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Hong Kong Xinnuo Investment Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Livestock Import and Export Co., Ltd. (application for enforcement reconsideration)
  • Type of Dispute: Enforcement
  • Legal document: Ruling
  • Judgment date: 11-05-2013
  • Procedural status: Enforcement

Hong Kong Xinnuo Investment Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Livestock Import and Export Co., Ltd. (application for enforcement reconsideration)
(application for enforcement reconsideration)
[Key Terms]
enforcement objection ; objection raised by a person who is not a party the case ; review procedures
[Disputed Issues]
If a party against whom enforcement is sought and a person who is not a party the case refuse to accept the court's enforcement ruling and respectively raise written objections with the court, how does the people's court handle this situation?
[Case Summary]
The Civil Procedure Law makes specific provisions on the enforcement objection including the objection to the ownership of the property subject to enforcement under Article 227 and the objection to the enforcement act under Article 227. Generally speaking the enforcement party primarily voices an objection to the enforcement act and the person who is not a party to the case makes an objection to property ownership. If they refuse to accept the enforcement ruling made by the court and raise written objections the people's court shall review substantial content of both parties' objections. If they respectively raise objections to enforcement act and property ownership the court shall respectively conduct the review in accordance with Article 225 and 227 of the Civil Procedure Law. If their objections are the same in essence...
Hong Kong Xinnuo Investment Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Livestock Import and Export Co., Ltd.  (application for enforcement reconsideration) 


[Judgment Abstract] 【裁判摘要】
1.  The objection to the ownership of the subject matter of enforcement raised by the person who is not a party to the case shall be reviewed according to Article 227 of the Civil Procedure Law. If the person who is not a party to the case and the party disagree on the enforcement ruling, they shall seek relief through legal proceedings. Where the review is conducted in which a person who is not a party to the case is regarded as an interested party and the party is entitled to apply for reconsideration in accordance with Article 225 of the Civil Procedure Law, such act is erroneous in application of law and in violation of legal procedures, and thus shall be corrected. 一、案外人对执行标的提出主张权属的异议,应当根据民事诉讼法二百二十七条规定的程序进行审查,案外人、当事人对执行裁定不服,应当通过诉讼程序进行救济。不能将案外人作为利害关系人,适用民事诉讼法二百二十五条规定的程序进行审查并赋予当事人申请复议的权利,否则即属适用法律错误,违反法定程序,应予纠正。
2.  If the procedure objection raised by the person who is not a party to the case has no any connection with his claim for ownership of the subject matter of enforcement, in the event that the conditions are met, such objection shall be reviewed by taking the person who is not a party to the case as an interested party according to Article 225 of the Civil Procedure Law, and the substantial dispute shall be separately handled; where a procedure objection raised by the person who is not a party to the case has a close connection with the substantial objection, directly or indirectly aiming at ownership of the same subject matter of enforcement, if the person who is not a party to the case raises the substantial objection at the same time, Article 227 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be applied by a combination so as to relieve the proceeding  burden of  the parties. 二、案外人所提的程序异议如果与其对执行标的权属主张之异议并无联系,则可在符合条件的情况下以利害关系人的身份适用民事诉讼法二百二十五条规定的程序进行审查,与实体争议分别处理;如果案外人所提出的程序异议与实体异议关系密切,直接或间接地针对同一执行标的权属问题,在其同时提出实体异议的情况下,应当合并适用民事诉讼法二百二十七条规定的程序进行审查,以减轻当事人的诉累。
3. If the party against whom enforcement is sought raises an objection alone, the court shall conduct the review according to Article 225 of the Civil Procedure Law. But if such objection is to support the claim of the person who is not a party to the case for substantive right of the subject matter of enforcement in essence, the court shall not independently review the objection from the party against whom enforcement is sought and resolve it during the review of the objection raised by the person who is not a party to the case.   三、被执行人单独提出的异议,应当按照民事诉讼法二百二十五条规定的程序进行审查。但如果被执行人所提异议实质是支持案外人对执行标的实体权利的主张,则对被执行人所提出的异议不应当单独审查,而应当在对案外人所提异议进行审查的过程中一并解决。
Full-text omitted.
 申请复议人(申请执行人):香港信诺投资有限公司。住所地:香港湾仔告士打道 138号联合鹿岛大厦1103-5室。
 执行法院山东省高级人民法院(以下简称山东高院)查明,中国东方资产管理公司青岛办事处(以下简称东方青岛办)与山东省畜产进出口公司(以下简称畜产公司)借款合同纠纷一案由青岛市中级人民法院 (以下简称青岛中院)受理,审理期间,青岛中院于2001年5月21日作出(2001)青知字第52-1号财产保全裁定,查封了畜产公司所有的位于青岛市太平路51号山东国际贸易大厦第17-21层房产。2001年5月 25日,畜产公司提出管辖异议及查封异议后,该案移送山东高院审理。2001年9月12日,山东省对外经济贸易合作厅向山东高院提出财产保全异议,山东高院于2001年 10月17日作出(2001)鲁经初字第16-1号民事裁定书,认为山东国际贸易大厦由于土地、消防等原因至今未办理产权证明,所有用房单位只有使用权,在该大厦建设过程中,畜产公司实际出资 8 261 300元人民币用于大厦建设,该公司现使用大厦十七层的1709、1711、1712、 1713房间办公,总面积422平方米。山东省对外经济贸易合作厅所提异议部分有理,遂裁定:一、解除青岛中院对山东国际贸易大厦17-21层房产的查封;二、查封畜产公司使用的山东国际贸易大厦17层的1709、1711、1712、1713四间办公室(合计面积422平方米)。
 2011年9月20日,山东高院作出(2002)鲁执(恢)字第3-3号执行裁定,继续预查封畜产公司所有的位于青岛市太平路51号山东国际贸易大厦第17-21层的全部房产。查封期限为1年,自2011年9月25日起至2012年9月24日止。2012年9月18日,山东高院作出(2002)鲁执 (恢)字第3-4号执行裁定,继续预查封畜产公司所有的位于青岛市太平路51号山东国际贸易大厦第17-21层的全部房产。查封期限为1年,自2012年9月25日起至2013年9月24日止。畜产公司和山东省商务厅不服,分别向山东高院提出书面异议,称山东高院依法解除对山东国际贸易大厦17-21层房产的查封后,在没有证据的情况下又进行预查封,显属不当;山东国际贸易大厦17-21层产权归山东省对外经济贸易合作厅(即山东省商务厅前身)所有,对该房产的查封应予解除。

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