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Huang Weizhong v. Chen Qiangqing et al. (a case about confirmation of a shareholder's qualification)

Huang Weizhong v. Chen Qiangqing et al. (a case about confirmation of a shareholder's qualification)
(a case about confirmation of a shareholder's qualification)
Huang Weizhong v. Chen Qiangqing et al. (a case about confirmation of a shareholder's qualification) 


[Judgment Abstract] [裁判摘要]
Where any other person makes false capital contribution to a company without adopting a resolution of the company's valid shareholders' meeting so as to “dilute” shares held by the company's original shareholders, it will impair the lawful rights and interest of such original shareholders. Even if this act of capital contribution has been registered at the administration for industry and commerce for recordation, it shall still be confirmed invalid and the equity ratio of any original shareholder of the company shall remain unchanged. 未经公司有效的股东会决议通过,他人虚假向公司增资以“稀释”公司原有股东股份,该行为损害原有股东的合法权益,即使该出资行为已被工商行政机关备案登记,仍应认定为无效,公司原有股东股权比例应保持不变。
Plaintiff: Huang Weizhong, male, 43 years old, Chinese Han, domiciled at Baoshan District, Shanghai Municipality. 原告:黄伟忠。
Defendant: Chen Qiangqing, male, 56 years old, Chinese Han, domiciled at Wenshui East Road, Shanghai Municipality. 被告:陈强庆。
Defendant: Chen Lin, male, 60 years old, Chinese Han, domiciled at Shuichan West Road, Shanghai Municipality. 被告:陈琳。
Defendant: Zhang Yang, male, 56 years old, Chinese Han, domiciled at Baoshan District, Shanghai Municipality. 被告:张洋。
Defendant: Gu Huiping, male, 54 years old, Chinese Han, domiciled at Baoshan District, Shanghai Municipality. 被告:顾惠平。
Defendant: Shanghai Xinbao Construction and Installation Works Co., Ltd., domiciled at Baoshan District, Shanghai Municipality. 被告:上海新宝建筑安装工程有限公司,住所地:上海市宝山区。
Legal Representative: Zhang Yang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this Company. 法定代表人:张洋,该公司董事长。
Defendant: Wang Xiuying, female, 57 years old, Chinese Han, domiciled at Baoshan District, Shanghai Municipality. 被告:王秀英。
Defendant: NRS Jiangsu Machinery and Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., domiciled at Private Industrial Park, Fuqiao Township, Taicang City, Jiangsu Province. 被告:江苏恩纳斯重工机械有限公司,住所地:江苏省太仓市浮桥镇民营工业区。
Legal Representative: Wang Leiming, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this Company. 法定代表人:王雷鸣,该公司董事长。
The plaintiff, Huang Weizhong, filed a lawsuit with the People's Government of Hongkou District, Shanghai Municipality against the defendants, Chen Qiangqing, Chen Lin, Zhang Yang, Gu Huiping, Shanghai Xinbao Construction and Installation Works Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Xinbao Company”), Wang Xiuying, and NRS Jiangsu Machinery and Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “NRS Jiangsu Company”) for dispute over a shareholder's qualification. 原告黄伟忠因与被告陈强庆、陈琳、张洋、顾惠平、上海新宝建筑安装工程有限公司(以下简称新宝公司)、王秀英、江苏恩纳斯重工机械有限公司(以下简称江苏恩纳斯公司)发生股东资格纠纷,向上海市虹口区人民法院提起诉讼。
The plaintiff, Huang Weizhong, alleged that: In April 2004, he and the defendants, Chen Qiangqing et al., jointly set up Taicang Hongguan Steelworks Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hongguan Company”) with the registered capital of 4 million yuan, in which he contributed 800,000 yuan, holding 20% of the Company's shares. Afterwards, all shareholders of Hongguan Company commissioned Chen Qiangqing to handle the transfer of the Company's equities. After the transferee, NRS Jiangsu Company made the corresponding equity transfer payment to the personal account of Chen Qiangqing, Chen Qiangqing was reluctant to make the corresponding payment to the plaintiff. Therefore, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit