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Chen Ruguo v. Taizhou Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. (Water-pollution Liability Dispute)

Chen Ruguo v. Taizhou Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. (Water-pollution Liability Dispute)
(Water-pollution Liability Dispute)
Chen Ruguo v. Taizhou Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. (Water-pollution Liability Dispute) 


[Summary] [裁判摘要]
I In respect of causal relationship between environmental pollution and damages, a claimant shall only prove that the accused is possible to pollute environment; and the accused shall be liable for the proof that there is no the said causal relationship. 一、对环境污染损害因果关系,主张者只需证明被主张者存在污染环境的可能性,不存在因果关系的证明责任则由被主张者承担。
II In respect of lost aquatic bred products, economic loss may be determined based on actual breading status and conditions, and with reference to the compensation standards of the requisition of stated-owned fishing water resulting from construction project under local administrative rules. 二、水产养殖物灭失后,可以根据实际养殖状态与条件,参照地方性行政规章对国有渔业水域因工程建设占用补偿标准确定经济损失。
Plaintiff: Chen Ruguo, male, 47, Han ethnic group, lives in the Medicine High and New Technology Industry Development Zone, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province. 原告:陈汝国。
Defendant: Taizhou Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd.; Place of Domicile: Yexu Industrial Park, Yexu Township, the Medicine High and New Technology Industry Development Zone, Taizhou, Jiangsu Province. 被告:泰州市天源化工有限公司。
Plaintiff, Chen Ruguo, filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of the Medicine High and New Technology Industry Development Zone in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, because of a water-pollution liability dispute with the defendant, Taizhou Tianyuan Chemical Co., Ltd, (hereinafter referred to as Tianyuan Company). 原告陈汝国因与被告泰州市天源化工有限公司(以下简称天源公司)发生水污染责任纠纷,向江苏省泰州医药高新技术产业开发区人民法院提起诉讼。
Plaintiff, Chen Ruguo, alleged that: the plaintiff contracted for the water located to the west of defendant, Tianyuan Company, to engage in aquaculture. On the morning of April 21, 2012, the plaintiff found in a patrol that the fish was leaping and then all died, and that Taiyuan Company had an outfall to the fishpond and discharged pollution. On the morning of April 23, 2012, the Environmental Monitoring Central Station of the Taizhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Taizhou Fishery, Fishing Port Supervision and Administration Station went to the fishpond to take samples for water quality test, and issued a test report on April 28, 2012, which indicates that: the concentration of cyanide in the water of the fishpond reached 0.038 mg/L, and the concentration of cyanide in waste water at the outfall reached 1.28 mg/L, 7.6 and 256 