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The Ritz Hotel, Limited v. Shanghai Huangpu Ri-Star Spa Co., Ltd. (trademark infringement dispute)

The Ritz Hotel, Limited v. Shanghai Huangpu Ri-Star Spa Co., Ltd. (trademark infringement dispute)
(trademark infringement dispute)

The Ritz Hotel, Limited v. Shanghai Huangpu Ri-Star Spa Co., Ltd.
(trademark infringement dispute)@#
[Judgment Abstract]@#
Under Article 52 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic ofChina, the act of using a trademark which is identical with or similar to theregistered trademark on the same kind of commodities or similar commoditieswithout a license from the registrant of that trademark shall be held as aninfringement upon the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark. UnderArticle 4 of the Law, the provision of this Law relating to product trademarksshall be applicable to service trademarks. Whether the alleged infringing markwas similar to the legitimate registered trademark should be determined bycomparison of the two marks' pronunciation, shape, meaning, graphic compositionand color, a combination of words and device and other factors, considering thedistinctiveness and market popularity of the registered trademark. Acomprehensive judgment should be made on the main identifying factors such asthe entirety and main parts of the two marks to determine whether they werelikely to cause confusion to the relevant public. The term “similar services”refer to services which have the same service aim, content, form or object orwhich were generally believed by the relevant public to be specificallyconnected and therefore likely to cause confusion. Therefore, where a person,without the license from the registrant of that trademark, uses a similar mark ona service which is similar to the one provided by the registrant of thetrademark, which is easy to cause misrecognition or confusion among relevantpublic or make them believe that there is any specific connection between theproviders, the act constitutes an infringement upon the right to exclusive useof a registered trademark. @#

Plaintiff: The Ritz Hotel, Limited, at South Street, London W1K 1DF, England.@#
Authorized representative: Franz-Josef KLEIN, director of the company.@#
Defendant: Shanghai Huangpu Ri-Star Spa Co., Ltd., at Dianchi Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, the People's Republic of China.@#
Legal representative: Chen Xuhua, general manager of the company.@#
The Ritz Hotel, Limited (hereinafter referred to as “RITZ Limited”), the plaintiff, instituted an action in the No. 2 Intermediate People's Court of Shanghai for disputes over trademark infringement against Shanghai Huangpu Ri-Star Spa Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Huangpu RI-STAR”), the defendant.@#
The plaintiff RITZ Limited alleged that: The plaintiff was a world-famous hotel company. “RITZ” had been used by the plaintiff as its trade name and main trademark for nearly a hundred years. The trademark “RITZ” had more than 900 registrations worldwide, covering more than 100 countries and regions. In China, the plaintiff had its trademark “RITZ” registered on hotel, catering, beauty salon and other services in categories 43 and 44, with registration numbers 3098934 and 3098933 respectively. The defendant, Huangpu RI-STAR, was a company mainly engaged in operating public bathrooms (including saunas), massage and other services, and used the trademark “RITS” in its business activities. In the opinion of the plaintiff, the registered trademark “RITZ” of the plaintiff enjoyed extremely high popularity. The defendant used “RITS,” a sign similar to the registered trademark of the plaintiff, in business activities similar to the approved services for the registered trademark of the plaintiff, causing consumers' confusion and misrecognition of the source of services, diluting the popularity of the plaintiff's trademark among the relevant public and reducing the brand value of the plaintiff's trademark. In doing so, the defendant had caused serious economic losses to the plaintiff and infringed the plaintiff's exclusive rights to use the said two trademarks. Therefore, the plaintiff requested the court to order that the defendant should immediately stop using the trademark “RITS,” compensate the plaintiff for economic losses of 300,000 yuan and assume the attorney fees, investigation charges and other expenses paid by the plaintiff for stopping the defendant's infringement. The plaintiff also requested the court to fine the plaintiff for its infringement and confiscate the infringing articles.@#
The defendant, Huangpu RI-STAR, argued that: First, the defendant used “RITS” mainly in the form of a combination of “RITS” and “丽池” or a combination of words and device, “丽池RITS and device,” which, as a whole, was not similar to the trademark of RITZ Limited and would not cause any confusion or misrecognition. The “RITZ” trademark of the plaintiff had not been used alone in China, and the mark itself was neither distinctive nor popular; therefore, no confusion or misrecognition would be caused to the relevant public. Second, the services provided by the defendant were neither identical with nor similar to the approved service items for the trademark of the plaintiff. The defendant mainly provided sauna and shiatsu services, which were a kind of “services for entertainment or leisure purposes.” The trademark of the plaintiff was related to “medical services” and “personal health and beauty services.” The type and purposes of services of the plaintiff were evidently different from those of the plaintiff. Because the catering services provided by the defendant were its auxiliary rather than primary business, the nature of services of the defendant could not be determined based on this. Third, as the defendant used the mark at issue earlier and also applied for the registration of the trademark earlier, the defendant enjoyed the prior right to the mark at issue. Fourth, the mark at issue used by the defendant was created independently by a company affiliated to the defendant and had been used in good faith. The featured “sauna and shiatsu” services provided by the defendant and its affiliates had been known to the relevant public in Shanghai, and the defendant had no intention of infringement. Therefore, the defendant did not infringe upon the rights of the plaintiff and requested the court to dismiss the claims of the plaintiff.@#


