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Wang Liping v. the Communications Bureau of Zhongmou County (Case on Administrative Compensation)
  • Type of Dispute: State Compensation
  • Legal document: Judgment
  • Judgment date: 03-19-2002
  • Procedural status: State Compensation

Wang Liping v. the Communications Bureau of Zhongmou County (Case on Administrative Compensation)
(Case on Administrative Compensation)

Wang Liping v. the Communications Bureau of Zhongmou County
(Case on Administrative Compensation)@#
Plaintiff: Wang Liping, female, 44 years old, laid-off worker, dwelling in Xijiao County, Kaifeng Municipality, Henan Province@#
Defendant: the Communications Bureau of Zhongmou County@#
Legal Representative: Geng Xianming, director of the Bureau@#
Wang had a dispute over administrative compensation with the Communications Bureau of Zhongmou County (hereinafter referred to as the Bureau) and thus filed an action on administrative compensation with the People's Court of Zhongmou County, Henan Province.@#
Wang alleged that: On the morning of September 27, 2001, she borrowed 3 small four-wheeled agricultural tractors from someone else so as to pull 2-wheeled trailers that hold 31 pigs. On the road, the functionaries of the Bureau declared to detain the tractors on the ground that the relevant road maintenance fees failed to be submitted for these 3 tractors. Though she explained again and again that the pigs on board the tractors could not be delayed in transport and requested to unload the pigs before the detainment of the tractors, the functionaries of the Bureau just turned a deaf ear to it and disconnected the trailers by force and then drove the tractors away. Consequently, a total of 15 pigs in the trailers died from natural pressing and heat stroke, thereby incurring to Wang a direct economic loss of 10, 500 yuan as well as other loss of 1, 700 yuan. Wang appealed to the defendant for compensation, yet the latter turned a deaf ear to her. Therefore, Wang pleaded the court to order the defendant to compensate for all the losses.@#
Wang submitted the following evidences:@#
1. Oral testimony of Zhang Junming and Wang Laohu, mainly illustrating that: On the morning of September 27, Wang Xianglin, Wang Xinchun, Zhang Junming and Wang Laohu drove 3 small 4-wheeled agricultural tractors to help Wang in the delivery of pigs. When the tractors were about 1 kilometer away from the south end of Xiwu Village, they met 5 functionaries of the Bureau, checking for the road maintenance fees. We explained that ours were agricultural tractors, for which no road maintenance fee was required. Those functionaries insisted in detaining the tractors when Wang said, “Would you guys please wait a minute and let us deliver the pigs to Danzhuang Village? We will be right back to pay the road maintenance fees.” Those functionaries still dissented and drove the tractors away by force. We had to run after them. At the crossing of Zhengdong Road, Heizi Village, we negotiated with them again that they might drive away two of our tractors and let go one for us, which could be collected by them after we delivered the pigs to Danzhuang Village. They disagreed again, took the 3 4-wheeled tractors off the trailers and drove them away. It was then 11 a. m., in a place so hot without any shade and the pigs treaded on each other within the trailers, of which, 2 died on the spot.@#


