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Tianjin Goubuli Group Co., Ltd. v. Tianfengyuan Restaurant of Jinan Daguanyuan Shopping Center (A case about disputes over the exclusive right to use a trademark)

Tianjin Goubuli Group Co., Ltd. v. Tianfengyuan Restaurant of Jinan Daguanyuan Shopping Center (A case about disputes over the exclusive right to use a trademark)
(A case about disputes over the exclusive right to use a trademark)

Tianjin Goubuli Group Co., Ltd. v. Tianfengyuan Restaurant of Jinan Daguanyuan Shopping Center
(A case about disputes over the exclusive right to use a trademark)





1. A service trademark,also known as service mark, referred to an exclusive sign used by a serviceprovider for distinguishing its own services from that provided by others. UnderArticle 54 of the Regulation for Implementation of the Trademark Law, if aservice mark used incessantly up to July 1, 1993 is identical or similar to theservice mark that was registered for identical or similar services by any otherperson, it may continue to be used. However, if the use ceased for 3 years ormore after July 1, 1993, it may not be used any more.


2. If a personuses in its product name such characters that are identical or similar to thosein a service trademark already registered by another person, such conduct doesnot fall into the circumstance provided by Article 54 of the Regulation for theImplementation of the Trademark Law.  Ifthe use of such product name constitutes prior use, and does not violate commercialethnics by malicious intention to use other's registered service trademark for marketcompetition and intentional infringement, and if the user uses the product nameproperly, there would be no infringement of other's registered service markexclusive right to use. However, if the person uses the product name inadvertisement signage/board, outdoor advertisement and destination board, usethe product name in a prominent manner or use the product name separately from itstrade name, so as to create easy confusion to consumers, such conduct constitutesinfringement of the exclusive right to use of other's registered servicetrademark. 




Plaintiff: Tianjin Goubuli Group Co., Ltd., located at Heping Road, Heping District, Tianjin.

Legal Representative: Zhang Yansen, chairman of Board of Directors of this company.

Defendant: Tianfengyuan Restaurant of Jinan Daguanyuan Shopping Center, located within Daguanyuan Shopping Center of 2nd Latitude Road, 4th Longitude Road, Jinan.

Legal representative: Fang Zude, manager of this restaurant.


For disputes over trademark infringement with Tianfengyuan Restaurant of Jinan Daguanyuan Shopping Center (Tianfengyuan Restaurant”), Tianjin Goubuli Group Co., Ltd. (“Goubuli Co., Ltd.”) brought an action in the Intermediate People's Court of Jinan, Shandong Province.

The plaintiff, Goubuli Co., Ltd., claimed that: it obtained the certificate of registered trademark of “Goubuli” (No.769005, State Administration for Industry and Commerce) on October 7, 1994, and this registered trademark was approved to be used for services in Category 42. Upon approval, this trademark was later renewed for ten years. On December 29, 1999, the trademark “Goubuli” was determined by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce as a “well-known trademark in China.” In April 2006, the plaintiff found that the defendant, Tianfengyuan Restaurant, had long engaged in catering business in the name of “Goubuli” without authorization, using the registered trademark “Goubuli” as the enterprise trade name, and distinctively using the service logo “Goubuli” on the fa?ade and corridors of its business premises, its menus within the restaurant and its business cards. These acts of the defendant had infringed upon the plaintiff's trademark right. Therefore, the plaintiff requested the court to order the defendant to: (1) immediately stop infringing upon the plaintiff's trademark right; (2) make a public apology to the plaintiff on a national newspaper for its infringement upon the plaintiff's exclusive right to use a registered trademark and eliminate the adverse effect; (3) compensate the plaintiff for economic losses of 265,000 yuan caused by the infringement; and (4) bear all litigation costs for this case.

In the first court hearing, Goubuli Co., Ltd. clarified that the claimed compensation was for its economic losses in 2006.

Goubuli Co., Ltd. submitted the following evidence:

