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Chongqing Suote Salt Industry Co., Ltd. v. Chongqing Xinwanji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (Case of Disputes over Land Use Right Transfer Contract)

Chongqing Suote Salt Industry Co., Ltd. v. Chongqing Xinwanji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (Case of Disputes over Land Use Right Transfer Contract)
(Case of Disputes over Land Use Right Transfer Contract)

Chongqing Suote Salt Industry Co., Ltd. v. Chongqing Xinwanji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
(Case of Disputes over Land Use Right Transfer Contract)@#

[Judgment Abstract]
1. Under Article 191 of the Property Law and Article 49 of the Guarantee Law, during a mortgage term, the mortgager who transfers mortgaged property is to notify the mortgagee, otherwise the transfer is void. Article191 of the Property Law also requires the consent of the mortgagee for the transfer of the mortgaged property during the mortgage term. However, it is also provided in Article 67 of the Interpretation on the Guarantee Law and Article191 of the Property Law that the transfer of mortgaged property without notifying the mortgagee or without obtaining consent may be valid provided that the transferee extinguishes the mortgage rights by paying off the transferor'sdebts on the transferor's behalf. That is to say, the transfer shall be valid if the transferee exercises the right to extinguish the mortgage rights for the subject matter of the transfer. The above-mentioned provisions aim to balance the interests of the mortgagee, the mortgager, and the transferee as a third party acquiring the mortgaged property as well as fully protect mortgage rights from being violated while preventing excessive restrictions on the free circulation of property and also giving full play to the interests in the property. @#
2. Under Article 15 of the Property Law, a contract concluded by the parties on the establishment, change, transfer or extinguishing of property rights in immovables is to become effective upon the formation of the contract, except as is otherwise prescribed by a law; and whether the property rights have been registered does not affect the validity of the contract. This provision establishes the principle of distinguishing between the cause and effect of a change in property rights. The failure to accomplish a transfer of property rights will not necessarily result in the invalidation of the cause of the property right transfer, i.e. the creditor rights contract.@#
Supreme People's Court@#

Civil Judgment@#
No.122 [2008], Final, Civil Division I
Appellant (Defendant in the Original Instance, Plaintiff in the Counterclaim): Chongqing Xinwanji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., located at Suite 1-6-1, Building 1 of Jinlong Plaza, 523 Songpai Road, Longxi Sub-district of Yubei District, Chongqing.@#
Legal Representative: Wen Jingcheng, chairman of the board of directors of the company.@#
Attorney: Ren Xiuqi, lawyer from Beijing Jiuyang Law Firm.@#
Appellee (Plaintiff in the Original Instance, Defendant in the Counterclaim): Chongqing Suote Salt Industry Co., Ltd., located at the Section 3, Shalong Road, Wanzhou District, Chongqing.@#
Legal Representative: Li Jun, chairman of the board of directors of the company.@#
Authorized Representative: Yang Zhi, employee of the company.@#
Attorney: Han Mei, lawyer from Beijing Deheng Law Firm.@#
For the case of dispute over the land use right transfer contract between Chongqing Xinwanji Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xinwanji Company) and Chongqing Suote Salt Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Suote Company), the Higher People's Court of Chongqing made a civil judgment, No.2 [2008], First Instance, HPC Chongqing, on July 21, 2008. Xinwanji Company appealed this civil judgment to this Court. This Court formed a collegial panel according to law and held court on November 26, 2008. The legal representative Wen Jingcheng and attorney Ren Xiuqi of Xinwanji Company as well as the authorized representative Yang Zhi and attorney Han Mei of Suote Company appeared in court. The trial of this case has been concluded.@#
Upon trial, the court of the first instance found that: Suote Company owned the right to use four pieces of land for commercial and service purposes located at 1 Guanyinyan, Wanzhou District, Chongqing, which was mortgaged to a bank as loan collateral for a term from 2005 to 2011. On December 1, 2005, Xinwanji Company and Suote Company entered into a Jinsanxia Garden Joint Development Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Joint Development Agreement) to jointly develop the Jinsanxia Garden Project on the above land, under which they agreed as follows: Article 1: Since Suote Company has mortgaged the said land to a bank for loans, it agrees to lift the mortgage over the land within a prescribed time. Article 2: With Xinwanji Company providing funds and Suote Company providing the land use right, they shall jointly develop the real estate project in the form of jointly making investment and sharing profits. Article 4: Xinwanji Company promises to invest development capital by steps according to the development needs of the project, and the initial investment of 5 million yuan shall be put in position for the preparatory work within seven workdays after the contract is concluded. Suote Company promises that it shall lift the mortgage over the land involved in this project without prejudice to the development progress of the project, and it undertakes that there is no any other defect of right to the land and that the land is not seized by the judicial organ or restricted by the administrative organ. If any third party makes any claim over the land, the formalities for the right to the land are not complete, or there is any obstacle to the right to the land, Suote Company shall be responsible for settle it at its own expenses and, if any losses are caused to Xinwanji Company, take the liability for breach of contract. Article 5: Xinwanji Company shall provide capital not less than 400 million yuan in total for the construction of the project, and Suote Company shall provide legally obtained construction land for the project. Article 6: Xinwanji Company shall rebuild and upgrade the office building of Suote Company into a four-star hotel at the expenses of 31 million yuan, and the rebuilt building shall be owned by Suote Company. Article 9: Xinwanji Company shall be responsible for dismantling the buildings and structures on the land. Article10: After this Agreement is signed, if Suote Company refuses cooperation with Xinwanji Company or fails to provide assistance for Xinwanji Company to apply for the examination and approval of the joint development, initiation, planning and other issues of the project in the name of both parties after the project proposal is approved by the government, Suote Company shall be deemed as having committed a substantive breach of contract, for which it shall pay Xinwanji Company a default fine as per 30% of the total investment made by Xinwanji Company and a compensation for the economic losses incurred by Xinwanji Company including but not limited to the early design, travel and negotiation expenses. If Xinwanji Company fails to put its investment in place, which affects the development progress, or fails to pay profits to Suote Company on schedule, Xinwanji Company shall pay a default fine as per 30% of the total investment to Suote Company, and if the construction of the project stops for 30 days or more due to development capital problems, in addition to the default fine paid by Xinwanji Company to Suote Company, Suote Company shall have the right to terminate the contract and require Xinwanji Company to compensate it for all its losses caused thereby by legal means.@#


