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Xinxing Packaging Materials Factory of Funing County and Funing Public Assets Operation LLC v. Rural Credit Cooperative Union of Funing County, Qinhuangdao Fareast Petroleum Refining LLC and Qinhuangdao Lihua Starch Co., Ltd. (A case about disputes over a contract on loan guaranty)

Xinxing Packaging Materials Factory of Funing County and Funing Public Assets Operation LLC v. Rural Credit Cooperative Union of Funing County, Qinhuangdao Fareast Petroleum Refining LLC and Qinhuangdao Lihua Starch Co., Ltd. (A case about disputes over a contract on loan guaranty)
(A case about disputes over a contract on loan guaranty)

Xinxing Packaging Materials Factory of Funing County and Funing Public Assets Operation LLC v. Rural Credit Cooperative Union of Funing County, Qinhuangdao Fareast Petroleum Refining LLC and Qinhuangdao Lihua Starch Co., Ltd.
(A case about disputes over a contract on loan guaranty)@#
[Summary] @#
Article 39 of the Interpretationof the Supreme People's Court on Some Issues Regarding the Application ofSecurities Law of the People's Republic of China provides that, where partiesof a contract agree to pay off an old loan with a new loan, the guarantor shallnot bear the guarantee liability unless he knows or should know about this fact.The above provision shall not apply when one guarantor secures both the old andnew loans. @#
Supreme People's Court@#
Civil Judgment@#
No. 236 [2006], Civil Division II, Final@#
Appellant (defendant in original trial): Xinxing Packaging Materials Factory of Funing County, residing at: Yangzhuang, Sanli, Funing Town, Funing County, Hebei Province.@#
Legal representative: Li Zhihua, director of this factory.@#
Attorney: Guo Yanlai, lawyer of Beijing Runlai Law Firm.@#
Appellant (defendant in original trial): Funing Public Assets Operation Limited Liability Company, residing at East Street, Funing Town, Funing County, Hebei Province.@#
Legal representative: Li Guo, general manager of this company.@#
Attorney: Guo Yanlai, lawyer of Beijing Runlai Law Firm.@#
Appellee (plaintiff in original trial): Rural Credit Cooperative Union of Funing County, residing at Zhongduan, Yingbin Road, Funing Town, Funing County, Hebei Province.@#
Legal representative: Sun Biqiao, chairman of the Board of Governors of this union.@#
Attorney: Liu Chunhui, deputy director of this union.@#
Attorney: Huang Fei, lawyer of Beijing Beidou Dingming Law Firm@#
Plaintiff in original trial: Qinhuangdao Fareast Petroleum Refining Limited Liability Company, residing at south of Funing County Seat, Hebei Province.@#
Legal representative: Yang Yi, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Gao Xicheng, deputy general manager of this company.@#
