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Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Administrative Cases by Public Security Organs (2012 Revision) [Revised]
公安机关办理行政案件程序规定(2012修订) [已被修订]

Order of the Ministry of Public Security 


(No. 125)

The revised Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Administrative Cases by Public Security Organs, as adopted at the minister's executive meeting of the Ministry of Public Security on December 3, 2012, are hereby issued and shall come into force on January 1, 2013.

Minister of Public Security: Meng Jianzhu
公安部部长 孟建柱

December 19, 2012

Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Administrative Cases by Public Security Organs

Table of Contents 目录

Chapter I General Principles 第一章 总则

Chapter II Jurisdiction 第二章 管辖

Chapter III Disqualification 第三章 回避

Chapter IV Evidence 第四章 证据

Chapter V Periods and Service 第五章 期间与送达

Chapter VI Summary Procedures 第六章 简易程序

Chapter VII Investigation and Evidence Collection 第七章 调查取证

Section 1 General Provisions 第一节 一般规定

Section 2 Case Acceptance 第二节 受案

Section 3 Interview 第三节 询问

Section 4 Inspection and Examination 第四节 勘验、检查

Section 5 Identification and Authentication 第五节 鉴定

Section 6 Identification 第六节 辨认

Section 7 Evidence Preservation 第七节 证据保全

Chapter VIII Hearing Procedures 第八章 听证程序

Section 1 General Provisions 第一节 一般规定

Section 2 Hearing Examiners and Hearing Participants 第二节 听证人员和听证参加人

Section 3 Notification of and Application for Hearings and Acceptance thereof 第三节 听证的告知、申请和受理

Section 4 Holding of Hearings 第四节 听证的举行

Chapter IX Administrative Penalty Decisions 第九章 行政处理决定

Section 1 Application of Administrative Penalties 第一节 行政处罚的适用

Section 2 Administrative Penalty Decisions 第二节 行政处理的决定

Chapter X Public Security Mediation 第十章 治安调解

Chapter XI Management and Handling of Case-Related Properties 第十一章 涉案财物的管理和处理

Chapter XII Enforcement 第十二章 执行

Section 1 General Provisions 第一节 一般规定

Section 2 Enforcement of Fines 第二节 罚款的执行

Section 3 Enforcement of Administrative Detention 第三节 行政拘留的执行

Section 4 Enforcement of Other Handling Decisions 第四节 其他处理决定的执行

Chapter XIII Handling of Foreign-Related Administrative Cases 第十三章 涉外行政案件的办理

Chapter XIV Conclusion of Cases 第十四章 案件终结

Chapter XV Supplementary Provisions 第十五章 附则

Chapter I General Principles 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 In order to regulate the procedures for the handling of administrative cases by public security organs, safeguard the accurate performance of duties by public security organs in their handling of administrative cases, and protect the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China, the Administrative Enforcement Law of the People's Republic of China, the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了规范公安机关办理行政案件程序,保障公安机关在办理行政案件中正确履行职责,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》、《中华人民共和国行政强制法》、《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

Article 2 For purposes of these Provisions, “administrative cases” means the cases in which public security organs decide to give administrative penalties to violators or take such handling measures as isolated compulsory drug rehabilitation and institutionalized education in accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations and rules.   第二条 本规定所称行政案件,是指公安机关依照法律、法规和规章的规定对违法行为人决定行政处罚以及强制隔离戒毒、收容教育等处理措施的案件。

For purposes of these Provisions, “public security organs” means public security organs at or above the county level, police stations, functional departments of public security organs with independent law enforcement qualifications in accordance with law and entry-exit frontier inspection stations.

Article 3 Administrative cases shall be handled by taking facts as the basis and law as the yardstick.   第三条 办理行政案件应当以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。

Article 4 Administrative cases shall be handled under the principles of legality, impartiality, openness and timeliness, human rights shall be respected and safeguarded, and the personal dignity of citizens shall be protected.   第四条 办理行政案件应当遵循合法、公正、公开、及时的原则,尊重和保障人权,保护公民的人格尊严。

Article 5 Administrative cases shall be handled under the principle of combining education with penalties. And citizens, legal persons and other organizations shall be educated to voluntarily abide by the law.   第五条 办理行政案件应当坚持教育与处罚相结合的原则,教育公民、法人和其他组织自觉守法。

Article 6 Administrative cases involving the minors shall be handled according to the physical and mental features of the minors, and their lawful rights and interests shall be protected.   第六条 办理未成年人的行政案件,应当根据未成年人的身心特点,保障其合法权益。

Article 7 When an administrative case is handled in a region where an ethnic minority concentrates or multiple ethnic groups live together, interview shall be conducted in the commonly used local language. Interpretation shall be provided for the party who is not familiar with the commonly used local language.   第七条 办理行政案件,在少数民族聚居或者多民族共同居住的地区,应当使用当地通用的语言进行询问。对不通晓当地通用语言文字的当事人,应当为他们提供翻译。

Article 8 Where the people's policeman of a public security organ neglects his or her duties, practices favoritism for personal gains, abuses his or her power, or solicits or accepts the property of any other person when handling a case, he or she shall be given an administrative disciplinary action in accordance with law. If any crime is constituted, he or she shall be subject to criminal liability in accordance with law.   第八条 公安机关人民警察在办案中玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、滥用职权、索取或者收受他人财物的,依法给予处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Chapter II Jurisdiction 

第二章 管 辖

Article 9 An administrative case shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the public security organ at the place where the violation is committed. Where it is more appropriate for the public security organ at the place of residence of the violator to exercise jurisdiction, the public security organ at the place of residence of the violator shall exercise jurisdiction, excluding the cases involving prostitution, whoring, gambling and drugs.   第九条 行政案件由违法行为地的公安机关管辖。由违法行为人居住地公安机关管辖更为适宜的,可以由违法行为人居住地公安机关管辖,但是涉及卖淫、嫖娼、赌博、毒品的案件除外。

To transfer an administrative case under the jurisdiction of the public security organ at the place of residence of the violator, the public security organ at the place where the violation is committed shall, before transferring the case, collect evidence in a timely manner, and cooperate with the public security organ at the place of residence of the violator in conducting investigation and collecting evidence.

Article 10 When two or more public security organs all have jurisdiction over an administrative case, the case shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the public security organ which first accepts the case. When necessary, the case may be subject to the jurisdiction of the public security organ at the principal place of violation.   第十条 几个公安机关都有权管辖的行政案件,由最初受理的公安机关管辖。必要时,可以由主要违法行为地公安机关管辖。

Article 11 Where there is any dispute over jurisdiction, the public security organs shall report to and ask their common superior to specify jurisdiction.   第十一条 对管辖权发生争议的,报请共同的上级公安机关指定管辖。

For a significant or complicated case, the public security organ at the higher level may directly handle the case or specify jurisdiction.

