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Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Urban Water Supply and Use (2004 Amendment) [Revised]
深圳经济特区城市供水用水条例(2004修正) [已被修订]

Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Urban Water Supply and Use 


(Original adopted by the 15th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Second Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on December 26,1995; revised at the 21st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on January27,2003 for the first time; revised at the 32nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Third Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress on June 25,2004 for the second time)
(1995年12月26日深圳市第二届人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议通过 2003年1月27日深圳市第三届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议第一次修正 2004年6月25日深圳市第三届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十二次会议第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of urban water supply and use in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as the “Special Zone”), develop the water supply undertaking, safeguard urban water use, maintain the lawful rights and interests of urban water supplier and user , these regulations are hereby formulated according to these regulations of Urban Water Supply of the state and the basic principles of relevant laws and regulations, and combining with the special circumstance of the Special Zone.   第一条 为加强深圳经济特区(以下简称特区)城市供水和用水管理,发展供水事业,保障城市用水,维护城市供水、用水双方的合法权益,依据国家《城市供水条例》和有关法律、行政法规的基本原则,结合特区的实际情况,制定本条例。

Article 2 Anyone shall abide by these regulations to supply and use of urban water.   第二条 从事城市供水和使用城市供水,必须遵守本条例。

The urban water supply in these regulations shall be referred to as the acts of supplying water to the residents and units for living, producing and other purposes through the urban public water supply project by the water supply enterprise.

The urban water use in these regulations shall be referred to as the acts of using water directly for living, producing or other purposes.

Article 3 The supply of urban water shall be subject to the principles of development of water supply, planned and sumptuary water use.   第三条 城市供水应以发展供水和计划用水、节约用水为原则。

Article 4 The urban water supply shall satisfy the demand of water use of the residents for living in priority and safeguard the demand of water use in the development of the city.   第四条 城市供水应首先满足居民生活用水,并保障城市发展的用水需求。

Article 5 The Water Resource Competent Authority (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority” )of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipal Government”) is the competent authority in charge of supervision and management of urban water supply and use.   第五条 深圳市人民政府(以下简称市政府)水务行政主管部门是城市供水、用水的主管部门(以下简称市水务主管部门),对城市供水、用水进行监督和管理。

Article 6 All levels of the People's Government shall strengthen the administration of planned and sumptuary water use, encourage the adoption of advanced water-saving technology, reduction of the consumption of water, raise the repeated utilized ratio of water and improvement the management system of sumptuary water use.   第六条 各级人民政府应当加强对计划用水和节约用水的管理,鼓励采用节约用水的先进技术,降低水的消耗量,提高水的重复利用率,健全节约用水的管理制度。

Chapter II The Urban Water Supply Source 

第二章 城市供水水源

Article 7 The Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority with the presence of other relevant authorities shall make the plan for urban water supply in accordance with the national economy and social development plan. The water supply plan shall be included in the general plan of city development.   第七条 市水务主管部门应会同有关部门,根据国民经济和社会发展计划编制城市供水规划。城市供水规划应纳入城市发展总体规划。

After being approved by the Municipal Government, the water supply plan shall be put into force by the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority and shall not be modified unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Government.

Article 8 The layout, development, distribution and administration of the water supply source shall be uniformly conducted by the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority in light of the water supply plan.   第八条 市水务主管部门应根据城市供水规划对城市供水水源进行统一规划、统一开发、统一调配和统一管理。

Article 9 The Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority shall make the annual distribution plan of the water supply source in light of the water supply plan and current national economy and social development plan, combing with the water supply source situation.   第九条 市水务主管部门应根据城市供水规划及本年度国民经济和社会发展计划,结合城市供水水源状况,制定城市供水水源年度调配计划。

If the annual distribution plan of water supply source cannot satisfy the need of water supply , the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority shall modify the plan timely.

Article 10 Any acts leading to pollution in the water source shall be prohibited in the protected areas of drinking water source.   第十条 在饮用水源保护区内,禁止一切污染水源的活动。

The quality standard of water supply source shall comply with the national water quality standard.

