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Dalian Far East House Development Company Limited v. Liaoning Jinli House Industrial Company and Liaoning Ao Jinli Real Estate Development Company Limited (Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use State-owned Land)

Dalian Far East House Development Company Limited v. Liaoning Jinli House Industrial Company and Liaoning Ao Jinli Real Estate Development Company Limited (Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use State-owned Land)
(Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use State-owned Land)

Dalian Far East House Development Company Limited v. Liaoning Jinli House Industrial Company and Liaoning Ao Jinli Real Estate Development Company Limited (Dispute over Contract on Assignment of the Right to Use State-owned Land)@#
Supreme People's Court@#
Civil Ruling@#
No. 95 [2005]@#
Appellant (Defendant in the first instance): Dalian Far East House Development Company Limited, located at No. 2, Minquan North 2nd Street, Shahekou District, Dalian, Liaoning.@#
Legal Representative: Liu Binqiang, board chairman of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Yu Yun, deputy general manager of Liaoning Dalian Daxian Group Company Limited.@#
Authorized Agent: Xu Zhenguo, lawyer of Hainan Jinyu Law Firm.@#
Appellee (Plaintiff in the first instance): Liaoning Jinli House Industrial Company, located at No. 58, Shisanwei Road, Shenhe District, Shengyang, Liaoning.@#
Legal Representative: Bai Baoshan, manager of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Ge Changsheng, lawyer of Liaoning Shengjing Law Firm.@#
Authorized Agent: Zhang Jianhua, lawyer of Liaoning People's Law Firm.@#
Appellee (Plaintiff in the first instance): Liaoning Ao Jinli Real Estate Development Company Limited, located at No. 58, Shisanwei Road, Shenhe District, Shengyang, Liaoning.@#
Legal Representative: Wan Jiting, board chairman of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Hua Zegeng, employee of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Zhang Jianhua, lawyer of Liaoning People's Law Firm.@#
With regard to the dispute between Dalian Far East House Development Company Limited (the appellant, hereinafter referred to as Far East Company), Liaoning Jinli House Industrial Company (the appellee, hereinafter referred to as Jinli Company) and Liaoning Ao Jinli Real Estate Development Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Ao Jinli Company) over the contract on assignment of the right to use state-owned land, the Higher People's Court of Liaoning Province (hereinafter referred to as Liaoning Higher Court) made No. 9 (2004) civil judgment on August 15, 2005. Far East Company was dissatisfied with the judgment, and appealed to the present Court. The present Court formed a collegial panel according to law, and heard the case publicly on November 29, 2005. Xu Zhenguo and Yu Yun (Far East Company's authorized agents), Bai Baoshan (Jinli Company's legal representative, called Bai hereafter), Ge changsheng (Jinli Company's authorized agent), Hua Zegeng (Ao Jinli Company's authorized agent), and Zhang Jianhua (authorized agent of both Jinli Company and Ao Jinli Company), appeared in the court and took part in the proceedings. The present case has now been finalized.@#