Where the public security organ at the higher level directly handles the case or specifies jurisdiction, it shall notify in writing the public security organ specified to exercise jurisdiction and other relevant public security organs.

The public security organ which accepted the case shall no longer exercise jurisdiction after receiving the written notice of the public security organ at the higher level, and shall immediately transfer case materials to the public security organ specified to exercise jurisdiction or the public security organ at the higher level that handles the case, and notify the parties in writing in a timely manner.

Article 12 The administrative cases that happen on trains, within the work areas of railway stations, within such entities as administrative organs, factories, sections, offices and teams of the railway industry, as well as the administrative cases involving placing obstacles on railway lines, destroying or moving railway facilities, among others, that may affect railway transportation safety, and cases of stealing railway facilities, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of railway public security organs.   第十二条 铁路公安机关管辖列车上,火车站工作区域内,铁路系统的机关、厂、段、所、队等单位内发生的行政案件,以及在铁路线上放置障碍物或者损毁、移动铁路设施等可能影响铁路运输安全、盗窃铁路设施的行政案件。

The administrative cases that happen on ships, in ports, within the work areas of wharfs, and those that happen within such entities as administrative organs, factories, offices and teams of the port and navigation industry under the administration of port and navigation administrative bodies shall be subject to the jurisdiction of transport public security organs.

The administrative cases that happen within the work areas of airports under the administration of civil aviation administrative organs, those that happen within such entities as administrative organs, factories, offices and teams of the civil aviation industry, and those that happen on civil aircrafts shall be subject to the jurisdiction of civil aviation public security organs.

The administrative cases that happen within state-owned forests shall be subject to the jurisdiction of forest public security organs.

The public security cases involving obstructing anti-smuggling policemen of customs offices from performing their duties in accordance with law shall be subject to the jurisdiction of anti-smuggling organs of customs offices.

Article 13 The jurisdiction over public security administrative cases which involve both public security organs and army shall be otherwise prescribed by the Ministry of Public Security and the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army of China.   第十三条 公安机关和军队互涉公安行政案件的管辖分工由公安部和中国人民解放军总政治部另行规定。

Chapter III Disqualification 

第三章 回 避

Article 14 Under any of the following circumstances, the person in charge of a public security organ or the people's policeman that handles a case shall voluntarily request disqualification, and the parties to the case as well as their legal representatives are entitled to request their disqualification:   第十四条 公安机关负责人、办案人民警察有下列情形之一的,应当自行提出回避申请,案件当事人及其法定代理人有权要求他们回避:

(1) He or she is a party to the case or a close relative of a party to the case; (一)是本案的当事人或者当事人近亲属的;

(2) He or she or his or her close relative is an interested party to the case; or (二)本人或者其近亲属与本案有利害关系的;

(3) He or she has any other relationship with a party to the case, which may affect the just handling of the case. (三)与本案当事人有其他关系,可能影响案件公正处理的。

Article 15 To request disqualification, the person in charge of a public security organ or the people's policeman that handles a case shall state reasons.   第十五条 公安机关负责人、办案人民警察提出回避申请的,应当说明理由。

Article 16 The disqualification of the people's policeman that handles a case shall be decided by the public security organ to which he or she belongs; and the disqualification of the person in charge of a public security organ shall be decided by the public security organ at the next higher level.   第十六条 办案人民警察的回避,由其所属的公安机关决定;公安机关负责人的回避,由上一级公安机关决定。

Article 17 Where a party and the legal representative thereof request the disqualification of the person in charge of a public security organ or the people's policeman that handles a case, such a party shall file an application and state reasons. If the application is filed verbally, the request shall be recorded by the public security organ.   第十七条 当事人及其法定代理人要求公安机关负责人、办案人民警察回避的,应当提出申请,并说明理由。口头提出申请的,公安机关应当记录在案。

Article 18 A public security organ shall make a decision on a disqualification application filed by a party and the legal representative thereof, and notify the party within two days after receiving the application.   第十八条 对当事人及其法定代理人提出的回避申请,公安机关应当在收到申请之日起二日内作出决定并通知申请人。

Article 19 Under any circumstance which requires the disqualification of the person in charge of a public security organ or the people's policeman that handles a case, while he or she fails to request disqualification, and the parties and their legal representatives fail to request the disqualification thereof either, the public security organ that is entitled to decide the disqualification thereof may order the party to disqualify himself or herself.   第十九条 公安机关负责人、办案人民警察具有应当回避的情形之一,本人没有申请回避,当事人及其法定代理人也没有申请其回避的,有权决定其回避的公安机关可以指令其回避。

Article 20 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply if the identification or evaluation expert or the interpreter needs to disqualify himself or herself in the investigation of an administrative case.   第二十条 在行政案件调查过程中,鉴定人和翻译人员需要回避的,适用本章的规定。

The disqualification of the identification or evaluation expert or the interpreter shall be decided by the public security organ which assigns or retains such a person.

Article 21 Before the public security organ makes a disqualification decision, the people's policeman that handles an administrative case shall not cease the investigation of the case.   第二十一条 在公安机关作出回避决定前,办案人民警察不得停止对行政案件的调查。

After a disqualification decision is made, the person in charge of a public security organ or the people's policeman that handles the administrative case shall no longer participate in the investigation, examination and approval of such a case.

Article 22 Whether the activities conducted by the person in charge of a public security organ, a people's policeman that handles a case, the identification or evaluation expert, or the interpreter who shall disqualify himself or herself before the decision on his or her disqualification is made are valid or not shall be decided by the public security organ that makes the decision according to the circumstances of the case.   第二十二条 被决定回避的公安机关负责人、办案人民警察、鉴定人和翻译人员,在回避决定作出前所进行的与案件有关的活动是否有效,由作出回避决定的公安机关根据案件情况决定。

Chapter IV Evidence 

第四章 证 据

Article 23 All materials that may be used to prove case facts are evidence. The evidence involved in the handling of administrative cases by public security organs includes:   第二十三条 可以用于证明案件事实的材料,都是证据。公安机关办理行政案件的证据包括:

(1) Physical evidence; (一)物证;

(2) Documentary evidence; (二)书证;

(3) Victim statement and the testimony of other witnesses; (三)被侵害人陈述和其他证人证言;

(4) Statements and arguments of the suspected violator; (四)违法嫌疑人的陈述和申辩;

(5) Expert opinion; (五)鉴定意见;

(6) Inspection, examination and identification transcripts, and on-site transcripts; and (六)勘验、检查、辨认笔录,现场笔录;

(7) Audio-visual recordings and electronic data. (七)视听资料、电子数据。

Evidence must be verified before being used as the basis for deciding a case.

