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Measures for the Administration of China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone [Effective]
中国(河北)自由贸易试验区管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the People's Government of Hebei province 


(No. 9 [2019]) ([2019]第9号)

The Measures for the Administration of China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone as adopted by the 65th executive meeting of the Provincial Government on October 10, 2019, are hereby issued and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《中国(河北)自由贸易试验区管理办法》已经2019年10月10日省政府第65次常务会议通过,现予公布,自印发之日起施行。
Governor: Xu Qin 省长:许勤
October 28, 2019 2019年10月28日
Measures for the Administration of China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(河北)自由贸易试验区管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of advancing the construction of China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone and building up the pilot free trade zone into a new highland for opening in the new era, these Measures are developed according to the Framework Plan for China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the “Framework Plan”) approved by the State Council and relevant laws and regulations, in light of the actual circumstances of the province.   第一条 为了推进中国(河北)自由贸易试验区建设,将自由贸易试验区建设成为新时代对外开放的新高地,根据国务院批准的《中国(河北)自由贸易试验区总体方案》(以下简称《总体方案》)和有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the “PFTZ”) established with the approval of the State Council. The PFTZ shall include the Xiongan Part, the Zhengding Part, the Caofeidian Part, and the Daxing Airport Part (hereinafter referred to as the “Parts”).   第二条 本办法适用于经国务院批准设立的中国(河北)自由贸易试验区(以下简称自贸试验区)。自贸试验区涵盖雄安片区、正定片区、曹妃甸片区和大兴机场片区(以下通称各片区)。
Article 3 The PFTZ shall, with system innovation as its core, with the capabilities of replication and promotion as the basic requirements, fully implement the requirements of the central authorities for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy and the high-standard and high-quality construction of Xiongan New Area, vigorously undertake the non-capital functions of which Beijing is relieved and the commercialization of scientific and technological results in Beijing and Tianjin, and focus on building important international trade logistics hubs, new industrialization bases, global innovation highlands, and open development pioneering zones. Benchmarked against international advanced rules, more internationally competitive institutional innovations shall be gained, quality changes, efficiency changes, and dynamic changes in economic development shall be promoted, and an endeavor shall be made to build high-standard high-quality free trade parks of free and facilitative trade and investment, clustering high-end and high-tech industries, open and innovative financial services, tolerant and prudential government governance, and highly coordinated regional development.   第三条 自贸试验区以制度创新为核心,以可复制可推广为基本要求,全面落实中央关于京津冀协同发展战略和高标准高质量建设雄安新区要求,积极承接北京非首都功能疏解和京津科技成果转化,着力建设国际商贸物流重要枢纽、新型工业化基地、全球创新高地和开放发展先行区。对标国际先进规则,形成更多有国际竞争力的制度创新成果,推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,努力建成贸易投资自由便利、高端高新产业集聚、金融服务开放创新、政府治理包容审慎、区域发展高度协同的高标准高质量自由贸易园区。
Article 4 The PFTZ shall promote the existing experience of free trade pilot zones in reform pilot programs capable of replication, enshrine the results of reform and innovation in norms and systems, and ensure that the experience in reform pilot programs produces actual effects.   第四条 自贸试验区应当推广已有的自贸试验区可复制改革试点经验,将改革创新成果规范化、制度化,确保改革试点经验产生实效。
Article 5 The PFTZ shall establish an innovation-oriented evaluation and assessment mechanism, encourage innovation, tolerate failure, and fully stimulate vitality for innovation.   第五条 自贸试验区应当建立以创新为导向的考核评价机制,鼓励创新、宽容失败,充分激发创新活力。
Chapter II Management System 