Article 11 The Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority and the Environment Protection Authority shall implement the supervision over the quality of water supply source.   第十一条 市水务主管部门、环境保护部门应对城市供水水源的水质进行监测。

Chapter III Urban Water Supply Project 

第三章 城市供水工程

Article 12 Urban water supply projects include the urban public water supply projects and the user's water supply facilities.   第十二条 城市供水工程包括城市公共供水工程及用户供水设施。

The urban public water supply projects referred to the water factory and its water-taking facility, the urban public water supply piping and its additional facility.

The user's water supply facilities referred to the water supply piping and its additional facility that connect with the public water supply piping.

Article 13 The Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority shall make annual construction plan for the urban public water supply project (hereinafter referred to as the “annual construction plan”) in accordance with the urban water supply plan.   第十三条 市水务主管部门应根据城市供水规划,编制城市公共供水工程年度建设计划(以下简称年度建设计划)。

Article 14 In case there is more water demand due to any new construction project, reconstruction project or the extension project, the expenditure of the construction investment of public water supply project therein shall be included in the general budgetary estimate and be transferred to the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority for construction uniformly.   第十四条 新建、改建、扩建工程项目需要增加用水的,其工程项目总概算应当包括公共供水工程建设投资,并将其公共供水工程建设投资交付市水务主管部门,由其统一组织建设。

The measures on administration of construction investment of public water supply shall be formulated by the Municipal Government.

Article 15 The urban public water supply project, which being invested by the government or water supply enterprise, shall be subject to the owner's responsibility system.   第十五条 城市公共供水工程由政府或供水企业组织投资建设,并实行业主负责制。

The development and construction unit shall be responsible for any investment in construction of the users' water supply facility.

If the lowest hydraulic pressure for service cannot meet the demand for normal water use, the development and construction unit shall be responsible for investing in construction of the corresponding hydraulic-added facility.

Article 16 The new construction project, reconstruction project and extension project shall be applied to the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority for approval.   第十六条 新建、改建、扩建城市供水工程项目应向市水务主管部门申请立项。

The Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority shall examine the nature and scale of the water supply project and reply within thirty days upon receiving the application. If the application is in line with the urban water supply plan and the annual construction plan, the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority shall issue the Certificate of Approval of Urban Water Supply Project, otherwise the authority shall make a written reply of disapproval with reason.

After receiving the Certificate of Approval of Urban Water Supply Project, the the development and construction unit shall go through the land-using and constructing procedures in accordance with laws and regulations.

Article 17 Water-saving facility shall be constructed according to relevant regulations and meet relevant regulated national standard in the case of new construction, extension and reconstruction projects.   第十七条 新建、扩建、改建的工程项目,应按规定建设配套节约用水设施,节约用水设施应符合国家规定的标准。

The check and acceptance of the water-saving facility shall be handled with the participation of the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority.

Article 18 The unit that uses water shall adopt water-saving measures including water recycle, water reuse, seawater use or other measures step by step and shall examine the water consumption and reduce water use.   第十八条 用水单位应逐步采取循环用水、一水多用、海水利用或其他节水措施,进行用水单耗考核,降低用水量。

The Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority, in the present of other departments, shall termly implement the balance test of water quantity over the unit that uses water and fairly evaluate the level of water use. If the unit fails to meet relevant water-saving rules after being tested, it shall take corresponding measures timely to renovate and improve.

Article 19 The design, construction and supervision of the urban water supply project shall be undertaken by the unit which has corresponding qualification document and has got the approval of the Municipal Construction Administration Competent Authority and shall comply with the national technical standard and criterion.   第十九条 城市供水工程的设计、施工、监理应由持有相应资质证书并经深圳市建设行政主管部门许可的单位承担,并应遵守国家有关技术标准和规范。

The unit which has no qualification document or goes beyond the business scope of the qualification document shall be prohibited from undertaking the design, construction and supervision of the urban water supply project.

Article 20 The design proposal of the urban water supply project shall be examined by the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority in the present of other departments and solicit the water supply enterprise for opinions.   第二十条 城市供水工程的设计方案,由市水务主管部门会同有关部门进行审查,并应征求供水企业的意见。

Article 21 The quality of piping, material, facility and instrument used in the urban water supply project shall be authenticated by the Municipal Technology Supervision Department.   第二十一条 城市供水工程建设使用的供水管道、材料、设备和器具的质量必须经市技术监督部门认证。

The Municipal Technology Supervision Department shall publicize the quality authentication results of piping, material, facility and instrument of water supply regularly.

