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Jiqing Co., Ltd. & Hua Ding Co., Ltd. v Business Department of Tibet Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China (Case on Dispute over Contract on Mortgage Loans)

Jiqing Co., Ltd. & Hua Ding Co., Ltd. v Business Department of Tibet Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China (Case on Dispute over Contract on Mortgage Loans)
(Case on Dispute over Contract on Mortgage Loans)

Jiqing Co., Ltd. & Hua Ding Co., Ltd. v Business Department of Tibet Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China
(Case on Dispute over Contract on Mortgage Loans)@#
Civil Judgment No. 186 (2005) of the No. 2 Civil Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court@#
Appellant (Defendant of the original instance): Tibet Jiqing Industrial Development Co., Ltd., domiciled at No. 14, Zagig, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region@#
Legal Representative: Wang Weimin, chairman of the board of directors@#
Authorized Agent: Chang Xiaorun, lawyer of Tianmu Law Firm, Beijing Municipality@#
Appellee (Plaintiff of the original instance): Business Department of Tibet Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, domiciled on No. 103, East Linkhor Road, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region@#
Principal: Tashi Phuntshogs, general manager of the Business Department@#
Authorized Agent: Pema, lawyer of Tibet Xueyu Law Firm@#
Authorized Agent: Li Jianzhong, lawyer of Tibet Xueyu Law Firm@#
Defendant of the original instance: Chongqing Huading Modern Agricultural Landscape Development Co., Ltd., domiciled in Dazhong Village, Yudong Town, Banan District, Chongqing City@#
Legal Representative: Huang Xiuqin, general manager of the Company@#
Authorized Agent: Gao He Yong, financial manager of the Company@#
Tibet Jiqing Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jiqing) was dissatisfied with the Civil Judgment No. 01 (2005) of the Higher People's Court of Tibet Autonomous Region on a case involving dispute over mortgage loan with the Business Department of Tibet Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as the Business Department) and Chongqing Huading Modern Agricultural Landscape Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huading) and filed an appeal with this Court. This Court formed a collegiate bench according to law, comprised of Wu Baoqing as presiding justice, Gong Bangyou and Liu Min as acting justices, to hear it, wherein Zhao Huijun worked as the clerk. This case has now been concluded.@#
It was found by the court of the original instance that, on August 6, 2001, the Business Department concluded a Loan Contract and a Mortgage Contract with Jiqing and Huading, respectively. It is stipulated in the Loan Contact that the Business Department shall grant to Jiqing a loan of 20 million yuan for a term of 2 years at an annual interest rate of 5.94%, and the interest of which shall be settled on a quarterly basis. Where the Business Department, in the case of Jiqing's breach of contract, chooses to realize its creditor's right by litigation, Jiqing shall bear the attorney's fee, travel expenses and other expenses that the Business Department have paid for the realization of its creditor's right. It is stipulated in the Mortgage Contract that Huading shall provide a mortgage for the 20 million yuan of loan by the land use right of “Zhongba Demonstration District of Modern Agriculture” in Yudong Town, Banan District, Chongqing Municipality. On August 6, 2003, the Business Department, Jiqing and Huading concluded an Agreement on the Extension of Term for Loan to secure a 1-year extension of the loaning term, namely, from August 6, 2003 to August 6, 2004.@#


