for the Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods [Effective]
质检总局公告2018年第38号――关于发布《缺陷进口消费品召回工作细则》的公告 [现行有效]

Announcement of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 


(No. 38 [2018]) (2018年第38号)

Announcement on Issuing the Detailed Working Rules for the Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods 关于发布《缺陷进口消费品召回工作细则》的公告
For the purposes of implementing the Opinions of the State Council on Improving the Quality Safety Risk Early Warning and Quick Response Regulation System for Imported and Exported Commodities and Effectively Protecting Consumers' Rights and Interests (No. 43 [2017], State Council), and further regulating and effectively conducting the administration of the recall of defective imported consumer goods, in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of the Recall of Defective Consumer Goods, and in light of the actual circumstances of the quality safety regulation of imported consumer goods, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has developed the Detailed Working Rules for the Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods, which shall come into force on the date of issuance. 为落实《国务院关于完善进出口商品质量安全风险预警和快速反应监管体系 切实保护消费者权益的意见》(国发〔2017〕43号),进一步规范和做好缺陷进口消费品召回管理工作,根据《缺陷消费品召回管理办法》,结合进口消费品质量安全监管工作实际,质检总局制定了《缺陷进口消费品召回工作细则》,自发布之日起执行。
Annex: Detailed Working Rules for the Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods 附件:缺陷进口消费品召回工作细则
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 质检总局
March 21, 2018 2018年3月21日
Annex 附件
Detailed Working Rules for the Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods 缺陷进口消费品召回工作细则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the recall of defective imported consumer goods, preventing and eliminating the damage that may be caused by defective imported consumer goods, and protecting consumers' personal and property safety, these Detailed Rules are developed in accordance with the Measures for the Administration of the Recall of Defective Consumer Goods.   第一条 为了规范缺陷进口消费品召回工作,预防和消除进口消费品缺陷可能导致的伤害,保障消费者的人身和财产安全,根据《缺陷消费品召回管理办法》,制定本细则。
Article 2 These Detailed Rules shall apply to the recall of the consumer goods imported from outside of the territory of the People's Republic of China and the supervision and administration thereof, except as otherwise provided for by laws, regulations or rules.   第二条 本细则适用于从中华人民共和国境外进口的消费品的召回及其监督管理。法律法规规章另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 3 These Detailed Rules shall not apply to tobacco and tobacco products, motor vehicle products, civil aircrafts, civil vessels, food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical instrument products, pesticide products and other products specifically provided for by laws or regulations.   第三条 烟草及烟草制品、机动车产品、民用航空器、民用船舶、食品、药品、化妆品、医疗器械产品、农药制品以及其他法律法规作出专门规定的产品不适用本细则。
Article 4 The enterprises that import consumer goods from outside the territory of China and sell such products within the territory of China or the authorized institutions formed by overseas enterprises within the territory of China (hereinafter referred to as “importers”) shall be the parties responsible for the recall of defective imported consumer goods.   第四条 从中国境外进口消费品到中国境内销售的企业或境外企业在中国境内设立的授权机构(以下简称进口商)是缺陷进口消费品的召回主体。
Article 5 The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the “AQSIQ”) shall take charge of the guidance, coordination, and supervision and administration, among others, of the recall of defective imported consumer goods nationwide.   第五条 国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称质检总局)负责全国缺陷进口消费品召回工作的指导、协调、监督管理等工作。
All entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureaus directly under the AQSIQ (hereinafter referred to as “bureaus directly under the AQSIQ”) shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the recall of defective imported consumer goods within their respective jurisdictions, and undertake the investigation of defects in imported consumer goods authorized by the AQSIQ. 各直属出入境检验检疫局(以下简称直属局)负责本辖区内缺陷进口消费品召回监督管理工作,承担质检总局委托的进口消费品缺陷调查工作。
Entry-exit inspection and quarantine branches (hereinafter referred to as “branches”) shall, according to the requirements of the bureaus directly under the AQSIQ, undertake part of the work of supervision and administration of the recall of defective imported consumer goods. 出入境检验检疫分支机构(以下简称分支机构)根据直属局的要求,承担缺陷进口消费品召回监督管理的部分工作。
Article 6 The Risk Assessment Center for Imported and Exported Industrial and Consumer Product of the AQSIQ (hereinafter referred to as the “RACICP”) shall undertake the specific technical work such as the collection and analysis of information on the recall of defective imported consumer goods nationwide, risk assessment, and defect verification.   第六条 国家质检总局进出口工业与消费品风险评估中心(以下简称评估中心)承担全国缺陷进口消费品召回信息的收集分析、风险评估、缺陷验证等具体技术工作。
National quality safety risk assessment centersfor imported and exported commodities, and national quality safety risk verification and evaluation laboratories shall undertake the specific technical work such as the risk assessment and defect verification of defective imported consumer goods within the scope of their functions. 国家级进出口商品质量安全风险评估中心、国家级质量安全风险验证评价实验室在职责范围内承担缺陷进口消费品风险评估、缺陷验证等具体技术工作。
The technical institutions of the bureaus directly under the AQSIQ shall undertake the specific technical work such as the laboratory testing and appraisal, defect verification and risk analysis of defective imported consumer goods within their respective jurisdictions. 直属局技术机构承担本辖区内缺陷进口消费品的实验室检测鉴定、缺陷验证、风险分析等具体技术工作。
The Defective Import Consumer Goods Recall Expert Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Expert Committee”) shall take charge of making suggestions for the risk assessment and defect investigation of defective imported consumer goods, among others. 缺陷进口消费品召回专家委员会(以下简称专家委员会)负责为缺陷进口消费品的风险评估、缺陷调查等提出建议。
Chapter II Defect Information Collection andPreliminary Assessmentof Defects 

