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Notice by the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Administration of the Bancassurance Business of Commercial Banks [Effective]
中国银保监会办公厅关于印发《商业银行代理保险业务管理办法》的通知 [现行有效]

Notice by the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission of Issuing the Measures for the Administration of the Bancassurance Business of Commercial Banks 


(No. 179 [2019] of the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission) (银保监办发〔2019〕179号)

All local offices of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”); all policy banks, large banks, joint-stock banks, postal savings banks and foreign banks; and all insurance companies: 各银保监局,各政策性银行、大型银行、股份制银行、邮储银行、外资银行,各保险公司:
The Measures for the Administration of the Bancassurance Business of Commercial Banks are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. 现将《商业银行代理保险业务管理办法》印发给你们,请遵照执行。
August 23, 2019 2019年8月23日
Measures for the Administration of the Bancassurance Business of Commercial Banks 商业银行代理保险业务管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the supervision and administration of the bancassurance business of commercial banks, protecting the lawful rights and interests of consumers, and promoting the standardized and sound development of the bancassurance business of commercial banks, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为加强对商业银行代理保险业务监督管理,保护消费者合法权益,促进商业银行代理保险业务规范健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 For the purposes of these Measures, the “bancassurance business of commercial banks” means that commercial banks as authorized by insurance companies sell insurance products and provide relevant services on behalf of insurance companies within the extent of authorization from insurance companies and collect commissions from insurance companies in accordance with the law.   第二条 本办法所称商业银行代理保险业务是指商业银行接受保险公司委托,在保险公司授权的范围内,代理保险公司销售保险产品及提供相关服务,并依法向保险公司收取佣金的经营活动。
For the purposes of these Measures, “insurance salespersons” means the personnel who sell insurance products for commercial banks. 本办法所称保险销售从业人员,是指为商业银行销售保险产品的人员。
Article 3 A commercial bank which engages in the bancassurance business shall meet the conditions prescribed by the CBIRC and obtain the Sideline Bancassurance Business Permit (hereinafter referred to as the “permit”).   第三条 商业银行经营保险代理业务,应当符合中国银保监会规定的条件,取得《保险兼业代理业务许可证》(以下简称许可证)。
Article 4 A commercial bank and an insurance company which cooperate in the bancassurance business shall jointly promote the sustainable and sound development of the bancassurance business of the commercial bank under the principles of mutual benefits and win-win, joint development and protecting the interests of consumers.   第四条 商业银行和保险公司开展保险代理业务合作,应当本着互利共赢、共同发展、保护消费者利益的原则,共同促进商业银行代理保险业务的持续健康发展。
Article 5 A commercial bank shall maximize its advantages in sales channels, and an insurance company shall maximize the core technical advantages of long-term asset-liability matching management and risk prevention, vigorously develop long-term savings-type and risk prevention-type insurance products in its bancassurance business, and continuously adjust and optimize its bancassurance business structure so as to provide comprehensive financial services for consumers.   第五条 商业银行应当充分发挥销售渠道优势,保险公司应当充分发挥长期资产负债匹配管理和风险保障的核心技术优势,在商业银行代理保险业务中大力发展长期储蓄型和风险保障型保险产品,持续调整和优化商业银行代理保险业务结构,为消费者提供全面的金融服务。
Article 6 A commercial bank that engages in the bancassurance business shall comply with laws, administrative regulations and relevant provisions of the CBIRC and observe the principles of equality, free will, fairness and good faith.   第六条 商业银行经营保险代理业务应当遵守法律、行政法规和中国银保监会有关规定,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则。
Article 7 The CBIRC shall perform the functions of supervising the bancassurance business of commercial banks in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, the Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and the authorization of the State Council.   第七条 中国银保监会根据《中华人民共和国保险法》《中华人民共和国商业银行法》《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》和国务院授权,对商业银行代理保险业务履行监管职责。
