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Huayu Fiber Factory of Qixian County v. The People's Government of Qixian County (case of administrative compensation)
  • Type of Dispute: State Compensation
  • Legal document: Judgment
  • Judgment date: 09-20-2010
  • Procedural status: State Compensation

Huayu Fiber Factory of Qixian County v. The People’s Government of Qixian County (case of administrative compensation)
(case of administrative compensation)

Huayu Fiber Factory of Qixian County v. The People's Government of Qixian County
(A case of administrative compensation)



[Judgment Summary] [裁判摘要]
In accordance with Article 2.1 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on State Compensation before revision, “where state organs or state functionaries, in violation of the law, abuse their functions and powers to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, causing damage to them, the victims shall have the right to State compensation in accordance with this Law.” This Article prescribes three necessary elements of the state compensation liability: (1) The state organs or state functionaries, in violation of the law, abuse their functions and powers; (2) The legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations are infringed upon; and (3) There is causality between the abuse of powers and functions by the state organs or state functionaries and the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations. The citizens, legal persons, and other organizations shall be given the state compensation on the condition that their legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon. If the rights and interests of the citizens, legal persons, and other organizations infringed upon are not legitimate, though the specific administrative act is illegal, the state shall not be liable for compensation. When this Article was revised in the new Law of the People's Republic of China on State Compensation, the principle that illegitimate rights and interests do not fall into the scope of state compensation was sustained. 修订前的《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》第二条第一款规定:“国家机关和国家机关工作人员违法行使职权侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,受害人有依照本法取得国家赔偿的权利。”该条规定了国家赔偿责任的构成要件:一是国家机关和国家机关工作人员违法行使职权;二是公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益受到侵害;三是国家机关和国家机关工作人员违法行使职权与公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益受到损害存在因果关系。获得国家赔偿的前提是合法权益受到侵害,如果公民法人或其他组织受到的损害是不法利益,即使是具体行政行为违法,国家也不承担赔偿责任、新修订的国家赔偿法在修改本条时仍然坚持了违法利益不属于国家赔偿范围的原则。
Plaintiff: Huayu Fiber Factory of Qixian County, domiciled at Xiaoyi Village, Dongguan Town, Qixian County, Shanxi Province. 原告:祁县华誉纤维厂。
Legal Representative: Chen Yuhua, Director of this Factory. 法定代表人:陈玉花,该厂厂长。
Defendant: The People's Government of Qixian County, domiciled at Qixian County, Shanxi Province. 被告:祁县人民政府。
Legal Representative: Li Dingfu, Head of this County. 法定代表人:李丁夫,该县县长。
The plaintiff, Huayu Fiber Factory of Qixian County (hereinafter referred to as “Huayu Factory”) filed an action on administrative compensation before the People's Court of Qixian County, Shanxi Province against the Decision on Not to Make Compensation (No. 1 [2009] of the People's Government of Qixian County) issued by the defendant, the People's Government of Qixian County on April 23, 2009. 原告祁县华誉纤维厂因不服被告祁县人民政府于2009年4月23日作出的祁行赔决字(2009)1号不予赔偿决定书,向山西省祁县人民法院提起行政赔偿诉讼。
As alleged by Huayu Factory, it was a private enterprise founded with the approval of the Document (No. 90 [2003] of the Bureau of Development and Planning of Qixian County) issued by the Bureau of Development and Planning of Qixian County, with Chen Yuhua as its legal representative. According to the document issued by the Bureau of Development and Planning, the plaintiff was registered in the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Qixian County. It commissioned experts from Taiyuan Chemical Design Institute for the design of the factory, purchased totally-enclosed efficient and energy-saving gasification reactors that were recommended by the state and other auxiliary equipment, and commenced production in February 2004. Since then, Huayu Factory has applied for registration and paid the pollution discharge fee annually as required by the Bureau of Environmental Protection of Qixian County. To complete the environmental protection