The Municipal Technology Supervision Department shall implement the supervision, examination and management in accordance with the national technical criterion in the present of the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority.

Article 22 The Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority shall be responsible for supervising and examining the construction quality of the urban water supply project.   第二十二条 市水务主管部门应对城市供水工程的施工质量进行监督和检查。

Article 23 The complete check and acceptance of the urban water supply project shall be implemented in the present of the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority and the water supply enterprise.   第二十三条 城市供水工程竣工验收应有市水务主管部门和供水企业参加。

Article 24 After being checked and accepted, the urban public water supply project, water meter and the private water supply facility in front of the water meter, as well as their property rights, shall be transferred to the water supply enterprise for uniformly management except the hydraulic-added facility of high building.   第二十四条 城市公共供水工程、水表及水表之前的用户自建供水设施经验收合格后,应移交给供水企业统一管理,产权自移交之日起一并转移,但高层建筑的水压加压设施除外。

The water supply enterprise shall guarantee the normal water supply condition of the urban water supply project within twenty days upon transferring.

Article 25 The urban water project may be hold unqualified by the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority and the water supply enterprise in any one of the following circumstances:   第二十五条 有下列情形之一的,市水务主管部门及供水企业可以认定该城市供水工程不合格:

(1) piping, materials, facility and instruments of water supply having not been authenticated; (一)供水管道、材料、设备和器具未经认证;

(2) the piping of water supply being unable to ensure the special condition of hydraulic pressure; (二)供水管道不能保证规定水压要求的;

(3) the water supply project failing to meet the relevant technical regulations, standard or the technical design proposal examined and approved by the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority; (三)不符合有关技术规范、标准或市水务主管部门审定的技术设计方案的;

(4) the water-saving facility failing to meet the water-saving regulations. (四)节水设施不符合有关节水规定的。

Article 26 A water supply enterprise shall not accept the transfer of the urban water project which having not been checked and accepted or failing to pass the check.   第二十六条 城市供水工程未经验收或验收不合格的,供水企业不得接受移交。

Article 27 The water supply enterprise may refuse to supply water until the urban water supply project is transferred to the water supply enterprise.   第二十七条 城市供水工程未移交给供水企业的,供水企业可以拒绝通水。

Article 28 The connection of the user's water supply facility with the urban public water supply project shall not result in any pollution to the quality of water supply.   第二十八条 用户供水设施连接城市公共供水工程,不得污染城市供水水质。

The water use piping and the additional facility of a unit which makes or uses the venomous or deleterious materials shall not be directly connected with the public water supply project.

Article 29 Any unit or individual shall not modify, demolish or move the urban water supply project without authorization, except in the case that a water supply enterprise reconstructs the urban water supply project.   第二十九条 除供水企业因更新改造必须改装、拆除或迁移城市供水工程外,任何单位或个人不得擅自改装、拆除或迁移城市供水工程。

The modification, demolishment or move of the urban water supply project due to project construction shall have the assent of the water supply enterprise and be applied to the Municipal Water Resource Competent Authority and the City Planning Land Department for approval.

The construction unit shall construct the project in accordance with the approved designs and the corresponding remedial scheme for modification, demolishment, or move.

Article 30 The construction unit and the building unit shall inspect the underground piping and network of water supply of the water supply enterprise before the project involving water supply project start constructing. If the construction may affect the safety of the water supply facility, the constructor and builder shall take relevant protecting measures.   第三十条 涉及城市供水工程的工程建设,建设单位和施工单位应于开工前向供水企业查明地下供水管网情况。施工影响城市供水设施安全的,建设单位和施工单位应采取相应的保护措施。

The aforesaid protecting measures shall be subject to assent of the water supply enterprise.

Article 31 Such acts as digging, constructing buildings or constructions, piling up articles or other acts which may result in damage to the safety of the water supply facility shall be prohibited within the safety protection area of on the ground and underground of the urban water supply project.   第三十一条 城市供水工程的地面或地下的安全保护范围内,不得挖坑取土、修筑建筑物或构筑物、堆放物品或从事其他危害供水设施安全的活动。

Chapter IV The Water Supply Enterprise and the User

第四章 供水企业及用户


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