Local CBIRC offices shall perform their supervision functions within the scope of authorization. 中国银保监会派出机构在授权范围内履行监管职责。
Chapter II Business Access 

第二章 业务准入

Article 8 A commercial bank which engages in the bancassurance business shall meet the following conditions:   第八条 商业银行经营保险代理业务,应当具备下列条件:
(1) It has the financial permit issued by the CBIRC or its local office. (一)具有中国银保监会或其派出机构颁发的金融许可证;
(2) It has good operating status in the main business and has no record of major violation of law or regulation in the most recent two years (except that effective rectification measures have been taken and recognized by the CBIRC or its local office). (二)主业经营情况良好,最近2年无重大违法违规记录(已采取有效整改措施并经中国银保监会及其派出机构认可的除外);
(3) It has established a bancassurance business information system that complies with the provisions of the CBIRC. (三)已建立符合中国银保监会规定的保险代理业务信息系统;
(4) It has established bancassurance business management rules and mechanisms, and has corresponding professional management capabilities. (四)已建立保险代理业务管理制度和机制,并具备相应的专业管理能力;
(5) The corporate institution and level-1 branch office have designated the department and personnel responsible for the management of the bancassurance business. (五)法人机构和一级分支机构已指定保险代理业务管理责任部门和责任人员;
(6) Other conditions prescribed by the CBIRC. (六)中国银保监会规定的其他条件。
Article 9 The bancassurance business information system of a commercial bank shall meet the following conditions:   第九条 商业银行代理保险业务信息系统应具备以下条件:
(1) It has a technical support system and back office guarantee capability suitable for managing and controlling risks in the sales of insurance products. (一)具备与管控保险产品销售风险相适应的技术支持系统和后台保障能力;
(2) It links with the business systems of insurance companies. (二)与保险公司业务系统对接;
(3) It realizes the management of insurance salespersons. (三)实现对其保险销售从业人员的管理;
(4) It is able to provide electronic contracts, including insurance application notices, application forms, insurance policies, insurance clauses, product descriptions, cash value tables, and other documents. (四)能够提供电子版合同材料,包括投保提示书、投保单、保险单、保险条款、产品说明书、现金价值表等文件;
(5) It records all information required for underwriting and checks the logical relations and veracity of all information. (五)记录各项承保所需信息,并对各项信息的逻辑关系及真实性进行校对;
(6) Other conditions prescribed by the CBIRC. (六)中国银保监会规定的其他条件。
Article 10 Where a commercial bank under the direct supervision by the CBIRC plans to engage in the bancassurance business, its corporate institution shall apply to the CBIRC for a permit.   第十条 中国银保监会直接监管的商业银行经营保险代理业务,应当由其法人机构向中国银保监会申请许可证。
Where any other commercial bank plans to engage in the bancassurance business, the corporate institution shall apply for a permit from the local CBIRC office at the place where it is registered. 其他商业银行经营保险代理业务,应当由法人机构向注册所在地中国银保监会派出机构申请许可证。
The outlet of a commercial bank shall engage in the bancassurance business based on the authorization of the corporate institution. 商业银行网点凭法人机构的授权经营保险代理业务。
Article 11 A commercial bank which applies for engaging in the bancassurance business shall submit the following application materials:   第十一条 商业银行申请经营保险代理业务,应当提交以下申请材料:
(1) A photocopy of the duplicate of the business license. (一)营业执照副本复印件;
(2) An explanation on the violation of law or regulation in the most recent two years (if the institution has been formed for less than two years, an explanation on the information from the date of formation shall be provided). (二)近两年违法违规行为情况的说明(机构成立不满两年的,提供自成立之日起的情况说明);
(3) An explanation on the information of the cooperative insurance company. (三)合作保险公司情况说明;
(4) An explanation on the bancassurance business information system. (四)保险代理业务信息系统情况说明;
(5) Bancassurance business management rules, such as underwriting, commission settlement, and client services. (五)保险代理业务管理相关制度,如承保出单、佣金结算、客户服务等;
