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Chen Wei v. Guangdong Airport Management Corporation, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Company Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange (tort case)
  • Type of Dispute: Civil-->Tort
  • Legal document: Judgment
  • Judgment date: 03-14-2008
  • Procedural status: Trial at Second Instance

Chen Wei v. Guangdong Airport Management Corporation, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Company Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange (tort case)
(tort case)

Chen Wei v. Guangdong Airport Management Corporation, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Company Limited and Shanghai Stock Exchange
(A tort case)

Judgment abstract:

A warrant is a type of derivative securities. Alert on a warrant that discloses information regarding the warrant shall be made by issuers and relevant investor but not by the listed company as the asset mark of such warrant. It isdifferent from disclosure of information regarding material internal matters of a listed company such as the financial status, equity structure and change of business management personnel. The actor should have sufficient understanding of warrant trading rules and various risks before engaging in the high-risk warrant trading. In the premises that the issuer fulfilled its information disclosure obligation regarding the warrant and the stock exchange fulfilledits oversight obligation, an actor shall be responsible for all benefit or loss from the warrant trading if he decided to conduct warrant trading at his own discretion. If any loss was occurredin the warrant trading due to his negligently ignoring any important information or failure to fully understand the relevant warrant rules, the actor should be responsible for the relevant consequences himself. 

Plaintiff: Chen Wei, male, 31, living at West Hexiang Road, Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province.@#
Defendant: Guangdong Airport Management Corporation, domiciled at: Airport Road, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.@#
Legal representative: Liu Zijing, president of the company.@#
Defendant: Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Company Limited, domiciled at: Airport Road, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.@#
Legal representative: Xian Weixiong, board chairman of the company.@#
Defendant: Shanghai Stock Exchange, domiciled at: Securities Tower, 528 South Pudong Road, Shanghai City.@#
Legal representative: Zhu Congjiu, general manager of the stock exchange.@#
The plaintiff, Chen Wei, instituted an action in the No. 1 Intermediate People's Court of Shanghai City against Guangdong Airport Management Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Guangdong Airport Group”), Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Baiyun Airport”) and Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as “SSE”) for damages in tort.@#
Chen Wei alleged that: By reading the Announcement on the Listing of the Put Warrants for the RMB Common Stock of G Sui Airport published by Guangdong Airport Group on December 14, 2005, the plaintiff learned that Baiyun Airport Put Warrant (hereinafter referred to as “Airport JTP1,” code: 580998) would be offered and listed publicly. The announcement stated that: “The exercise period of Airport JTP1 shall be the trading days from the first trading day three months after the listing of the warrant until the maturity date of the warrant, i.e. from March 23, 2006 until December 22, 2006.” According to this announcement, believing that the trading termination date of Airport JTP1 should be the expiry date of the exercise period, i.e. December 22, 2006, the plaintiff bought 43,600 shares of Airport JTP1 on December 15, 2006, and planned to sell them before December 22. However, the trading of Airport JTP1 was terminated right after the closing time of December 15, the buying day, without any prompting by Guangdong Airport Group and SSE. As the closing price of Airport JTP1 was 0.332 yuan and the stock price of Baiyun Airport was 7.76 yuan per share at the time of termination of trading, and the exercise price was 6.90 yuan, exercise was meaningless and the intrinsic value of Airport JTP1 was zero. Guangdong Airport Group only published on designated media the First Alert from Guangdong Airport Management Group Corporation on the Termination of Exercise of Airport JTP1 and the Alert from Guangdong Airport Management Group Corporation on the Termination of Listing of Airport JTP1 respectively on December 13 and 14, 2006. The number of alerts published failed to meet the relevant provisions, nor were their titles clear enough to make investors know the maturity of the warrant. Rather, the alerts easily caused an investor to believe that the last trading day was December 22, 2006. Guangdong Airport Group violated the provisions of the Securities Law about continuous information disclosure, and materially misled the investors. Baiyun Airport, as the company issuing the underlying securities of Airport JTP1, should be jointly and severally liable for its failure to fully perform its obligation of disclosing information on the listing and termination of trading of Airport JTP1. SSE, as the designated maker of the warrant trading rules and the regulator of warrant trading and information disclosure, should also be jointly and severally liable for its failure to fully perform its obligation of overseeing the violations by Guangdong Airport Group and Baiyun Airport. Therefore, the plaintiff requested the court to order Guangdong Airport Group to compensate the plaintiff for his investment loss of13,734 yuan and Baiyun Airport and SSE to be jointly and severally liable for the loss.@#





