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Shanghai International Trust & Investment Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Comprehensive Information Exchange and Shanghai Sanhe Real Estate Company (case of disputes over authorized loan contracts)

Shanghai International Trust & Investment Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Comprehensive Information Exchange and Shanghai Sanhe Real Estate Company (case of disputes over authorized loan contracts)
(case of disputes over authorized loan contracts)

Shanghai International Trust & Investment Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Comprehensive Information Exchange and Shanghai Sanhe Real Estate Company
(Case of Disputes over Authorized Loan Contracts)@#
[Abstract Summary] @#
Under Article 39 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of the Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China: where the parties to the principal contract agree on repaying the old loan with a new loan, unless the guarantor knew or should have known, the guarantor shall not be liable. Where the new loan and the old loan are guaranteed by the same guarantor, the above stipulation is not applicable.  Hereby, where the parties to a loan contract entered into several loan contracts based on the consensus of repaying the old loan with the new loan, and the same guarantor stamped on these loan contracts and agreed to guarantee the loan under the circumstance that the guarantor knew or should have known, the guarantor shall assume a guarantor's liability. If the guarantor negates the nature of the contract as repaying the old loan with the new loan, and further refuses to assume the liability to guarantee on the ground that there is no nominal or interior relationship between the above contracts, the people's court shall not uphold. @#
Supreme People's Court@#
Civil Judgment@#
No. 8 [2005] of the Retrial Instance of the Second Division@#
Applicant for the post-final retrial (plaintiff in the first instance, appellee in the second instance): Shanghai Sanhe Real Estate Company Domicile: No. 358, Yan'an West Road, Shanghai@#
Legal representative: Gu Jianguo, Chairman of the board of directors of the Company@#
Attorney: Gao Yuying, lawyer of Beijing Century Law Firm, Shanghai Branch@#
Authorized agent: Liu Hui, general manager of the Company@#
Respondent in retrial (defendant in the first instance, appellee in the second instance): Shanghai International Trust & Investment Co., Ltd. Domicile: No. 111, Jiujiang Road, Shanghai@#
Legal representative: Zhou Youdao, chairman of the board of directors of the Company@#
Attorney: Fang Xiaomei, lawyer from Kangda Law Firm@#
Attorney: Chen Zhiwei, lawyer from Shanghai Branch of Kangda Law Firm@#
Respondent in retrial (defendant in the first instance, appellee in the second instance): Shanghai Comprehensive Information Exchange Address: Room 806, No. 137 Jiujiang Road, Shanghai@#
Legal representative: Song Xinhua, manager of the Exchange@#
Authorized agent: Song Rongsheng, director of the General Office of the Exchange@#
Shanghai Sanhe Real Estate Company (hereinafter referred to as Sanhe Company) applied to this Court for retrial because it refused to accept the Final Civil Judgment No.19 [2001] of the Economic Tribunal of Shanghai Higher People's Court on the disputes between it and Shanghai International Trust & Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai International) and Shanghai Comprehensive Information Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Exchange) over authorized loan contracts. This Court heard the case publicly according to law, Gao Yuying and Liu Hui, the attorney and authorized agent of Sanhe Company, Fang Xiaomei and Chen Zhiwei, the attorneys of Shanghai International, and Song Rongsheng, the authorized agent of the Exchange appeared in the courtroom and participated in the court proceedings. Now the trial of this case has already been concluded.@#