一审法院经审理查明:索特公司在重庆市万州区观音岩1号拥有四块商服用地使用权,并将上述土地抵押给相关银行用于贷款担保,抵押期限自2005年至2011年。2005年12月1日,新万基公司与索特公司签订了《金三峡花园联合开发协议》 (以下简称《联合开发协议》),在上述土地上联合开发金三峡花园。约定:第一条,索特公司现已将上述土地抵押给某银行融资贷款,同意在约定时间内将该土地的抵押权解除;第二条,以新万基公司出资、索特公司出土地使用权,共同投资、共享利润的方式,共同进行房地产开发;第四条,新万基公司承诺按项目开发需要逐步投入开发资金,首期资金500万元在合同签订之日起7个工作日内到位,用于前期开发筹备工作。索特公司承诺,本项目所涉及的土地已办理的抵押手续应在不影响开发进度的前提下办理解除抵押的相关手续,并保证不存在其他权利瑕疵,也没有被司法机关查封或被行政机关限制。若第三人对该地块权益提出主张,或权属手续不完善,或有权属障碍,由索特公司负责解决,并独自承担其费用,由此给新万基公司造成的损失,索特公司应承担违约责任;第五条,新万基公司提供合作项目的全部建设资金不低于 4亿元,索特公司提供合作项目合法取得的全部建设用地;第六条,新万基公司对索特公司的办公大楼进行四星级酒店的改造升级,改造金额3100万元,改造后,其产权归索特公司所有;第九条,土地上的建筑物、构筑物由新万基公司负责拆除;第十条,本协议签订后,索特公司违约不与新万基公司合作,或者在本项目的方案设计经过政府的审核同意后,索特公司不配合新万基公司向政府以双方名义申请审批联建、立项、规划等工作的,视为索特公司根本违约,索特公司按照新万基公司总投资额的30%向新万基公司支付违约金,并赔偿因此给新万基公司造成的包括并不限于前期设计及往返谈判等各项经济损失;因新万基公司资金不能按开发进度到位而影响了开发或新万基公司未按时支付索特公司利润款,新万基公司应按总投资额的 30%向索特公司支付违约金,因项目开发资金问题而造成停工30天以上,除新万基公司应向索特公司支付违约金以外,索特公司有权终止合同,并有权通过法律途径要求新万基公司支付因此造成的全部损失。@#
2005年12月5日,新万基公司向索特公司发出《金三峡花园联合开发项目开发进度表(一)》,载明,为推进各项工作的顺利进行,请索特公司在相应时间内配合完成项目前期开发工作,于2006年1月 20日前办理好土地解押手续,并要求索特公司予以确认回复。索特公司未予回复。@#
2005年12月25日,新万基公司与重庆索特(集团)有限责任公司旅游公司(以下简称索特旅游公司)签订了《人员借用协议》。约定,为配合新万基公司与索特公司联合开发项目的进度,索特宾馆已正式停业,为妥善解决索特旅游公司职工在项目建设过渡期间的工作安置问题,索特旅游公司以借用形式向新万基公司输出职工 17人,新万基公司按照劳动法规定支付借用人员的报酬、社会保险和福利待遇。2006年3月10日,新万基公司分别向王幼敏、洪江等17名职工支付了18 980元工资。@#
2005年12月29日,新万基公司向重庆市万州区房地产管理局缴纳了2万元“房交会参展费”。2006年4月25日,新万基公司向成都康美凯信广告有限责任公司支付了“2006年万州房交会展台设计装修搭建费”40 340.5元。@#
索特公司2007年12月20日向重庆市高级人民法院起诉称:其与新万基公司签订《联合开发协议》和《补充协议》后,新万基公司并未按照合同约定履行相应义务,致使联建工作无法进行,联合开发的目的无法实现。据此,请求法院判决:1.解除双方签订的《联合开发协议》及《补充协议》;2.新万基公司向索特公司支付违约金 1000万元;3.新万基公司承担本案诉讼费用。@#
一审法院认为,(一)双方当事人之间法律关系的性质。根据最高人民法院《关于审理涉及国有土地使用权合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第十四条的规定,合作开发房地产合同以共同投资、共享利润、共担风险为构成要件。本案中,对于双方在金三峡花园项目开发中的利益分配与风险承担,《联合开发协议》并未作出明确约定,而是由《补充协议》进行了规定。从《补充协议》第4条、第5条确定的权利义务来看,在项目开发中,索特公司的主要义务是提供土地,并对新万基公司的开发行为予以配合,取得的利益则包括获得10 360万元 (37万元/亩×280亩)的价款,以及价值 3100万元的办公大楼改造,索特公司并不承担项目的经营风险。因此,双方当事人之间法律关系不具备共担风险这一要件,在法律性质上不属于合作开发房地产合同。从该权利义务的具体内容来看,索特公司在提供该宗地的使用权之后,获得固定金额的对价,其实质是土地使用权转让,即索特公司是土地转让人,新万基公司是受让人。@#

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