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Beijing New China International Industry & Commerce Economic Development Co., Ltd., Hainan China International Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd. v. China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (Case of Dispute over the Rights and Interests of Real Estate Project)

Beijing New China International Industry & Commerce Economic Development Co., Ltd., Hainan China International Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd. v. China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (Case of Dispute over the Rights and Interests of Real Estate Project)
(Case of Dispute over the Rights and Interests of Real Estate Project)

Beijing New China International Industry & Commerce Economic Development Co., Ltd., Hainan China International Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd. v. China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
(Case of Dispute over the Rights and Interests of Real Estate Project)@#
Civil Ruling of the Supreme People's Court@#
Final Judgment No. 107 [2004] of the First Civil Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court@#
Appellant (defendant of the original instance): Beijing New China International Industry & Commerce Economic Development Co., Ltd., located at the east section of the south building of Yuexiu Hotel, No.24 East Street of Xuanwumen, Xuwu District, Beijing.@#
Legal Representative: Wang Tianyi, president of the company.@#
Authorized Agent: Zhang Wei, legal advisor of the company.@#
Authorized Agent: Dang Jijun, lawyer from Beijing Dadu Law Firm.@#
Appellant (defendant of the original instance): Hainan China International Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd., located at the 11th Floor of Nan Yang Building, Binhai Road of Haikou City, Hainan Province.@#
Legal Representative: Wang Tianyi, president of the company.@#
Authorized Agent: Zhang Wei, legal advisor of the company.@#
Authorized Agent: Dang Jijun, lawyer from Beijing Dadu Law Firm.@#
Appellee (plaintiff of the original instance): China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd., located at 11th – 14th Floor of Guanhua Building, No. 118, Xizhimennei Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing.@#
Legal Representative: Wang Yin, president of the company.@#
Authorized Agent: Fu Zhaohui, lawyer from Beijing Alliance Law Firm.@#
Authorized Agent: Hu Aijun, Lawyer from Beijing Alliance Law Firm.@#
Over the case of dispute over the rights and interests of a real estate project between Beijing New China International Industry & Commerce Economic Development Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as New CIIC), Hainan China International Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as Hainan CIIC) and China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as China Resources Land), the Higher People's Court of Beijing made the civil judgment No.715 [2003] on August 6th, 2004. New CIIC and Hainan CIIC was dissatisfied with the judgment and appealed to this court, which formed a collegial panel according to law and heard this case on March 1st, 4th, 2005. The authorized agents of New CIIC and Hainan CIIC, Zhang Wei and Dang Jijun, and the authorized agents of China Resources Land, Fu Zhaohui and Hu Aijun, participated in the hearings. This case has been finalized.@#
Upon examination, on August 7th, 2003, China Resources Land brought a lawsuit to the court of the first instance and claimed that, on June 25th, 1992, Hainan CIIC Enterprise Co., Ltd.( predecessor of Hainan CIIC) and Huayuan Construction Development Company of Xicheng District, Beijing (predecessor of China Resources Land, hereinafter referred to as Huayuan Company) concluded an agreement on cooperative development of the real estate project of rebuilding the old and dangerous buildings at Fuwai Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing, in which it was stipulated that Huayuan Company shall be responsible for the supply of water, electricity and gas, the leveling of ground and all kinds of formalities involved in the engineering construction, and shall be entitled to 20% of the profits from premises sales; and that Hainan CIIC shall be responsible for the arrangement of capital, and shall be entitled to 80% of the profits. On September 19th of the same year, both parties signed a supplementary agreement, which further detailed the division of work between themselves, and agreed that the profits to be distributed to China Resources Land shall be increased to 25%. On February 8th, 1993, both parties signed a supplementary contract on the public engineering of rebuilding the old and dangerous buildings and agreed to replace the sharing of profits as agreed in the supplementary agreement with contracting for a fixed amount, namely, Hainan CIIC shall pay 50 million yuan and deliver the real estate of 5000 square meters. Huayuan Company produced a letter of authorization, through which it entrusted Hainan CIIC with full powers to develop the project. On October 20th, 1994, New CIIC promised to perform all the obligations under the above-mentioned agreements that shall be fulfilled by Hainan CIIC. On December 26th, 1995, Huayuan Company and New CIIC concluded a supplementary agreement on the distribution of dividends and profits, and agreed to replace the delivery of premises of 5000 square meters with the payment of cash. After paying the profits of 10 million yuan and the overdue payment of 2 million yuan on August 9th, 1996 and January 27th, 1997 respectively, New CIIC did not make any payment any more. Therefore, China Resources Land requested New CIIC to pay the project alienation fee of 90 million yuan and the fine for breach of contract of 45.79 million yuan (as to July 9th, 2003) and bear the legal cost of this case.@#