上海三和房地产公司(以下简称三和公司)为与上海国际信托投资公司(以下简称上国投)、上海市综合信息交易所(以下简称交易所)委托贷款合同纠纷一案,不服上海市高级人民法院(2001)沪高经再终字第 19号民事判决,向本院申请再审。本院于 2005年6月23日以(2002)民二监字第 110-1号民事裁定决定对本案提审。本院依法公开开庭审理了本案,三和公司委托代理人高煜英、柳晖,上国投委托代理人方晓梅、陈志伟,交易所委托代理人宋荣生到庭参加诉讼,本案现已审理终结。@#
上海市第二中级人民法院一审查明: 1996年1月10日至1998年4月6日期间,上国投与交易所共签订5份委托贷款合同,5份贷款合同按时间排列编号分别为 922660、922790、922804、922805、300263,借款金额均为人民币2000万元,月利率分别为7.89‰、6.9‰和6.435‰。借款用途为用于物资购销保证金或流动资金周转,保证人均为三和公司。上国投按约向交易所发放了贷款。案外委托人上海市上投投资管理公司仅在后两份委托贷款合同上加盖了公章。该5份委托贷款合同之间均系借新还旧。最后一份300263号合同项下贷款期限届满后,交易所除偿还借款本金227.8万元及逾期贷款利息人民币60万元,尚欠本金人民币1772.2万元、期内利息人民币 789 454.95元及相应的逾期利息。上国投请求一审法院判令交易所偿还贷款本息,三和公司对交易所的还款义务承担连带清偿责任。@#
上海市第二中级人民法院一审审理认为:交易所应承担偿还借款本息的责任。上国投与交易所和三和公司签订的编号分别为922660、922790、922804、922805的委托贷款合同均系当事人的真实意思表示,合法有效。鉴于该4份合同均已履行完毕,故不再予以处理。上国投与交易所和三和公司签订编号为300263的委托贷款合同合法有效,各方均应恪守。上国投已按约履行放贷义务,交易所除偿还部分借款本金及逾期贷款利息外,其余借款本息至今未还,显属违约。交易所理应承担偿还系争合同项下尚欠借款本金、期内利息及相应的逾期贷款利息的责任,三和公司应承担连带保证责任。三和公司辩称其对系争合同项下贷款用于偿还旧贷并不明知,故不应承担该笔贷款保证责任。因本案系争合同以及与之相关联的另4份委托贷款合同的保证人均为三和公司,三和公司的保证责任并未因为不明知借新还旧事宜而扩大,故三和公司的保证责任不能免除;三和公司辩称5份委托贷款合同的性质及贷款用途均有所不同,且合同中未注明以贷还贷,无法证明该5份合同的关联性。从5份合同签订主体、借款金额等内容可以看出,5份合同之间系借新还旧关系有其事实依据,故对三和公司上述辩称不予采信;三和公司主张上国投与交易所之间恶意串通,骗取三和公司提供保证,以达到转嫁风险的目的的辩称理由仅为单方面的推断,缺少必要的事实依据,亦不予认定,判决:一、交易所应于本判决生效之日起十日内向上国投偿还借款本金人民币17 722 000元,期内利息人民币789 454.95元及逾期贷款利息人民币1 626 712.54元;二、交易所应于本判决生效之日起十日内向上国投偿还自 1999年11月20日至判决生效之日止的逾期贷款利息;三、三和公司对交易所上述第一、二项还款义务承担连带清偿责任。案件受理费112 919元,由交易所、三和公司共同负担。@#
上海市高级人民法院二审查明:系争的300263号合同为1998年4月6日签订,贷款额为人民币2000万元,上国投在当天放款的同时又全部内扣,以作为还贷 1997年10月10日签订的922805号贷款合同,而922805号贷款合同和相关联的 1996年12月31日签订的922804号贷款合同、1996年7月10日签订的922790号贷款合同均无放款记录和内扣记录。三和公司为上国投和交易所最早提供担保的为 1996年1月10日的922660号贷款合同,上国投在1996年1月11日放款给交易所人民币2000万元的当天即内扣回本金人民币1000万元,而在1996年1月10日至 11日两天内,上国投共放贷给交易所人民币3200万元(包括另案系争的人民币 1200万元),而内扣回本金即达人民币 3000万元。@#
该院又查,交易所在1996年11月28日同江苏省锡山市鸿声镇工业总公司(以下简称鸿声公司)签订过一份协议书,协议书上载明从1994年3月1日至1996年6月10日,交易所共借给鸿声公司人民币 3040万元,至1995年12月尚欠人民币 2500万元。庭审中交易所陈述上述钱款系向上国投所借。一审判决后,交易所于 2000年10月30日发函给鸿声公司,内容为:“你总公司欠我公司的欠款,现根据上海国际信托投资公司于1999年11月10日向上海市第二中级人民法院提起诉讼,现已于2000年10月25日结案,并判决, 94年以来至今我们本着帮助你镇的建设发展,先后应你们的要求向你们支付本金 27 497 261.15元、欠息7 019 685.48元两项合计:34 516 946.63元(不包括2000年的利息款)。我们要求你总公司应积极配合我们及时归还借款。”还查明,在1996年1月10日前上国投借给交易所的所有钱款担保人均不是三和公司,而是案外人上海市物资协作开发公司和中国外汇交易中心,在交易所转借给鸿声公司的钱款中,有 1915万元是上国投直接汇给鸿声公司的。@#

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