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Measures for the Administration of RMB Current Accounts with Banks [Partially Invalid]
人民币银行结算账户管理办法 [部分失效]

Order of the People's Bank of China 


No.5 [2003]


In order to regulate the opening and use of RMB current accounts with banks and maintain the stability of the financial order, the People's Bank of China has developed the Measures for the Administration of RMB Current Accounts with Banks, which, as adopted at the 34th executive meeting of the bank presidents on August 21, 2002, are hereby issued and shall come into force on September 1, 2003.

President: Zhou Xiaochuang

April 10, 2003

Measures for the Administration of RMB Current Accounts with Banks

Chapter 1 General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to regulate the opening and use of RMB current accounts with banks (hereinafter referred to as the "current accounts"), strengthen the administration of the current accounts, and maintain the stability of the economic and financial order, the present Measures are enacted in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks etc.   第一条 为规范人民币银行结算账户(以下简称银行结算账户)的开立和使用,加强银行结算账户管理,维护经济金融秩序稳定,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》和《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等法律法规,制定本办法。

Article 2 The present Measures shall apply to the current accounts opened by the depositors with the banks within China.   第二条 存款人在中国境内的银行开立的银行结算账户适用本办法。

The depositors as mentioned in the present Measures shall refer to the state organs, organizations, enterprises, public institutions, and other organizations (hereinafter collectively referred to as entities), and individual industrial and commercial households and natural persons.

The banks as mentioned in the present Measures shall refer to the policy-oriented banks, commercial banks (including solely foreign-funded banks, Chinese-foreign equity joint banks, and branches of foreign banks), urban credit cooperatives and rural credit cooperatives within China that have been approved by the People's Bank of China to operate settlement business.

The current accounts as mentioned in the present Measures shall refer to the demand RMB deposit accounts that the banks open for the depositors to handle the settlement of funds.

Article 3 Current accounts are divided into business current accounts and personal current accounts according to the different nature of the depositors.   第三条 银行结算账户按存款人分为单位银行结算账户和个人银行结算账户。

1) A current account opened by the depositor in the name of an entity is a business current account. Business current accounts are divided into basic deposit accounts, general deposit accounts, special deposit accounts and temporary deposit accounts according to the different purpose of use of the accounts. (一)存款人以单位名称开立的银行结算账户为单位银行结算账户。单位银行结算账户按用途分为基本存款账户、一般存款账户、专用存款账户、临时存款账户。

The current account opened by an individual industrial and commercial household on the strength of the business license and in the name of the business or the operator shall be subject to the administration of the business current accounts.

2) A current account opened by the depositor on the strength of the individual identity card and in the name of a natural person shall be a personal current account. (二)存款人凭个人身份证件以自然人名称开立的银行结算账户为个人银行结算账户。

The account opened by a postal savings agency for bank card services shall be subject to the administration of the personal current accounts.

Article 4 The depositor of a business current account may open only one basic deposit account with the bank.   第四条 单位银行结算账户的存款人只能在银行开立一个基本存款账户。

Article 5 A depositor shall open the current account at the place of registration or the place of domicile, with exception of the current accounts opened at other places (other provinces, cities and counties) as allowed by the present Measures.   第五条 存款人应在注册地或住所地开立银行结算账户。符合本办法规定可以在异地(跨省、市、县)开立银行结算账户的除外。

Article 6 The opening of basic current accounts and temporary deposit accounts by the depositors and the opening of special deposit accounts by budget entities shall be subject to the ratification system, the opening bank shall issue the opening registration certificate upon ratification of the People's Bank of China, however, with the exception of the opening of temporary deposit accounts by the depositors for registration capital verification.   第六条 存款人开立基本存款账户、临时存款账户和预算单位开立专用存款账户实行核准制度,经中国人民银行核准后由开户银行核发开户登记证。但存款人因注册验资需要开立的临时存款账户除外。

