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Paktanle Company v. Xiamen Customs (Dispute over Administrative Penalty Decision)

Paktanle Company v. Xiamen Customs (Dispute over Administrative Penalty Decision)
(Dispute over Administrative Penalty Decision)

Paktanle Company v. Xiamen Customs
(Dispute over Administrative Penalty Decision)@#
Plaintiff: Fujian Xiamen Paktanle Co., Ltd., domiciled at Songyu, Haicang District, Xiamen City.@#
Legal Representative: Chen Hehua, board chairman of the company.@#
Defendant: Xiamen Customs of the People's Republic of China, domiciled at Haihou Road, Xiamen City.@#
Legal Representative: Zhou Zhuowei, Commissioner of the Customs.@#
Xiamen Paktanle Co., Ltd. (the plaintiff, hereinafter referred to as Paktanle Company) was dissatisfied with the administrative penalty decision made by Xiamen Customs of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Xiamen Customs), and brought an administrative lawsuit with the Intermediate People's Court of Xiamen Municipality, Fujian Province (hereinafter referred to as Xiamen Intermediate Court).@#
Paktanle Company alleged: On October 27, 2004, Xiamen Customs decided to confiscate Paktanle Company's CNY 44,978,766 of illegal proceeds and to impose a fine of CNY 10 million by No. 05-028 (2002) administrative penalty decision (hereinafter referred to as No. 028 administrative penalty decision) in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the “Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Administrative Penalties under the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Detailed Rules on Customs Administrative Penalties”) on the ground that Paktanle Company obviously knew that the goods were imported by smuggling but still provided unloading and warehousing services therefor. Firstly, regarding the incomplete procedures for import of the oil, Paktanle Company sent a letter to Xiamen Petroleum Company, and also reported to Xiamen Customs. Xiamen Customs' functionary had also dealt with the matter and approved the release of the oil. Meanwhile, Xiamen Petroleum Company also said they would take charge of making up the customs procedures and bear the liabilities. Secondly, the “Detailed Rules on Customs Administrative Penalties” were formulated for the implementation of the “Customs Law of the People's Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Law) promulgated and coming into force in 1987. When Xiamen Customs handled the present case, the new Customs Law had been promulgated and come into force, and thus the old Customs Law and relevant detailed rules should no longer apply. When Xiamen Customs made the administrative penalty decision according to the old detailed rules, the application of laws was obviously wrong. Thirdly, Paktanle Company gained a total of USD 5,797,142.97 of operational revenue from the business, which could be converted into CNY 47,985,271; after deduction of CNY 26,809,123 of workers' wages, warehousing equipment depreciation and other necessary expenditures, as well as CNY 3,006,505 of taxes paid to the state, Paktanle Company's income was merely CNY 18,169,643. Xiamen Customs only deducted the taxes from the operational revenue, but counted all other business operational expenditures as illegal proceeds, which was a wrong