It was verified by Liaoning Higher Court after trial: On December 20, 1991, Far East Company and China International Yacht Club (a party not involved in the present case, hereinafter referred to as Yacht Club) concluded the “Contract on Joint Development of Golden Pebble Beach” (hereinafter referred to as “Development Contract”), setting forth that Yacht Club shall assign the right to use 100,000 square meters of land within the area it developed to Far East Company at the price of 80 Yuan per square meter for a term of 49 years at the total assignment price of 8 million Yuan. The contract only sets forth that the land plots are the No.1, No. 2 and No. 3 groups to the west of the public area and on the southern coast, but does not specify the boundaries of the assigned area. It also sets froth that the accurate location is indicated on the planning map. On October 8, 1992, Yacht Club and Dalian Municipal Land Administration concluded the “Contract on the Assignment of the Right to Use State-owned Land”, setting forth that Dalian Municipal Land Administration shall assign the 460,000 square meters of land within Golden Pebble Beach Resort to Yacht Club for a term of 49 years at the assignment price of 20 Yuan per square meter. The “Contract on the Assignment of the Right to Use State-owned Land” does not specify the boundaries of the assigned land plot, but only states “see attachment for the land plot location map”. However, the enclosed green-line area on the location map and the land plot assigned by Yacht Club to Far East Company are not on the same location. On January 29, 1993, Far East Company and Jinli Company Concluded the “Agreement on Joint Development and Paid Use of Land” (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement on Joint Development”), setting forth that Far East Company has assigned the right to use 86,000 square meters of land of Golden Pebble Beach Yacht Club Members' Villas Area to Jinli Company on a fee basis for term of 48 years and at the unit assignment price of 320 Yuan per square meter, so the total assignment price was 27.52 million Yuan (the accurate area of the assigned land shall be the area within the red line in the planning, which is finally measured by both parties). Far East Company shall provide Jinli Company with the land use certificate on the assigned land plot, the attached map, and the revised and finalized detailed planning map and planning requirements. Jinli Company must, within 5 days after conclusion of the agreement, pay 2 million Yuan of deposit to Far East Company, pay no less than 18 million Yuan by the end of March 1993, and pay off all the assignment fees by the end of April. If Jinli Company fails to make the payment on time, it shall, in addition to compensate for Far East Company's economic losses, return the right to use the part of the land unpaid for to Far East Company. The auxiliary supporting fees to the assignment of land plot within the red line shall be borne by Jinli Company, while the auxiliary supporting fee to the part beyond the red line shall be provided by Jinli Company to Far East Company in advance as required by Yacht Club, and Far East Company shall then pay the fees to Yacht Club.@#