Article 24 Public security organs must, under statutory procedures, collect evidence that can prove whether a suspected violator has committed the violation and the gravity of the violation.   第二十四条 公安机关必须依照法定程序,收集能够证实违法嫌疑人是否违法、违法情节轻重的证据。

It is strictly prohibited to extort confessions by torture, collect evidence by threat, deceit, or other illegal means. A statement or argument of a suspected violator extorted by torture or obtained by other illegal means, or a victim statement or the testimony of other witnesses obtained by violence, threat, or other illegal means shall not be taken as the basis for deciding a case. If any physical or documentary evidence is not collected under the statutory procedure, which may seriously affect law enforcement justice, correction or justification shall be provided; otherwise, such evidence shall not be taken as the basis for deciding a case.

Article 25 Public security organs shall, when collecting or requiring submission of evidence from relevant entities and individuals, inform them that they shall provide true evidence, and inform them of the legal liabilities that they shall assume for forging, concealing or destroying evidence, or providing false testimony.   第二十五条 公安机关向有关单位和个人收集、调取证据时,应当告知其必须如实提供证据,并告知其伪造、隐匿、毁灭证据,提供虚假证词应当承担的法律责任。

Where it is necessary to require submission of evidence from a relevant entity or individual, the evidence collection notice shall be issued with the approval of the person in charge of the case-handling department of the public security organ. The party being required to submit evidence shall sign or seal the notice, and if the party refuses to do so, it shall be noted by the public security organ. When necessary, the public security organ shall fix the evidence content and evidence collection process in such forms as audio and visual records.

Article 26 The physical evidence collected or required for submission shall be the originals. Only when it is difficult to move or keep the original or it is required by law that the original be kept and handled by the relevant department or that it be returned, may photos or visual records that can fairly reflect the shape or content of the original be shot or made.   第二十六条 收集调取的物证应当是原物。在原物不便搬运、不易保存或者依法应当由有关部门保管、处理或者依法应当返还时,可以拍摄或者制作足以反映原物外形或者内容的照片、录像。

Photos or visual records of physical evidence can be used as evidence as long as they have been verified as genuine by checking with the originals or by identification or evaluation.

Article 27 The documentary evidence collected or required for submission shall be the originals. Duplicates or photocopies may be used when it is really difficult to acquire the originals.   第二十七条 收集、调取的书证应当是原件。在取得原件确有困难时,可以使用副本或者复制件。

Duplicates or photocopies of documentary evidence can be used as evidence as long as they are verified as genuine by checking with the originals or by identification or evaluation. Where any documentary evidence is modified or shows a sign of modification which cannot be justified, or where a duplicate or photocopy thereof cannot reflect the external form or content of the original, such material cannot be used as evidence.

Article 28 For the duplicates and photocopies of documentary evidence, photocopies of audio-visual recordings and electronic data, and the photos and video records of physical evidence, a written explanation on the relevant production process and the storage place of originals shall be accompanied, and the producers and holders or the relevant persons of the holding entities shall sign their names.   第二十八条 书证的副本、复制件,视听资料、电子数据的复制件,物证的照片、录像,应当附有关制作过程及原件、原物存放处的文字说明,并由制作人和物品持有人或者持有单位有关人员签名。

Article 29 Where a criminal case is transferred as an administrative case for handling, the evidential materials collected in handling the criminal case may be used as evidence for the administrative case.   第二十九条 刑事案件转为行政案件办理的,刑事案件办理过程中收集的证据材料,可以作为行政案件的证据使用。

Article 30 Any person who has information regarding a case shall have the obligation to testify.   第三十条 凡知道案件情况的人,都有作证的义务。

A physically or mentally handicapped person or a minor who cannot distinguish between right and wrong or cannot correctly express himself or herself shall not serve as a witness.

Article 31 Public security organs and the people's policemen thereof shall keep confidential the national secrets, trade secrets or personal privacy involved when handling administrative cases.   第三十一条 公安机关及其人民警察在办理行政案件时,对涉及的国家秘密、商业秘密或者个人隐私,应当保密。

Chapter V Periods and Service 

第五章 期间与送达

Article 32 Periods shall be calculated by hour, day, month and year, and the beginning hour or day of a period shall not be counted in the period. A statutory period of service of legal documents shall not include the time en route. If the last day of a period falls on a holiday, the first day after the holiday shall be the expiration date of the period, but the period during which the personal freedom of the violator is restricted shall terminate on the expiry date and may not be extended due to holidays.   第三十二条 期间以时、日、月、年计算,期间开始之时或者日不计算在内。法律文书送达的期间不包括路途上的时间。期间的最后一日是节假日的,以节假日后的第一日为期满日期,但违法行为人被限制人身自由的期间,应当至期满之日为止,不得因节假日而延长。

Article 33 The following provisions shall be observed in the service of legal documents:   第三十三条 送达法律文书,应当遵守下列规定:

(1) Where an on-site penalty decision is made under the summary procedure, the written decision shall be delivered to the party subject to punishment on the spot, who shall affix his or her signature or fingerprint to the filed written decision; and if the party subject to punishment refuses to do so, it shall be noted on the filed written decision by the people's policeman that handles the case; (一)依照简易程序作出当场处罚决定的,应当将决定书当场交付被处罚人,并由被处罚人在备案的决定书上签名或者捺指印;被处罚人拒绝的,由办案人民警察在备案的决定书上注明;

(2) Except for that prescribed in item (1) of this paragraph, the administrative penalty decision or any other administrative handling decision made shall be delivered to the party subject to punishment on the spot after it is announced, and the party subject to punishment affixes his or her signature or fingerprint on the attached written decision, and the decision shall be deemed served; and if the party subject to punishment refuses to do so, it shall be noted on the attached written decision by the people's policeman that handles the case; or if the party subject to punishment is not present at the scene, the public security organ shall serve the written decision upon the party subject to punishment within seven days after making the decision, and a public security administration penalty decision shall be served upon the party subject to punishment within two days. (二)除本款第一项规定外,作出行政处罚决定和其他行政处理决定,应当在宣告后将决定书当场交付被处理人,并由被处理人在附卷的决定书上签名或者捺指印,即为送达;被处理人拒绝的,由办案人民警察在附卷的决定书上注明;被处理人不在场的,公安机关应当在作出决定的七日内将决定书送达被处理人,治安管理处罚决定应当在二日内送达。

Legal documents shall be first served directly on the person to be served; if the person to be served is absent, such documents may be delivered to his or her adult family member, the person in charge of the entity where he or she works, or the residents' (villagers') committee at the place of his or her residence to sign for the service on behalf thereof. If the person to be served or the person to receive legal documents on behalf thereof refuses to receive the legal documents or refuses to affix his or her signature or fingerprint, the process server may invite his or her neighbors or other witnesses to be present, provide an explanation on the refusal, and may make a video or visual record on the refusal, leave documents at the place of the person to be served, and record the cause of refusal and the date of service on the attached legal documents, and the process server and witnesses affix their signatures or fingerprints, and the documents shall be deemed served.

Where direct service is impossible, service of legal documents may be entrusted to another public security organ or be conducted by post.