上诉人西藏吉庆实业开发有限公司 (以下简称吉庆公司)为与被上诉人中国农业银行西藏自治区分行营业部(以下简称农行西藏分行营业部)、原审被告重庆市华鼎现代农业景观园开发有限责任公司(以下简称华鼎公司)抵押借款合同纠纷一案,不服西藏自治区高级人民法院(2005)藏民二初字第01号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成由审判员吴庆宝担任审判长,代理审判员宫邦友、刘敏参加的合议庭进行了审理,书记员赵穗军担任记录。本案现已审理终结。@#
原审法院查明,2001年8月6日,农行西藏分行营业部与吉庆公司和华鼎公司分别签订了《借款合同》和《抵押合同》。《借款合同》约定,农行西藏分行营业部向吉庆公司发放贷款2000万元,借款期限为二年,年利率为5.94%,按季结息;因吉庆公司违约致使农行西藏分行营业部采取诉讼方式实现债权的,吉庆公司应当承担农行西藏分行营业部为此支付的律师费、差旅费及其他实现债权的费用。《抵押合同》约定,华鼎公司以位于重庆市巴南区鱼洞镇中坝“现代农业示范区”土地使用权为该 2000万元贷款提供担保。2003年8月6日,农行西藏分行营业部与吉庆公司和华鼎公司签订《借款展期协议》,协议约定将借款展期一年,即2003年8月6日至 2004年8月6日。@#
2003年12月22日,农行西藏分行营业部与吉庆公司和华鼎公司再次分别签订了《借款合同》和《抵押合同》。《借款合同》约定,农行西藏分行营业部向吉庆公司贷款2700万元,借款期限为一年,年利率为 3.33%,按季结息;因吉庆公司违约致使农行西藏分行营业部采取诉讼方式实现债权的,吉庆公司应当承担农行西藏分行营业部为此支付的律师费、差旅费及其他实现债权的费用。《抵押合同》约定,华鼎公司以位于重庆市巴南区鱼洞镇中坝“现代农业示范区”土地使用权为该2700万元贷款提供担保。@#
另查明,西藏自治区物价局、西藏自治区司法厅于2002年12月30日联合下发了《西藏自治区律师服务收费标准(试行)》,该标准对涉及财产关系的律师收费确定了标准,即:一千万元至五千万元在 2%~2.5%之间取费。@#
农行西藏分行营业部于2005年3月 1日向该院申请财产保全,该院于2005年 3月8日作出(2005)藏法民二初字第1号民事裁定,对被申请人吉庆公司位于四川省成都市火车南站街道办事处棕树村8组的川国用(2000)字第00058号《国有土地使用证》项下14 266.05平方米的土地予以查封。@#
该案一审审理期间,吉庆公司分别于 2005年5月24日、2005年6月3日归还了贷款本金500万元及利息200万元。@#
原审法院审理认为:农行西藏分行营业部与吉庆公司、华鼎公司分别签订的《借款合同》、《抵押合同》系双方平等协商一致的意思表示,依法成立,合法有效。农行西藏分行营业部请求依法判令吉庆公司偿还 49 309 369.91元及华鼎公司承担担保责任的主张,符合法律规定,吉庆公司和华鼎公司亦承认该债务额,该院予以支持。对被告认为原告的律师费未实际支付的抗辩,该院认为,律师费在《借款合同》中已明确进行了约定,是双方真实意思表示,由于吉庆公司的违约行为,农行西藏分行营业部在委托律师通过诉讼实现其权利过程中,律师费是必然发生的,因此,对两被告的抗辩该院不予支持。根据西藏物价部门对律师收费幅度的规定,结合该案案件标的和律师实际承担的工作量,该院认为律师代理费按本金4700万元的2%下限取费较合适。依据《中华人民共和国合同法》第八条、第一百一十一条第一款、第二百零五条、第二百零六条、第二百零七条,《中华人民共和国担保法》第五十七条之规定,判决:一、吉庆公司应向农行西藏分行营业部偿还贷款本金4700万元及利息2 309 369.94元,扣除审理中已支付的700万元(本金500万元、利息200万元),吉庆公司仍需支付农行西藏分行营业部本金4200万元、利息309 369.94元,本金利息合计 42 309 369.94元; 自2005年4月26日起,吉庆公司还应向农行西藏分行营业部按日万分之二点一支付逾期付款违约金,直至还清所有本息为止。二、吉庆公司应承担农行西藏分行营业部诉讼的律师代理费 94万元,但农行西藏分行营业部应向吉庆公司提供付款凭证;三、该案案件受理费、财产保全费合计489 281元,由吉庆公司承担;四、华鼎公司对上述一、二、三项债务及费用应以抵押土地使用权承担连带清偿责任;五、华鼎公司在实际承担连带责任后,有权向吉庆公司追偿。@#

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