procedures, on October 8, 2004, Huayu Factory applied to the Bureau of Environmental Protection of Qixian County for going through such procedures. After receiving the application, the Bureau of Environmental Protection of Qixian County charged Huayu Factory 3,000 yuan as the environmental monitoring fee. However, it did not go through procedures and carry out the monitoring. On May 25, 2007, the People's Government of Qixian County issued the Document (No. 20 [2007] of the People's Government of Qixian County), stating that: Huayu Factory did not comply with the national industrial policies, and there was no hope of rectification due to its serious pollution, and decided to eliminate Huayu Factory. And it ordered it to close down on May 27, 2007. On June 8 of the same year, a special task leadership team of Qixian County took such closedown measures as power and water outage and ordered to revoke its production permit, business certificate, and tax registration certificate. As a result, Huayu Factory was forced to stop its production and operation. Huayu Factory filed an administrative lawsuit before the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhong City against the act of the People's Government of Qixian County. According to the judgment rendered by the Court, the People's Government of Qixian County's order to close down Huayu Factory was an illegal administrative act. The People's Government of Qixian County appealed to the Higher People's Court of Shanxi Province against this judgment. During trial, the People's Government of Qixian County applied for withdrawal of the lawsuit. On March 7, 2009, the Higher People's Court of Shanxi Province issued the Administrative Ruling (No. 3) and approved the People's Court of Qixian County's withdrawal of the lawsuit. The Administrative Judgment issued by the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhong City took effect. Losses of Huayu Factory incurred by the illegal act of the People's Government of Qixian County included the loss incurred by discarding of machinery equipment, interest loss, wage loss, loss of finished and semi-finished products, and raw materials, and expected interest loss, with a total of 10,934,391 yuan. In conclusion, the illegal administrative act of the People's Government of Qixian County caused great economic losses to Huayu Factory. So, Huayu Factory filed an action on administrative compensation and requested the people's court to order the People's Government of Qixian County to compensate for the aforesaid losses. During the trial, Huayu Factory pleaded that the aforesaid losses were valued at 7,967,251.13 yuan as identified by Shanxi Taiyuan Judicial Identification Center and changed the claim to this amount in court. 原告祁县华誉纤维厂诉称:原告是经祁县发展计划局以祁计字(2003)第90号文件批准成立的,企业法人代表为陈玉花,企业性质为私营企业。根据计委批文,原告在祁县工商局登记注册,并委托太原化工设计院的有关专家进行了设计,购买了国家推荐的全封闭高效节能气化反应炉及附属设备,并于2004年2月投产,原告投产后每年都按祁县环保局要求申报登记向其交纳排污费。为了完善环保手续,原告于 2004年10月8日向祁县环保局提出申请,请求办理环保手续。祁县环保局收到申请后向原告收取了三千元环境监测费,但一直未履行办理环保手续和监测义务。 2007年5月25日,被告祁县人民政府以祁政发(2007)20号文件,以不符合国家产业政策,污染严重,治理无望为由,决定淘汰我企业,又于2007年5月27日下令关闭祁县华誉纤维厂。同年6月8日,祁县专项领导组对原告的企业采取了断电、断水查封措施,并责令吊销许可证、营业证、税务证等相关手续,从而使得原告被迫停止生产经营活动。原告对祁县人民政府的行为不服,向晋中市中级人民法院提起行政诉讼,晋中市中级人民法院判决祁县人民政府关闭原告企业的行为是违法行政行为,祁县人民政府不服向山西省高级人民法院提起上诉,在审理过程中,祁县人民政府申请撤诉,山西省高级人民法院于2009年3月7日下发了第3号行政裁定书,准予祁县人民政府撤诉,晋中市中级人民法院行政判决书生效。祁县人民政府违法行政行为给原告造成的损失主要有:机器设备全部报废损失、利息损失、工资损失、成品、半成品、原材料损失、预期利润损失等共计10 934 391元。综上由于祁县人民政府的违法行政行为,给原告造成巨大经济损失,故原告特提出行政赔偿,请求人民法院责令被告赔偿其上述损失。庭审中,原告称其对上述损失经山西泰元司法鉴定所鉴定为7 967 251.13元,当庭变更诉讼请求为该数额。
...... 原告祁县华誉纤维厂提交以下证据:
 1.晋中市中级人民法院(2008)晋中中法行初字第8号行政判决书;2.被告祁县人民政府撤诉申请;3.山西省高级人民法院(2009)晋行终字第3号行政裁定书;证据1-3用以证明祁县人民政府行政行为违法。4.祁县人民政府祁行赔决字(2009)1号不予行政赔偿决定书,用以证明原告祁县华誉纤维厂已经先向行政赔偿义务机关提出行政赔偿请求。5.借款公证书及借款证明材料8份;6.担保借款契约4份;7.各项损失明细表;8.购买设备证明材料14份;9.增值税申报表7份;10.工人工资表;11.库存产品账目8页;12.山西增值税专用发票、土地使用税完税证、注销税务登记审批表;13.入库单6份;14.购买设备证明及收据;15.购销合同及购货证明; 16.安全评价技术服务合同1份;证据5- 16用以证明祁县华誉纤维厂所遭受的损失。17.祁县环境保护局证明材料;18.祁县工商局证明材料;19.祁县国土资源局证明材料;20.祁县安监局证明材料;21.祁县工商局段祥标、畅绍明证明材料;22.企业营业执照;23.中共祁县县委、祁县人民政府祁党发(1996)第18号文件;24.祁县人民政府祁政发(2005)64号、(2007)20号文件;证据17-24用以证明祁县华誉纤维厂系合法企业。25.祁县锻压厂车队、祁县华誉纤维厂工人许连娃等人拆除反应炉等设备的证明材料;26.文水东旧诚信钢模板厂的证明材料;27.祁县华誉纤维厂照片; 28.山东东营市永先商贸有限公司、天津市东丽区大鹏工贸有限公司销售硫磺开具发票的证明材料;29.汾阳常玉栋的证明材料;30.相关法律依据等;证据25-30用以证明原告所遭受的损失。
 4.山西泰元司法鉴定所对原告祁县华誉纤维厂损失所作的司法会计鉴定意见 (包括补充意见);

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