Article 7 A depositor may independently choose to open the current account with any bank. Except for there are otherwise provisions in laws, administrative regulations and rules the State Council, no entity or individual may force a depositor to open the current account with any designated bank.   第七条 存款人可以自主选择银行开立银行结算账户。除国家法律、行政法规和国务院规定外,任何单位和个人不得强令存款人到指定银行开立银行结算账户。

Article 8 The opening and use of current accounts shall be in compliance with laws and administrative regulations, and the current accounts may not be used to evade taxes, avoid debts, illegally procure cash or in any other illegal activities.   第八条 银行结算账户的开立和使用应当遵守法律、行政法规,不得利用银行结算账户进行偷逃税款、逃废债务、套取现金及其他违法犯罪活动。

Article 9 A bank shall keep the information of the current accounts of the depositors confidential to themselves. With respect to the deposits and relevant materials of the business current accounts, the bank shall have the right to refuse the enquiry by any entity or individual, except there are otherwise provisions in laws and administrative regulations of the state. With respect to the deposits and relevant materials of the personal current accounts, the bank shall have the right to refuse the enquiry by any entity or individual, except there are otherwise provisions in laws of the state.   第九条 银行应依法为存款人的银行结算账户信息保密。对单位银行结算账户的存款和有关资料,除国家法律、行政法规另有规定外,银行有权拒绝任何单位或个人查询。对个人银行结算账户的存款和有关资料,除国家法律另有规定外,银行有权拒绝任何单位或个人查询。

Article 10 The People's Bank of China is the regulatory department of the current accounts.   第十条 中国人民银行是银行结算账户的监督管理部门。

Chapter 2 Opening of current accounts 

第二章 银行结算账户的开立

Article 11 The basic deposit account is the current account opened by a depositor for the needs of handling the daily settlement by transferring accounts and the receipt and payment of cash. The following depositors may apply for opening a basic deposit account:   第十一条 基本存款账户是存款人因办理日常转账结算和现金收付需要开立的银行结算账户。下列存款人,可以申请开立基本存款账户:

1) Enterprises qualified as corporation; (一)企业法人。

2) Non-corporation enterprises; (二)非法人企业。

3) State organs and public institutions; (三)机关、事业单位。

4) Military troops, armed police troops, as well as the military units (detachments) at the regiment level or above carrying out separate duties; (四)团级(含)以上军队、武警部队及分散执勤的支(分)队。

5) Social organizations; (五)社会团体。

6) Civil-run non-enterprise organizations; (六)民办非企业组织。

7) Permanent agencies detached at other places; (七)异地常设机构。

8) Foreign agencies stationed in China; (八)外国驻华机构。

9) Individual businesses; (九)个体工商户。

10) Residential committees, villagers' committees and community committees; (十)居民委员会、村民委员会、社区委员会。

11) Affiliated independent accounting agencies set up by the entities; and (十一)单位设立的独立核算的附属机构。

12) Other organizations. (十二)其他组织。

Article 12 A general deposit account is a current account opened by a depositor with the bank agency other than the bank opening the basic deposit account for the needs of borrowing money or handling other settlement.   第十二条 一般存款账户是存款人因借款或其他结算需要,在基本存款账户开户银行以外的银行营业机构开立的银行结算账户。

Article 13 A special deposit account is the current account opened by a depositor for special management and use of its fund of certain usage in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and rules. A depositor may apply for opening a special deposit account for the management and use of the following funds:   第十三条 专用存款账户是存款人按照法律、行政法规和规章,对其特定用途资金进行专项管理和使用而开立的银行结算账户。对下列资金的管理与使用,存款人可以申请开立专用存款账户:

1) Fund for infrastructure construction; (一)基本建设资金。

2) Fund for renovation and restructuring; (二)更新改造资金。

3) Extra budgetary fund; (三)财政预算外资金。

4) Fund for purchase of food, cotton and oil; (四)粮、棉、油收购资金。

5) Fund for securities transaction settlement; (五)证券交易结算资金。

6) Security deposit for futures transaction; (六)期货交易保证金。

7) Trust fund; (七)信托基金。

8) Inter-institution fund deposited by financial institutions; (八)金融机构存放同业资金。

9) Policy-oriented real estate development fund; (九)政策性房地产开发资金。

10) Reserve fund for bank cards of the entities; (十)单位银行卡备用金。

11) Housing fund; (十一)住房基金。

12) Social insurance fund; (十二)社会保障基金。

13) Collected income and business expenditure; (十三)收入汇缴资金和业务支出资金。

14) Fund of the organizations set up in the entities by the party, league and trade union; and (十四)党、团、工会设在单位的组织机构经费。

15) Other funds subject to special management and use. (十五)其他需要专项管理和使用的资金。

Handed-in income and business expenditure refer to the income and expenditure of the affiliated non-independent-accounting entities or detached agencies of the depositors of basic deposit accounts.

The special deposit account opened for collected income and business expenditure shall be in the name of the entity to which the agency is affiliated.

Article 14 The temporary deposit account is the current account that is opened by the depositor for temporary needs and that is used within the prescribed time limit. In any of the following situations, a depositor may apply for opening a temporary deposit account: 1) Establishment of a temporary agency; 2) Temporary business activities at other places; or 3) Registration capital verification.   第十四条 临时存款账户是存款人因临时需要并在规定期限内使用而开立的银行结算账户。有下列情况的,存款人可以申请开立临时存款账户:(一)设立临时机构。(二)异地临时经营活动。(三)注册验资。

Article 15 The personal current account is the current account opened by a natural person to handle the payment by settlement for investment, consumption and settlement etc. In either of the following situations, the natural person may apply for opening a personal current account:   第十五条 个人银行结算账户是自然人因投资、消费、结算等而开立的可办理支付结算业务的存款账户。有下列情况的,可以申请开立个人银行结算账户:

1) Using credit instruments such as checks and credit cards etc; or (一)使用支票、信用卡等信用支付工具的。

2) Handling the settlement businesses such as exchange, fixed-term debit, fixed-term credit, and debit cards etc. (二)办理汇兑、定期借记、定期贷记、借记卡等结算业务的。

A natural person may, according to the needs, apply for opening a personal current account, or select from the saving accounts already opened and apply to the opening bank for confirming one as the personal current account.

Article 16 In any of the following situations, the depositor may open the relevant current account at other places:   第十六条 存款人有下列情形之一的,可以在异地开立有关银行结算账户:

1) The depositor needs to open the basic deposit account where the place of registration of the business license and the place of business are not at the same administration area (in different provinces, cities, or counties); (一)营业执照注册地与经营地不在同一行政区域(跨省、市、县)需要开立基本存款账户的。

2) Where the depositor needs to open the general deposit account for borrowing money from other places and for other settlements; (二)办理异地借款和其他结算需要开立一般存款账户的。

3) Where the depositor needs to open the special deposit account for the collected income and business expenditure of the its affiliated non-independent-accounting entities or detached agencies; (三)存款人因附属的非独立核算单位或派出机构发生的收入汇缴或业务支出需要开立专用存款账户的。

4) Where the depositor needs to open the temporary deposit account for temporary business activities at other places; or (四)异地临时经营活动需要开立临时存款账户的。

5) Where the natural person depositor needs to open a personal current account at other places. (五)自然人根据需要在异地开立个人银行结算账户的。

Article 17 A depositor shall present the following certifications to the bank for applying for opening a basic deposit account:   第十七条 存款人申请开立基本存款账户,应向银行出具下列证明文件:

1) If the depositor is an enterprise qualified as corporation, it shall present the original of its business license. (一)企业法人,应出具企业法人营业执照正本。

2) If the depositor is a non-corporation enterprise, it shall present the original of its business license. (二)非法人企业,应出具企业营业执照正本。

