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Sun Changrong v. People's Government of Jilin Province (A case about a decision on not accepting an application for administrative reconsideration)

Sun Changrong v. People's Government of Jilin Province (A case about a decision on not accepting an application for administrative reconsideration)
(A case about a decision on not accepting an application for administrative reconsideration)
Sun Changrong v. People's Government of Jilin Province (A case about a decision on not accepting an application for administrative reconsideration) 


[Judgment Abstract] [裁判摘要]
“Government information” as adjusted in the Regulation on the Disclosure of Government Information refers to information that actually exists and is recorded or kept in certain forms. An application for learning the effectiveness of a document is consultation in nature and does not fall under circumstances of government information “that shall be provided in the forms as required by the applicant” as prescribed in Article 26 of the Regulation. The reply or non-reply made by an administrative organ on an application for consultation is not an act of disclosing government information and it does not have any actual impact on the rights and obligations of the consultant. Therefore, it is not within the scope of acceptance of administrative reconsideration. Since the prosecutor lacks interests of action, he does not have the qualification of plaintiff and the people's court is allowed to not accept his application for administrative reconsideration or render a ruling to dismiss the lawsuit he filed. 政府信息公开条例》调整的“政府信息”是指现实存在的,并以一定形式记录、保存的信息。申请了解文件效力,属于咨询性质,不属于该条例第二十六条规定的“应当按照申请人要求的形式予以提供”政府信息的情形。行政机关针对咨询申请作出的答复以及不予答复行为,不属于政府信息公开行为,不会对咨询人的权利义务产生实际影响,故不属于行政复议的受理范围。起诉人缺乏诉的利益,则无原告资格,人民法院可以不予受理或裁定驳回起诉。
Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国最高人民法院
Administrative Judgment 行政判决书
(No. 19 [2015], Administrative Petition, Supreme People's Court) (2015)行提字第19号
Retrial applicant (plaintiff of first instance and appellant of second instance): Sun Changrong, male, born on March 13, 1950, Chinese Han, domiciled in Changchun City, Jilin Province. 再审申请人(一审原告、二审上诉人)孙长荣,男,1950年3月13日出生,汉族,住吉林省长春市。
Respondent (defendant of first instance and appellee of second instance): People's Government of Jilin Province, domiciled in No. 329, Xinfa Road, Changchun City, Jilin Province. 再审被申请人(一审被告、二审被上诉人)吉林省人民政府,住所地吉林省长春市新发路329号。
Legal representative: Jiang Chaoliang, Governor of Jilin Province. 法定代表人蒋超良,该省省长。
Authorized agent: Yan Min, staff member of the Office of Legislative Affairs of the People's Government of Jilin Province. 委托代理人闫敏,吉林省人民政府法制办公室工作人员。
Authorized agent: Yan Chunmin, staff member of the Office of Legislative Affairs of the People's Government of Jilin Province. 委托代理人闫春梅,吉林省人民政府法制办公室工作人员。
With respect to the case where retrial applicant Sun Changrong filed a lawsuit against the People's Government of Jilin Province concerning the decision on not accepting an application for administrative reconsideration, on December 29, 2011, the Higher People's Court of Jilin Province rendered an administrative judgment (No. 21 [2011], Final, HPC, Jilin), which has come into force. Sun Changrong refused to accept the administrative judgment and filed an application for retrial with the Supreme People's Court. On September 26, 2014, the Supreme People's Court rendered an administrative ruling (No. 682 [2012], Administrative Supervision, SPC) and brought this case to trial. The Supreme People's Court legally formed a collegiate bench in which Ma Yongxin served as the presiding judge, and judge Liang Fengyun and acting judge Hu Wenli participated, and tried this case. At present, this case has been closed. 再审申请人孙长荣诉吉林省人民政府行政复议不予受理决定一案,吉林省高级人民法院于2011年12月29日作出(2011)吉行终字第21号行政判决,已经发生法律效力。孙长荣不服,向本院申请再审。本院于2014年9月26日作出(2012)行监字第682号行政裁定,对本案进行提审。本院依法组成由审判员马永欣担任审判长,审判员梁凤云、代理审判员胡文利参加的合议庭审理了本案。本案现已审理终结。
...... 吉林省长春市中级人民法院一审查明:2010年孙长荣向吉林省长春市房地产管理局提出将其房屋用途由“住宅”变更为“商用”。登记机关称,依据吉林省住房和城乡建设厅(以下简称吉林省住建厅)1999年11月17日公布的吉建房字〔1999〕27号《关于申请房屋用途变更登记有关问题的通知》(以下简称吉建房字〔1999〕27号通知),变更用途须经规划许可。在规划部门拒绝作出相应行政许可之后,2011年2月孙长荣向吉林省住建厅提交了关于查询吉建房字〔1999〕27号通知是否已过时效的申请,并要求给予书面答复。吉林省住建厅一直未予书面答复。2011年4月26日,孙长荣以吉林省住建厅对其申请推托未予书面答复为由向吉林省人民政府提起行政复议,请求依据《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》(以下简称《政府信息公开条例》)及相关法律规定,责令吉林省住建厅依法给予书面答复。2011年4月28日,吉林省人民政府作出吉政复不字〔2011〕号不予受理决定,认为孙长荣提出的行政复议申请不在行政复议范围之内,根据《中华人民共和国行政复议法》(以下简称《行政复议法》)第六条、第十七条的规定,决定不予受理。2011年5月31日,吉林省住建厅在其网站上公布废止了吉建房字〔1999〕27号通知。2011年7月6日,孙长荣向吉林省长春市中级人民法院提起行政诉讼,请求人民法院撤销吉林省人民政府吉政复不字〔2011〕号不予受理决定,并责令重新作出行政行为。

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