times more than the State Standards for Fishery Water Quality respectively. Cyanide is severe toxicity strictly controlled and administered by the state, and only Tianyuan Company among the surrounding companies uses cyanide during the process of production. Tianyuan Company discharged the cyanide used in its process of production through the outfall to the fishpond contracted for by the plaintiff, which caused the cyanide in the water of the fishpond to exceed the national standard, and all the fish in the fishpond to die. The court are requested to order in accordance with the law that: Tianyuan Company shall award a compensation to the plaintiff for the economic loss of 16775 yuan, including a loss of 64425 yuan resulting from the death of bred fish, expenses of 1200 yuan for salvaging dead fish, expenses of 36300 yuan for clearing pollution, contract fee of 1950 yuan, loss of potential profits of 60000 yuan, commuting expenses of 500 yuan, appraisal fee of 2300 yuan, and valuation fee of 1100 yuan. 原告陈汝国诉称:原告承包位于被告天源公司西侧的水面从事养殖。2012年4月21日早上,原告巡查时发现鱼在跳动,后全部死亡,其发现天源公司有排水口通向鱼塘并排污。2012年4月23日上午,泰州市环保局环境监测中心站、泰州市渔政渔港监督管理站到鱼塘进行水质取样化验,并在2012年4月28日出具了检测报告,报告表明:鱼塘水中氰化物浓度达到o.038mg/l,排水口废水中氰化物浓度达到1.28mg/l,分别超过国家《渔业水质标准》中的7.6倍和256倍。氰化物属于国家严格管控的剧毒物品,且周围企业只有天源公司在生产过程中使用氰化物。由于天源公司通过排水口将在生产过程中使用的氰化物流入原告承包的鱼塘,造成鱼塘内水质的氰化物超过国家标准,导致鱼塘内的鱼全部死亡。请求法院依法判令:天源公司赔偿原告经济损失167 775元(其中造成放养鱼死亡的损失64425元、打捞死鱼费用1200元、鱼塘清污费用36 300元、承包费损失1950元、可得利润损失60000元、交通费500元、鉴定费2300元、评估费1100元)。
...... 被告天源公司辩称:1.原告陈汝国持有死鱼原因的鉴定报告,而其拒不提供;2.鉴定报告中的结论证明本案死鱼的原因是陈汝国不懂得如何科学养鱼;3.陈汝国承包的鱼塘也不适宜养鱼,水中的氰化物是符合国家二类水标准的,在本案中不应适用渔业水质标准,陈汝国证明鱼塘中的水曾经改造达到渔业水质标准,不应适用渔业用水的标准来衡量水质。请求驳回陈汝国的诉讼请求。
 2010年1月1日,原告陈汝国与野徐镇城中居委会十四组签订一份《协议书》,约定由陈汝国承包野徐镇城中居委会十四组范围为“西至周加松,东至陈会昌屋后”的鱼塘,约4.5亩,承包费每年650元,承包期七年,从2010年1月1日至2016年12月31日。2011年至2013年的承包费1950元已从陈汝国在集体分红中扣除。2012年4月21日,陈汝国承包的鱼塘中出现鱼类死亡的现象。后据陈汝国陈述,塘内的鱼全部死亡后,其将死鱼掩埋,被告天源公司对此不持异议。泰州市环境监测中心站于2012年4月23日对鱼塘内水和排口废水分别采样监测,其中鱼塘水中的氰化物含量为0.0038 mg/l,排口废水中氰化物含量为1.28mg/l,两种水体中均未检出有机磷农药。
 2012年7月18日,陈汝国将天源公司、泰州市鸿泰粘合剂有限公司、泰州市鸿泰科技电子有限公司诉至泰州市海陵区人民法院,要求三被告赔偿损失109056元。在泰州市海陵区人民法院审理过程中,经原、被告的申请,泰州市海陵区人民法院委托扬州市江都区渔业环境监测站(渔业污染事故调查鉴定丙级c-3204)对鱼死亡的原因及渔业损失进行鉴定评估。扬州市江都区渔业环境监测站于2012年10月28日出具《渔业污染事故鉴定报告》(江都渔鉴[2012]002号)认为:案涉鱼塘养殖水域是台庄河,在雨水冲刷的情况下,有可能是池塘淤泥泛浮,造成水质“微浑”;氰化物低于《地表水环境质量标准》(gb3838-2002)的ⅱ类水氰化物≤o.05ml/l的标准,但不符合《渔业水质标准》(gb11607-89)氰化物≤0.005ml/l,外源性污染物的介入导致鱼死亡的可能性较大。扬州市江都区渔业环境监测站于2012年12月6日出具《渔业污染事故评估报告》(江都渔环评[2012]03号)认为:2011年陈汝国除放养鲢鱼等普通鱼类外,人为放养鳃鱼、黑鱼、白鱼等凶猛性鱼类,导致普通鱼类存活率低;2011年鲫鱼、鲤鱼的放养密度偏高;陈汝国的池塘环境条件和技术水平不符合黄颡鱼的养殖要求且在死鱼照片中未发现黄颡鱼;综上,陈汝国养殖池塘环境条件较差,放养不科学,养殖技术水平较低。因为死鱼已掩埋,故参照江苏省人民政府《关于国有渔业水域因工程建设占用补偿暂行办法》以及《江苏省国有渔业水域占用补偿标准基数和等级系数(试行)》的规定,采用围网养殖补偿标准1500元/亩,结合泰州地区的补偿等级系数1.4,得出陈汝国的损失9450元、部分清除污染的费用1050元即清除死鱼的人工费 (实际清塘费用未实际发生)、检测部门取证、评估费用1050元(实际票据金额为1100元)。后陈汝国撤回在泰州市海陵区人民法院的起诉。

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