(6) An explanation on the designation of the department and personnel responsible for the bancassurance business. (六)保险代理业务责任部门和责任人指定情况的说明;
(7) Other materials prescribed by the CBIRC. (七)中国银保监会规定的其他材料。
Article 12 The CBIRC or its local office may, after receiving the application of the commercial bank for engaging in the bancassurance business, take such means as interview, correspondence and on-site inspection to understand and examine the applicant's market development strategies, business development plan, construction of internal control rules, personnel structure, information system configuration and operation and other relevant matters, and give risk warnings.   第十二条 中国银保监会及其派出机构收到商业银行经营保险代理业务申请后,可采取谈话、函询、现场验收等方式了解、审查申请人的市场发展战略、业务发展计划、内控制度建设、人员结构、信息系统配置及运行等有关事项,并进行风险提示。
Article 13 Where the CBIRC or its local office makes a decision to approve a commercial bank's operation of the bancassurance business in accordance with the law, it shall issue a permit to the applicant. No validity term shall be set in the permit. The applicant may engage in the bancassurance business only after obtaining the permit.   第十三条 中国银保监会及其派出机构依法作出批准商业银行经营保险代理业务的决定的,应当向申请人颁发许可证。许可证不设有效期。申请人取得许可证后,方可开展保险代理业务。
The applicant shall, within five days after obtaining the permit, register relevant information through the regulatory information system prescribed by the CBIRC. The registration information shall at least cover the following content: 申请人应当在取得许可证5日内按照中国银保监会规定的监管信息系统登记相关信息,登记信息至少应当包括以下内容:
(1) The name, domicile or business premise of the corporate institution. (一)法人机构名称、住所或者营业场所;
(2) The department and person in charge of the management of the bancassurance business. (二)保险代理业务管理部门及责任人;
(3) The name of the permit. (三)许可证名称;
(4) Business scope. (四)业务范围;
(5) Business area. (五)经营区域;
(6) Other matters prescribed by the CBIRC. (六)中国银保监会规定的其他事项。
Where the CBIRC or its local office decides to disapprove the application, it shall make a written decision and explain the reasons. 中国银保监会及其派出机构决定不予批准的,应当作出书面决定并说明理由。
Article 14 Where a commercial bank falls under any of the following circumstances, the corporate institution or the branch office authorized by it shall, within five days from the date of occurrence of the circumstance, report through the regulatory information system prescribed by the CBIRC:   第十四条 商业银行有下列情形之一的,应当自该情形发生之日起5日内,由法人机构或其授权的分支机构通过中国银保监会规定的监管信息系统报告:
(1) Modification of name, residence or business premise. (一)变更名称、住所或者营业场所;
(2) Authorization of any outlet to engage in the bancassurance business. (二)授权网点经营保险代理业务;
(3) Modification of the authorization of the outlet's bancassurance business. (三)变更网点经营保险代理业务授权;
(4) Modification of the department or person responsible for the bancassurance business. (四)变更保险代理业务责任部门和责任人;
(5) Other reporting matters prescribed by the CBIRC. (五)中国银保监会规定的其他报告事项。
Article 15 The corporate institution of a commercial bank or the branch office authorized by it shall handle the practice registration of insurance salespersons through the regulatory information system prescribed by the CBIRC.   第十五条 商业银行应当由法人机构或其授权的分支机构在中国银保监会规定的监管信息系统中为其保险销售从业人员办理执业登记。
Practice registration shall cover the following content: 执业登记应当包括下列内容:
(1) Name, gender, identity card number, education and photos. (一)姓名、性别、身份证号码、学历、照片;
(2) The name of the outlet of the commercial bank where it is located. (二)所在商业银行网点名称;
(3) Complaint hotline of the commercial bank where it is located. (三)所在商业银行投诉电话;
(4) The practice registration number. (四)执业登记编号;
(5) Date of practice registration. (五)执业登记日期。
In the case of modification of practice registration matters, the corporate institution of the commercial bank or the branch office authorized by it shall, within five days from the date of occurrence of the circumstance, undergo practice registration modification through the regulatory information system prescribed by the CBIRC. 执业登记事项发生变更的,商业银行法人机构或其授权的分支机构应当自该情形发生之日起5日内,在中国银保监会规定的监管信息系统中变更执业登记。
