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Guangxi Beisheng Group Limited Liability Company v. Beihai Weihao Real Estate Development Company and Beihai Company of Animal Byproducts Import and Export Group of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use the Land)

Guangxi Beisheng Group Limited Liability Company v. Beihai Weihao Real Estate Development Company and Beihai Company of Animal Byproducts Import and Export Group of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use the Land)
(Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use the Land)

Guangxi Beisheng Group Limited Liability Company v. Beihai Weihao Real Estate Development Company and Beihai Company of Animal Byproducts Import and Export Group of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
(Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use the Land)@#
Civil Judgment of the Supreme People's Court@#
No. 104 (2005)@#
Appellant (Defendant in the First Instance): Guangxi Beisheng Group Limited Liability Company, domiciled at No. 168, Beihai Avenue, Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.@#
Legal Representative: He Yuliang, board chairman of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Zhang Bo, lawyer of Beijing Tianru Law Firm.@#
Appellee (Plaintiff in the First Instance): Beihai Weihao Real Estate Development Company, domiciled at 9/F, Port Building, Sichuan Road, Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.@#
Legal Representative: Diao Jiangnan, general manager of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Li Chongwen, lawyer of Beijing Kaiwen Law Firm.@#
Authorized Agent: Hu Xiaoshun, lawyer of Beijing Kaiwen Law Firm.@#
Appellee (Plaintiff in the First Instance): Beihai Company of Animal Byproducts Import and Export Group of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, domiciled at 9/F, Port Building, Sichuan Road, Beihai, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.@#
Legal Representative: Peng Jialong, general manager of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Li Chongwen, lawyer of Beijing Kaiwen Law Firm.@#
Authorized Agent: Hu Xiaoshun, lawyer of Beijing Kaiwen Law Firm.@#
With regard to the case under the dispute between Guangxi Beisheng Group Limited Liability Company (the appellant, hereinafter referred to as Beisheng Group) and Beihai Weihao Real Estate Development Company (an appellee, hereinafter referred to as Weihao Company), Beihai Company of Animal Byproducts Import and Export Group of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (another appellee, hereinafter referred to as Beihai Company) over a contract on assignment of the right to use land, the Higher People's Court of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (hereinafter referred to as Guangxi Higher Court) rendered No. 3 (2005) civil judgment on September 20, 2005. Beisheng Group was dissatisfied with the judgment, and appealed to the present court. The present court formed a collegial panel according to law, and heard the present case in court on February 10, 2006. Beisheng Group's authorized agent Zhang Bo, Weihao Company's and Beihai Company's authorized agents Li Chongwen and Hu Xiaoshun appeared in the court and participated in the proceedings. The present case has now been finalized.@#