原告:雷茨饭店有限公司(THE RITZ HOTEL,LIMITED)。@#
授权代表:弗朗兹-约瑟夫克雷恩 (Franz-Josef KLEIN),该公司董事。@#
原告雷茨公司诉称:原告是全球著名的酒店经营公司。“RITZ”作为其商业字号以及主要商标已经有近百年的历史。“RITZ”商标在全球的注册超过900项,遍及100多个国家和地区。在中国,原告在第 43类和第44类的饭店、餐馆、美容院等服务项目上皆注册了“RITZ”商标,商标注册号分别为3098934和3098933。被告黄浦丽池公司是一家以经营公共浴室(包括桑拿浴)、按摩等服务项目为主的公司,其在经营活动中使用“RITS”商标标识。原告认为,原告的注册商标“RITZ”享有极高的知名度,被告在与原告注册商标核定服务类似的经营活动中使用与原告注册商标近似的标识“RITS”,使消费者对服务的来源产生混淆和误认,淡化原告商标在相关公众中的知名度,降低原告商标的品牌价值,给原告造成了严重的经济损失,侵犯了原告上述两个商标的专用权。据此请求判令被告立即停止使用“RITS”商标,赔偿原告经济损失人民币30万元,承担原告为制止被告侵权行为而支付的律师费、调查费等,原告还请求法院对被告的侵权行为作出罚款并收缴侵权物品。@#
原告雷茨公司是一家英国公司,成立于1896年。经中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局商标局(以下简称中国商标局)核准注册了第G611405号“LE RITZ”商标、第3098933号“RITZ”商标和第 3098934号“RITZ”商标。其中第G611405号商标系经国际注册并领土延伸至中国受保护,核定服务项目为饭店、餐馆、疗养所、疗养院、美容美发沙龙等,有效期限自 1993年12月9日至2013年12月9日;第3098933号商标的核定服务项目为第 44类的美容院、理发室、疗养院、矿泉疗养院,该商标的申请日为2002年2月20日,有效期限自2005年5月21日至2015年 5月20日;第3098934号商标的核定服务项目为第43类的饭店、餐馆、带有烤肉房的饭店、快餐馆、茶室、鸡尾酒会服务、酒吧、旅馆预订,该商标的申请日为2002年 2月20日,有效期限自2003年10月7日至2013年10月6日。@#
1998年11月9日,原告雷茨公司与案外人丽嘉酒店有限公司(THE RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL COMPANY,L.L.C.,以下简称丽嘉公司)签订《商标许可协议》,原告授权丽嘉公司可在包括中国在内的部分区域内将“RITZ”作为“RITZ-CARLTON”标识的一部分自行使用或者再许可他人使用。 2000年8月7日,丽嘉公司经中国商标局核准,注册了“RITZ-CARLTON”商标,核定服务项目为旅馆、餐馆、快餐馆、酒吧等。案外人上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店(The Portman Ritz-Carlton,Shanghai)成立于 1998年,在经营活动中使用“RITZ-CARL- TON”标识。根据该公司网站记载,“上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店现成为中国国家旅游局正式授予的白金五星级饭店”,“此奖项是中国旅游饭店业的最高级别,而上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店是全国仅有的三家白金五星级饭店之一并是上海唯一获选的国际性豪华酒店”。北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店、北京建国路丽思卡尔顿酒店亦在经营活动中使用“RITZ-CARLTON”标识。@#