经审查,2003年8月7日,华润公司向一审法院起诉称,1992年6月25日,海南中实企业有限公司(海南中实公司前身)与北京市西城区华远建设开发公司(华润公司前身,以下简称华远公司)签订合作开发北京市西城区阜外大街危改区房地产项目协议约定,华远公司负责项目三通一平及工程建设的各种手续,分得房屋售后利润的20%,海南中实公司负责资金安排,分得利润的80%。同年9月19日,双方签订补充协议,进一步明确分工,约定华润公司利润扩大到25%。1993年2月8日,双方签订危改公建工程补充合同,约定将补充协议中的利润分成改为一次性包死,由海南中实公司支付5000万元并交付5000平方米的房产。华远公司出具委托书,全权委托海南中实公司开发项目。1994年10月 20日,新中实公司承诺代为履行上述协议项下应由海南中实公司履行的全部义务。 1995年12月26日,华远公司与新中实公司签订了双方分配股利和利润的补充协议,将原约定交付5000平方米房屋改为支付现金方式。新中实公司于1996年8月9日及1997年1月27日分别支付了1000万元利润和200万元逾期付款的利息后,未再付款。故要求新中实公司支付项目转让费9000万元、违约金4579万元(截止到 2003年7月9日止)并承担诉讼费用。@#
一审法院经审理查明:1992年5月,北京市西城区计划经济委员会、北京市西城区城市建设管理委员会对华远公司关于阜外大街危旧房改造可行性研究报告批复,同意华远公司对阜外大街破旧危房进行改造;总占地约8.3公顷、代征地6公顷、规划用地2.3公顷;小区危房改造按照北京市建设总体规划要求,以商业办公及相应配套设施建设为主,拆除危旧房面积 52042平方米,新建房屋面积15万平方米;总投资7.0838亿元,其中拆迁费3.3560亿元、建设费3.7278亿元,建设资金通过房改和房地产开发筹措,做到资金平衡并有节余;要求据此同有关部门进行拨地、拆迁、规划设计等前期准备工作。同年5月,华远公司取得了北京市城市规划管理局同意对北京市西城区阜外大街进行危房改造(建筑面积待定)的规划设计条件通知书。@#
1992年6月25日,华远公司与海南中实公司签订合作开发北京市西城区阜外大街危改项目协议书约定,合作开发危改区地上面积4.79万平方米,地下面积1万平方米,占地约2万平方米(含市政分摊部分);总投资3.0309亿元,单方造价5229元/平方米,其中三通一平以前的总投资 1.7558亿元,预计工程建设投资1.1591亿元,四源费、电贴等1160万元;预计全部外售后回收资金4.64亿元(单方售价8000元/平方米),总利润为1.6091亿元;华远公司负责办理项目三通一平前的所有手续及拆迁安置工作,如立项、拨地、拆迁等;负责工程建设期内的各种手续;协助海南中实公司组织设计、施工监理、组织竣工验收;提供前期的工作计划、拆迁进度、使用资金计划等,海南中实公司根据计划安排资金,及时支付各类款项,按房屋售后利润的 20%(扣除前期费用)一次性付给华远公司;海南中实公司得80%,其中包括协助海南中实公司组织资金和销售的香港大通有限公司应获的20%的利润;双方组成联合办公室,对外以华远公司名义开发组织资金,对内为华远公司的一个业务部等。同年 9月,华远公司取得了北京市城市规划管理局颁发的项目建设用地规划许可证,确认阜外大街危改项目用地面积约7.3公顷。@#
1992年9月19日,华远公司与海南中实公司签订补充协议约定,海南中实公司组织全部资金,双方按华远公司25%和海南中实公司75%利润分成;组成指挥部,华远公司负责立项、规划批文、报建、办理土地使用批文、开工证等手续和组织拆迁;海南中实公司负责资金、设计、施工、装修等;双方成立合资公司;本协议签订后,华远公司提供给海南中实公司红线图批文、土地证等全部正式、合法、有效批准文件复印件,待海南中实公司支付第一笔拆迁费 4000万元,华远公司用该款所购房屋合同或土地证进行抵押,待合资公司成立后,由海南中实公司转给合资公司,同时华远公司将全部批文正本提供给海南中实公司,以后转给合资公司;在搬迁费中扣除前期工作中的海南中实公司支付的1180万元前期费用;工程分:一期6万平方米定名为富豪公寓,二期为该公寓东侧,三期为该公寓西侧;本协议与1992年6月25日协议有抵触以补充协议为准;海南中实公司支付定金50万元等。同年12月,北京市城市规划管理局下发审定设计方案通知书,确定危改小区占地面积7.3公顷,其中规划用地4.17公顷,规划建筑性质为商业办公、写字楼。@#
1993年2月8日,华远公司与海南中实公司签订危改区公建工程补充合同,就合作开发事宜双方约定:合作开发项目总用地约8.3公顷,其中代征地约6公顷,规划用地2.3公顷左右,规划审定总面积为 20万平方米左右(含地下);该项目要求建成现代化地区级综合业务用房、大型公建配套、商住、公寓及市区干道,并配置7条大市政管线;合作方式:(一)资金投入,项目全部投资由海南中实公司负责筹措;(二)利润分成,双方将1992年9月19日签订的合作协议25%和75%分成修改为,华远公司分成利润一次性包死,在保证华远公司提供规划批准图上面积情况下,海南中实公司向华远公司支付5000万元及交付该项目中5000平方米商业及办公用房,其余利润统归海南中实公司所有;华远公司除提供项目已获批准规划方案及各种批件.办理手续外,委托海南中实公司全权开发项目及对外销售;海南中实公司负责项目规划审定方案批准后的全部工程前期工作、项目红线内拆迁安置和平地及项目的建设、商品房销售经营;华远公司在上述合作条件下,同意海南中实公司对该项目进行具体操作和实施;在一期工程开工后,销售部分的60%-80%海南中实公司向华远公司支付2500万元,二期工程竣工后再支付2500万元;一期工程竣工后交付5000平方米面积用房作为利润;土地使用权出让和土地使用费缴纳,在华远公司协助下由海南中实公司承担。双方1992年9月19日合作合同与本协议冲突部分,以本协议为准等。@#

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