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Administrative Measures for Product Quality Spot Inspections [Expired]
产品质量监督抽查管理办法 [失效]

Order of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 


(No. 133)

The Administrative Measures for Product Quality Spot Inspections, which were deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on November 23, 2010, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of February 1, 2011.

Director Zhi Shuping
局长 支树平

December 29, 2010

Administrative Measures for Product Quality Spot Inspections

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 To regulate the work on supervision and spot inspections of product quality (hereinafter referred to as the “supervision and spot inspections”), these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations.   第一条 为规范产品质量监督抽查(以下简称监督抽查)工作,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》等法律法规规定,制定本办法。

Article 2 The term “supervision and spot inspections” as used in these Measures means activities which are carried out by the quality and technical supervision department for the purpose of supervising product quality, such as the planned stochastic sampling and inspection of products produced and sold within the territory of the People's Republic of China, and the announcement and handling of spot inspection results.   第二条 本办法所称监督抽查是指质量技术监督部门为监督产品质量,依法组织对在中华人民共和国境内生产、销售的产品进行有计划的随机抽样、检验,并对抽查结果公布和处理的活动。

Article 3 Supervision and spot inspections are classified into national supervision and spot inspections organized by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as the “GAQSIQ”) and local supervision and spot inspections organized by the local quality and technical supervision departments at and above the county level.   第三条 监督抽查分为由国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)组织的国家监督抽查和县级以上地方质量技术监督部门组织的地方监督抽查。

Article 4 The principle of scientific analysis and impartiality shall be observed during supervision and spot inspections.   第四条 监督抽查应当遵循科学、公正原则。

Article 5 The GAQSIQ shall uniformly plan and administer national supervision and spot inspections, take charge of organizing national supervision and spot inspections, and summarize, analyze and announce the details of national supervision and spot inspections.   第五条 国家质检总局统一规划、管理全国监督抽查工作;负责组织实施国家监督抽查工作;汇总、分析并通报全国监督抽查信息。

A provincial quality and technical supervision department shall uniformly administer and organize local supervision and spot inspections within its administrative area, be responsible for summarizing, analyzing and announcing details of supervision and spot inspections within its administrative area, take charge of dealing with enterprises within its administrative area which fail national or local supervision and spot inspections of product quality, as well as other relevant tasks, and submit details of supervision and spot inspections to the GAQSIQ.

Article 6 The products under supervision and spot inspections mainly include those products which relate to human health and personal and property safety, industrial products which are of vital importance to the national economy and the people's livelihood, as well as products with quality problems which are complained about by relevant organizations and customers.   第六条 监督抽查的产品主要是涉及人体健康和人身、财产安全的产品,影响国计民生的重要工业产品以及消费者、有关组织反映有质量问题的产品。

Article 7 No inspection fee for supervision and spot inspections may be levied on any enterprise undergoing spot inspections. The expenses necessary for national or local supervision and spot inspections shall be paid out of the special operating fund arranged by the treasury department at the same level.   第七条 监督抽查不得向被抽查企业收取检验费用。国家监督抽查和地方监督抽查所需费用由同级财政部门安排专项经费解决。

Article 8 An enterprise shall cooperate with supervision and spot inspections conducted according to law. It shall not obstruct or reject supervision and spot inspections by any means.   第八条 对依法进行的监督抽查,企业予以应当配合、协助,不得以任何形式阻碍、拒绝监督抽查工作。

Article 9 Where the quality of a product of an enterprise has passed the supervision and spot inspection by the department at the higher level, the department at the lower level shall not conduct repeated supervision and spot inspections of the same product of the said enterprise within 6 months of the date of sampling, unless it does so for the purpose of responding to an emergency under relevant provisions.   第九条 凡经上级部门监督抽查产品质量合格的,自抽样之日起6个月内,下级部门对该企业的该种产品不得重复进行监督抽查,依据有关规定为应对突发事件开展的监督抽查除外。

Article 10 The quality and technical supervision department organizing the supervision and spot inspections (hereinafter referred to as the “department organizing the supervision and spot inspections”) shall be responsible for announcing the details of the supervision and spot inspections. Without approval, no entity or individual shall announce any details of supervision and spot inspections.   第十条 组织监督抽查的质量技术监督部门(以下简称组织监督抽查的部门)负责发布监督抽查信息。未经批准,任何单位和个人不得擅自发布监督抽查信息。

The Measures for announcement of details of supervision and spot inspections shall be formulated by the quality and technical supervision departments at the provincial level or higher.

Chapter II Organization of Supervision and Spot Inspections 

第二章 监督抽查的组织

Article 11 The GAQSIQ shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual plan on national supervision and spot inspections and notify the provincial quality and technical supervision departments.   第十一条 国家质检总局负责制定年度国家监督抽查计划,并通报省级质量技术监督部门。

A provincial quality and technical supervision department shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual plan on supervision and spot inspections within its administrative area and submit it to the GAQSIQ for record keeping.