If the service is still impossible by taking the aforementioned means, the service may be conducted by making an announcement. The scope and method of announcement shall be able to facilitate the knowledge of the public, and the term of announcement shall not be less than sixty days.

Chapter VI Summary Procedures 

第六章 简易程序

Article 34 Where the facts regarding a violation are true and in the case of any of the following circumstances, the people's policeman may make a penalty decision on the spot, and may take over the contraband (if any) on the spot;   第三十四条 违法事实确凿,且具有下列情形之一的,人民警察可以当场作出处罚决定,有违禁品的,可以当场收缴:

(1) Imposing a fine of less than 200 yuan on or giving a warning to the violator of public security administration or a road traffic law violator; (一)对违反治安管理行为人或者道路交通违法行为人处二百元以下罚款或者警告的;

(2) The entry-exit frontier inspection organ imposes a fine of less than 500 yuan on or gives a warning to the violator of entry-exit administration; (二)出入境边防检查机关对违反出境入境管理行为人处五百元以下罚款或者警告的;

(3) Imposing a fine of less than 50 yuan on or giving a warning to an individual that commits any other violation, or imposing a fine of less than 1,000 yuan on or giving a warning to an entity; or (三)对有其他违法行为的个人处五十元以下罚款或者警告、对单位处一千元以下罚款或者警告的;

(4) Any other circumstance under which a penalty may be imposed on the spot in accordance with legal provisions. (四)法律规定可以当场处罚的其他情形。

An on-site penalty shall not apply to a case involving prostitution, whoring, gambling or drugs.

Article 35 A penalty shall be imposed on the spot under the following procedures:   第三十五条 当场处罚,应当按照下列程序实施:

(1) Showing the law enforcement identity to the violator; (一)向违法行为人表明执法身份;

(2) Collecting evidence; (二)收集证据;

(3) Informing verbally the violator of the facts, reasons and basis regarding the administrative penalty decision to be made, as well as the right to make statements and arguments enjoyed by the violator in accordance with law; (三)口头告知违法行为人拟作出行政处罚决定的事实、理由和依据,并告知违法行为人依法享有的陈述权和申辩权;

(4) Listening carefully to the violator's statements and arguments. If the facts and reasons or evidence presented by the violator are tenable, they shall be adopted; (四)充分听取违法行为人的陈述和申辩。违法行为人提出的事实、理由或者证据成立的,应当采纳;

(5) The written decision on on-site penalty shall be filled out and delivered to the party subject to punishment on the spot; and (五)填写当场处罚决定书并当场交付被处罚人;

(6) Where a fine is collected on the spot, a receipt shall be filled out at the same time and delivered to the party subject to punishment. If the fine is not collected on the spot, the party subject to punishment shall be informed to pay the fine to the designated bank within a prescribed time limit. (六)当场收缴罚款的,同时填写罚款收据,交付被处罚人;未当场收缴罚款的,应当告知被处罚人在规定期限内到指定的银行缴纳罚款。

Article 36 Where the summary procedure applies, the administrative penalty decision may be made by one people's policeman.   第三十六条 适用简易程序处罚的,可以由人民警察一人作出行政处罚决定。

Where the people's policeman makes an administrative penalty decision on the spot, he or she shall file the written decision on on-site penalty with the public security organ to which he or she belongs within 24 hours after making the decision, and the traffic policeman shall file the decision with the traffic administrative department of the public security organ to which it belongs within two days after making the decision. If an administrative penalty decision is made on a passenger train, civil aircraft or on water area, the policeman shall file the decision with the public security organ to which he or she belongs within 24 hours after his or her return.

Chapter VII Investigation and Evidence Collection 

第七章 调查取证

Section 1 General Provisions 

第一节 一般规定

Article 37 When investigating an administrative case, evidential materials shall be collected and required for submission in a legal, timely, objective and comprehensive manner, and such materials shall be examined and verified.   第三十七条 对行政案件进行调查时,应当合法、及时、客观、全面地收集、调取证据材料,并予以审查、核实。

Article 38 The case facts that are subject to investigation include:   第三十八条 需要调查的案件事实包括:

(1) Basic information on the suspected violator; (一)违法嫌疑人的基本情况;

(2) Whether the violation exists; (二)违法行为是否存在;

(3) Whether the violation has been committed by the suspected violator; (三)违法行为是否为违法嫌疑人实施;

(4) The time, location, means, consequences and other circumstances of the violation; (四)实施违法行为的时间、地点、手段、后果以及其他情节;

(5) Whether the suspected violator falls under any circumstance that a heavier, lighter or mitigated administrative penalty shall be given or the violator shall be exempted from administrative penalty in accordance with law; and (五)违法嫌疑人有无法定从重、从轻、减轻以及不予行政处罚的情形;

(6) Other facts relating to the case. (六)与案件有关的其他事实。

Article 39 Public security organs shall not leak any work secret when conducting investigation and collecting evidence.   第三十九条 公安机关调查取证时,应当防止泄露工作秘密。

Article 40 When conducting investigation and collecting evidence, there shall be two or more people's policemen, and they shall show their law enforcement identity.   第四十条 在调查取证时,人民警察不得少于二人,并表明执法身份。

Article 41 The seized or appeared suspected violator shall be subject to security check, and if any contraband, apparatus under control, weapons, inflammable and explosive or any other dangerous articles or any articles related to the case which are required as evidence are found, they shall be immediately detained; and the articles irrelevant to the case which are carried by the suspected violator shall be registered, kept and returned in accordance with relevant provisions. The inspection certificate is not required to be issued for security check.   第四十一条 对查获或者到案的违法嫌疑人应当进行安全检查,发现违禁品或者管制器具、武器、易燃易爆等危险品以及与案件有关的需要作为证据的物品的,应当立即扣押;对违法嫌疑人随身携带的与案件无关的物品,应当按照有关规定予以登记、保管、退还。安全检查不需要开具检查证。

The detention as prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be applicable to the provisions of Articles 43 and 44 and section 7 of this Chapter of these Provisions.