The insurance salespersons of the commercial bank may conduct practice registration through only one commercial bank. 商业银行保险销售从业人员只限于通过1家商业银行进行执业登记。
Where the insurance salespersons of a commercial bank pass the insurance company's practice registration, the specific measures shall be developed by the CBIRC separately. 商业银行保险销售从业人员通过保险公司执业登记的,具体办法由中国银保监会另行制定。
Chapter III Business Rules 

第三章 经营规则

Article 16 When a commercial bank selects the cooperative insurance company, it shall fully consider the insurance company's solvency, risk management and control ability, business and financial management information systems, violation of any law or regulation in the most recent two years and other information.   第十六条 商业银行选择合作保险公司时,应当充分考虑其偿付能力状况、风险管控能力、业务和财务管理信息系统、近两年违法违规情况等。
An insurance company shall, when selecting the cooperative commercial bank, fully consider the commercial bank's capital adequacy, risk management and control ability, business premises, soundness of bancassurance business and financial management rules, and any violation of law or regulation in the most recent two years, among others. 保险公司选择合作商业银行时,应当充分考虑其资本充足率、风险管控能力、营业场所、保险代理业务和财务管理制度健全性、近两年违法违规情况等。
Article 17 Where a commercial bank cooperates with an insurance company in the bancassurance business, in principle, the corporate institutions of both parties shall sign a written agency agreement, if it is indeed necessary for the level-1 branch office to sign the agency agreement, the level-1 branch office shall obtain a prior written authorization from the corporate institution and, after the signing the agreement, file it with its corporate institution in a timely manner.   第十七条 商业银行与保险公司开展保险代理业务合作,原则上应当由双方法人机构签订书面委托代理协议,确需由一级分支机构签订委托代理协议的,该一级分支机构应当事先获得其法人机构的书面授权,并在签订协议后,及时向其法人机构备案。
The agency agreement signed by the commercial bank and the insurance company shall include but not be limited to the following major clauses: the types of authorized insurance products, commission rates and payment methods, management of documents and publicity materials, checkup of clients' accounts and identity information, anti-money laundering, confidentiality of client information, division of rights and responsibilities of both parties, resolution of disputes, mechanisms for coping with crises and handling clients' complaints, term of cooperation, execution, modification and termination of the agreement, and the liability for the breach of contract. 商业银行与保险公司签订的委托代理协议应当包括但不限于以下主要条款:代理保险产品种类,佣金标准及支付方式,单证及宣传材料管理,客户账户及身份信息核对,反洗钱,客户信息保密,双方权利责任划分,争议的解决,危机应对及客户投诉处理机制,合作期限,协议生效、变更和终止,违约责任等。
Article 18 The insurance products sold by a commercial bank as an agency shall comply with the relevant requirements of the CBIRC for the management of examination, approval and recordation of insurance products.   第十八条 商业银行代理销售的保险产品应当符合中国银保监会保险产品审批备案管理的有关要求。
An insurance company shall divide the market and develop diversified and complementary insurance products by considering the insurance demands of clients of the commercial bank and sales channels of the commercial bank. 保险公司应当针对商业银行客户的保险需求以及商业银行销售渠道的特点,细分市场,开发多样化的、互补的保险产品。
Article 19 A commercial bank shall conduct the separate accounting of its bancassurance business, conduct independent accounting of the premiums and commissions collected by different insurance companies as an agency, and shall not deduct commissions from premium income.   第十九条 商业银行对保险代理业务应当进行单独核算,对不同保险公司的代收保费、佣金进行独立核算,不得以保费收入抵扣佣金。
Where an insurance company authorizes a commercial bank to sell insurance products as an agency, it shall establish the independent financial accounting and evaluation mechanism for the commercial bank's bancassurance business, conduct the independent accounting of new business value, profits and expenses, and shall develop the financial budget and business promotion policies for the commercial bank's bancassurance business in a scientific manner under the principle of prudence, prevent business expansion regardless of business scale, and prevent the risk of fee loss. 保险公司委托商业银行代理销售保险产品,应当建立商业银行代理保险业务的财务独立核算及评价机制,做到新业务价值、利润及费用独立核算,应当根据审慎原则科学制定商业银行代理保险业务财务预算、业务推动政策,防止出现为了业务规模不计成本的经营行为,防范费差损风险。