Article 12 The department organizing a supervision and spot inspection shall, pursuant to laws and regulations, designate a relevant department or authorize a product quality inspection institution (hereinafter referred to as the inspection institution) with the statutory qualifications to undertake the relevant work on supervision and spot inspections.   第十二条 组织监督抽查的部门应当依据法律法规的规定,指定有关部门或者委托具有法定资质的产品质量检验机构(以下简称检验机构)承担监督抽查相关工作。

To authorize an inspection institution to undertake the relevant work on supervision and spot inspections, the department organizing the supervision and spot inspection shall sign an administrative authorization agreement with the authorized inspection institution so as to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, liabilities for breach of contract and other issues.

The authorized inspection institution shall ensure the scientific nature, impartiality and accuracy of the relevant work on supervision and spot inspections, faithfully report the inspection results and conclusions and be responsible for the inspection. It shall not subcontract inspection tasks, nor shall it rent or borrow the inspection equipment of others without the approval of the department organizing the supervision and spot inspection.

The department organizing the supervision and spot inspection shall intensify the supervision and administration of the samplers and inspection institutions, formulate corresponding evaluation measures and supervise and inspect the process of supervision and spot inspection as well as the relevant institution and personnel. Where an inspection institution violates the relevant provisions of these Measures, it may, if necessary, suspend its qualification for undertaking the tasks of supervision and spot inspections for 3 years, and sanction it under relevant provisions of Chapter IV.

Article 13 The GAQSIQ shall formulate and announce implementation norms for product quality supervision and spot inspections (hereinafter referred to the “implementation norms”) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, standards, provisions of the state and apply them as the work norms for supervision and spot inspections.   第十三条 国家质检总局依据法律法规、有关标准、国家相关规定等制定并公告发布产品质量监督抽查实施规范(以下简称实施规范),作为实施监督抽查的工作规范。

If it is necessary during supervision work, a department organizing supervision and spot inspection may specify specific sampling inspection items and judgment requirements according to the implementation norms

If it is necessary to organize the supervision and spot inspection of a product which is not covered by the implementation norms, the department organizing the supervision and spot inspection shall formulate detailed implementation rules.

Article 14 A department organizing supervision and spot inspection shall, based on the plan for supervision and spot inspections, create a scheme for supervision and spot inspection and assign the tasks of supervision and spot inspection to the designated department or to the authorized inspection institution. The scheme on supervision and spot inspection shall include:   第十四条 组织监督抽查的部门应当根据监督抽查计划,制定监督抽查方案,将监督抽查任务下达所指定的部门或者委托的检验机构。监督抽查方案应当包括以下内容:

1. the implementation norms which it applies or the detailed implementation rules which it formulates; (一)适用的实施规范或者制定的实施细则;

2. the scope of products under spot inspection, and the inspection items; and (二)抽查产品范围和检验项目;

3. a list or range of enterprises to be subject to spot inspection; (三)拟抽查企业名单或者范围。

Chapter III Implementation of Supervision and Spot Inspections 

第三章 监督抽查的实施

Section I Sampling 

第一节 抽 样

Article 15 The sampler shall be a staff member of the department or inspection institution undertaking the task of supervision and spot inspection and shall be familiar with the relevant laws, regulations, standards and provisions. No sampler shall engage in sampling work until he has passed the evaluation after training.   第十五条 抽样人员应当是承担监督抽查的部门或者检验机构的工作人员。抽样人员应当熟悉相关法律、法规、标准和有关规定,并经培训考核合格后方可从事抽样工作。

Article 16 There shall be at least 2 samplers. Prior to sampling, the samplers shall show to the enterprise under spot inspection a notice of supervision and spot inspection issued by the department organizing the supervision and spot inspection or a photocopy of the relevant document and their valid identity certificates. They shall not take samples until they have told the enterprise under spot inspection about the nature of the supervision and spot inspection, scope of products under spot inspection, implementation norms or the detailed implementation rules, and other relevant information.   第十六条 抽样人员不得少于2名。抽样前,应当向被抽查企业出示组织监督抽查的部门开具的监督抽查通知书或者相关文件复印件和有效身份证件,向被抽查企业告知监督抽查性质、抽查产品范围、实施规范或者实施细则等相关信息后,再进行抽样。

The samplers shall verify the information of the business license of the enterprise under spot inspection so as to make sure that the enterprise is operating within its business license. For a product subject to administrative license, market threshold and administration of relevant eligibilities according to law, they shall verify the relevant statutory eligibilities of the enterprise under spot inspection, and shall not take samples until they have confirmed that the product under spot inspection is within the scope of the statutory eligibilities of the enterprise.

If the samplers determine that an enterprise under spot inspection is committing violations of law, which may be determined without inspection, such as producing without a certificate or license, they shall terminate the spot inspection and report the details to the local quality and technical supervision department and other relevant departments for handling in a timely manner.

The samplers shall be fair and impartial and not practice favoritism in the sampling work.