with the court for dispute over a commission contract. It was not until during litigation that Chen Qiangqing et al. informed the plaintiff of the Company's capital increase and adjustment of equity ratios and that the equity ratio of the plaintiff has been adjusted to 5.33%. On May 24, 2011, upon inquiry of Hongguan Company's industrial and commercial registration information, the plaintiff found the so-called capital increase. Before then, the plaintiff was totally unaware of the matter concerning the so-called capital increase and never signed the resolution of the shareholders' meeting on capital increase. Besides, the so-called investment of 11 million yuan made by Xinbao Company to Hongguan Company was transferred after the capital verification of Hongguan Company was completed, and Hongguan Company never had an actual capital increase. In addition, when the transferee acquired the equities of Hongguan Company, the capital increase was not taken into account in the transfer price. So, Hongguan Company's act of capital increase was fabricated and invalid. Therefore, Huang Weizhong requested the court to confirm that during the period from April 1, 2004 when Hongguan Company was set up to June 6, 2009 when the Company's equities were transferred, he held 20% of Hongguan Company's equities (the specific shareholding period may be determined by the court on the basis of the relevant evidence materials). 原告黄伟忠诉称:2004年4月,黄伟忠与被告陈强庆等共同设立了太仓宏冠钢结构制品有限公司(以下简称宏冠公司),注册资本为400万元,其中黄伟忠出资80万元,持股20%。嗣后,宏冠公司全体股东委托陈强庆办理公司股权转让之事,受让方江苏恩纳斯公司应将相应的股权转让款转账至陈强庆的个人账户后,陈强庆却迟迟未将相应款项付给原告,故原告以委托合同纠纷为由诉至法院,在诉讼中陈强庆等才告知原告公司增资及股权比例调整之事,原告的股权比例已经被调整为5.33%。 2011年5月24日,经查询宏冠公司工商登记资料,原告发现所谓的增资情况。但此前原告对所谓增资事宜完全不知情,也从未在有关增资的股东会决议上签过字。并且新宝公司所谓的向宏冠公司投资的 1100万元在验资后即转走,公司从未进行过实际增资。此外,受让方在收购宏冠公司股权时,受让价格也没有考虑所有增资的部分。因此,宏冠公司的增资行为是虚构和无效的。故请求确认黄伟忠在2004年4月 1日宏冠公司设立之日起至2009年6月6日股权转让期间持有宏冠公司20%的股权 (具体持股期间由法院根据相关证据材料认定)。
The defendants, Chen Qiangqing, Chen Lin, Zhang Yang, and Gu Huiping, contended that: After the setup of Hongguan Company, if the Company intended to engage in land development business, its registered capital should reach 15 million yuan according to the provisions of the local government's policies. So, in September 2006, after adopting a resolution of the shareholders' meeting, Hongguan Company added Xinbao Company as a new shareholder to increase capital, of which the plaintiff was aware. Even if the plaintiff was unaware of the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, he should be aware of Hongguan Company's capital increase when the Company's equities were transferred to NRS Jiangsu Company in June 2009. Therefore, the claim of the plaintiff exceeded the statute of limitations. With respect to the increased capital of 11 million yuan, although it was transferred back to Xinbao Company after the completion of Hongguan Company's capital increase, its nature was changed to a loan raised by Xinbao Company from Hongguan Company. 被告陈强庆、陈琳、张洋、顾惠平辩称:宏冠公司设立后,根据当地政府的政策规定,公司如从事土地开发业务,其注册资本应达到1500万元,所以2006年9月,宏冠公司经过股东会决议吸收新宝公司作为股东进行增资,原告对此知悉。即使原告对股东会决议不知情,但是2009年6月宏冠公司股权转让给江苏恩纳斯公司时,原告应当对公司增资知情,因此原告的诉请超过诉讼时效。关于增资的1100万元,虽然该款项在宏冠公司增资后就转给新宝公司,但款项性质发生变化,系属于新宝公司向宏冠公司的借款。
The defendant, Xinbao Company, contended that: When Hongguan Company was set up, the plaintiff made no actual capital contribution and the capital of 800,000 yuan he contributed was lent to him by Xinbao Company. When Xinbao Company specially convened a shareholder's meeting for becoming a shareholder of Hongguan Company, the plaintiff also signed the resolution as a shareholder of Xinbao Company. 被告新宝公司辩称:宏冠公司设立时,原告并没有实际出资,而是由新宝公司借款80万元给其的。新宝公司为入股宏冠公司专门召开新宝公司股东会,原告当时作为新宝公司的股东也在其决议上签字。