1. The relevant certificates of registration of the trademark which combines the Chinese characters for “Goubuli” and device, to prove that this trademark was registered by Goubuli Steamed Dumplings Eatery of Heping District of Tianjin in 1980, with the serial number of certificate of registration being 138850 and approved to be used for “steamed dumplings” in Category 42 of commodities. This trademark was continuously renewed, and the registrant was changed to Tianjin Goubuli Steamed Dumplings Company and later Tianjin Goubuli Steamed Dumplings Catering (Group) Company. On September 28, 2005, upon approval, this trademark was assigned to the plaintiff. In addition, on December 7, 1996, Tianjin Goubuli Steamed Dumplings Catering (Group) Company applied for using this trademark on Category 30 of commodities, and obtained the certificate of trademark registration, No. 911322, with the approved scope of use covering tea, substitutes of tea leaf, sugar, confection, bread, pastry, substitutes of dairy products, rice, flour, noodle, products made of rice and flour, puffing food, bean products, edible starch and products made thereof, drinkable ice, ice products, common salt, coffee, artificial coffee, soy, vinegar and other seasonings, dumplings, steamed dumplings, edible spices, etc., totaling dozens of commodities. The plaintiff acquired this trademark by assignment on December 21, 2005, and renewed it until December 6, 2016; and 1.“狗不理”文字和图形组合商标的相关注册证,用以证明该商标于1980年由“天津市和平区狗不理包子铺”进行注册,注册证为第138850号,核定在商品第42类“包子”上使用。该商标后经续展,并先后变更注册人为天津市狗不理包子公司、天津市狗不理包子饮食(集团)公司。2005年 9月28日,该商标被核准转让给原告。另外,天津市狗不理包子饮食(集团)公司于 1996年12月7日在第三十类商品上申请使用该商标,并取得了第911322号商标注册证,核定使用商品为茶及茶叶代用品、糖、糖果、面包、糕点、代乳制品、米、面粉、面条及米面制品、膨化食品、豆制品、食用淀粉及其制品、饮用冰、冰制品、食盐、咖啡、人造咖啡、酱油、醋等调味品、饺子、包子、食用香料等等几十种商品。原告于 2005年12月21日受让该商标,并续展至 2016年12月6日。

2. The Manual for Franchise Operations of the plaintiff for permitting others to use its trademark “Goubuli” and operating system and the Contract on Granting Franchise (restaurant mode) signed by it with Yantai Dingfeng Catering Service Limited Liability Company on July 20, 2006 and proofs related to the performance thereof. Under this contract, both parties agreed that: the plaintiff had established a unique “Goubuli system” in its longtime production and trading activities, consisting of valued and exclusively used trade name, trademark, name plate, enterprise culture, style of decoration both inside and outside a restaurant, food formula, production process, service norms, quality standards, technical training, financial management, etc. The business operations of a franchised enterprise should be orientated as follows: the business mode should be a Goubuli restaurant, the business operations should face consumers at the medium and higher levels and be characterized by its culture, comfort and high quality, a brand image of standardization, uniformity, honesty and credibility should be set up; the business scope should include steamed dumplings, hot and cold dishes, beverage, products in relation to the Goubuli brand provided by the plaintiff, etc. The term of this contract should be three years. Upon the signing of this contract, a lump sum of admittance fee of 160,000 yuan should be paid, a joint advertising fee of 15,000 yuan should be paid to the plaintiff, a performance bond of 57,060 yuan should be paid, and a lasting franchise royalty for each year calculated as per the area of business operations should be paid, i.e. 180 yuan per square meter each year (90 yuan per square meter for the area beyond 500 square meters). Such evidence was submitted to prove the use of the registered trademark under franchise involved in this case, and serve as a reference basis for requiring the defendant, Tianfengyuan Restaurant, to compensate for economic losses. 2.原告许可他人使用“狗不理”相关商标以及经营体系的《特许连锁经营手册》及其与烟台市鼎丰餐饮服务有限公司于 2006年7月20日签订的《授予特许经营权合同书(酒楼模式)》以及合同履行的有关凭证。该合同约定:原告在长期的生产经营活动中确立了独有的“狗不理体系”,即有价值的专用商号、商标、牌匾、企业文化、店堂内外装饰风格、食品配方、制作工艺、服务规范、质量标准、技术培训和财务管理等。特许企业的经营定位为:经营模式为狗不理酒楼,经营宗旨为面向高中档不同消费层次,以文化、舒适、品质为特色,树立规范统一诚信的品牌形象,经营范围为狗不理包子、热菜、冷菜、酒水饮料,原告提供的狗不理品牌的相关产品等。合同期限为三年。签订合同时一次性支付加盟金16万元,向原告缴付共同广告费1.5万元,并缴纳履约保证金57 060元,另缴纳年度经常性特许权使用费,使用费标准按经营面积计算,每平方米每年的使用费为180元(超过500平方米部分按每平方米每年使用费 90元计算)。用以证明涉案注册商标的许可使用情况,并以此作为要求被告天丰园饭店赔偿经济损失的参考依据。

The defendant, Tianfengyuan Restaurant, pleaded that: as a state-owned enterprise providing catering services, it used “Goubuli” as a service logo for its steamed soup dumplings within its business premises, but used this logo only after its trade name Tianfengyuan restaurant, which obviously differed from the registered trademark of the plaintiff, Goubuli Co., Ltd., and would not mislead the consumers. All old customers in Jinan knew that the Goubuli steamed dumplings in Jinan Daguanyuan were a famous snack in Jinan, with a history of existence dating back to 1940s, and no one had ever considered that the Goubuli steamed soup dumplings in Jinan had any relationship with the Goubuli Steamed Dumplings in Tianjin. The defendant started using “Goubuli” as a service logo for its steamed soup dumplings within its business premises in 1979, and had been using it for over two decades, whereas the trademark “Goubuli” of the plaintiff was registered in 1994. According to the provision of the trademark law of China that “a service trademark which has continuously been used by July 1, 1993 may continuously be used, nevertheless it is identical with or similar to a service trademark that is registered by any other person for identical or similar services,” it lacked legal basis for the plaintiff to sue the defendant for trademark infringement, and the action should be dismissed.