It was verified by Guangxi Higher Court after trial: on March 3, 1993, Beisheng Group and Weihao Company concluded the “Agreement on Cooperative Development of Land” which sets forth that, both parties shall cooperate to develop 150 mus of land within the scope of the township enterprise zone; Weihao Company shall pay cooperative development fee at the rate of CNY 205,000 per mu, totaling CNY 30,750,000; within two working days after the agreement is concluded, Weihao Company shall pay CNY 5 million of cooperative land development fee to Beisheng Group as the deposit, and meanwhile hand over the reserved copy of the original blue-line sketch of the land as well as the agreement on cooperative development of land concluded between Beisheng Group and Merchants Center of Beihai Township Enterprise Zone of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (hereinafter referred to as Merchants Center) to Weihao Company for custody; Beisheng Group shall, after receiving the deposit, generally obtain the blue-line sketch and the converted contract from Merchants Center, with Weihao Company as the occupier of the 150 mus of land, and the handling charge shall be borne by Beisheng Group; Weihao Company shall pay CNY 10 million in addition within 10 days as of conclusion of the contract, and pay the remaining CNY 15,750,000 by May 1, 1993; it shall not be longer than 13 days for Beisheng Group to obtain the blue-line sketch and the converted contract (as of the date of conclusion of the contract), or else Beisheng Group shall indemnify CNY 1 million to Weihao Company, and meanwhile the contract shall be effectively performed; Weihao Company shall make full payments, and Beisheng Group shall, upon request of Weihao Company, agree to assign to Weihao Company the right to use the land, and shall provide all documents needed in obtaining the red-line sketch and the certificate of the right to use the land, including the project initiation document, etc., while Beisheng Group shall take charge of obtaining the red-line sketch and the certificate of the right to use the land; the agreement shall become formally effective as of being signed and affixed with the seal, and as of payment of the deposit. On the same day, both parties concluded the “Supplementary Agreement” by setting forth that, Beisheng Group and Merchants Center shall cooperate to develop the 150 mus of land, and they still owed 50% of cooperative development fee, i.e., CNY 6 million. Before Weihao Company makes full payments on May 1, 1993, the losses caused from Beisheng Group's owing the cooperative land development fee shall be borne by Weihao Company itself, and if Merchants Center raises the land price, the additional part shall be borne