Attorney: Wang Yarong, lawyer of Hebei Qinhuangdao Farun Law Firm.@#
Third party in original trial: Qinhuangdao Lihua Starch Co., Ltd, residing at 6 Beihuan Road, Funing Town, Funing County, Hebei Province.@#
Legal representative: He Junshi, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Sun Ying, deputy general manager of this company.@#
Against the civil judgment, No. 00022 [2006] Civil Division II, First Instance, HPC HB, of the Higher People's Court of Hebei Province of the case of disputes over a contract on loan guaranty with the appellee, Rural Credit Cooperative Union of Funing County (“Funing Rural Credit Union”), the defendant in original trial, Qinhuangdao Fareast Petroleum Refining Limited Liability Company (“Fareast Petroleum LLC”) and the third party in original trial, Qinhuangdao Lihua Starch Co., Ltd. (“Lihua Co.”), the appellants, Xinxing Packaging Materials Factory of Funing County (“Xinxing Factory”) and Funing Public Assets Operation Limited Liability Company (“Public Assets LLC”) to this court. This court legally formed a collegiate bench consisting Judge Pei Yingshuo as presiding judge, Judge Zhu Hainian and Deputy Judge Gong Bangyou to try this case, and Clerk An Yang kept the court records. By now, the trial of this case has concluded.@#
Through trial, the Higher People's Court of Hebei Province found that: on March 25, 2002, Funing Rural Credit Union and former Qinhuangdao Funing Refinery (“Funing Refinery”, renamed to Fareast Petroleum LLC in November 2005) and former Qinhuangdao Starch and Glucose Factory (“Glucose Factory”, renamed to Xinxing Factory in April 2002) entered into a Contract on Loan Guaranty. According to this contract, the lender, Funing Rural Credit Union should make a short-term loan in the amount of 31 million yuan to Funing Refinery for the purchase of crude oil, the term of the loan should be from March 25, 2002 to November 25, 2002, the monthly interest rate should be 0.4425%, floating up 40%, and the interest should be settled quarterly; the guarantor, Glucose Factory, should be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the borrower, the guaranty period should be from the date of borrowing to two years after the maturity of the loan, and the scope of guaranty should include the loan principal, interest and costs for the lender to realize its creditor's rights. Article 6 of this contract provided that: (1) Defaults of the borrower: in the event of failure to repay the loan principal as scheduled and failure to receive a grace period, the interest shall be calculated as per a rate of 0.03% for each day overdue; in the event of