ascertainment of the composition and amount of the “illegal proceeds”. Fourthly, Xiamen Customs confiscated the operational revenue after deduction of taxes by regarding them as illegal proceeds, and meanwhile gave a fine of CNY 10 million, and thus the penalty was obviously unjust. Paktanle Company pleaded the court to: 1. overrule No. 028 administrative penalty decision made by Xiamen Customs, and order Xiamen Customs to make a new specific administrative act within a time limit, or directly modify Xiamen Customs' administrative penalty decision; and 2. order Xiamen Customs to bear the litigation costs for the present case.@#
Paktanle Company submitted the No. 028 administrative penalty decision, No. 0037 (2004) decision of administrative reconsideration of the People's Republic of China the General Administration of Customs (hereinafter referred to as the General Administration of Customs) and a receipt, which prove the existence of the specific administrative act sued, and that Paktanle Company brought the administrative lawsuit within the statutory time limit; it also submitted Paktanle Company's 1997 and 1998 audit reports, 1997 and 1998 tax returns, table on the expenditures for unloading and warehousing 64 voyages of goods, and statement on calculation of revenues, which prove that Paktanle Company's total amount of operational revenue contained the business operational expenditures and the paid taxes.@#
Xiamen Customs argued: 1. With regard to the issue of Xiamen Petroleum Company's failing to go through the procedures for making up declaration to the customs for the imported oil, although Paktanle Company reported the fact to a functionary of Xiamen Customs at the beginning, and the functionary of Xiamen Customs also orally replied that the procedures could be made up after the goods were released, Xiamen Customs clearly said the circumstance should no longer be repeated, and the future goods should not be unloaded or warehoused without the consent of the customs. 2. Paktanle Company is a large enterprise specially engaged in oil warehousing, and should be obligated to examine the lawful sources of the imported oil. However, despite that Paktanle Company clearly knew that no procedures for declaration to the customs or those for tax payment were fulfilled within the territory of China for the oil it unloaded and warehoused, and despite that the oil was goods imported through smuggling, it still unloaded and warehoused the oil, for the sole purpose of seeking benefits. Xiamen Customs decided to give an administrative penalty upon Paktanle Company in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the “Detailed Rules on Customs Administrative Penalties”. In the decision, the law was correctly applied, and the penalty was suitable. 3. On July 8, 2000, the “Decision on Amending the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China” adopted at the Sixteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress only amended the 1987 Customs Law, but did not repeal the Law. Although the “Detailed Rules on Customs Administrative Penalties” were formulated in accordance with the 1987 Customs Law, they were not announced by the formulating organ for repeal when Xiamen Customs handled the present case; and once they were not in conflict with the 2000 Customs Law, they shall continue to be effective. 