第二章 管理体制

Article 6 The Leading Group for the China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone Advancement Work (hereinafter referred to as the “Leading Group”) shall implement the guidelines, policies, decisions, and resolutions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for establishing pilot free trade zones, the Framework Plan, and related laws and regulations and be responsible for coordinating research on the rule of law construction, policy measures, and development plans of the PFTZ, decide major issues on PFTZ development, guiding the tasks of reform pilot programs, coordinating PFTZ matters with relevant state agencies, relevant cities of the province, and Xiongan New Area, and organize, lead, manage, and guide the work to advance PFTZ construction.   第六条 中国(河北)自由贸易试验区推进工作领导小组(以下简称领导小组)贯彻执行党中央、国务院建立自贸试验区的方针政策、决定决议、《总体方案》以及相关法律、法规规定,负责统筹研究自贸试验区法治建设、政策措施、发展规划,决定自贸试验区发展重大问题,指导改革试点任务,协调与国家有关部门及省内有关市、雄安新区自贸试验区事务,组织、领导、管理、指导自贸试验区建设推进工作。
Article 7 The Provincial People's Government, guided and supported by the State Council and relevant state agencies, shall develop rules, systems, and policy measures related to the construction and management of the PFTZ in accordance with the Framework Plan and the law.   第七条 省人民政府在国务院和国家有关部门指导支持下,根据《总体方案》,依法制定与自贸试验区建设和管理相关的规章制度和政策措施。
Article 8 The Office of the Leading Group for the China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone Advancement Work (China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone Work Office) shall be established under the Provincial Department of Commerce and undertake the day-to-day work of the Leading Group. Management committees shall be respectively established for the PFTZ Parts. The Xiongan Part Management Committee shall be the working institution under the management of the Xiongan New Area Management Committee, and the Zhengding Part Management Committee, the Caofeidian Part Management Committee, and the Daxing Airport Part (Langfang) Management Committee shall be respectively the local offices of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Government, the Tangshan Municipal Government, and the Langfang Municipal Government. Xiongan New Area, Shijiazhuang City, Tangshan City, and Langfang City shall be respectively responsible for the work of the Parts. The China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone Work Office shall provide business guidance for the management committees of the Parts.   第八条 中国(河北)自由贸易试验区推进工作领导小组办公室(中国(河北)自由贸易试验区工作办公室)设在省商务厅,承担领导小组的日常工作。自贸试验区各片区分别设立管理委员会。雄安片区管理委员会为雄安新区管理委员会管理的工作机构,正定片区管理委员会、曹妃甸片区管理委员会、大兴机场片区(廊坊)管理委员会,分别为石家庄市政府、唐山市政府、廊坊市政府的派出机构。雄安新区和石家庄市、唐山市、廊坊市分别是各片区工作的责任主体。中国(河北)自由贸易试验区工作办公室对各片区管理委员会实行业务指导。
Article 9 The Office of the Leading Group shall perform the following functions:   第九条 领导小组办公室应当履行下列职责:
(1) Implementing the guidelines, policies, decisions, and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the CPC Provincial Committee, and the Provincial Government in relation to the PFTZ work, complying with the relevant requirements of the state laws, regulations, and normative documents for the construction of pilot free trade zones, and drafting and organizing the implementation of local PFTZ regulations and rules. (一)贯彻落实党中央、国务院和省委、省政府关于自贸试验区工作的方针政策和决策部署,贯彻执行国家关于自贸试验区建设的法律、法规和规范性文件有关要求,起草自贸试验区地方性法规、规章草案并组织实施;
(2) Researching the drawing and promoting the implementation of PFTZ development plans and policy measures and guiding the Parts in implementing PFTZ-related government administration systems. (二)研究拟订自贸试验区发展规划、政策措施并推动落实,指导各片区落实自贸试验区有关行政管理制度;
(3) Organizing research on major issues related to PFTZ development, organizing the implementation of various reform and innovative measures for the PFTZ, and researching policy proposals for deepening all the reform and innovation of the PFTZ. (三)组织研究自贸试验区发展有关重大问题,组织实施自贸试验区各项改革创新措施,研究提出深化自贸试验区各项改革创新的政策建议;
(4) Coordinating investment, trade, financial services, industry development, statistics, and other related work in the PFTZ and coordinating the related work of financial, customs, maritime, border inspection, and other authorities in the PFTZ. (四)协调自贸试验区投资、贸易、金融服务、产业发展、统计等有关工作,协调自贸试验区内金融、海关、海事、边检等部门的相关工作;
(5) Organizing the implementation of the national security review, anti-monopoly review, and other related work of the PFTZ, deepening the reform of “simplifying procedures, decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services,” promoting the construction of the PFTZ business environment, and advancing the establishment and improvement of the interim and ex-post regulation system by the Parts. (五)组织落实自贸试验区国家安全审查、反垄断审查等有关工作,深化“放管服”改革,推动自贸试验区营商环境建设,推进各片区建立健全事中事后监管体系;
(6) Effectively communicating and coordinating with the relevant departments of the central authorities and relevant ministries and commissions of the state and vigorously seeking policy support; effectively communicating and coordinating with the relevant departments of Beijing City; and responsible for guiding and coordinating the management committees of the Parts and promoting the cooperation with other regions in reform and development. (六)做好与中央有关部门和国家有关部委的沟通协调工作,积极争取政策支持;做好与北京市有关部门的沟通协调工作;负责对各片区管理委员会指导协调工作,推动与其他区域的改革联动、发展联动;
(7) Promoting the implementation of the tasks for PFTZ pilot programs and responsible for the comprehensive assessment, supervisory guidance, and evaluation of the construction and operation of the PFTZ Parts. (七)推动自贸试验区试点任务落实,负责对自贸试验区片区建设运行情况进行综合评估、督导、考核;
(8) Collecting and releasing public information on the PFTZ and organizing the external publicity and exchange work of the PFTZ. (八)统计发布自贸试验区相关公共信息,组织自贸试验区对外宣传、交流工作;
(9) Undertaking the work assigned by the CPC Provincial Committee and the Provincial People's Government and the day-to-day work of the Leading Group. (九)承担省委、省人民政府交办的工作和领导小组日常工作。
Article 10 The management committee of each Part shall perform the following functions:   第十条 各片区管理委员会,应当履行以下职责:
(1) Responsible for implementing the Framework Plan, implementation plans, and various reform and innovative measures for the PFTZ. (一)负责落实自贸试验区总体方案、实施方案和各项改革创新措施;
(2) Organizing the implementation of the industry layout and development and construction activities in the Part and coordinating the advancement of construction of major investment projects. (二)组织落实片区内产业布局和开发建设活动,协调推进重大投资项目建设;
(3) Researching and solving the difficulties and problems in the reform and innovation of the Part, summarizing the experience of the Part in deepening reform and innovation, and making innovation recommendations capable of replication and promotion. (三)研究和解决片区改革创新中的难点和问题,总结片区深化改革创新经验,提出可复制可推广的创新成果建议;
(4) Undertaking the management of the received matters according to the law and effectively conducting work such as government services, statistical analysis, and release of important information. (四)依法承担承接事项的管理,做好政务服务、统计分析和重要信息发布等工作;
(5) Coordinating and managing work related to all functional areas. (五)协调和管理与各功能区有关的工作;
(6) Coordinating the relevant work of financial, customs, maritime, border inspection, civil aviation, and other authorities in the Part. (六)协调金融、海关、海事、边检、民航等部门在片区内的相关工作;
(7) Performing functions related to national security review and anti-monopoly review in accordance with law. (七)依法履行国家安全审查、反垄断审查有关职责;
(8) Responsible for providing guidance, consulting, and services for enterprises and related institutions. (八)负责为企业和相关机构提供指导、咨询和服务;
(9) Completing other tasks assigned by the CPC committee and people's government of the districted city where the Part is located, the Party Working Committee and the Management Committee of Xiongan New Area, and the China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone Work Office. (九)完成片区所在地设区的市党委、人民政府和雄安新区党工委、管委会以及中国(河北)自贸试验区工作办公室交办的其他工作。
Article 11 The Daxing Airport Part, which is located within the administrative area of Beijing, shall be managed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Beijing Municipal People's Government.   第十一条 大兴机场片区位于北京市行政区域内的范围,按照北京市人民政府有关规定进行管理。
Article 12 The Provincial People's Government and its related departments shall decentralize economic and social management authority to the management committees of the Parts according to the law, as needed for the reform and development of the PFTZ.   第十二条 省人民政府及其有关部门根据自贸试验区改革发展需要,依法向各片区管理委员会下放经济社会管理权限。
Chapter III Investment Reform 