原告陈伟诉称:原告检索到被告广东机场集团于2005年12月14日刊登的《G穗机场人民币普通股股票之认沽证上市公告书》,得知被告白云机场认沽权证(简称“机场JPT1”权证,代码580998)公开发行并上市。该公告载明:“机场JPT1”权证行权期间为“权证上市首日起满3个月后第一个交易日至权证到期日止的任何一个交易日,为2006年3月23日起至2006年12月22日”。根据该公告,“机场JPT1”权证的交易终止日应当截止到行权期满日即2006年12月22日。原告遂于2006年12月15日买入“机场JPT1”权证43 600份,并准备在12月22日前卖出。在广东机场集团、被告上交所未作任何提示的情况下,“机场JPT1”权证于买入当日即12月15日收盘时就终止交易。由于“机场JPT1”权证交易终止时收盘价为人民币0.332元,而白云机场股票价格为7.76元,行权价格为6.90元,故行权已无实际意义,“机场 JPT1”权证的内在价值为零。而广东机场集团仅在2006年12月13日、14日通过媒体刊登《广东省机场管理集团公司关于“机场JPT1”权证认沽权证终止行权第一次提示性公告》和《广东省机场管理集团公司关于“机场JPT1”权证认沽权证终止上市提示性公告》,不仅刊登的次数不符合规定,刊登的标题也不够明确具体,不足以提示投资者权证交易已经到期。相反,公告的内容使投资者理解为最后交易日为2006年 12月22日。广东机场集团的上述行为违反了证券法关于持续信息披露的规定,对投资者构成重大误导。白云机场作为“机场 JPT1”权证证券标的公司,亦未充分履行“机场JPT1”权证上市及终止交易等相关的信息披露义务,应承担连带责任。上交所作为权证交易规则的指定机构和权证交易及信息披露的监管机构,对于广东机场集团、白云机场的违规行为未尽监管职责,也应承担连带责任。故请求判令广东机场集团赔偿原告投资损失计人民币13 734元,白云机场、上交所承担连带赔偿责任。@#
4.被告广东机场集团制作的 “机场 JPT1”权证上市公告书,用以证明广东机场集团信息披露存在重大遗漏和缺陷。@#
被告广东机场集团辩称:首先,原告陈伟以本公司未尽信息披露义务、致使原告投资受损而提起民事赔偿诉讼,应当适用《最高人民法院关于审理证券市场因虚假陈述引发的民事赔偿案件的若干规定》(以下简称虚假陈述规定)。虚假陈述规定第六条规定:“投资人以自己受到虚假陈述侵害为由,依据有关机关的行政处罚决定或者人民法院的刑事裁判文书,对虚假陈述行为人提起的民事赔偿诉讼,符合民事诉讼法一百零八条规定的,人民法院应当受理。”原告并无有关机关的行政处罚决定或人民法院的刑事裁判文书为依据,本案起诉不符合案件的受理条件,应当驳回起诉。其次,本公司于2006年3月20日、12月 13日、12月14日三次发布公告提示“机场 JPT1”权证最后交易日为2006年12月15日,已经依法充分履行了权证信息披露义务。第三,根据证券投资风险自负的原则,原告投资“机场JPT1”权证应当充分考虑权证交易的风险因素,原告的损失属于投资风险损失,应由其自行承担,与本公司无关。综上,请求驳回原告对本公司的诉讼请求。@#
被告白云机场辩称:本公司不是“机场 JPT1”权证的发行人或相关投资者,不负有权证信息披露义务。原告陈伟以本公司是“机场JPT1”权证标的证券公司为由,要求我公司赔偿原告的投资损失,缺乏法律根据。故请求驳回原告对本公司的全部诉讼请求。@#
2.上交所《关于发布上海证券交易所 <权证风险揭示书>的通知》、《关于重申签署<权证风险揭示书>有关事项的通知》、《关于加强权证知识教育和风险揭示的函》、上海证券交易所网站内容,用以证明上交所已经向投资者充分揭示了权证交易的风险,完全履行了证券监管职责;@#
上海市第一中级人民法院依法组织了质证。被告广东机场集团、白云机场、上交所对原告陈伟提交证据1、2、3、4的真实性均不持异议。但认为证据1中记载的交易记录可能不完整,应以中国证券登记结算有限责任公司的交易记录为准;证据3即《上海证券交易所权证管理暂行办法》经中国证监会批准,合法有效,且该文件的内容不能证明原告的主张。原告对广东机场集团提交证据的真实性均不持异议,但认为该八份证据即八份公告中,只有公告2、3、 4提示了最后交易日,但该三份公告的标题均是终止行权的提示性公告,根本未明确表述“最后交易日”,对投资者不能起到根本性的提示作用。白云机场、上交所对广东机场集团提交的证据没有异议。原告对上交所提交的证据3不予确认,认为该组证据的内容为证券公司所虚构,不能反映客观事实,对其他证据的真实性没有异议。广东机场集团、白云机场对上交所提交的证据没有异议。上海市第一中级人民法院认为:原告提交的证据1不能完整地反映客观事实,应当与中国证券登记结算有限责任公司的交易记录结合使用。对原、被告提交其他证据的真实性均予以认定。@#

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