Article 42 The following administrative compulsory measures may be taken in accordance with law when administrative cases are handled:   第四十二条 办理行政案件时,可以依法采取下列行政强制措施:

(1) Such compulsory measures as impoundment, detention, temporary seizure, seizure, advance registration and preservation, and evidence collection by sampling against articles, facilities and places; and (一)对物品、设施、场所采取扣押、扣留、临时查封、查封、先行登记保存、抽样取证等强制措施;

(2) Such compulsory measures as protective restraint measures, continued questioning, compulsory summoning, compulsory testing, investigation under detention, and restricted activities against the suspected violator. (二)对违法嫌疑人采取保护性约束措施、继续盘问、强制传唤、强制检测、拘留审查、限制活动范围等强制措施。

Article 43 Administrative compulsory measures shall be implemented in accordance with the following provisions:   第四十三条 实施行政强制措施应当遵守下列规定:

(1) A report shall be made to the person in charge of the public security organ in accordance with law and be subject to approval before the implementation of such measures; (一)实施前须依法向公安机关负责人报告并经批准;

(2) The parties shall be notified to be present, and the parties shall be informed of the reasons and basis for taking administrative compulsory measures, the rights enjoyed by the parties in accordance with law, and relief approaches. Where the parties are not present, witnesses shall be invited to be present, and it shall be noted in the on-site transcripts; (二)通知当事人到场,当场告知当事人采取行政强制措施的理由、依据以及当事人依法享有的权利、救济途径。当事人不到场的,邀请见证人到场,并在现场笔录中注明;

(3) The statements and arguments of the parties shall be listened to; (三)听取当事人的陈述和申辩;

(4) On-site transcripts shall be prepared, which shall be affixed with the signature or seal of the parties and the people's policeman that handles the case, and if the party refuses to do so, it shall be noted in the transcripts. Where the parties are not present, witnesses and the people's policeman that handles the case shall affix their signatures or seals to the transcripts; (四)制作现场笔录,由当事人和办案人民警察签名或者盖章,当事人拒绝的,在笔录中注明。当事人不在场的,由见证人和办案人民警察在笔录上签名或者盖章;

(5) Where the administrative compulsory measure of restricting a citizen's personal freedom is taken, the party's family members shall be informed, on the spot, of the public security organ that takes the compulsory measure, reasons, place and period; and if the family members cannot be informed on the spot, they shall be notified by phone, text message, fax and other methods immediately after the compulsory measure is taken; and if notification cannot be made due to unclear identity, refusal to provide the contact information of family members, natural disasters, or any other force majeure, notification is not required to be made. The informing and notification of family members or the reasons for the failure to notify family members shall be noted in the interview transcripts; and (五)实施限制公民人身自由的行政强制措施的,应当当场告知当事人家属实施强制措施的公安机关、理由、地点和期限;无法当场告知的,应当在实施强制措施后立即通过电话、短信、传真等方式通知;身份不明、拒不提供家属联系方式或者因自然灾害等不可抗力导致无法通知的,可以不予通知。告知、通知家属情况或者无法通知家属的原因应当在询问笔录中注明。

(6) Other procedures prescribed by laws and regulations. (六)法律、法规规定的其他程序。

Where administrative compulsory measures are taken in inspection, inspection transcripts shall be prepared, and on-site transcripts shall not be required to be prepared.

Article 44 Where any administrative compulsory measure is taken on the spot as needed in the case of emergency, the people's policeman that handles the case shall, in accordance with law, report to the person in charge of the public security organ to which he or she belongs within 24 hours, and undergo supplementary approval formalities. If any administrative compulsory measure of restricting a citizen's personal freedom is taken on the spot, the people's policeman that handles the case shall immediately make a report after returning to the entity, and undergo supplementary approval formalities. If the person in charge of the public security organ deems it impropriate to take the administrative compulsory measure, the measure shall be lifted immediately.   第四十四条 情况紧急,当场实施行政强制措施的,办案人民警察应当在二十四小时内依法向其所属的公安机关负责人报告,并补办批准手续。当场实施限制公民人身自由的行政强制措施的,办案人民警察应当在返回单位后立即报告,并补办批准手续。公安机关负责人认为不应当采取行政强制措施的,应当立即解除。

Article 45 In order to maintain social order, the people's policeman may, upon showing the law enforcement identity, question and inspect the suspected violator on the spot. If, after on-site questioning and inspection, his or her suspicion cannot be eliminated and continued questioning can be applied in accordance with law, the person may be taken to a public security organ for continued questioning with the approval of the person in charge of the police station. Where continued questioning is applied, in accordance with law, to the suspect that violates any provisions regarding entry-exit administration, the approval of the person in charge of the public security organ or the entry-exit frontier inspection organ at or above the county level shall be obtained.   第四十五条 为维护社会秩序,人民警察对有违法嫌疑的人员,经表明执法身份后,可以当场盘问、检查。对当场盘问、检查后,不能排除其违法嫌疑,依法可以适用继续盘问的,可以将其带至公安机关,经公安派出所负责人批准,对其继续盘问。对违反出境入境管理的嫌疑人依法适用继续盘问的,应当经县级以上公安机关或者出入境边防检查机关负责人批准。

The time limit for continued questioning shall generally be 12 hours. In case it is really difficult to confirm or eliminate the suspicion of violating any law or committing a crime within 12 hours, the time limit may be extended to 24 hours. If a suspect does not tell his or her true name, address and identity, and the suspicion cannot be confirmed or eliminated within 24 hours, the time limit may be extended to 48 hours.

Article 46 Where an intoxicated suspected violator may harm himself or herself or cause danger to the body or property of any other person or to public security, a protective measure may be taken to control him or her until he or she becomes sober, or his or her family member, relative or friend, or his or her employer may be notified to take him or her back for custody. When necessary, he or she may be sent to the hospital to sober up. Any intoxicated person who has lost control of himself or herself may be restrained by a restraint belt or police rope, but not such police weapons as handcuffs or fetters.   第四十六条 违法嫌疑人在醉酒状态中,对本人有危险或者对他人的人身、财产或者公共安全有威胁的,可以对其采取保护性措施约束至酒醒,也可以通知其家属、亲友或者所属单位将其领回看管,必要时,应当送医院醒酒。对行为举止失控的醉酒人,可以使用约束带或者警绳等进行约束,但是不得使用手铐、脚镣等警械。

In the process of restraint, a special person shall be designated to pay close attention to the intoxicated person; and after it is confirmed that he or she is sober, he or she shall be released from restraint immediately, and be interviewed. The time of restraint shall not be calculated in the time of interview and investigation.

Section 2 Case Acceptance 

第二节 受 案

Article 47 For a report, accusation, or tip-off, a case on a person tackled by the masses, a case in which the suspected violator surrenders himself or herself, or a case transferred by any other administrative department or the judicial organ, the public security organ shall accept the case in a timely manner, prepare the case acceptance registration form, and handle it according to the following circumstances respectively:   第四十七条 公安机关对报案、控告、举报、群众扭送或者违法嫌疑人投案,以及其他行政主管部门、司法机关移送的案件,应当及时受理,制作受案登记表,并分别作出以下处理:

(1) Investigating and handling the matters under the jurisdiction of this entity in a timely manner; (一)对属于本单位管辖范围内的事项,应当及时调查处理;

(2) Transferring a case falling within the scope of duties of the public security organ but not under the jurisdiction of this entity to the entity having jurisdiction for handling within 24 hours after accepting the case, and notifying the person who files such report, accusation, or tip-off, the person tackling the violator, or the violator who surrenders himself or herself; and (二)对属于公安机关职责范围,但不属于本单位管辖的,应当在受理后的二十四小时内移送有管辖权的单位处理,并告知报案人、控告人、举报人、扭送人、投案人;

(3) Where the matters do not fall within the scope of duties of the public security organ, notifying in writing the person who files the report, accusation, or tip-off, the person tackling the violator, or the violator who surrenders himself or herself to report the case or surrender himself or herself to the other relevant competent authority. (三)对不属于公安机关职责范围内的事项,书面告知报案人、控告人、举报人、扭送人、投案人向其他有关主管机关报案或者投案。

When the public security organ accepts a case, it shall prepare a case acceptance receipt in duplicate, give one copy to the person who files the report, accusation, or tip-off, or the person tackling the violator, and file the other copy.

The provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply to the violations found by public security organs and the people's policemen thereof in daily law enforcement and performance of duties.

Article 48 Where a case falling within the scope of duties of the public security organ but not under the jurisdiction of this entity is under any of the following circumstances, the public security organ that accepts or discovers the case and its people's policemen shall take necessary compulsory measures or other handling measures in advance in accordance with law, and then transfer the case to the entity having jurisdiction for handling:   第四十八条 属于公安机关职责范围但不属于本单位管辖的案件,具有下列情形之一的,受理案件或者发现案件的公安机关及其人民警察应当依法先行采取必要的强制措施或者其他处置措施,再移送有管辖权的单位处理:

(1) The suspected violator is committing a dangerous act; (一)违法嫌疑人正在实施危害行为的;

(2) A person who is committing a violation, or is discovered immediately after committing a violation, is tackled to the public security organ; (二)正在实施违法行为或者违法后即时被发现的现行犯被扭送至公安机关的;

(3) A fugitive suspected violator has been seized or discovered; (三)在逃的违法嫌疑人已被抓获或者被发现的;

(4) Rescue and treatment measures need to be taken immediately since there are personal casualty; or (四)有人员伤亡,需要立即采取救治措施的;

(5) Any other circumstance under which emergency measures shall be taken. (五)其他应当采取紧急措施的情形。

Where an administrative case is transferred for jurisdiction, the time limit for taking such measures as interview, investigation and detention shall be calculated anew.

Article 49 Where any case reporter is unwilling to make his or her name and reporting known, the public security organ shall indicate such information when accepting the case and conducting registration, and keep the information confidential.   第四十九条 报案人不愿意公开自己的姓名和报案行为的,公安机关应当在受案登记时注明,并为其保密。

Article 50 The relevant evidential materials and articles provided by the person filing a report, accusation, or tip-off, the person tackling the violator, or the violator who surrenders himself or herself shall be registered, the list of accepted evidence shall be issued and the evidence shall be kept in an appropriate manner. When necessary, the photos of the evidence shall be taken or an audio or visual record of the evidence shall be made. When the case is transferred, relevant evidential materials and articles shall be transferred as well.   第五十条 对报案人、控告人、举报人、扭送人、投案人提供的有关证据材料、物品等应当登记,出具接受证据清单,并妥善保管。必要时,应当拍照、录音、录像。移送案件时,应当将有关证据材料和物品一并移交。

Article 51 Where a discovered or accepted case can not be determined as a criminal case or an administrative case temporarily, it may be handled under the procedures for administrative cases. Where a violation is suspected of constituting a crime during the handling process, the case shall be handled in accordance with the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases by Public Security Organs.   第五十一条 对发现或者受理的案件暂时无法确定为刑事案件或者行政案件的,可以按照行政案件的程序办理。在办理过程中,认为涉嫌构成犯罪的,应当按照《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》办理。

Section 3 Interview 

第三节 询 问

Article 52 The suspected violator may be interviewed at his or her residence or employer, or may be summoned to a designated place of the city or county where he or she resides for interview.   第五十二条 询问违法嫌疑人,可以到违法嫌疑人住处或者单位进行,也可以将违法嫌疑人传唤到其所在市、县内的指定地点进行。

Article 53 Where it is necessary to summon a suspected violator to accept investigation, a summon certificate shall be used for summoning him or her, with the approval of the person in charge of the police station, or the case-handling department of the public security organ or the entry-exit frontier inspection organ at or above the county level. With regard to a suspected violator found on the spot, the people's policeman may, after presenting his or her work certificate, orally summon the suspected violator, and indicate the process during which the suspected violator is present, the time when the suspected violator is present and the time of his or her departure in the interview transcripts.   第五十三条 需要传唤违法嫌疑人接受调查的,经公安派出所、县级以上公安机关办案部门或者出入境边防检查机关负责人批准,使用传唤证传唤。对现场发现的违法嫌疑人,人民警察经出示工作证件,可以口头传唤,并在询问笔录中注明违法嫌疑人到案经过、到案时间和离开时间。

The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply where an entity violates any provisions regarding public security administration, and it is necessary to summon the person directly in charge of the entity and other directly liable persons for interview.

If any suspected violator of public security administration, fire control administration or entry-exit administration refuses to accept the summon or evades the summon without any justifiable reason or any other suspected violator who may be summoned by force in accordance with legal provisions does so, the suspected violator may be summoned compulsorily with the approval of the person in charge of the police station, or the case-handling department of the public security organ or the entry-exit frontier inspection organ at or above the county level. When the suspected violator is summoned compulsorily, restraint police weapons such as handcuffs and police ropes may be used according to law.

The public security organ shall inform the summoned suspected violator of the reasons and basis for summoning and notify his or her family members. The provisions of item (5), paragraph 1 of Article 43 of these Provisions shall apply to the notification of the family members of the summoned suspected violator by the public security organ.

Article 54 After a suspected violator is summoned by a summon certificate and interview and investigation conclude, he or she shall fill out the time when he or she is present and departs, and affix his or her name to the summon certificate. If the suspected violator refuses to fill out the name or affix his or her signature, it shall be noted in the summon certificate by the people's policeman that handles the case.   第五十四条 使用传唤证传唤的,违法嫌疑人被传唤到案后和询问查证结束后,应当由其在传唤证上填写到案和离开时间并签名。拒绝填写或者签名的,办案人民警察应当在传唤证上注明。

Article 55 Once a suspected violator is summoned, interview and investigation shall be conducted in a timely manner, and interview and investigation may not last more than eight hours. If the case circumstances are complicated and the administrative detention penalty may apply to the violation in accordance with law, the time for interview and investigation may not exceed 24 hours.   第五十五条 对被传唤的违法嫌疑人,应当及时询问查证,询问查证的时间不得超过八小时;案情复杂,违法行为依法可能适用行政拘留处罚的,询问查证的时间不得超过二十四小时。

It is not allowed to detain a suspected violator in the disguised form of consecutive summoning.

Article 56 For a suspected violator who surrenders himself or herself or is tackled by the masses, the public security organ shall immediately conduct interview and investigation, and record the process during which the suspected violator is present, the time when the suspected violator is present and the time of his or her departure in the interview transcripts. The provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 55 of these Provisions shall apply to the time for interview and investigation.   第五十六条 对于投案自首或者群众扭送的违法嫌疑人,公安机关应当立即进行询问查证,并在询问笔录中记明违法嫌疑人到案经过、到案和离开时间。询问查证时间适用本规定第五十五条第一款的规定。

For a suspected violator who surrenders himself or herself or is tackled by the masses, the public security organ shall notify his or her family members in accordance with item (5), paragraph 1 of Article 43 of these Provisions.