原告雷茨公司为维护其对“RITZ”标识的合法权利,在多个国家和地区进行了维权活动。世界知识产权组织仲裁与调解中心在处理原告与克罗地亚公司Damir Kruzicevics有关“ritz-hotel.com”的域名争议中,于2006年1月16日裁决将域名“ritz-hotel.com”转移给原告。原告在日本注册的在第23类和第42类上的“RITZ”商标曾在日本法院判决中被认定为驰名商标。北京市工商行政管理局朝阳分局于 2006年9月15日出具的《责令改正通知书》中,认定案外人奥德房地产公司丽致酒店管理分公司在对外宣传中擅自使用“H. 0.RITZ”的行为侵犯了原告的注册商标专用权,并责令该公司改正。@#
案外人厦门丽晶娱乐有限公司(以下简称厦门丽晶公司)成立于1993年,法定代表人为周涛。该公司于2000年9月11日向中国商标局申请注册“丽池RITS及图”的文字图形组合商标,指定使用服务为“提供食宿旅馆、餐厅、美容院、理发店、按摩”等。初审公告期内,原告雷茨公司以其注册的第G611405号“LE RITZ”商标对厦门丽晶公司关于“丽池RITS及图”的商标注册申请提出异议。中国商标局于2005年 11月21日作出裁定:异议人(雷茨公司)商标由“LE”和“RITZ”两部分组成,由于“LE”为法语中的介词,该商标的主体为“RITZ”,被异议商标的外文部分“RITS”与“RITZ”前三个字母完全相同,虽第四个字母“S”和“Z”不同,但两者发音近似,消费者难以区分双方商标。双方商标指定使用服务在服务内容、服务方式等方面基本相同,属于同一种或者类似服务。因此,被异议商标与原告的第G611405号“LE RITZ”商标构成使用在同一种或者类似服务上的近似商标,对该商标不予核准注册。厦门丽晶公司对该裁定不服,于2005年12月8日向中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会申请复审,该裁定目前处于复审阶段。另,厦门丽晶公司经中国商标局核准,于2004年取得第43类上的“丽池”文字商标、第43类和第44类上的“水纹”图形商标。@#
2007年10月18日,原告雷茨公司对被告黄浦丽池公司在位于上海市滇池路 81-85号的经营场所内使用“RITS”标识的情况进行了公证保全。根据公证书的记载,被告对“RITS”标识的使用有三种方式:1.在拖鞋鞋面上单独使用“RITS”;2.在浴衣、毛巾、牙具包装盒及纸巾盒等物具上使用“丽池RITS及图”文字图形组合商标;3.在经营场所的广告牌、店内指示牌、菜单、酒水单、手牌等处使用“RITS”与“丽池”组合标识、“RHS UNION”与“丽池会所”组合标识或“RITS CLUB”与“丽池会所”组合标识。在本案审理中,被告表示其店外招牌中的“RITS UNION”已变更为“RI-STAR SPA”,原告对此予以确认。@#
原告雷茨公司为调查被告黄浦丽池公司的相关行为,支付了翻译费、差旅费等费用共计人民币14 275元。在开庭审理时,原告表示不要求被告承担本案的律师费用。@#
从原告雷茨公司商标的知名度和显著性来看,根据前述查明的事实,原告成立于 1896年,其使用“RITZ”标识已有逾百年的历史。“RITZ”及包含“RITZ”的商标在世界多个国家获得注册,在日本还曾被认定为驰名商标。@#

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