第三章 投资改革

Article 13 The PFTZ shall profoundly advance the reform of the foreign investment management system. The PFTZ shall fully implement the pre-access national treatment plus negative list administration system for foreign investment, boost the effective connection between pre-access and post-access management measures, and achieve the lawful and equal access of various market participants to relevant industries, fields, and business. The PFTZ shall explore the establishment of a foreign investment information reporting system.   第十三条 自贸试验区深入推进外资管理体制改革。全面落实外商投资准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度,推动准入前和准入后管理措施的有效衔接,实现各类市场主体依法平等准入相关行业、领域和业务。探索建立外商投资信息报告制度。
Article 14 The PFTZ shall relax market access for foreign investment. The PFTZ shall allow foreign professionals qualified as China's first-class registered architects or first-class registered structural engineers to establish construction engineering design firms as partners in accordance with the requirements of corresponding qualification standards. The PFTZ shall support the establishment of wholly foreign-owned commercial education, training, and vocational skills training institutions. The PFTZ shall support foreign investors in establishing air transport sales agency enterprises. The PFTZ shall harmonize the investor qualification requirements for Chinese-funded and foreign-funded human resources service institutions, and the management committees of the Parts shall be responsible for approval and make a filing to the human resources and social security authority at provincial level.   第十四条 自贸试验区放宽外资市场准入。允许取得我国一级注册建筑师或者一级注册结构工程师资格的境外专业人士作为合伙人,按照相应资质标准要求设立建筑工程设计事务所。支持外商独资设立经营性教育培训和职业技能培训机构。支持外商投资设立航空运输销售代理企业。统一内外资人力资源服务机构投资者资质要求,由片区管理委员会负责审批,报省级人力资源社会保障部门备案。
Article 15 The PFTZ shall establish a foreign investment service system. The PFTZ shall improve working mechanisms for foreign investment promotion, project tracking services, and complaints, solve complaint problems in a timely manner, and protect the lawful rights and interests of foreign investors.   第十五条 自贸试验区建立外商投资服务体系。完善外商投资促进、项目跟踪服务和投诉工作机制,及时处理投诉反映的问题,保护外商投资合法权益。
Article 16 The PFTZ shall be encouraged to develop foreign investment promotion policies in accordance with the law and reward foreign-funded enterprises and high-level talents who have made outstanding contributions to PFTZ development.
   第十六条 鼓励自贸试验区依法制定外商投资促进政策,对在自贸试验区发展中作出突出贡献的外商投资企业及高层次人才给予奖励。

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