Article 57 A suspected violator shall be interviewed at the case-handling place of the public security organ.   第五十七条 询问违法嫌疑人,应当在公安机关的办案场所进行。

Food and necessary rest time for the suspected violator shall be guaranteed during the period of interview and investigation, and be noted in the interview transcripts.

During the intervals of interview and investigation, the suspected violator may be sent to the wait-for interview room in accordance with the provisions on the management of wait-for interview rooms.

Article 58 The suspected violator, the victim or other witnesses shall be interviewed separately.   第五十八条 询问违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人,应当个别进行。

Article 59 When the suspected violator is interviewed for the first time, the name, date of birth, place of permanent residence, current residence, identity certificate card type and number, whether he or she is a deputy to the people's congress at any level, whether he or she has been subject to any criminal punishment or administrative detention, reeducation through labor, institutionalized education, compulsory isolated drug rehabilitation, community-based drug rehabilitation, or institutionalized reeducation and other information shall be interviewed. When necessary, his or her major family members, employer, educational background, ethnicity, health conditions and other information shall also be interviewed.   第五十九条 首次询问违法嫌疑人时,应当问明违法嫌疑人的姓名、出生日期、户籍所在地、现住址、身份证件种类及号码,是否为各级人民代表大会代表,是否受过刑事处罚或者行政拘留、劳动教养、收容教育、强制隔离戒毒、社区戒毒、收容教养等情况。必要时,还应当问明其家庭主要成员、工作单位、文化程度、民族、身体状况等情况。

If the suspected violator is a foreigner, his or her nationality, entry and exit certificate type and number, visa type, the time of entry, the cause of entry and other information shall be interviewed at the first time of interview. When necessary, his or her relations in China and other information shall also be interviewed.

Article 60 The interviewed person shall, when being interviewed, be informed of the obligation to truthfully provide evidence and testimony and the legal liability for intentional perjury or concealing evidence, and the right to refuse to answer the questions irrelevant to the case.   第六十条 询问时,应当告知被询问人必须如实提供证据、证言和故意作伪证或者隐匿证据应负的法律责任,对与本案无关的问题有拒绝回答的权利。

Article 61 To interview a minor, his or her parents or any other guardian shall be notified to be present. Where his or her parents or any other guardian is unable to be present, any other adult relative of the minor or a representative of his or her school or employer, a basic organization at the place of his or her residence, or a minor protection organization may be notified to be present, and relevant information shall be recorded. Where the notification is impossible or the aforesaid party fails to be present at scene after notification, it shall be noted in the interview transcripts.   第六十一条 询问未成年人时,应当通知其父母或者其他监护人到场,其父母或者其他监护人不能到场的,也可以通知未成年人的其他成年亲属,所在学校、单位、居住地基层组织或者未成年人保护组织的代表到场,并将有关情况记录在案。确实无法通知或者通知后未到场的,应当在询问笔录中注明。

Article 62 To interview a person who suffers hearing or speech impairment, someone who is at home in sign language shall be present to provide assistance, and the basic information on the interviewed person who suffers hearing or speech impairment as well as the name, residence, employer and contact information of the interpreter shall be noted in the interview transcripts.   第六十二条 询问聋哑人,应当有通晓手语的人提供帮助,并在询问笔录中注明被询问人的聋哑情况以及翻译人员的姓名、住址、工作单位和联系方式。

The interviewed person who is not familiar with the commonly used local language shall be provided with an interpreter, and the name, residence, employer and contact information of the interpreter shall be noted in the interview transcripts.

Article 63 The interview transcripts shall be delivered to the interviewed person for check, and, if the interviewed person is unable to read, the transcripts shall be read out to him or her. If there are any omissions or errors in the transcripts, the interviewed person is allowed to suggest corrections or supplements, and be required to affix his or her fingerprint to the corrections. After confirming that the transcripts are free of errors, the interviewed person shall affix his or her signature or fingerprint to each page of the transcripts. If he or she refuses to affix his or her signature or fingerprint, it shall be noted in the interview transcripts by the people's policeman that handles the case.   第六十三条 询问笔录应当交被询问人核对,对没有阅读能力的,应当向其宣读。记录有误或者遗漏的,应当允许被询问人更正或者补充,并要求其在修改处捺指印。被询问人确认笔录无误后,应当在询问笔录上逐页签名或者捺指印。拒绝签名和捺指印的,办案人民警察应当在询问笔录中注明。

The people's policeman that handles the case shall sign the interview transcripts, and the interpreter shall sign at the end of the interview transcripts.

An audio or visual record of the whole interview process may be kept at the time of interview and the integrity thereof shall be ensured.

Article 64 Where a suspected violator, the victim or any other witness requests to provide written statements by himself or herself, it shall be permitted. When necessary, the people's policeman that handles the case may also require the suspected violator, the victim or any other witness to write down his or her statements by himself or herself. The suspected violator, the victim or any other witness shall affix his or her signature or fingerprint to the end of his or her written statements. The suspected violator, the victim or any other witness shall affix his or her signature or fingerprint to each page of the printed written statements. The people's policeman that handles the case shall, after receiving the written statements, indicate the date when they are received and sign on the first page.   第六十四条 违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人请求自行提供书面材料的,应当准许。必要时,办案人民警察也可以要求违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人自行书写。违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人应当在其提供的书面材料的结尾处签名或者捺指印。对打印的书面材料,违法嫌疑人、被侵害人或者其他证人应当逐页签名或者捺指印。办案人民警察收到书面材料后,应当在首页注明收到日期,并签名。

Article 65 When the suspected violator is interviewed, his or her statements and arguments shall be listened to. The statements and arguments of the suspected violator shall be verified.   第六十五条 询问违法嫌疑人时,应当听取违法嫌疑人的陈述和申辩。对违法嫌疑人的陈述和申辩,应当核查。

Article 66 The victim, any other witness or any other person relevant to the case may be interviewed on the spot, or at his or her employer, school, residence, residents' (villagers') committee or the place that he or she proposes. When necessary, he or she may also be notified to provide testimony at the public security organ in writing, by phone or on the spot.   第六十六条 询问被侵害人、其他证人或者其他与案件有关的人,可以在现场进行,也可以到其单位、学校、住所、其居住地居(村)民委员会或者其提出的地点进行。必要时,也可以书面、电话或者当场通知其到公安机关提供证言。

Where the said person is interviewed on the spot, the people's policeman that handles the case shall show his or her work certificate.

Before interview, the identity of the interviewed person and his or her relations with the victim, other witnesses and the suspected violator shall be known.