failure to pay the loan interest as scheduled, the lender shall charge compound interest to the borrower for the unpaid interest, etc. (2) Defaults of the lender: in the event of the lender's failure to provide funds to the borrower as scheduled or in the agreed amount, a default fine shall be charged as per a rate of 0.03% of the amount of funds delayed for each day of delay. Article 7 of this contract provided that: at maturity of the loan, to recover the loan, the lender may directly deduct the loan amount from the account of the borrower or guarantor. Article 9 of this contract on other terms and conditions showed the handwritten clause: this loan should be a temporary confined loan and used as the special funds for the special purpose in a confined way, and the business department of the lender should supervise the payments from this loan. On the day of signing of this contract, Funing Rural Credit Union transferred exactly 31 million yuan of the loan into the account No. 2011051433 opened by Funing Refinery at this credit union.@#
Fareast Petroleum LLC claimed that while Funing Rural Credit Union made the loan of 31 million yuan to Funing Refinery, it deducted 602,875 yuan of interest on this loan. To prove its claim, Fareast Petroleum LLC submitted a current account withdrawal advice. This withdrawal advice recorded that: on March 25, 2002, 602,875 yuan was transferred out of the account No. 2011051792 with the account name as “Liu Li”, and there were two Chinese characters for “interest payment” written below the amount of withdrawal. The transfer completion seal of Funing Rural Credit Union was affixed on this withdrawal advice. Fareast Petroleum LLC claimed that “Liu Li” was a symphony of the Chinese characters for “interest retainment”, and Funing Rural Credit Union deducted the interest on the loan in this case on its own initiative. Funing Rural Credit Union argued that this amount was irrelevant to this case, and what was repaid was interest on the old loans before, not deduction of interest on the loan in this case.@#
Fareast Petroleum LLC claimed that on the day of making the loan, Funing Rural Credit Union on its own initiative deducted 25 million yuan of old principal and 534,625 yuan of interest thereon owed by Funing Refinery. To prove its claim, Fareast Petroleum LLC submitted a certificate of loan recovery, according to which, on March 25, 2002, Funing Rural Credit Union transferred 25,534,625 yuan from the account of Funing Refinery, including 25 million yuan as repayment of a loan and 534,625 yuan of interest. Funing Rural Credit Union recognized this fact, but argued that the old loan was repaid voluntarily by Funing