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Changzhi Huamao Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Co., Ltd. v. Changzhi Jiechang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (A case about disputes over a contract on cooperative real estate development)

Changzhi Huamao Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Co., Ltd. v. Changzhi Jiechang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (A case about disputes over a contract on cooperative real estate development)
(A case about disputes over a contract on cooperative real estate development)

Changzhi Huamao Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Co., Ltd. v. Changzhi Jiechang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
(A case about disputes over a contract on cooperative real estate development)@#
[Judgment Abstract]@#
The term “the cooperative real estate development contract” refersto a contract whereby the parties concerned jointly contribute land use rightand/or monetary capital in real estate development and share profits and takerisks together. It is usually a major contractual provision that the partycontributing the land use right should change the land use right to be jointly ownedby all cooperative parties or under the name of the project company. Whether the contract is a cooperative real estate development contractwhere the land use right is contributed as investment for cooperation, or simplya land use right transfer contract, shall be determined on whether all theparties will share the profits and risks in the real estate developmentproject. @#
Supreme People's Court@#

Civil Judgment@#
No. 60 [2005], Final, Civil Division I@#
Appellant (Plaintiff in the original trial): Changzhi Huamao Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Co., Ltd., residing at No. 1, Beiguan Street, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province.@#
Legal representative: Liu Huachuan, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Tian Ruihua, lawyer of Beijing Huamao Guigu Law Firm.@#
Attorney: Han Ting, Beijing Hanheng Law Firm.@#
Appellant (Defendant in the original trial): Changzhi Jiechang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., residing at No. 302, Changxing Zhonglu, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province.@#
Legal representative: Su Fulun, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Gao Yuan, lawyer of Beijing Zhongrui Law Firm.@#
Attorney: Zhang Shuqin, lawyer of Shanxi Shuangshi Law Firm.@#
On June 5, 2005, the Higher People's Court of Shanxi Province made a civil judgment (No. 1 [2005], Civil, First Instance, HPC Shanxi) of the case of disputes over the cooperative real estate development between the two appellants, Changzhi Huamao Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Co., Ltd. (“Huamao Co.”) and Changzhi Jiechang Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (“Jiechang Co.”). Neither Huamao Co. nor Jiechang Co. was satisfied with this judgment, and appealed respectively to this court. This court legally formed a collegiate bench, and tried this case in an open court on September 20, 2005. Liu Huachuan, legal representative, and Tian Ruihua and Hanting, attorneys, of Huamao Co., and Su Fulun, legal representative, and Gao Yuan and Zhang Shuqin, attorneys, of Jiechang Co. appeared before the court in the trial. To date, the trial of this case has been concluded.@#
Through trial, the court of the first instance found that: on August 22, 2001, according to the Report on the Development and Transformation Plan of the Huamao Business Zone of Changzhi Urban Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Company, the Construction Bureau of Changzhi of Shanxi Province submitted a request to the People's Government of Changzhi of Shanxi Province regarding the development of Huamao Residential Area by Changzhi Urban Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Company with a total construction area of 43,787 square meters, which was later approved by the Planning Commission of Changzhi of Shanxi Province in an official reply, No. 216 [2001] Changzhi Planning, Investment, on November 28, 2001. On December 31, 2001, the Construction Bureau of Changzhi of Shanxi Province issued the written opinions on construction project location and planning license for construction land to Changzhi Urban Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Company. On January 12, 2002, the General Office of the People's Government of Changzhi of Shanxi Province in a notice, No. 1 [2002], General Office, Changzhi Government, decided to implement demolition and transformation within the Huamao Business Zone. On March 28, 2002, Changzhi Urban Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Company was re-registered as Changzhi Huamao Non-Staple Foodstuffs & Fruits Co., Ltd., with its legal representative, Liu Huachuan, being unchanged before and after the re-registration. On April 21, 2002, Jiechang Co. was formed with its legal representative being Liu Huachuan. On April 27, 2002, the Planning Commission of Changzhi of Shanxi Province in a notice, No. 172 [2002], Changzhi Planning, Investment, gave green light to the construction of Supermarket & Shopping Center with a construction area of 28,380 square meters in Phase 1 of the Huamao Business Zone project.@#