Article 20 The commission to be settled by a commercial bank and an insurance company shall be paid in a unified manner by a level-1 branch office of the insurance company to a level-1 or, at a minimum, a level-2 branch office of the commercial bank by bank transfer. If the commercial bank and insurance company meet relevant conditions, the commission between corporate institutions shall be settled in a unified manner. If a local corporate banking financial institution is authorized to conduct the bancassurance business, the level-1 branch office of the insurance company shall pay to the local corporate banking financial institution in a unified manner by bank transfer.   第二十条 商业银行与保险公司结算佣金,应当由保险公司一级分支机构向商业银行一级分支机构或者至少二级分支机构统一转账支付;具备条件的商业银行与保险公司,应实现法人机构间佣金集中统一结算;委托地方法人银行业金融机构代理保险业务的,应当由保险公司一级分支机构向地方法人银行业金融机构统一转账支付。
Article 21 A commercial bank shall truthfully record the commission obtained in full amount, strengthen the centralized management of commission, reasonably list the commissions of their insurance salespersons, and shall not conduct any off-book accounting or operation.   第二十一条 商业银行对取得的佣金应当如实全额入账,加强佣金集中管理,合理列支其保险销售从业人员佣金,严禁账外核算和经营。
An insurance company shall truthfully list the commission paid to the commercial bank according to financial rules. The insurance company and its personnel shall not pay any interest other than those prescribed in the payment agreement to the commercial bank and its insurance salespersons in any name or in any form. 保险公司应当按照财务制度据实列支向商业银行支付的佣金。保险公司及其人员不得以任何名义、任何形式向商业银行及其保险销售从业人员支付协议规定之外的任何利益。
Article 22 A commercial bank and an insurance company shall establish bancassurance business account books to record relevant content on each transaction. The account books shall at least cover the name of the insurance company, the insurance type, the number of insurance policies, insurance term, payment methods, the names of insurance salespersons and their practice registration number, the outlet to which they are affiliated, the name of the insurance applicant and the insured, the amount insured, insurance premium, and the commission, among others.   第二十二条 商业银行和保险公司应当建立保险代理业务台账,逐笔记录有关内容,台账至少应当包括保险公司名称、代理险种、保险单号、保险期间、缴费方式、保险销售从业人员姓名及其执业登记编号、所属网点、投保人及被保险人名称、保险金额、保险费、佣金等。
Article 23 A commercial bank shall establish management rules and relevant files for the bancassurance business, including but not limited to the following content:   第二十三条 商业银行应当建立保险代理业务的管理制度和相关档案,包括但不限于以下内容:
(a) Signing and rescinding agency agreements and continuous cooperation rules with insurance companies. (一) 与保险公司签订、解除代理协议关系和持续性合作制度;
(b) Rules for the examination of insurance product publicity materials and relevant files. (二) 保险产品宣传材料审查制度及相关档案;
(c) Clients' risk assessment standards and relevant files. (三) 客户风险评估标准及相关档案;
(d) Periodical compliance inspection rules and relevant files. (四)定期合规检查制度及相关档案;
(e) Rules for the education and training of insurance salespersons and relevant files. (五)保险销售从业人员教育培训制度及相关档案;
(f) Insurance document management rules and relevant files. (六)保险单证管理制度及相关档案;
(g) Performance assessment standards. (七)绩效考核标准;
(h) Complaint handling mechanism and emergency response plans for risk disposal. (八)投诉处理机制和风险处理应急预案;
(i) Internal accountability and punishment rules for regulatory violations. (九)违规行为内部追责和处罚制度。
An insurance company shall develop legal, effective and stable rules for the management of the bancassurance business of commercial banks, which shall at least cover business management rules, financial management rules, information system management rules, and rules for the examination of insurance policy information, and shall establish or designate a special department to be responsible for managing the bancassurance business of commercial banks.

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