3) If the depositor is a state organ or public institution subject to budget administration, the depositor shall present the approval document or registration certificate issued by the government personnel department or establishment committee, and the certificate of approval for opening account issued by the finance department; if the depositor is a public institution not subject to budget administration, it shall present the approval document or registration certificate issued by the government personnel department or establishment committee. (三)机关和实行预算管理的事业单位,应出具政府人事部门或编制委员会的批文或登记证书和财政部门同意其开户的证明;非预算管理的事业单位,应出具政府人事部门或编制委员会的批文或登记证书。

4) If the depositor is an army troop, armed police entity at the regiment level or above, or the unit (detachment) carrying out separate duties, the depositor shall present the certificate of account opening issued by the finance department of the troop entity above the army level or by the finance department of the armed police forces. (四)军队、武警团级(含)以上单位以及分散执勤的支(分)队,应出具军队军级以上单位财务部门、武警总队财务部门的开户证明。

5) If the depositor is a social organization, it shall present its registration certificate, in case of a religious organization, it shall also present the approval document or certificate issued by the department of religious affairs administration. (五)社会团体,应出具社会团体登记证书,宗教组织还应出具宗教事务管理部门的批文或证明。

6) If the depositor is a civil-run non-enterprise organization, it shall present the registration certificate of civil-run non-enterprise organization. (六)民办非企业组织,应出具民办非企业登记证书。

7) If the depositor is a permanent agency stationed at other place, it shall present the approval document issued by the competent department of the government of the place where the agency is located. (七)外地常设机构,应出具其驻在地政府主管部门的批文。

8) If the depositor is a foreign agency stationed in China, it shall present the approval document or certificate issued by the relevant competent department of the state; if the depositor is a representative office or agency of foreign-funded enterprise stationed in China, it shall present the registration certificate issued by the registration department of the state. (八)外国驻华机构,应出具国家有关主管部门的批文或证明;外资企业驻华代表处、办事处应出具国家登记机关颁发的登记证。

9) If the depositor is an individual industrial and commercial household, it shall issue the original of its business license. (九)个体工商户,应出具个体工商户营业执照正本。

10) If the depositor is a residential committee, villagers' committee or community committee, the depositor shall present the approval document or certificate issued by the department in charge of it; (十)居民委员会、村民委员会、社区委员会,应出具其主管部门的批文或证明。

11) If the depositor is an affiliated independent accounting agency, it shall present the opening registration certificate of its basic deposit account or the approval document issued by the department in charge of it; (十一)独立核算的附属机构,应出具其主管部门的基本存款账户开户登记证和批文。

12) If the depositor is any other organization, it shall present the approval document or certificate issued by the competent department of the government. (十二)其他组织,应出具政府主管部门的批文或证明。

Where the depositor as mentioned in this Article is a taxpayer engaged in production and business activities, it shall also present the tax registration certificate issued by the taxation department.

Article 18 A depositor applying for opening a general deposit account shall present to the bank the certifications required for the opening of its basic deposit account, the opening registration certificate of the basic deposit account, and the following certifications:   第十八条 存款人申请开立一般存款账户,应向银行出具其开立基本存款账户规定的证明文件、基本存款账户开户登记证和下列证明文件:

1) Where the depositor needs to borrow money from the bank, it shall present the borrowing contract. (一)存款人因向银行借款需要,应出具借款合同。

2) Where the depositor needs to handle other settlements, it shall present the relevant certifications. (二)存款人因其他结算需要,应出具有关证明。

Article 19 A depositor applying for opening a special deposit account shall present to the bank the certifications required for the opening of its basic deposit account, the opening registration certificate of the basic deposit account, and the following certifications:   第十九条 存款人申请开立专用存款账户,应向银行出具其开立基本存款账户规定的证明文件、基本存款账户开户登记证和下列证明文件:

1) With respect to the fund for infrastructure construction, fund for renovation and reformation, fund for policy-oriented real estate development, housing fund, and social insurance fund, the depositor shall present the approval document issued by the competent department; (一)基本建设资金、更新改造资金、政策性房地产开发资金、住房基金、社会保障基金,应出具主管部门批文。