原告:王丽萍,女,44岁,下岗职工,住河南省开封市西郊乡。 @#
被告:河南省中牟县交通局。 @#
法定代表人:耿鲜明,该局局长。 @#
原告王丽萍因与被告河南省中牟县交通局(以下简称县交通局)发生行政赔偿纠纷,向河南省中牟县人民法院提起行政赔偿诉讼。 @#
原告诉称:2001年9月27日上午,我借用他人3台农用小四轮拖拉机,用拖带的两轮拖斗运送31头生猪。路上,被告的工作人员以这3台车没交养路费为由,提出扣车。尽管我声明车上装的货物不能停留,请求把生猪卸下后再扣车,被告的工作人员却置之不理,强行摘下拖斗后驾车离去,致使拖斗内的生猪因自然挤压和气候炎热中暑,共死亡15头,给我造成直接经济损失10500元其他损失1700元。我向被告申请赔偿,被告不予理睬。请求判令被告赔偿我的一切经济损失。 @#
原告王丽萍提交如下证据: @#
1.张军明、王老虎的语言,主要内容是:9月27日上午,王相林、王新春、张军明、王老虎四人驾驶3台农用小四轮拖拉机帮忙给王丽萍送猪。车走到西吴村南约一公里处,遇到中牟县交通局地方公路管理所的5名工作人员查养路费。我们说明是农用车,没有养路费。这些人坚持扣车。这时王丽萍说:“你们稍等一会儿,让我们把猪送到党庄村,回来就办理养路费手续。”这些人仍不同意,强行把车发动着开走,我们就在后面追。追到后黑訾村正东路口,我们又和他们协商,让他们开走两台车,给我们留下一台,等我们把猪盘到党庄村,他们再开走这一台。他们不同意,强行把3台小四轮主车从拖斗上摘下开走了。当时正值11时,天气很热,现场没有树荫,生猪在拖斗里挤成一团,现场就死亡两头。 @#
2.马书杰的证明,主要内容是:9月27日,开封实业公司来我的养猪场收猪。由于收猪大卡车不能开到小店村,收猪的人通知王丽萍,让她把猪送到我的养猪场。王丽萍送猪到了离我的养猪场二里多路时,3台小四轮主车被中牟县交通局地方公路管理所的人开走,装猪的拖斗被摘下放在路边。拖斗一头着地,车身严重倾斜成45度角,拖斗内的生猪挤成一团,加之当时气温高达30多度,现场没有树荫,没有水,猪受热严重,当场死亡两头。我叫来一辆农用车,帮助王丽萍先把剩下的猪抬上农用车,再从农用车上抬到两层高的收猪车上,这时又有十几头猪奄奄一息。收猪车开到开封生猪中转站卸车时,13头猪死亡。其余16头猪因受惊吓严重,浑身充血,上海客户看了后拒收,只好在开封市贱卖处理。 @#
3.霍小换的证明,主要内容是:那一天上午十点多,马书杰让我去帮忙往收猪车上盘猪。我开车去了那里,才知道是小店村一个女人的猪。当时天气比较热,我看到有的猪身上都热红了,就赶紧把猪从小四轮拖斗上倒在我的车上,然后再倒装到收猪大卡车上。装车时,我就看到有一头猪死了,被扔在地上。有些猪快死子,我们把它装上了收猪车。 @#
4.开封市郊区动物检疫站证明,主要内容是:9月27日下午3点40分,我站接到开封市西货场中转站张宝红的报检电话,就派吕合星、刘献忠二人到场检疫,发现中牟县王丽萍拉来的29头猪里,有13头已经死亡。经询问和检疫,认定这13头猪是热死的。我站随即给其他猪出具了检疫合格准予运出的证明。 @#
5.开封贸易实业公司张宝红的证明,主要内容是:9月27日,王丽萍卖给我公司活大猪16头1777公斤,每公斤价格是6.60元,卖猪款共计11720.20元,当时付清。 @#
6.刘毅写下的欠条,内容是:收到王丽萍死猪13头,每头死猪30元,共欠390元。 @#
7.收条,内容是:2001年9月27日,王丽萍收到卖猪款11720元。 @#
8.何东刚的证明,内容是:从2001年10月15日至12月27日,王丽萍租用我的出租车到中牟县办事,往返20趟有余,每趟费用80元,共计费用1700元左右。 @#
9.2001年9月27日的《郑州晚报》,其上刊登当日白天郑州地区最高温度是24℃。 @#
10.王丽萍的赔偿申请书以及中牟县交通局收到该申请书的收条。 @#
被告辩称:(1)我局工作人员依照《中华人民共和国公路法》第三十六条、《河南省公路管理条例》第五十三条第二款的规定,查扣了行政相对人王书田、王老虎、张军民驾驶的3台没有养路费缴纳凭证的小四轮拖拉机,同时为三人出具了《交通违法行为通知书》和《暂扣车辆凭证》。我局工作人员是依法行政,行为并无不当。(2)原告雇用小四轮拖拉机送运送生猪,与小四轮车主之间形成合同关系,小四轮车主有义务把原告的生猪安全运抵目的地。小四轮未交养路费上公路行驶被查扣,如果因此使原告受到损害,那是车主的违法行为造成的,原告应当向车主要求赔偿。原告起诉的损害结果与被告的依法行政行为没有直接关系,被告不承担赔偿责任,应当驳回原告的诉讼请求。 @#
审理中被告的代理律师又提出:(3)原告用狭窄的小四轮拖斗运猪,每个拖斗内装生猪10-11头,运输途中肯定会挤压,不是拖斗倾斜才造成挤压。扣车时正值秋高气爽,气温不足24℃,扣车地点是通风透光的旷野。在这样的环境下,原告说生猪因中暑死亡,证据不足。再有,扣车地点离原告要去的生猪收购点不足200米,原告本应能设法把生猪送到收购点,却在3个小时以内不采取任何措施,眼睁睁地看着生猪死去,坐视损失扩大,不可思议。(4)原告在党庄村把生猪卖给开封贸易实业公司,所有权已经转移。运抵开封后的生猪死亡,与原告无关,原告不能就此请求赔偿。 @#

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