The defendant, Wang Xiuying, contended that she agreed with the plaintiff's opinions. After the setup of Hongguan Company, she always held 10% of the Company's equities. Afterwards, the equity structure of the Company remained unchanged and she neither was aware of the Company's capital increase, nor attended the shareholder's meeting on capital increase, not to mention her signature on the so-called resolution of the shareholders' meeting. 被告王秀英辩称:同意原告的意见。宏冠公司设立后,其一直持有公司10%的股权,此后公司的股权结构没有发生过变化,其从未知晓公司增资之事,也没有参加过有关增资的股东会,更未在所谓的股东会决议上签字。
The defendant, NRS Jiangsu Company, contended that: As the transferee of Hongguan Company's equities, it has made the equity transfer payment in full amount according to the requirements of the transfer contract and the letter of confirmation of equity transfer. 被告江苏恩纳斯公司辩称:作为股权受让方,受让人已经按照转让合同及股权转让确认书的要求足额支付股权转让款。
After a hearing of first instance, the People's Court of Hongkou District, Shanghai Municipality found that: 上海市虹口区人民法院一审查明:
On April 21, 2004, the plaintiff, Huang Weizhong, and the defendants, Chen Qiangqing, Chen Lin, Zhang Yang, Gu Huiping, and Wang Xiuying, jointly set up Hongguan Company with the registered capital of 4 million yuan, in which Zhang Yang contributed 1.2 million yuan and held 30% of the Company's shares; Huang Weizhong and Gu Huiping each contributed 800,000 yuan and each held 20% of the Company's shares; and Chen Lin, Chen Qiangqing, and Wang Xiuying each contributed 400,000 yuan and each held 10% of the Company's shares. 2004年4月21日,原告黄伟忠与被告陈强庆、陈琳、张洋、顾惠平、王秀英共同设立了宏冠公司,注册资本为400万元,其中:张洋出资120万元,持股30%;黄伟忠、顾惠平各出资80万元,各持股20%;陈琳、陈强庆、王秀英各出资40万元,各持股 10%。
On October 20, 2006, upon application of Hongguan Company, the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Taicang City, Suzhou City changed the registration of Hongguan Company's registered capital from 4 million yuan to 15 million yuan and changed the registration of the Company's shareholders and their shareholding ratios as follows: Zhang Yang contributed 1.2 million yuan and held 8.00% of the Company's shares; Huang Weizhong and Gu Huiping each contributed 800,000 yuan and each held 5.33% of the Company's shares; Chen Lin, Chen Qiangqing, and Wang Xiuying each contributed 400,000 yuan and each held 2.67% of the Company's shares; and Xinbao Company contributed 11 million yuan and held 73.33% of the Company's shares. The main bases for Hongguan Company's application for the aforesaid changes of registration included the Articles of Association of Taicang Hongguan Steelworks Co., Ltd. and the Resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting of Taicang Hongguan Steelworks Co., Ltd., both with the closing date of October 16, 2006. In particular, the main contents of the Articles of Association were changed as follows: The registered capital of Hongguan Company was increased from the original 4 million yuan to 15 million yuan; and Xinbao Company was added as a new shareholder; and the main contents of the Resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting were changed as follows: The changed Articles of Association of the Company were approved; the registered capital of the Company was increased from the original 4 million yuan to 15 million yuan, and Xinbao Company increased its investment to 11 million yuan.
 2006年10月20日,苏州市太仓工商行政管理局根据宏冠公司的申请,将宏冠公司登记的注册资本由400万元变更登记为1500万元,同时将股东及持股比例变更登记为:张洋出资120万元,持股8.00%;黄伟忠、顾惠平各出资80万元,各持股 5.33%;陈琳、陈强庆、王秀英各出资40万元,各持股2.67%;新宝公司出资1100万元,持股73.33%。申请上述变更登记的主要依据为落款日期均为2006年10月16日的《太仓宏冠钢结构制品有限公司章程》、《太仓宏冠钢结构制品有限公司股东会决议》。其中章程内容的主要变更为:宏冠公司的注册资本由原来的400万元增加至1500万元;增加新宝公司为股东,等等。股东会决议载明的主要内容为:同意修改后的公司章程;增加公司注册资本,由原来的400万元增加到1500万元,新宝公司增加投资1100万元,等等。

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