Section 4 Inspection and Examination 

第四节 勘验、检查

Article 67 The site where a violation occurs shall be inspected when necessary, so as to obtain evidential materials relating to the case, determine the nature of the case, and determine the orientation and scope of investigation.   第六十七条 对于违法行为案发现场,必要时应当进行勘验,提取与案件有关的证据材料,判断案件性质,确定调查方向和范围。

On-site inspection shall be conducted by reference to relevant provisions on the on-site inspection of criminal cases.

Article 68 The sites, objects, and persons relevant to a violation may be examined. There shall be not less than two people's policemen at the time of examination, and they shall show their work certificates and the examination certificates issued by the public security organ at or above the county level. Where it is indeed necessary to conduct examination immediately, the people's policemen may conduct on-site examination after showing their work certificates; however, they may examine a citizen's residence only if there is evidence proving or any person reports to the police that any case (event) endangering public security or the citizen's life safety is occurring, or any hazardous articles are stored in violation of any law, and major hazards may be caused to public security or the personal or property safety of citizens if examination is not conducted immediately.   第六十八条 对与违法行为有关的场所、物品、人身可以进行检查。检查时,人民警察不得少于二人,并应当出示工作证件和县级以上公安机关开具的检查证。对确有必要立即进行检查的,人民警察经出示工作证件,可以当场检查;但检查公民住所的,必须有证据表明或者有群众报警公民住所内正在发生危害公共安全或者公民人身安全的案(事)件,或者违法存放危险物质,不立即检查可能会对公共安全或者公民人身、财产安全造成重大危害。

The daily law enforcement supervision and inspection of organs, groups, enterprises, public institutions or public places shall be conducted in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and rules, and the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply.

Article 69 When examining a suspected violator, the personal dignity of the examined person shall be respected, and no examination may be conducted in any way that harms the personal dignity of the examined person.   第六十九条 对违法嫌疑人进行检查时,应当尊重被检查人的人格尊严,不得以有损人格尊严的方式进行检查。

The examination of the body of a female shall be conducted by female personnel.

The venereal disease examination of persons engaging in prostitution and whoring shall be conducted by doctors.

Article 70 When sites or articles are examined, attention shall be paid to avoid unnecessary damage to articles.   第七十条 检查场所或者物品时,应当注意避免对物品造成不必要的损坏。

The examined person or the witness shall be present at the examination site.

Article 71 Examination transcripts shall be prepared for the examination. Examination transcripts shall be signed by the examiner, the examined person or the witness; and if the examined person is not present at the scene or refuses to affix his or her signature, it shall be noted in the examination transcripts by the people's policeman that handles the case.   第七十一条 检查情况应当制作检查笔录。检查笔录由检查人员、被检查人或者见证人签名;被检查人不在场或者拒绝签名的,办案人民警察应当在检查笔录中注明。

Section 5 Identification and Authentication 

第五节 鉴 定

Article 72 Where special technical issues need to be identified or authenticated in order to solve a case, persons with expertise shall be assigned or retained to conduct identification or and authentication.   第七十二条 为了查明案情,需要对专门性技术问题进行鉴定的,应当指派或者聘请具有专门知识的人员进行。

Where it is necessary to retain any person other than those of the public security organ, an appointment on identification or authentication shall be prepared with the approval of the person in charge of the case-handling department of the public security organ.

Article 73 Public security organs shall provide necessary conditions for identification or authentication, deliver in a timely manner such original materials as the relevant materials for identification or authentication and samples for comparison, introduce relevant information relating to identification or authentication, and specify the questions to be settled by identification or authentication.   第七十三条 公安机关应当为鉴定提供必要的条件,及时送交有关检材和比对样本等原始材料,介绍与鉴定有关的情况,并且明确提出要求鉴定解决的问题。

The people's policeman that handles a case shall effectively keep and deliver the materials for identification or authentication, and indicate the person responsible for the delivery of materials for identification or authentication, and ensure that the materials remain the same and would not be contaminated during circulation.

It is prohibited to enforce identification or authentication experts to make certain identification or authentication conclusions or let them to do so by implication.

Article 74 The identification or authentication of personal injury shall be conducted by forensic doctors.   第七十四条 对人身伤害的鉴定由法医进行。

The diagnosis certificates issued by the doctors with the practicing qualification in medical institutions approved by the health administrative department may be taken as the basis for the public security organ to determine the extent of personal injury, except for the circumstances prescribed in Article 75 of these Provisions.

Mental illness identification shall be conducted by an identification institution with the qualification to identify mental illnesses.

Article 75 Where a case on personal injury falls under any of the following circumstances, the public security organ shall identify or evaluate the injury:   第七十五条 人身伤害案件具有下列情形之一的,公安机关应当进行伤情鉴定:

(1) The injury is relatively serious, which may be a light injury or a more serious one; (一)受伤程度较重,可能构成轻伤以上伤害程度的;

(2) The victim requires injury identification or authentication; or (二)被侵害人要求作伤情鉴定的;

(3) The suspected violator or the victim has any disputes over the extent of injury. (三)违法嫌疑人、被侵害人对伤害程度有争议的。

Article 76 For a case which requires injury identification or authentication, if the victim refuses to provide the diagnosis certificate or refuses to conduct injury identification or authentication, the public security organ shall record relevant information, and make a handling decision based on the facts found.   第七十六条 对需要进行伤情鉴定的案件,被侵害人拒绝提供诊断证明或者拒绝进行伤情鉴定的,公安机关应当将有关情况记录在案,并可以根据已认定的事实作出处理决定。

Where, after being notified by the public security organ, the victim fails to conduct injury identification or authentication within the time limit determined by the public security organ without any justifiable reason, it shall be deemed as a refusal to identification or authentication.

Article 77 Where the value of case-related articles is unclear or is hard to be determined, the public security organ shall entrust a price appraisal agency to appraise the price.   第七十七条 涉案物品价值不明或者难以确定的,公安机关应当委托价格鉴证机构估价。

The case-related articles whose value can be determined based on the purchase invoices or other notes as provided by the party, or the case-related articles whose value obviously does not reach the standards for filing a criminal case are not required to be subject to price appraisal by the public security organ.

Article 78 Drug addict suspects shall be subject to drug taking testing, and such suspects shall be cooperative; if anyone refuses to accept the testing, a compulsory testing on him or her is allowed with the approval of the person in charge of the public security organ at or above the county level or its dispatched office. The collection of a female suspect's samples shall be conducted by female personnel.   第七十八条 对涉嫌吸毒的人员,应当进行吸毒检测,被检测人员应当配合;对拒绝接受检测的,经县级以上公安机关或者其派出机构负责人批准,可以强制检测。采集女性被检测人检测样本,应当由女性工作人员进行。

A motor vehicle driver who is suspected of taking any state-controlled psychotropic or narcotic drugs may be subject to the testing of state-controlled psychotropic or narcotic drug content in him or her.

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