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Wu Kai v. Zhu Chao and Shuguang School (Case of Dispute over the Compensation for Personal Injury)

Wu Kai v. Zhu Chao and Shuguang School (Case of Dispute over the Compensation for Personal Injury)
(Case of Dispute over the Compensation for Personal Injury)

Wu Kai v. Zhu Chao and Shuguang School
(Case of Dispute over the Compensation for Personal Injury)@#
Plaintiff: Wu Kai, male, 8 years old, student, resides at Suzui Town, Chuzhou District of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province.@#
Legal Representative: Wu Fucheng, Wu Kai's father.@#
Defendant: Zhu Chao, male, 7 years old, resides at Zhuqiao Town, Chuzhou District of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province.@#
Legal Representative: Zhu Shanyong, Zhu Chao's father.@#
Defendant: Jiangsu Huai'an Shuguang Bilingual School, located at Jianhuai Village, Chuzhou District of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province.@#
Legal Representative: Ding Deli, president of this school.@#
For the dispute over the compensation for personal injury between plaintiff Wu Kai and defendants Zhu Chao and Jiangsu Huai'an Shuguang Bilingual School (hereinafter referred to as Shuguang School), Wu Fucheng, Wu Kai's father, brought a lawsuit to the people's court of Chuzhou District of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province on behalf of Wu Kai, and Zhu Shanyong, Zhu Chao's father, responded to the suit on behalf of Zhu Chao.@#
Wu Kai claimed that: his eye was injured by an orange thrown by Zhu Chao when he was taking a rest in the dormitory of Shuguang School, and was still disabled even after being treated at many hospitals. As Shuguang School undertook the guardianship duties for him and he was injured when he was studying and living in the school, Shuguang School should make compensation for his losses. As the person directly inflicting the injury, Zhu Chao should also undertake the liability for compensation. But Shuguang School and Zhu Chao shuffled their responsibilities to each other and refused to undertake the liability for compensation. Thus the plaintiff pleads with the court to adjudicate that Shuguang School and Zhu Chao shall make compensations for the plaintiff's medical expenses of 39,056.76 yuan, nursing expenses of 12,000 yuan, food expenses during hospitalization of 180 yuan, nutrition fee of 249.37 yuan, accommodation fee of 1,500 yuan, car fare of 3,996 yuan, compensation for wound and disability of 9,507.80 yuan, consolation money for mental injury of 5,000 yuan, cost of expert evaluation of 300 yuan and compensation for missing classes of 1,208 yuan, and shall undertake the legal cost of this case.@#
Zhu Chao defended that: as he was a person of no capacity for civil conduct and his parents can't fulfill the guardianship duties when he was in school, the guardianship duties had actually been transferred to the school. Shuguang School which practiced closed management style shall undertake the guardianship duties for the resident students, thus shall undertake the liability for compensating the losses suffered by the plaintiff when he was in the school. Besides, after the plaintiff was injured, Shuguang School did not do its best to treat and cure his eye, which delayed the treatment and enlarged the losses, so Shuguang School shall also undertake corresponding liability.@#


原告吴凯诉称:原告在被告曙光学校的寝室里休息时,被被告朱超乱扔的橘子砸伤眼睛,经多家医院治疗,仍留下残疾。曙光学校对原告负有监护职责,原告在校学习生活期间受伤,曙光学校理应给原告赔偿损失。朱超是直接致害人,亦应承担赔偿责任。可是曙光学校与朱超互相推诿,拒不承担赔偿责任。请求判令曙光学校与朱超给原告赔偿医疗费39056.76元、护理费 1.2万元、住院伙食费180元、营养费 249.37元、住宿费1500元、交通费3996元、伤残补助费9507.80元、精神抚慰金 5000元、鉴定费300元、误学费1208元,并负担本案诉讼费用。@#
被告曙光学校是民办寄宿制小学,对在校学生实行封闭式管理。2004年6月13日,原告吴凯与被告朱超的监护人分别与曙光学校签订入学协议书,送吴凯与朱超入学。同年9月,吴凯与朱超成为曙光学校一年级(1)班学生,在同一宿舍住宿。同年 12月17日晚10时许,吴凯与朱超在宿舍内各自床上休息时,朱超将一枚橘子扔到吴凯右眼上,致吴凯右眼受伤。吴凯受伤后哭泣,老师发现后即送吴凯到校医务室治疗。12月底,曙光学校将吴凯受伤一事通知给吴凯的父母。吴凯的父母带吴凯先后到建湖县建阳眼科医院、淮安市第一人民医院、淮安市第二人民医院、复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院治疗,共花去医疗费 39 592.58元、交通费2040元、住宿费1000元。为给吴凯治疗,朱超的监护人垫支过 561.60元,曙光学校垫支过1万元。@#
经法医鉴定,原告吴凯的右眼钝挫伤、右玻璃体积血、右视网膜脱离致右眼低视力1级,伤残程度为10级;吴凯伤后1个月需营养补助,伤后3-4个月期间需护理;伤后使用的药物均为外伤病人临床对症处理用药,无明显不妥之处。双方当事人对上述法医鉴定结论无异议,对此次鉴定收费 300元、住院期间伙食补助支出180元、营养费支出249.37元以及吴凯需残疾赔偿金9508元等也无异议。@#
一、《中华人民共和国民法通则》(以下简称民法通则)第十六条规定:“未成年人的父母是未成年人的监护人。未成年人的父母已经死亡或者没有监护能力的,由下列人员中有监护能力的人担任监护人:(一)祖父母、外祖父母;(二)兄、姐;(三)关系密切的其他亲属、朋友愿意承担监护责任,经未成年人的父、母的所在单位或者未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会同意的。对担任监护人有争议的,由未成年人的父、母的所在单位或者未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会在近亲属中指定。对指定不服提起诉讼的,由人民法院裁决。没有第一款、第二款规定的监护人的,由未成年人的父、母的所在单位或者未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会或者民政部门担任监护人。”据此,监护是基于身份产生的民事权利。当未成年人无父母或其他亲属作监护人时,其父、母所在单位或者其住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会、民政部门等单位,才可能成为监护人。学校不能成为未成年人的监护人。法律对监护人的范围规定很明确,监护关系不容随意设立或变更。故监护人将未成年学生送至学校学习,其监护职责并未转移给学校;学校也不因接受未成年学生到校学习,自然而然地承担起对该学生的监护职责。最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行<中华人民共和国民法通则>若干问题的意见(试行)》第 22条规定:“监护人可以将监护职责部分或者全部委托给他人。因被监护人的侵权行为需要承担民事责任的,应当由监护人承担,但另有约定的除外;被委托人确有过错的,负连带责任。”这一条规定了监护职责可以因委托而转移。监护人如果想将监护职责部分或者全部委托给学校,必须与学校达成明确的委托约定。没有明确的委托约定,不能推定学校已经接受监护人的委托,对到校学习的未成年学生承担起部分或全部监护职责。@#

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