Refinery. To prove its claim, Funing Rural Credit Union submitted a transfer check, according to which, on March 25, 2002, Funing Refinery transferred 25 million yuan out of its account No. 2011051433 through a transfer check, Funing Refinery affixed its seal on the place of drawer, and the purpose was for repayment. Fareast Petroleum LLC raised no objection to this transfer check. According to a separate investigation, the old loan repaid in the above amount of 25,534,625 yuan was principal and interest of a loan made by Funing Rural Credit Union to Funing Refinery on July 16, 2001, the guarantor of this loan was Glucose Factory, and the mode of guaranty was also the joint and several liability.@#


上诉人抚宁县新兴包装材料厂(以下简称新兴材料厂)、抚宁公有资产经营有限公司(以下简称公有资产公司)因与被上诉人抚宁县农村信用合作联社(以下简称抚宁农信联社),原审被告秦皇岛远东石油炼化有限公司(以下简称远东石油公司),原审第三人秦皇岛骊骅淀粉股份有限公司 (以下简称骊骅公司)借款担保合同纠纷一案,不服河北省高级人民法院(2006)冀民二初字第00022号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成由审判员裴莹硕担任审判长,审判员朱海年、代理审判员宫邦友参加的合议庭进行了审理。书记员安杨担任记录。本案现已审理终结。@#
河北省高级人民法院经审理查明: 2002年3月25日,抚宁农信联社与原秦皇岛市抚宁炼油厂(以下简称抚宁炼油厂, 2005年11月更名为远东石油公司)及原秦皇岛市淀粉葡萄糖厂(以下简称葡萄糖厂,2002年4月更名为新兴材料厂)共同签订一份《保证担保借款合同》。合同约定:贷款人抚宁农信联社向借款人抚宁炼油厂发放短期贷款3100万元,用途为购原油,期限自2002年3月25日至2002年11月 25日,利率4.425‰(月息),上浮40%,按季结息;保证人葡萄糖厂为借款人的债务承担连带保证责任,保证期间自借款之日起至借款到期后二年,保证范围包括贷款本金、利息、贷款人实现债权的费用。合同第六条约定:(一)借款人违约:不按期归还贷款本金又未获准展期,从逾期之日起按日利率万分之三计收利息;不按期偿付贷款利息,贷款人对借款人未支付的利息计收复利等。(二)贷款人违约:贷款人不能按期、按额向借款人提供资金时,按违约数额和延期天数处以日利率万分之三的违约金。合同第七条约定:贷款人到期收回贷款,可直接从借款人或保证人账户中扣收。合同第九条关于其他约定事项手写为:此笔贷款为封闭临时贷款,专款专用,封闭进行,由营业部对此笔贷款监督支付。合同签订当日,抚宁农信联社将3100万元贷款如数打入抚宁炼油厂在该社开立的 2011051433账户。@#
远东石油公司主张抚宁农信联社向抚宁炼油厂发放3100万元贷款的同时,扣收了该笔贷款60.2875万元的利息。为证明其主张,远东石油公司提交活期存款取款凭条一张。该取款凭条记载:2002年3月 25日,从户名为“刘利”、账号2011051792的活期账户转出60.2875万元,支取金额下方写有“还息”二字。该取款凭条加盖有抚宁农信联社转讫章。远东石油公司称“刘利”即为“留取利息”的谐音,是抚宁农信联社自行扣收的本案借款的利息。抚宁农信联社则辩称该款项与本案无关,且偿还的是此前旧贷的利息,而不是扣收的本案借款的利息。@#
远东石油公司主张抚宁农信联社在发放贷款当日自行扣收了抚宁炼油厂此前旧资本金2500万元及利息53.4625万元。为证明其主张,远东石油公司提交收回贷款凭证一份。其中记载:2002年3月 25日,抚宁农信联社从抚宁炼油厂账户转出2553.4625万元,其中还贷金额为2500万元,利息53.4625万元。抚宁农信联社认可该事实,但主张偿还旧贷系抚宁炼油厂主动所为。为证明其主张,抚宁农信联社提交转账支票一张。其中记载:2002年3月25日,抚宁炼油厂从其2011051433账户以转账支票形式转出2500万元。抚宁炼油厂在出票人处盖章,用途为还款。远东石油公司对该转账支票无异议。另查,上述2553.4625万元所偿还旧贷为抚宁炼油厂 2001年7月16日在抚宁农信联社的贷款本息,该贷款的保证人同为葡萄糖厂,保证方式同为连带责任保证。@#
远东石油公司主张抚宁农信联社 2002年3月29日扣收了400万元利息。为证明其主张,远东石油公司提交特种转账传票两张。其中一张记载,2002年3月 29日,抚宁农信联社从抚宁炼油厂 2011051433账户转出233.942175万元,转账原因为“付各社利息”。另一张记载,2002年3月29日,抚宁农信联社从抚宁炼油厂 2011051433账户转出166.057825万元,转账原因为“利息”。抚宁农信联社认可两笔共扣收400万元利息的事实,但主张2002年3月25日本案借款发生前,抚宁炼油厂在抚宁农信联社及其下属其他信用社还有多笔到期贷款,自己有权扣收所欠利息,上述400万元就是此前旧贷的利息。远东石油公司承认抚宁炼抽厂所欠抚宁农信联社及其下属信用社其他借款的事实,但主张抚宁农信联社扣收的上述166.057825万元是本案3100万元借款的利息。抚宁农信联社没有提交抚宁炼油厂所欠其他借款保证人为葡萄糖厂的证据,在该院规定的期限内,也未能举证说明转出的166.057825万元利息具体为哪笔旧贷款的利息。@#