4. Concealing the truth and facilitating the smuggler are illegal acts which shall not be protected by law. Paktanle Company should of course pay certain costs i.e., the business operational expenses as alleged by Paktanle Company, in order to commit the illegal acts, while such costs shall not be protected by law, but be borne by the law-breaker itself according to the principle of lying on the bed made by itself. If the offender's illegal costs are protected, it will be the same as conniving the offender to commit illegal acts. Therefore, it was correct for Xiamen Customs to count Paktanle Company's other income as illegal proceeds and to confiscate them after deducting the taxes paid by Paktanle Company to the state. Paktanle Company's claim for deduction of the illegal costs it had contributed was short of legal basis, and should not be supported. The administrative penalty decision made by Xiamen Customs was correct, and should be sustained by the present court.@#


原告诉称:2004年10月27日,被告厦门海关以明知货物走私进口仍提供卸储服务为由,根据《中华人民共和国海关法行政处罚实施细则》(以下简称《海关行政处罚细则》)第六条第二款规定,对原告作出 (2002)厦关查罚字第05-028号行政处罚决定(以下简称028号行政处罚决定),决定没收违法所得人民币44 978 766元(以下未特殊注明的金额均为人民币),并处罚款1000万元。首先,为这些油料的进口手续不全,原告曾致函厦门石油总公司,也向被告反映过,被告的工作人员曾为此进行过协调,同意放行这些油料,厦门石油总公司也表示由他们负责补办海关手续,责任由他们承担。其次,《海关行政处罚细则》是为1987年颁布施行的《中华人民共和国海关法》(以下简称海关法)而制定实施的。被告处理本案时,新海关法已经颁布实施,旧海关法及相关细则不再适用。被告适用旧的细则作出行政处罚决定,适用法律明显错误。再次,原告从这些业务中共获取营业收入5 797 142.97美元,折合人民币 47 985 271元;扣除劳动者工资、仓储设备折旧提成以及其他必要支出26 809 123元,扣除给国家上缴的税款3 006 505元,原告的所得仅为18 169 643元。被告仅从营业收入中扣除税款,却把其他支出的经营费用都计算为违法所得,对“违法所得”的构成与数额认定错误。第四,被告既把扣除税款后的营业收入都作为违法所得没收,同时又处以1000万元的罚款,处罚显失公正。请求:一、撤销被告作出的028号行政处罚决定,限期被告重新作出具体行政行为,或者判决变更被告作出的行政处罚决定;二、判令被告负担本案诉讼费用。@#
原告博坦公司提交028号行政处罚决定、中华人民共和国海关总署(以下简称海关总署)的(2004)0037号行政复议决定书以及收件单,用以证明被诉的具体行政行为存在,以及博坦公司在法定期限内提起行政诉讼;提交博坦公司1997年度和 1998年度审计报告、1997年度和1998年度纳税申报表、卸储64艘次货物支出费用一览表、收入计算说明,用以证明博坦公司营业收入总额中包括了经营费用支出及缴纳的税款。@#
被告辩称:一、关于厦门石油总公司进口油料不办理报关手续的问题,在开始时原告虽然向被告的工作人员反映过,被告的工作人员也曾口头答复可以先放行后补办手续,但也明确表示下不为例,以后的货要海关同意才可以卸储。二、原告是专门从事油料仓储的大型企业,有义务审查进口油料的合法来源。原告明知其卸载和仓储的油料均未在中国境内办理报关纳税手续,是走私进口货物,仍进行卸载和仓储,从中谋取利益。被告根据《海关行政处罚细则》六条第二款的规定,决定对原告进行行政处罚,适用法律正确,处罚适当。三、 2000年7月8日,第九届全国人大常委会第十六次会议通过的《关于修改<中华人民共和国海关法>的决定》,仅是对1987年海关法进行修改,并未废除该法。《海关行政处罚细则》虽然是根据1987年海关法制定的,但至被告处理本案时,尚未被制定机关宣布废止;只要其不与2000年海关法相抵触,就应当继续有效。四、知情不报并为走私人提供方便的行为是违法行为,违法行为不应受到法律保护。原告为实施违法行为,当然得投入一定成本,即原告所称的经营费用,但这种成本不应得到法律保护,只能根据咎由自取的原则令违法人自行负担。如果对行为人投入的违法成本也给予保护,无异于纵容行为人实施违法行为。因此,被告在扣除了原告上缴给国家的税款后,将原告的其他收入计算为违法所得予以没收,是正确的。原告要求从中扣除其投入的违法成本,没有法律依据,不应支持。被告作出的行政处罚决定是正确的,法院应当维持。@#
8.博坦公司与厦门石油总公司的来往账单、相关收入计算证明,用以证明博坦公司因卸载和仓储走私油料共收取违法所得 44 978 766元;@#
9.税收缴款书及清单,用以证明白 1997年5月至1998年6月间,博坦公司共向国家上缴税款3 006 504.77元:@#
1997年3月至1998年6月,赫斯特拉号轮等64艘次船舶将未在中国境内办理报关纳税手续的柴油1 150 156.9吨、毛豆油256 569.64吨、毛菜籽油15 568.344吨、棕油7171.22吨、精豆油30 008.01吨、精棕油5633.231吨、大豆油15 945.921吨走私入境后,在原告博坦公司所属的油库卸载、仓储,博坦公司因此收入 5 797 142.97美元,折合人民币47 985 271元,期间向国家缴纳税款3 006 505元。据此,被告厦门海关于2004年10月27日作出028号行政处罚决定,决定没收博坦公司的违法所得44 978 766元,并处罚款 1000万元。2005年2月4日,海关总署作出(2004)0037号行政复议决定书,决定驳回博坦公司的复议申请,维持厦门海关作出的028号行政处罚决定。@#
另查明:1997年3月,原告博坦公司致函厦门石油总公司.提出厦门石油总公司在博坦公司卸储的油料手续不全,不予装船,要求厦门石油总公司提供海关文件。 3月25日,厦门海关工作人员吴宇波在协调此事时,口头表示货可以先放,但要求厦门石油总公司补办海关手续,且下不为例,以后的货要海关同意才可以卸储。3月25日、4月1日,厦门石油总公司给博坦公司回函,称海关手续由其办理,责任由其承担,要求博坦公司以后按照现行方式进行作业。@#

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