The defendant, Tianfengyuan Restaurant, submitted the following evidence:

1. The Certificate concerning the Fact that Tianfengyuan Restaurant Has Continued Trading in the Snack “Goubuli” Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Pork and Soup Honored as Jinan Famous Snack since 1940s, on which the official seals of the Sub-district Office at Daguanyuan of the People's Government of Shizhong District of Jinan, Commerce and Trade Bureau of Shizhong District of Jinan, Trade Bureau of Jinan, and Restaurant Association of Jinan were affixed, and the certificate produced by the Association of Catering Services of Jinan, to prove that to date, Tianfengyuan Restaurant had continued trading in the snack “Goubuli” steamed dumplings stuffed with pork and soup since 1980s, which was a favorite snack of consumers in Jinan and was honored as famous snack in 2005; and 1.有济南市市中区人民政府大观园街道办事处、济南市市中区商业贸易局、济南市贸易局、济南市饭店协会加盖公章的《关于天丰园饭店自40年代初开始持续经营“狗不理”风味猪肉灌汤包以及多次被评为济南名优风味小吃的证明材料》,以及济南市饮食业协会出具的证明各一份,用以证明白80年代至今,天丰园饭店一直持续经营“狗不理”风味猪肉灌汤包,是济南市消费者喜欢的小吃,并被评为2005年的名优小吃;

2. The certificate produced by Jinan Milinai Catering Limited Liability Company neighboring Tianfengyuan Restaurant, to prove that since the foundation of Jinan Milinai Catering Limited Liability Company in 1991, Tianfengyuan Restaurant had always hung a tablet bearing “Goubuli” steamed dumplings stuffed with pork and soup over the gate of its restaurant, and also hung a black tablet near the stairs of the 1st floor bearing three Chinese characters for “Goubuli”, handwriting of calligrapher Wu Zhongqi, and that its main brand products were “Goubuli” steamed dumplings stuffed with pork and soup. 2.天丰园饭店的相邻单位济南米力乃餐饮有限公司出具的证明一份,证明自济南米力乃餐饮有限公司1991年成立以来,天丰园饭店一直在其店堂门口悬挂“狗不理”猪肉灌汤包的牌匾,还曾在店堂一楼楼道口悬挂一黑色牌匾,上面有书法家武中奇亲手书写的“狗不理”三个字,其主打经营品牌也是“狗不理”猪肉灌汤包。

After cross-examination and authentication in the trial of first instance, the Intermediate People's Court of Jinan found that:

On October 7, 1994, Tianjin Goubuli Steamed Dumplings Catering (Group) Company registered the service trademark “Goubuli” with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, with the serial number of certificate of registration being No.769005 and was approved to be used for service items in Category 42, i.e. restaurant, preparation for and management of feast, fast-food restaurant and self-service restaurant. On December 29, 1999, the trademark “Goubuli” was determined as a well-known trademark by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. On August 24, 2004, the term of validity of this trademark was renewed until October 6, 2014.
1994年10月7日,天津狗不理包子饮食(集团)公司在国家工商行政管理局商标局注册了“狗不理”服务商标,注册号为第769005号,核定服务项目为第42类,即餐馆、备办宴席、快餐馆、自动餐馆。1999年12月29日,“狗不理”商标被国家工商行政管理局认定为驰名商标。2004年8月 24日,该商标进行了续展核准,有效期至 2014年10月6日。

On April 8, 2005, Tianjin Goubuli Steamed Dumplings Catering (Group) Company was renamed to Tianjin Goubuli Group Co., Ltd., i.e. the plaintiff in this case, Goubuli Co., Ltd.. On October 7, 2005, the assignment of the above service trademark “Goubuli”, No. 769005, was approved by the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and Goubuli Co., Ltd. was the assignee.

After discovering the suspected infringement by the defendant, the plaintiff took on-site photos of the defendant's premises where it traded in the “Goubuli” steamed dumplings, respectively in April, September and November 2006. As shown in the photos, the defendant traded in the “Goubuli” steamed dumplings on the south side of the 2nd floor of its business premises, and used or hung tablets, advertisements and direction signs bearing the Chinese characters for “China time-honored brand Goubuli Steamed Dumplings,” “Chinese snack Goubuli welcomes you,” “Tianfengyuan Goubuli Steamed Dumplings, famous snack in Jinan” and “Tianfengyuan Goubuli Steamed Dumplings” near the stairs of the 1st floor, staircase and entrance to the 2nd floor and outside the window of the 2nd floor, and the Chinese characters for “famous traditional snack” and “Chinese famous snack Goubuli Steamed Dumplings” also appeared on the business cards and menus used by this restaurant.

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