上诉人大连远东房屋开发有限公司 (以下简称远东公司)与被上诉人辽宁金利房屋实业公司(以下简称金利公司)、辽宁澳金利房地产开发有限公司(以下简称澳金利公司)国有土地使用权转让合同纠纷一案,辽宁省高级人民法院于2005年8月 15日作出(2004)辽民一房初字第9号民事判决,远东公司不服该判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成合议庭,于2005年11月29日公开开庭审理了本案。上诉人远东公司的委托代理人许振国、于沄,被上诉人金利公司的法定代表人白宝山及其委托代理人葛长胜、澳金利公司的委托代理人华泽耕以及金利公司和澳金利公司的委托代理人张建华,到庭参加了诉讼。本案现已审理终结。@#
一审法院经审理查明:1991年12月 20日,远东公司与案外人中国国际游艇俱乐部(以下简称游艇俱乐部)签订《共同开发金石滩合同书》(以下简称《开发合同书》),约定游艇俱乐部将其开发区域内的 10万平方米的土地使用权以每平方米80元的价格转让给远东公司,转让年限49年,转让总价款800万元。该合同仅载明地块为公建区西侧南海边1、2、3组团,未标明转让面积的四至,并约定具体位置以规划图为准。1992年10月8日,游艇俱乐部与大连市土地管理局签订《国有土地使用权出让合同》,约定大连市土地管理局将位于金石滩国家旅游度假区内的46万平方米土地出让给游艇俱乐部,出让年限为49年,出让金每平方米20元。该《国有土地使用权出让合同》未标明出让地块的四至,仅载明详见附件地块地理位置图,而地理位置图中圈定的绿线面积位置与游艇俱乐部转让给远东公司的地块并不在同一位置。 1993年1月29日,远东公司与金利公司签订《联合开发土地有偿使用协议书》(以下简称《联合开发协议》),约定远东公司将已购得使用权的金石滩游艇俱乐部会员别墅区8.6万平方米的土地使用权有偿转让给金利公司,使用期限48年,转让价格每平方米320元,转让总价款2752万元(转让土地面积以双方认定最后测量的规划红线内面积为准)。远东公司应向金利公司提供转让地块的土地使用证明,附图及经过修订并定稿的详细规划图和规划要求。协议签订后5日内,金利公司须向远东公司交纳定金200万元,1993年3月末前不少于1800万元,同年4月末前付清全部转让费用。如不能按期交付应付款项,金利公司除承担远东公司经济损失外,远东公司可将未交付部分的土地使用权收回。转让地块红线内的配套费由金利公司负责,红线外的配套费由金利公司按游艇俱乐部的要求提前交给远东公司,远东公司统一交给游艇俱乐部。@#
1995年2月27日,远东公司以书面形式向澳金利公司发出《关于催缴土地配套费的通知》,“该通知载明的通知对象为澳金利公司(原辽宁金利公司)”,主要内容为:你方已交土地款1350万元,折合土地 42187.5平方米,用地范围外配套费每平方米220元,应交9281 250元,按游艇俱乐部要求,配套费应在1995年3月底前全部付清。如你方愿意保留土地42 187.5平方米,就应按规定时间付清配套费,否则土地无法保留。如用已交款1350万元支付土地款和配套费(每平方米540元),你方应得土地2.5万平方米。如选择第一方案,请按时付清全部配套费,否则按第二方案划给你方土地2.5万平方米,并为你方办理2.5万平方米的土地证。@#
1995年3月5日,澳金利公司给远东公司回函(双方均未能提供澳金利公司的回函)。1995年3月10日,远东公司给澳金利公司复函称:1995年3月5日回函收悉,鉴于当前情况及贵公司回函意见,提出两个办法请贵公司选择后告知我方:贵公司已交款1350万元,应划给土地2.5万平方米,因规划调整,位置稍有变动,有一块土地面积为27 800平方米可全部划给你方并将土地证办给贵公司,多出2800平方米的经济问题以后再说。这样,贵公司可独立或者双方联合运作;另一种办法是土地交给我方统一运作好后,退还给贵公司本金1350万元,如运作获利,考虑付给贵公司部分或者全部利息,如运作不好,只付本金不付利息。1995年11月17日,远东公司给澳金利公司出具的函中称:远东公司于1992年分期借澳金利公司资金1350万元,目前暂时偿还不了,经双方协商,同意此借款于1996年分四期偿还:1月还400万元,3月还500万元,6月还300万元,9月还150万元。1995年11月18日,白宝山(当时为金属公司的财务主任,并协助管理澳金利公司的财务工作)为远东公司出具书面《资金占用说明》称:此件为双方利益需要,作为内部使用,我作为一方经办人员特此说明。白宝山在一审法院于2004年 3月12日审结的(2003)辽民一房终字第 310号澳金利公司诉远东公司土地使用权转让纠纷案件开庭审理时,当庭认证了该说明的真实性,并指出“此件”指的是1995年11月17日远东公司为澳金利公司出具的分期还款函件。1996年8月30日,远东公司出具《协议书》致函澳金利公司称:远东公司于1992年开始分期收到澳金利公司资金1350万元,如经济形式出现转机,分三期于1999年7月返还完毕,如经济形式未出现转机,返还计划按年度顺延。@#
1997年4月22日,游艇俱乐部向大连金石滩国家旅游度假区管理委员会(以下简称度假区管委会)递交《关于土地调整的报告》称:游艇俱乐部获批的1 141 197平方米建设规划用地被度假区管委会占用 338 361平方米,被占用的土地中涉及另外三家已付价款的合作开发单位,现合作开发单位多次要求拨付土地进行开工建设。望度假区管委会归还占用土地以利我们与合作开发单位协调运作,如不能归还,建议将我部区域边缘的地块调整给我们,以保持我部项目的完整性。1997年9月24日,远东公司与游艇俱乐部签订《合作开发大连金石滩土地合同书》,表明该合同为 1992年10月游艇俱乐部与大连市土地局签署《国有土地出让合同》第五条所确定可转让46万平方米范围内的转让合同之一。并约定游艇俱乐部将其拥有的100万平方米总体规划区内的7万平方米转让给远东公司,转让年限49年,土地转让金每平方米80元,配套费每平方米220元,合计每平方米转让价款为300元,转让总价款为 2100万元。@#
1999年3月24日,游艇俱乐部与度假区管委会签订《调换建设用地协议书》约定:度假区管委会占用和应补给游艇俱乐部建设用地总面积为317 844平方米,度假区管委会以游艇俱乐部建设用地相邻地调换给游艇俱乐部235 217.74平方米。因度假区管委会调整了游艇俱乐部的建设用地,造成远东公司不能向金利公司依约交付靠海边的地块。@#
澳金利公司曾于2000年以远东公司为被告向辽宁省大连市中级人民法院提起联建土地开发纠纷之诉,后又于2000年4月4日,以诉讼主体有误为由申请撤诉, 2000年4月10日,辽宁省大连市中级人民法院作出(2000)大民房初字第29号民事裁定,准许其撤诉。@#
2002年9月23日,澳金利公司再次向辽宁省大连市中级人民法院提起诉讼,请求确认远东公司与金利公司签订的《联合开发协议》无效,要求远东公司返还投资款1350万元,并承担占用该款期间的利息。辽宁省大连市中级人民法院于2003年 10月16日作出(2002)大民房初字第109号民事判决,认为远东公司在签订合同时虽未取得土地使用权,但在起诉前已经取得土地使用权,因此认定合同有效。远东公司的三份还款协议不是真实意思表示,判决驳回澳金利公司的诉讼请求。澳金利公司及远东公司均不服,向辽宁省高级人民法院提起上诉。澳金利公司的上诉理由是一审判决认定远东公司的三份还款协议不是真实意思表示错误,请求撤销一审判决,支持澳金利公司的诉讼请求。远东公司的上诉理由是一审判决适用法律错误,应当裁定驳回澳金利公司的起诉。辽宁省高级人民法院于2004年3月12日作出(2003)辽民一房终字第310号民事裁定,认定在远东公司与金利公司及澳金利公司之间没有形成合同权利和合同义务一并转让的法律关系,《联合开发协议》的主体是金利公司,合同以外的当事人无权请求认定他人之间的合同无效,故裁定驳回澳金利公司起诉。@#

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