第二章 缺陷信息收集及缺陷初评

Article 7 The inspection and quarantine institutions at all levels and national risk monitoring centers (points) shall take charge of collecting, sorting out and screening information on defective imported consumer goods. The sources of information include: import inspection and supervision information, import certification regulation information, information provided by inspection and testing institutions, information on overseas notification of recall,information on random inspection, information notified by the government departments and industry associations at all levels, information notified by overseas government departments, information on injuries reported by hospitals, information on traffic accidents, information on fire accidents, information on product safety accidents, information on technical regulations and standards, information on media and public opinions, information reported by producers and operators, information on customer complaints, and other risk information.   第七条 各级检验检疫机构及国家风险监测中心(点)负责对缺陷进口消费品的信息进行收集、整理和筛选,信息来源包括:进口检验监管信息、进口认证监管信息、检验检测机构提供的信息、境外通报召回信息、抽查检验信息、各级政府部门及行业协会通报信息、境外政府部门通报信息、医院伤害报告信息、交通事故信息、消防事故信息、产品安全事故信息、技术法规标准信息、媒体舆情信息、生产经营者报告信息、消费者投诉信息以及其它风险信息。
All entities and individuals may report the information on the possible defects in imported consumer goods via the website of the RACICP (www.racicp.org.cn) or to the inspection and quarantine institutions at the places where they are located. 任何单位和个人可登陆评估中心网站(www.racicp.org.cn)或向所在地的检验检疫机构反映进口消费品可能存在缺陷的信息。
Article 8 All bureaus directly under the AQSIQ and national risk monitoring centers (points) shall take charge of screening, analyzing and preliminarily assessing the information on defective imported consumer goods collected within their respective jurisdictions, effectively making records (see Annex 1 for the format texts of the preliminary assessment records), and deciding whether to initiate a defect investigation.   第八条 各直属局及国家风险监测中心(点)负责对本辖区内收集到的缺陷进口消费品信息进行筛选、分析和初评,做好记录(初评记录格式文本见附件1),并决定是否启动缺陷调查。
Chapter III Defect Investigation 

