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Sun Wei v. Nantong Baichuan Flour Co., Ltd. (dispute over unjust enrichment)

Sun Wei v. Nantong Baichuan Flour Co., Ltd. (dispute over unjust enrichment)
(dispute over unjust enrichment)
[Key Terms]
criminal judgment ; amount of illicit money ; scope of losses ; standard of proof
[Disputed Issues]
Whether the scope of losses to the victim can be determined on the basis of the amount of illicit money as recognized in the criminal judgment?
[Case Summary]
Although the amount of illicit money has been recognized in the criminal judgment such amount of illicit money is not equivalent to the scope of losses to the victim. Under normal conditions the scope of direct and indirect losses to a victim caused by a criminal offense is greater than the amount of the illicit money the criminal offender has directly obtained. In the settlement of dispute over compensation for civil losses in a criminal case...
Sun Wei v. Nantong Baichuan Flour Co., Ltd. (dispute over unjust enrichment) 孙卫与南通百川面粉有限公司不当得利纠纷案
[Judgment Abstract] [裁判摘要]
The amount of illicit money as recognized in the criminal judgment is not equivalent to the scope of losses caused by the criminal offense and the scope of losses cannot be determined simply on the basis of the amount of illicit money as recognized in the criminal judgment. The standard of proof for a criminal case differs from that for a civil case and the civil standard of proof should not be replaced by the higher criminal standard of proof. 刑事判决认定的赃款数额并非等同于作案造成损失的范围,不能简单依据刑事判决认定赃款的数额确定损失范围。刑事案件与民事案件的证明标准不同,不应以刑事案件的高标准取代民事证明标准。
Plaintiff: Sun Wei, female, 34 years old, domiciled in Hai'an County, Jiangsu Province. 原告:孙卫。
Defendant: Nantong Baichuan Flour Co., Ltd., domiciled in Hebin West Road, Hai'an Township, Hai'an County. 被告:南通百川面粉有限公司。
Plaintiff Sun Wei filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Hai'an County, Jiangsu Province against defendant Nantong Baichuan Flour Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Baichuan Company”) for dispute over unjust enrichment. 原告孙卫因与被告南通百川面粉有限公司(以下简称百川公司)发生不当得利纠纷,向江苏省海安县人民法院提起诉讼。
Plaintiff Sun Wei alleged that she was once the warehouse keeper of Baichuan Company. In 2011, Baichuan Company found that Sun Wei committed duty-related embezzlement with Yang Jianjun and Zhang Ronggen. Upon consultation, both parties agreed that such duty-related embezzlement would be settled internally at the expense of 400,000 yuan and Sun Wei would not be subject to criminal liability. After the oral agreement was concluded, Sun Wei commissioned other person to deposit 400,463.92 yuan to the bank account of Baichuan Company, but she was still be tipped off and subject to criminal liability. In 2013, the court rendered a criminal judgment, recognizing that Sun Wei has embezzled property of Baichuan Company, amounting to 100,000 yuan in total. Therefore, Sun Wei claimed that the additional 300,463.92 yuan returned by her should be the unjust enrichment of Baichuan Company. She requested the court to order that Baichuan Company should return the unjust enrichment of 300,463.92 yuan and the interest thereof amounting to 54,000 yuan, and bear the litigation costs of this case. 

原告孙卫诉称:其原系百川公司仓库保管员。2011年,百川公司发现其与杨建军、张荣根的职务侵占行为后,经过协商同意以40万元内部解决,不追究刑事责任。口头协议达成后,孙卫委托他人向百川公司账户打入400463.92元,但仍被举报追究刑事责任。2013年,法院刑事判决书认定,孙卫共侵占单位财物10万元。故而,孙卫多退的300463.92元,应为百川公司的不当得利。请求法院判令被告百川公司返还不当得利300 463.92元及利息54 000元,并承担本案诉讼费用。

...... 被告百川公司辩称:原告孙卫等人侵占我公司财产所造成的损失,经审计核算达721 881元。被公司发现侵占行为后,孙卫等人与公司协商,要求不追究刑事责任,口头达成退赔400463.92元的协议,该款并非孙卫一人所退。海安县人民法院对孙卫等人职务侵占案进行刑事庭审时,孙卫承认对审计报告没有意见,而审计报告中孙卫等人侵占的财产超出其退赔款。刑事判决书认定赃款10万元,并非孙卫等人侵占公司财产的全部,孙卫通过民事程序要求公司退款缺乏依据。请求法院判决驳回孙卫的诉讼请求。
 2004年,原告孙卫开始担任百川公司仓库保管员。2011年,被告百川公司发现孙卫与核算员杨建军、生产车间班长张荣根等人有共同侵占单位面粉及麸皮嫌疑,但单位找孙卫谈话时其拒绝承认。百川公司遂委托江苏中正同仁会计事务所有限公司,对百川公司2008年5月至2010年12月期间库存产成品保管情况及与之相关的企业内控、财务管理等情况实施了专项审计工作。2011年3月26日,中正同仁所出具了同仁专审2011第239号《南通百川面粉有限公司产成品保管情况专项审计报告》。孙卫承担审计费20 000元。审计结果出来后,孙卫、杨建军、张荣根等人承认了非法侵占公司财产的事实,要求公司不追究刑事责任,口头协商达成退赔协议,由孙卫等人向百川公司退赔400463.92元。孙卫通过其亲戚邵俊兰,于2011年4月10日、2011年4月26日分二次共向百川公司账户打款400 463.92元,该款中包括杨建军、张荣根二人所退款10万元。
 刑事判决书查明的事实与海安公安局海公(经)诉字[2013]393号起诉意见书、海安县人民检察院海检诉刑诉[2013]453号起诉书、海安县人民检察院海检诉量建 [2013]453号量刑建议书认定的事实基本一致,将孙卫、杨建军、张荣根三人侵占直接所得赃款从10万余元,逐步固定为10万元,并明确三人积极退赔被害单位全部经济损失。

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