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Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd. v. Changsha Xinhua Subbranch of China Everbright Bank, and Hunan Ping An Qinghua Technology Industry Co. Ltd., a Third Party, for Disputes over Right to Subrogation under Loan Contract (Disputes over Right to Subrogation under Loan Contract)

Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd. v. Changsha Xinhua Subbranch of China Everbright Bank, and Hunan Ping An Qinghua Technology Industry Co. Ltd., a Third Party, for Disputes over Right to Subrogation under Loan Contract (Disputes over Right to Subrogation under Loan Contract)
(Disputes over Right to Subrogation under Loan Contract)

Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd. v. Changsha Xinhua Subbranch of China Everbright Bank, and Hunan Ping An Qinghua Technology Industry Co. Ltd., a Third Party, for Disputes over Right to Subrogation under Loan Contract@#

[Judgment abstract]

1. In a contract signed by a client and a securities brokerage, it is agreed that the client transfer certain fund to the securities brokerage for the purpose of investment in securities market in a certain period of time, and the securities brokerage shall pay investment returns to the client periodically. This type of contract is of the nature of wealth management. @#
2.The client and the brokerage agreed that the securities brokerage will guarantee certain return on the client's investment and will make up the gap if any.  This type of agreement is a clause that guarantees a fixed return on principal and interest in an wealth management contract, i.e., a floor clause. Under Article 143 of the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China,a securities company may not make any promise in any way about the profits from securities trading by a client or promise to compensate any losses suffered from securities trading by a client. The floor clause had obviously violated the above prohibitive provision and shall be held invalid. The floor clause belongs to an objective clause or core clause of a wealth management contract,so the invalidity of the clause leads to the invalidity of the entire contract.@#

Civil Judgment of the Supreme People's Court@#
No.90 [2006], Civil Division II, Final@#
Appellant (Defendant): Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd., at 12/F., Zhongshan Guoji Building, 63 Huangxing Zhonglu, Changsha, Hunan Province@#
Legal representative: Chen Xuerong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company@#
Attorney: Yi Hao, staffer of this company@#
Attorney: Yang Yue, lawyer of Hunan Chenbang Law Firm@#
Appellee (Plaintiff): Changsha Xinhua Subbranch of China Everbright Bank, at 536 Furong Beilu, Changsha, Hunan Province@#
Person in charge: Wang Mingxiang, President of this subbranch@#
Attorney: Zhou Wei, staffer of this subbranch@#
Attorney: Xiao Jianxiong, lawyer of Hunan Tiandiren Law Firm@#
Third party in the original trial: Hunan Pin An Qinghua Technology Industry Co. Ltd., at 308 Licheng Road, Changsha, Hunan Province@#
Legal representative: Long Dahai, Chairman of Board of Directors of this company@#
Attorney: Hu Mengqiang, lawyer of Hunan Hualin Law Firm@#
Attorney: Tang Zhengyu, lawyer of Hunan Jiajing Law Firm@#
For the disputes over the right to subrogation under a loan contract against the appellee, Changsha Xinhua Subbranch of China Everbright Bank (“Xinhua Subbranch”), and the third party, Hunan Pin An Qinghua Technology Industry Co. Ltd. (“Qinghua Co.”), the appellant, Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd. (“Xiangcai Co.”) appealed the civil judgment No.14 [2005], Hunan HPC, Civil Division II, First Instance, of the Higher People's Court of Hunan Province to this court. This court has legally formed a collegial bench, on which sit presiding judge Jin Jianfeng, judge Cheng Bailing and deputy judge Yang Zhengyu, to hear this case, with clerk Yuan Hongxia as clerk. By now, the trial of this case has been concluded.@#