by Beisheng Group; if to recover the land, Beisheng Group shall, when the losses occur, refund all received money to Weihao Company, and indemnify CNY 5 million within 5 days; if Weihao Company fails to make full payments to Beisheng Group by May 1, 1993, it shall indemnify CNY 5 million. On the same day, Beisheng Group delivered a reserved copy of the sketch map of the land to Weihao Company. Diao Jiangnan, Weihao Company's legal representative, issued a receipt.@#


上诉人广西北生集团有限责任公司(以下简称北生集团)与被上诉人北海市威豪房地产开发公司(以下简称威豪公司)、广西壮族自治区畜产进出口北海公司(以下简称北海公司)土地使用权转让合同纠纷一案,广西壮族自治区高级人民法院于 2005年9月20日作出(2005)桂民一初字第3号民事判决。北生集团不服该判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成合议庭,于 2006年2月10日开庭审理了本案。北生集团的委托代理人张波,威豪公司及北海公司的委托代理人李崇文、胡小顺到庭参加诉讼。本案现已审理终结。@#
一审法院经审理查明:1993年3月3日,北生集团与威豪公司签订《土地合作开发协议书》约定,双方合作开发乡镇企业城范围内土地150亩;威豪公司按每亩20.5万元标准交付合作开发费用,共计3075万元;协议签订后两个工作日内,威豪公司支付北生集团土地合作开发费500万元作为定金,同时将原有的土地蓝线图正本和北生集团与广西壮族自治区北海市乡镇企业城招商中心(以下简称招商中心)签订的土地合作开发协议交给威豪公司保管;北生集团原则上在收到定金后,从招商中心办理好以威豪公司为该150亩土地占有人的蓝线图和转换合同,办理的手续费由北生集团负担;威豪公司在签约后10日内再付 1000万元,其余的1575万元在1993年5月1日前付足;北生集团办理蓝线图及转换合同,最迟不能超过13日(自合同签订之日起),逾期北生集团赔偿给威豪公司 100万元,同时本合同有效执行;威豪公司付清全款,北生集团根据威豪公司要求同意向威豪公司转让土地使用权,威豪公司提供办理红线图及土地使用权证所需的立项等全部文件,北生集团负责为其办理红线图及土地使用权证;协议自签字盖章,交纳定金之日起正式生效。同日,双方又签订《补充协议》约定,北生集团与招商中心合作开发该150亩土地,尚欠合作开发费 50%即600万元。在1993年5月1日威豪公司支付全款前,北生集团欠交土地合作开发费的损失由其自行承担,如果招商中心提高土地价格,加价部分由北生集团承担;如果收回土地,北生集团应在损失发生时将所收的款项全部退还给威豪公司,并在5日内赔偿500万元;如威豪公司未能在1993年5月1日前付足款给北生集团,威豪公司则赔偿500万元。同日,北生集团将土地示意图正本交付给威豪公司。威豪公司法定代表人刁江南出具了收条。@#
合同签订后,威豪公司分别于1993年 3月4日、3月13日及4月30日支付500万、1000万、1000万元给北生集团,北生集团开具了收款收据。但北生集团未依约办理蓝线图及转换合同,也未为威豪公司办理土地使用权证。北生集团至今未取得讼争土地的土地使用权,也未对讼争土地进行开发利用。双方当事人均当庭确认威豪公司在诉讼前一直未向北生集团主张过权利。@#
一审法院还查明,2000年1月26日,广西壮族自治区北海市中级人民法院就柳州市恒通房地产开发公司(以下简称恒通公司)与威豪公司及成都三业投资开发股份有限公司(以下简称三业公司)土地使用权转让合同纠纷一案作出(1999)北民初字第66号民事判决,认定威豪公司转让给恒通公司的150亩土地是根据1993年3月 3日其与北生集团签订的《土地合作开发协议书》受让而来。但威豪公司与三业公司未取得该幅土地的使用权即与恒通公司签订土地使用权转让协议,在一审期间也未补办土地使用权手续,因此,该土地使用权转让合同无效。遂判决威豪公司返还其从恒通公司取得的土地款2820万元及该款利息。该判决已为生效判决。@#
威豪公司、北海公司向一审法院提起诉讼称,1993年3月3日,威豪公司与北生集团的前身浙江广厦建设集团北海公司签订《土地合作开发协议书》约定,双方合作开发北海乡镇企业城范围内的土地150亩,威豪公司按照每亩20.5万元的标准向北生集团支付开发费用,北生集团应将土地使用权办理到威豪公司名下。协议订立后,威豪公司先后共支付2500万元,但北生集团未履行合同约定义务。事后,威豪公司发现北生集团无权签订该合作开发协议,协议违反了法律强制性规定,属无效合同。由于威豪公司两年未参加工商年检,现由其开办单位北海公司与威豪公司共同清理威豪公司的债权债务,故请求:1.确认双方签订的《土地合作开发协议书》无效;2.判令北生集团向其返还因无效合同取得的合作开发费用2500万元,并赔偿利息损失 28 395 234.25元(自北生集团收到款项之日起到实际返还之日止,暂计至2005年4月29日)。@#
北生集团答辩称,1.北海公司没有按照法定程序成立清算组对威豪公司进行清算,该公司又不是讼争合同的当事人,故北海公司不具备原告的主体资格。2.威豪公司与北生集团签订的《土地合作开发协议书》的性质是合同权利义务之转让。北生集团原与招商中心约定由招商中心出地,北生集团出资,共同合作开发土地。而北生集团与威豪公司签订的合同即是将北生集团的出资义务转让给了威豪公司。该合同没有违反法律强制性规定,合同合法有效。由于威豪公司未依约支付全额款项,致使北生集团不能协助威豪公司取得土地使用权,威豪公司对此应自行负责。3.威豪公司的起诉已经超过了法定诉讼时效期间。《土地合作开发协议书》约定自合同签订之日起最迟不能超过13日,北生集团应办理土地的蓝线图及转换合同,但北生集团并没有在该期限内办理好上述手续,威豪公司在1993年3月16日就知道或应当知道其权利被侵害。此外,在另案诉讼中,2000年 1月26日,广西壮族自治区北海市中级人民法院在(1999)北民初字第66号民事判决书中,已认定威豪公司未能取得土地使用权,亦不能协助恒通公司取得土地使用权,遂判决威豪公司返还土地款及赔偿利息损失给恒通公司。广西壮族自治区北海市中级人民法院作出该判决时,威豪公司就知道或应当知道其权利被侵害,诉讼时效最迟应该自此时起算,而威豪公司一直未向北生集团主张权利,直到2005年才提起诉讼,已超过了法定诉讼时效期间。故请求法院依法驳回威豪公司的诉讼请求。@#

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