2) With respect to the extra budgetary fund, the depositor shall present the certificate issued by the fiscal department; (二)财政预算外资金,应出具财政部门的证明。

3) With respect to the fund for purchase of food, cotton or oil, the depositor shall present the approval document issued by the competent department. (三)粮、棉、油收购资金,应出具主管部门批文。

4) With respect to the reserve fund for entity bank card, the depositor shall present the relevant certificates and materials pursuant to the rules on bank cards approved by the People's Bank of China. (四)单位银行卡备用金,应按照中国人民银行批准的银行卡章程的规定出具有关证明和资料。

5) With respect to the securities transaction settlement fund, the depositor shall present the certificate issued by the securities company or the department of securities administration. (五)证券交易结算资金,应出具证券公司或证券管理部门的证明。

6) With respect to the security deposit for futures transaction, the depositor shall present the certificate issued by the futures company or the department of futures administration. (六)期货交易保证金,应出具期货公司或期货管理部门的证明。

7) With respect to the inter-institution fund deposited at any financial institution, the depositor shall present the certificate of the financial institution. (七)金融机构存放同业资金,应出具其证明。

8) With respect to the collected income and business expenditure, the depositor shall present the relevant certificate of the depositor of the basic deposit account; (八)收入汇缴资金和业务支出资金,应出具基本存款账户存款人有关的证明。

9) With respect to the fund of the organization set up in an entity by the party, league or trade union, the depositor shall present the approval document or certificate issued by that entity or the relevant department. (九)党、团、工会设在单位的组织机构经费,应出具该单位或有关部门的批文或证明。

10) With respect to other funds subject to special management and use as provided, the depositor shall present the relevant regulations and rules or the relevant documents issued by the government department. (十)其他按规定需要专项管理和使用的资金,应出具有关法规、规章或政府部门的有关文件。

Article 20 The RMB special account and RMB settlement funds account opened by a qualified foreign institutional investor for securities investment in China shall be subject to the administration of special deposit accounts. To open a RMB special account, the investor shall present the approval document issued by department of foreign exchange administration of the state, to open a RMB settlement funds account, the investor shall present the license for securities investment issued by the department of securities administration.   第二十条 合格境外机构投资者在境内从事证券投资开立的人民币特殊账户和人民币结算资金账户纳入专用存款账户管理。其开立人民币特殊账户时应出具国家外汇管理部门的批复文件,开立人民币结算资金账户时应出具证券管理部门的证券投资业务许可证。

Article 21 A depositor applying for opening a temporary deposit account shall present to the bank the following certifications:   第二十一条 存款人申请开立临时存款账户,应向银行出具下列证明文件:

1) To set up a temporary agency, the depositor shall present the approval document for setting up the temporary agency issued by the competent department of the place where the agency is to be located; (一)临时机构,应出具其驻在地主管部门同意设立临时机构的批文。

2) To carry out construction and installation at any other place, the depositor shall present the original of its business license or the original of the business license of the entity to which it is affiliated, as well as the permit issued by the department in charge of construction of the place where the construction and installation are to be carried out, or the construction and installation contract; (二)异地建筑施工及安装单位,应出具其营业执照正本或其隶属单位的营业执照正本,以及施工及安装地建设主管部门核发的许可证或建筑施工及安装合同。

3) To carry out temporary business activities at any other place, the depositor shall present the original of its business license and the approval document issued by the department of industry and commerce administration of the place of temporary business activities. (三)异地从事临时经营活动的单位,应出具其营业执照正本以及临时经营地工商行政管理部门的批文。

4) For the purpose of registration capital verification, the depositor shall present the notice for advance approval of enterprise names issued by the administration for industry and commerce. (四)注册验资资金,应出具工商行政管理部门核发的企业名称预先核准通知书或有关部门的批文。

In the situations mentioned in Items 2) and 3) of this Article, the depositor shall also present the opening registration certificate of its basic deposit account.

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