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Dai Xuefei v Huaxin Co., Ltd. (Case on Dispute over Earnest Money for Subscription Agreement on Commercial Houses)

Dai Xuefei v Huaxin Co., Ltd. (Case on Dispute over Earnest Money for Subscription Agreement on Commercial Houses)
(Case on Dispute over Earnest Money for Subscription Agreement on Commercial Houses)

Dai Xuefei v Huaxin Co., Ltd.
(Case on Dispute over Earnest Money for Subscription Agreement on Commercial Houses)@#



Plaintiff: Dai Xuefei, female, 34 years old, a Hong Kong resident, dwelling in Gubei New District, Shanghai@#
Defendant: Huaxin International Urban Development Co., Ltd., Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangshu Province, domiciled in Urban Garden, Suzhou Industrial Park@#
Legal Representative: Xi Zhenggang, director of the board of directors of the Company@#
Dai Xuefei had a dispute over earnest money for subscription agreement on Commercial Houses with Huaxin International Urban Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huaxin Co., Ltd.), Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangshu Province and filed an action with the People's Court of Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangshu Province.@#
Dai alleged that: On April 18, 2004, she concluded an agreement with Huaxin Co., Ltd., stipulating that she shall pay 50, 000 yuan of earnest money to subscribe to an apartment as developed by the defendant. If the plaintiff fails to conclude a formal contract on the advance sale of commercial houses within the time limit as notified by the defendant, the 50, 000 yuan of earnest money shall not be refunded. If the defendant sells the apartment within the time limit to someone else, it shall repay at double amount of the earnest money. The plaintiff, upon receiving a notice on contract conclusion from the defendant, went to the defendant on April 25 and negotiated with it about concluding a contract after her husband comes back from Hong Kong. On May 7 when the plaintiff went to the defendant to conclude a contract, she had a demurral over the clause of the standard form contract as produced by the defendant that the sample apartment is just for reference and reached no consent with the defendant, so she rendered her opinions in written form “I cannot make a clear reply and believe that another appointment shall be made for contract conclusion.” in the hope that she can continue the negotiation with the defendant and the work staff of the latter agreed to this suggestion. However, the defendant notified Dai that her earnest money would be confiscated and the apartment would be sold to someone else. The plaintiff pleaded the court to adjudicate that the defendant shall repay at double amount of the earnest money and bear the cost of action.@#


2004年4月18日,原告戴雪飞以戴雪飞及其夫丘荣的名义作为乙方,与作为甲方的被告华新公司签订《都市花园·天域住宅订购协议(红表)》(以下简称订购协议)一份,约定:乙方向甲方交付定金5万元,订购甲方的苏州工业园区星汉街189号都市花园·天域2幢203室住宅一套,面积约为248.26平方米,销售单价7720元/平方米;乙方若在甲方通知的签约日前选择放弃已取得的物业购买权,或者到期不签约,5万元定金不退还;甲方若在签约日前将该房屋转售他人,应当向乙方双倍返还定金。当日华新公司开具收据,言明收到戴雪飞、丘荣定金5万元,并通知戴雪飞于 4月25日至华新公司处签订正式商品房预售合同。5月7日,戴雪飞向华新公司提交一份书面意见,内容是:“本人于2004年 5月7日与华新公司签约时,要求所购房屋的装修标准与样板房一致,删除合同附件二中‘样板房仅供参考,华新公司保留最终解释权'字样,华新公司不能给予明确答复,需另择日签约。”华新公司销售部副经理廖庆在该书面意见上注明:“该客户意见已收到。”5月9日,华新公司通知戴雪飞,因其未按约于4月25日到华新公司签订商品房预售合同,已违反订购协议之约定,特将原协议项下的定金没收。双方为此发生纠纷后协商未果,戴雪飞提起诉讼。@#
苏州工业园区人民法院认为:《中华人民共和国担保法》第八十九条规定:“当事人可以约定一方向对方给付定金作为债权的担保。债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。给付定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,无权要求返还定金;收受定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,应当双倍返还定金。”订购协议是双方当事人的真实意思表示,合法有效,对双方当事人产生拘束力。按照订购协议约定,双方当事人承诺在将来签订商品房预售合同,5万元定金是履行这一承诺的担保。原告戴雪飞应当在被告华新公司通知的2004年4月25日到华新公司处协商签订商品房预售合同。在华新公司否认戴雪飞当日有订约行为,指陈戴雪飞违约的情况下,戴雪飞不能证明其已于当日实践了签订合同的承诺。戴雪飞以证人胡永明的证言主张其已与华新公司商定将订约日期推迟至5月7日。胡永明是戴雪飞的姻亲,其证言缺乏强有力的证明力。戴雪飞不能以其他证据印证胡永明证言的真实性,该证言不能采信,故戴雪飞关于订约日期推迟的主张不能成立。根据订购协议的约定,戴雪飞既然在4月25日未能与华新公司协商订约,应当承担违约的民事责任,即无权要求返还其交付的定金,当然更不得要求双倍返还定金。据此,苏州工业园区人民法院于2004年9月 10日判决:@#

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