远东石油公司主张抚宁农信联社 2003年5月27日扣收本案贷款本金 42.85万元。为证明其主张,远东石油公司提交收回贷款凭证一份。其中记载,2003年5月27日,抚宁农信联社从抚宁炼油厂账户转出42.85万元,用于偿还本案贷款本金。抚宁农信联社认可该事实,但认为 2003年5月27日本案贷款已到期,自己有权从抚宁炼油厂账户直接扣收逾期贷款。@#
原审法院还查明:2005年3月11日、 2005年12月30日、2006年3月1日,抚宁农信联社三次向抚宁炼油厂催收 3057.15万元欠款本金及其利息,抚宁炼油厂均在催收通知书上盖章。2004年3月18日、2005年4月6日、2006年3月1日,抚宁农信联社三次分别向葡萄糖厂以特快专递和国内挂号函件方式邮寄送达履行保证责任通知,要求葡萄糖厂履行保证责任。邮寄地址均为抚宁县抚宁镇北环路六号,收件人均为葡萄糖厂,抚宁县公证处对催收情况进行了公证。新兴材料厂认为葡萄糖厂2002年4月已更名,抚宁农信联社向葡萄糖厂催收,不等于向自己催收,本案已超过保证期间,自己不应再承担保证责任。另据骊骅公司成立时的工商登记档案记载,葡萄糖厂住所地为抚宁县抚宁镇北环路六号(原三里杨庄)。@#
原审法院再查明:1998年12月,葡萄糖厂以2663万元生产经营性净资产出资,作为主要发起人,注册成立骊骅公司,占该公司股本总额的64.37%。2000年1月,骊骅公司增资扩股,葡萄糖厂股份调整为 3201.5968万元,占股本总额的62.09%。 2003年1月16日,抚宁县国有资产管理办公室下发抚国资办字(2003)第1号文件,通知骊骅公司:按照抚宁县委、县政府机构改革要求和股权管理需要,葡萄糖厂投资到骊骅公司的3201.5968万元国家股股权变更为公有资产公司持有。2003年2月20日,葡萄糖厂与公有资产公司签订《骊骅公司国家股股权变更协议》。协议约定:骊骅公司总股本中以葡萄糖厂为出资人的3201.5968万元国家股的股权,由葡萄糖厂变更为由公有资产公司持有。本案审理中,公有资产公司将其持有的骊骅公司股权出售,得款8000余万元。@#
根据远东石油公司工商登记档案记载:抚宁炼油厂系1994年8月注册成立的股份合作制企业,注册资本600万元,其中个人资本400万元,占股本总额的60%,国有资本200万元,占股本总额的40%。1996年1月,抚宁炼油厂注册资本增加到 15 000万元,其中个人资本9000万元,占股本总额的60%,国有资本6000万元,股本总额仍为40%。2005年11月,抚宁炼油厂改制后,国有股退出,名称变更为远东石油公司。另,2002年4月,葡萄糖厂更名为新兴材料厂。@#
2006年4月抚宁农信联社向原审法院提起诉讼,请求判令远东石油公司偿还贷款本金3057.15万元及其利息;判令新兴材料厂对上述贷款本息承担连带责任;判令公有资产公司在持有骊骅公司 3201.5968万元股份的范围内对上述贷款本息承担清偿责任。@#
关于2002年3月25日从2011051792活期账户转出的60.2875万元问题。该账户户名虽为“刘利”,但并不能因此说明该账户即为“留取利息”的意思,更不能证明该款系抚宁农信联社自行扣收的本案借款的利息。且该账户与3100万元借款打入的 2011051433账户并不是同一账号,没有证据证明上述60.2875万元是从2011051433账户转入2011051792活期账户的,因此也不足以证明60.2875万元为本案3100万元中的款项。远东石油公司主张抚宁农信联社发放3100万元贷款的同时,扣收了该笔贷款60.2875万元的利息,证据不足,不能认定。@#
关于远东石油公司主张抚宁农信联社发放贷款当日自行扣收旧资本金2500万元及利息53.4625万元问题。事实上,其中 2500万元本金是抚宁炼油厂以转账支票形式主动偿还的2001年旧资本金,而不是抚宁农信联社自行扣划的。53.4625万元利息虽无证据证明系抚宁炼油厂主动偿还的,但远东石油公司对抚宁炼油厂当时所欠抚宁农信联社2553.4625万元旧贷本息的事实并无异议,故应认定抚宁炼油厂使用了该部分借款,远东石油公司应承担还款责任。@#
关于2002年3月29日从2011051433账户转出的400万元问题。其中用途为“付各社利息”的233.942175万元,双方均认可偿还的是抚宁炼油厂在抚宁农信联社下属各信用社的旧贷,应认定抚宁炼油厂使用了该部分借款,远东石油公司应承担偿还责任。另外166.057825万元,转账原因记载为“利息”,抚宁农信联社主张扣收的是旧贷的利息,对此主张,该联社负有举证责任。在该院规定的期限内,抚宁农信联社未能举证说明具体偿还的是哪笔旧贷的利息。因此,抚宁农信联社关于扣收的 166.057825万元是旧贷的利息,依据不足,不能认定,而应认定为本案3100万元贷款的利息。抚宁农信联社在发放贷款不久即扣收部分利息,该款项应从借款本金总额中扣除,抚宁炼油厂借款总额应认定为 2933.942175万元。@#
抚宁农信联社2003年5月27日扣收 42.85万元时,本案贷款已到期,根据《保证担保借款合同》第七条关于“贷款人到期收回贷款,可直接从借款人或保证人账户中扣收”的约定,抚宁农信联社从抚宁炼油厂账户直接扣收并无不当。抚宁农信联社起诉时,已将42.85万元从欠款总额中扣除,该院予以确认。@#
抚宁炼油厂在贷款时,企业性质为股份合作制,其中个人股占60%,国有股仅为 40%,不符合《封闭贷款管理暂行办法》第二条规定的封闭贷款借款人为国有工业企业的条件。因此,《封闭贷款管理暂行办法》不适用于本案。但是,本案借款发生前,抚宁县人民政府曾主持召开协调会议,抚宁农信联社及抚宁炼油厂均派员参加会议,说明双方对贷款采取封闭形式进行,由抚宁农信联社按照《封闭贷款管理暂行办法》的规定进行管理和实施是知道的。事实上,双方在《保证担保借款合同》中也明确约定了“专款专用,封闭进行”等内容,合同双方应严格按照约定执行。抚宁农信联社从 3100万元贷款中自行扣收本笔贷款 166.057825万元的利息,违反了合同第六条第(二)项的约定,但远东石油公司并未因此提起反诉,故对其要求抚宁农信联社承担违约责任的请求,本案不予审理。远东石油公司在《保证担保借款合同》到期后,不履行还款义务,构成违约,除应对欠款本金2891.092175万元承担还款责任外,还应支付逾期利息。@#

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