第三章 缺陷调查

Article 9 Under any of the following circumstances, a defect investigation may be initiated:   第九条 有下列情形之一的,可以启动缺陷调查:
(1) The imported consumer goods have caused any major injury accident, with great impacts, and the importer fails to take the initiative to report or to take emergency remedial measures. 1. 进口消费品引发重大伤害事故、影响较大,且进口商未采取主动报告或紧急补救措施的;
(2) The recall measures have been taken in other countries or regions but fail to be taken in China. 2. 其他国家或地区已实施召回但在国内未采取召回措施的;
(3) Investigation has revealed that relevant consumer goods fail to comply with state standards or industrial standards regarding protection of personal or property safety. 3. 经查,存在不符合国家标准、行业标准中保障人身、财产安全要求的;
(4) Investigation has revealed that relevant consumer goods have other risks to personal or property safety. 4. 经查,存在其他危及人身、财产安全的危险。
Article 10 Where a bureau directly under the AQSIQ has decided to initiate a defect investigation upon preliminary assessment, it shall issue a notice of defect investigation to the importer and initiate the defect investigation (see Annex 2 for the format text of an investigation notice), and report the information on initiation to the AQSIQ within five working days.   第十条 直属局经初评后决定启动缺陷调查的,应向进口商发出缺陷调查通知并启动缺陷调查(调查通知书格式文本见附件2),并在5个工作日内将启动情况上报质检总局。
Where the AQSIQ deems that there is any defect in consumer goods which may cause serious consequences or has relatively large impact, it may directly organize defect investigation, or designate a bureau directly under the AQSIQ to conduct defect investigation (see Annex 3 for the format text of an investigation authorization letter). 质检总局认为消费品可能存在造成严重后果的缺陷或产生较大影响的,可以直接组织开展缺陷调查,或指定直属局开展缺陷调查(调查委托书格式文本见附件3)。
Article 11 A bureau directly under the AQSIQ that initiates a defect investigation may, as required by work, and in conjunction with the bureau directly under the AQSIQ at the place where the importer is located, enter the business premises of the importer to conduct on-site investigation, consult or copy relevant information and records, and get information from relevant entities and individuals on possible defects in consumer goods. The bureau directly under the AQSIQ shall record the investigation process and information (see Annex 4 for the format text of investigation records).   第十一条 启动缺陷调查的直属局可以根据工作需要会同进口商所在地直属局进入进口商的经营场所进行现场调查,查阅、复制相关资料和记录,向相关单位和个人了解消费品可能存在缺陷的情况。直属局应记录调查过程及情况(调查记录格式文本见附件4)。
The relevant bureau directly under the AQSIQ shall keep confidential the information and materials it acquires, and may not use the materials provided by the importer for the purposes other than the technical testing and appraisal necessary for defect investigation. 相关直属局应对所获得的信息资料保密,不得将进口商提供的资料用于缺陷调查所需的技术检测和鉴定以外的用途。
The importer shall cooperate with the defect investigation, and providethe relevant materials, consumer goods and special equipment necessary for defect investigation. 进口商应当配合缺陷调查,提供调查需要的有关资料、消费品和专用设备。
Article 12 A bureau directly under the AQSIQ shall analyze and process the materials and information acquired through defect investigation in a timely manner, form a defect investigation report, and submit it to the AQSIQ within five working days (see Annex 5 for the format text of a defect investigation report).   第十二条 直属局应当及时分析处理缺陷调查获得的资料信息,形成缺陷调查报告,并在5个工作日内上报质检总局(缺陷调查报告格式文本见附件5)。
As for the general technical problems involved in the defect investigation, the technical institution of the bureau directly under the AQSIQ or the RACICP shall undertake the relevant testing, appraisal and technical analysis; and as for difficult technical problems, the RACICP shall organize the relevant technical consultation. 对缺陷调查中涉及的一般技术问题由直属局技术机构或评估中心承担相关检测鉴定和技术分析,对于疑难技术问题由评估中心组织开展相关技术会商工作。
Article 13 The RACICP may arrange for experts in relevant fields of the Expert Committee to conduct technical assessment of defective imported consumer goods, and form an assessment report on defective imported consumer goods (hereinafter referred to as an “assessment report”).   第十三条 评估中心可以组织专家委员会的相关领域专家对缺陷进口消费品进行技术评估,形成缺陷进口消费品评估报告(以下简称评估报告)。
An assessment report shall include the types of defects, the sales volume of defective consumer goods, the degree of hazard, the probability of personal injury and property damage, whether a recall shall be implemented, and other contents. 评估报告应包含缺陷类型、缺陷消费品销售量、危害程度、人身财产伤害发生概率、以及是否应当实施召回等内容。
Chapter IV Recall 

第四章 召回

Article 14 Where the implementation of a recall is required, the AQSIQ or a bureau directly under the AQSIQ shall issue a Notice of Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods (see Annex 6 for the format text), and notify the importer of implementing a recall.   第十四条 需要实施召回的,由质检总局或者直属局签发《缺陷进口消费品召回通知书》(格式文本详见附件6),通知进口商实施召回。
Where the bureau directly under the AQSIQ notifies the importer of implementing a recall, it shall report the relevant information to the AQSIQ within five working days from the date of issuance of the Notice of Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods. 直属局通知实施召回的,应在《缺陷进口消费品召回通知书》发出之日起5个工作日内将有关情况上报质检总局。
An importer may be encouraged by interviews regarding liabilities and other methods to implement a voluntary recall. 可以通过责任约谈等方式鼓励进口商实施自愿召回。
Article 15 Where an importer deems that there is no defect in its imported consumer goods, it may, within 15 working days of receipt of a Notice of Recall of Defective Imported Consumer Goods, raise an objection to the AQSIQ or the bureau directly under the AQSIQ that issues a recall notice, and provide evidentiary materials. The AQSIQ or the bureau directly under the AQSIQ may, after receiving the evidentiary materials, arrange for experts to conduct demonstration or technical appraisal of the evidentiary materials, and make a decision on whether a recall needs to be implemented.   第十五条 进口商认为其进口消费品不存在缺陷的,可自收到《缺陷进口消费品召回通知书》之日起15个工作日内向质检总局或发出召回通知书的直属局提出异议,并提供证明材料。质检总局或直属局收到证明材料后,可以组织专家对进口商提交的证明材料进行论证或技术鉴定,作出是否需要实施召回的决定。
Where an importer neither implements a recall in accordance with the notice nor raises an objection within a prescribed time limit, or it is confirmed upon assessment that there is any defect in the consumer goods, the AQSIQ shall order the importer to implement a recall (see Annex 7 for the format text of a written decision on ordering a recall).

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