二、客户与证券经营机构在委托理财合同中约定,由证券经营机构保证客户的投资收益达到一定比例,不足部分由证券经营机构补足。此类约定属于委托理财合同中保证本息固定回报的条款,即保底条款。根据《中华人民共和国证券法》第一百四十三条的规定,证券商不得以任何方式对客户证券买卖收益或者赔偿证券买卖的损失作出承诺。上述保底条款因违反该规定而无效。因保底条款属于委托理财合同的目的条款或核心条款,故保底条款无效即导致委托理财合同整体无效。  @#
上诉人(原审被告):湘财证券有限责任公司。住所地:湖南省长沙市黄兴中路 63号中山国际大厦12楼。@#
原审第三人:湖南省平安轻化科技实业有限公司。住所地:湖南省长沙市丽臣路 308号。@#
上诉人湘财证券有限责任公司(以下简称湘财证券)为与被上诉人中国光大银行长沙新华支行(以下简称光大新华支行)及原审第三人湖南省平安轻化科技实业有限公司(以下简称平安轻化)借款合同代位权纠纷一案,不服湖南省高级人民法院 (2005)湘高法民二初字第14号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成由审判员金剑锋担任审判长,审判员陈百灵、代理审判员杨征宇参加的合议庭对本案进行了审理,书记员袁红霞担任记录。本案现已审理终结。@#
原审法院经审理查明:平安轻化为甲方、湘财证券为乙方、中国光大银行长沙分行(以下简称光大长沙分行)为丙方,于 2004年4月19日签订了《阳光理财保协议》,约定:鉴于甲方同意委托乙方以甲方名义进行受托投资管理业务,并签订了《受托投资管理合同》,乙方向丙方申请为该受托投资管理业务提供一定担保,保证甲方在《受托投资管理合同》期满后如期获得受托投资管理资产期末资产余额;丙方同意受理乙方该申请,经三方充分协商,就丙方为甲乙双方受托投资管理业务提供阳光理财保业务达成协议;丙方的担保金额为《受托投资管理合同》项下的受托资产的期末资产余额;担保责任期间为本协议生效日起至担保责任解除日止。@#
2004年4月21日,平安轻化为甲方与光大新华支行为乙方签订《借款合同》,约定:甲方向乙方借款8000万元人民币用于经营周转,借款期限自2004年4月21日至2004年10月21日,借款年利率为 4.536%;逾期按逾期天数以日万分之1.89计收利息,同时对逾期利息根据逾期天数按日万分之1.89计收复利。平安轻化以《阳光理财保协议》作为质物,为上述借款提供质押,并于2004年4月21日签订质押合同。@#
《借款合同》签订后,光大新华支行依约将贷款划到了平安轻化 087881120100302012300账户,2004年4月21日,平安轻化与光大新华支行签订《银行承兑协议》并从上述账号中开具了八张银行承兑汇票计8000万元,分别承兑给了一汽贸易总公司和一汽解放青岛汽车厂。@#
《借款合同》到期后,平安轻化只归还了合同期内利息1 542 240元,截止2004年10月21日,尚欠本金8000万元和合同期内利息312 480元、逾期利息3 659 040元、复利65 976.89元,共计本金8000万元,利息4037496.89元,总计84037496.89元。@#
2004年4月20日,平安轻化为委托人与湘财证券为受托人签订《受托投资管理合同》,约定:委托人将人民币1亿元交付受托人进行投资管理,管理期限自委托资产到达委托人开设的受托投资管理账户且委托人将该账户有效授权受托人管理之日起算12个月;在管理期限内以委托人名义开设证券账户和资金账户的方式开立受托投资管理账户;清算方式为现金结算;双方还对管理佣金和业绩奖励作了约定。同日,双方又签订了《补充协议》,约定:受托人保证受托投资管理资产安全与完整,使得受托投资管理资产的年投资收益率达到 7.8%,如年投资收益率低于7.8%,受托人负责补足。受托人同意分别于2004年7月 30日、2004年10月30日、2005年1月30日每次将195万元收益支付委托人,到期日将剩余收益和本金划给委托人。受托投资管理资产年投资收益率高于7.8%部分的收益,作为业绩奖励归受托人所有。同日,双方还签订了《授权委托书》,约定:平安轻化对其在湘财证券营业部开设的证券资金账户授予湘财证券进行独立操作和管理的权利,授权范围包括开户、销户、重置密码、账户冻结及解冻、下挂账户、上海指定交易及撤销上海指定交易、债券回购、回购指定交易及撤销回购指定交易、债券买卖、股票基金买卖及配售、资金存款、资金取款、转托管;期限自2004年4月20日至 2005年4月20日。以上合同、协议、委托书签订后,平安轻化分别于2004年4月20日、21日,分两次转账4000万元和6000万元,共计1亿元至湘财证券营业部账户。@#
湘财证券根据平安轻化的《划款通知书》,分别于2004年7月、2004年10月、 2005年1月、2005年4月支付给平安轻化投资收益共计780万元;2005年6月,湘财证券偿还了受托投资管理资金本金 2000万元。@#
另查明:湘财证券系独立的企业法人,其注册资本为251 470.05万元,经营范围有:证券的代理买卖,代理还本付息和分红派息、证券代保管、鉴证、代理登记开户、证券的自营买卖、证券的承销和上市推荐、证券投资咨询和财务顾问业务、资产管理、发起设立证券投资资金和基金管理公司等。@#

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