Article 17 The samples under supervision and spot inspection shall be randomly taken by the samplers from the market or from the to-be-sold finished products in the warehouse of the enterprise, and the enterprise is not allowed to take samples itself. The samples taken shall be products certified with a certificate of product quality compliance upon inspection or certified as qualified through other means.   第十七条 监督抽查的样品应当由抽样人员在市场上或者企业成品仓库内待销的产品中随机抽取,不得由企业抽样。抽取的样品应当是有产品质量检验合格证明或者以其他形式表明合格的产品。

The samples for supervision and spot inspection shall be provided free of charge by the enterprise under spot inspection. The number of samples taken shall accord with the relevant provisions. If there is no provision on the specific number of samples to be taken, the number of samples taken shall not exceed the reasonable needs of the inspection.

Article 18 Under any of the following circumstances, samplers shall not take samples:   第十八条 有下列情形之一的,抽样人员不得抽样:

1. The enterprise under spot inspection has no product as indicated in the notice of supervision and spot inspection or in the photocopy of the relevant document; (一)被抽查企业无监督抽查通知书或者相关文件复印件所列产品的;

2. There is sufficient evidence which can prove that the product under spot inspection is not for sale; (二)有充分证据证明拟抽查的产品是不用于销售的;

3. The product is not subject to any compulsory standards or requirements, is processed and produced under the technical requirements as agreed upon by both parties and without following any standards; (三)产品不涉及强制性标准要求,仅按双方约定的技术要求加工生产,且未执行任何标准的;

4. There is sufficient proof showing that the product under spot inspection is designated for export by the enterprise, and the export contract stipulates otherwise in respect of the product quality; (四)有充分证据证明拟抽查的产品为企业用于出口,并且出口合同对产品质量另有规定的;

5. The is a mark indicating “Trial Production”, “Disposal” or “Sample” on the product, or label, package, or instructions thereof; or (五)产品或者标签、包装、说明书标有“试制”、“处理”或者“样品”等字样的;

6. The base number of the sampled product does not meet the requirement of the scheme for supervision and spot inspection. (六)产品抽样基数不符合抽查方案要求的。

Article 19 An enterprise under spot inspection may reject the spot inspection under any of the following circumstances:   第十九条 有下列情形之一的,被抽查企业可以拒绝接受抽查:

1. The number of samplers is less than 2; (一)抽样人员少于2人的;

2. The samplers are unable to show a notice of supervision and spot inspection, a photocopy of relevant document or valid identity certificate; (二)抽样人员无法出具监督抽查通知书、相关文件复印件或者有效身份证件的;

3. There is any discrepancy between the name of any sampler and that listed in the notice of supervision and spot inspection; (三)抽样人员姓名与监督抽查通知书不符的;

4. There is any discrepancy between the name of the enterprise under spot inspection or name of the product and that listed in the notice of supervision and spot inspection; or (四)被抽查企业和产品名称与监督抽查通知书不一致的;

5. The enterprise is required to pay the inspection fee or any other expense. (五)要求企业支付检验费或者其他任何费用的。

Article 20 When the samplers seal up the samples, they shall take sealing measures so as to ensure the authenticity of the samples.   第二十条 抽样人员封样时,应当采取防拆封措施,以保证样品的真实性。

Article 21 The samplers shall use the required sampling document to record the sampling details. The sampling document shall bear the signatures of the samplers as well as the relevant staff members of the enterprise under spot inspection, and shall be under the seal of the enterprise under spot inspection. In special situations, the signatures of both parties are required for confirmation only.   第二十一条 抽样人员应当使用规定的抽样文书,详细记录抽样信息。抽样文书必须由抽样人员和被抽查企业有关人员签字,并加盖被抽查企业公章。对特殊情况,双方签字确认即可。

The sampling document shall be written neatly and clearly and be legible. It shall not be unnecessarily altered and any necessary change to it shall be confirmed by signatures of both parties.

The sampling document shall be retained by the enterprise and the inspection institution and be submitted to the department organizing the supervision and spot inspection. The sampling document of national supervision and spot inspections shall simultaneously be submitted to the local provincial quality and technical supervision department by the inspection institution undertaking the sampling task.

Article 22 If there is no sample to be taken as a result of the enterprise's change of business, termination of production or bankruptcy, the samplers shall collect relevant certification materials, faithfully record the pertinent information, and timely report to the department organizing the supervision and spot inspection the pertinent information confirmed by the local quality and technical supervision department.   第二十二条 因企业转产、停产、破产等原因导致无样品可以抽取的,抽样人员应当收集有关证明材料,如实记录相关情况,并经当地质量技术监督部门确认后,及时上报组织监督抽查的部门。

Article 23 If it is necessary to send the samples to the inspection institution undertaking the inspection task, the samplers shall be responsible for carrying or mailing the samples to it. If it is necessary for the enterprise to mail or send the samples, the necessary expenses shall be included in the operating fund for supervision and spot inspection. For fragile objects, dangerous chemicals, samples with special storage conditions and other requirements, the samplers shall take measures to ensure there is no change to the state of the samples during transportation.
   第二十三条 抽取的样品需送至承担检验工作的检验机构的,应当由抽样人员负责携带或者寄送。需要企业协助寄、送样品时,所需费用纳入监督抽查经费。对于易碎品、危险化学品、有特殊贮存条件等要求的样品,抽样人员应当采取措施,保证样品运输过程中状态不发生变化。

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