On May 25, 2002, Huamao Co., Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan Enterprise Trading Limited (“Hong Kong Yik Kwan Co.”) entered into an Agreement on the cooperative development of Huamao Business and Residential Area, but this agreement was not performed. On July 6, 2002, Huamao Co., Su Fulun, Hong Kong Yik Kwan Co. and Chen Peisen entered into an Agreement on Cooperative Real Estate Development regarding the cooperative development of the Huamao Business Zone project, unanimously agreeing to develop the Huamao Business Zone project and be bound by this agreement in rights and obligations. The main provisions of this agreement were: (1) The former Huamao Business Zone project had been approved by such documents as No. 216 [2001] Changzhi Planning, Investment, No. 136 [2001] Changzhi Construction, No. 1 [2002], General Office, Changzhi Government and No. 172 [2002], Changzhi Planning, Investment, and received the written opinions on construction project location, No. 58 Location, and planning license for construction land, No. 66 [2001]. As needed by the project construction, after friendly consultations between the three parties, it was agreed that Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan Co. should be added for the development and construction of this project. (2) The scope of land used for this project should include the land acquired and owned by Huamao Co. through assignment, i.e. the land, No. 044 [2001] Changzhi, State Land Use, with a land use area of 15,293.9 square meters and the land, No. 014 [2001], Changzhi, State Land Use, with a land use area of 2,451.2 square meters. (3) The land development mode: all parties agreed that Jiechang Co. should be the project company for transforming and constructing the Huamao Business, Residential and Pedestrian Street; the shareholders and share structure of Jiechang Co. should be changed; Huamao Co. should assist Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan in conducting the formalities for registration of shareholder changes after this agreement was signed, and the fees incurred shall be paid by Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan Co. (4) The development conditions: according to the construction plan of the Huamao Business, Residential and Pedestrian Street, this project should be constructed in two phases and specifically implemented by Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan. Huamao Co. should be responsible for changing the original transformation and construction entity from Huamao Co. to Jiechang Co. to engage in the transformation, construction and operation, and should be responsible for obtaining all government approvals before Jiechang Co. commenced the construction. The land, No. 044 [2001] Changzhi, State Land Use, with a land use area of 15,293.9 square meters and the land, No. 014 [2001], Changzhi, State Land Use, with a land use area of 2,451.2 square meters of Huamao Co. should be included in the general development and construction of the Huamao Business, Residential and Pedestrian Street by Jiechang Co. The land change formalities should be uniformly handled after an agreement on demolition and relocation was concluded. According to the development schedule for Phase 1 and Phase 2, Huamao Co. should be responsible for the compensation for and relocation of above-ground structures and the “water and power supply, road and leveling” on such land, and should bear the expenses incurred therefor (demolition and relocation bond and those for relocation, demolition and cleaning-up transportation). Huamao Co. should assist in handling the formalities for share changes in Jiechang Co. and qualifications of Jiechang Co. for real estate development, and the necessary fees should be paid by Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan Co. Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan Co. should be responsible for the demolition, relocation and expenses therefor on land other than the construction land provided by Huamao Co. and payment of the required land assignment fee for such land, responsible for the input of all funds necessary for the development and construction of this project but the expenses that should be assumed by Huamao Co, responsible for the specific business operations of Jiechang Co. and general planning, construction and sales of this project, and responsible for the project expenses and input of registered capital of the project company. (5) Allocation and sales: Huamao Co. should acquire real estates of 11,070 square meters of the total construction area of the project, which comprised a department store of 3,700 square meters (as all compensations for the land, No. 014 [2001], Changzhi, State Land Use, of Huamao Supermarket, and demolition and relocation of above-ground structure thereon), detached shops of 500 square meters and a residential area of 2,205 square meters in Phase 1 and a department store of 1,000 square meters, detached shops of 1,500 square meters and a residential area of 2,165 square meters in Phase 2. Upon the startup of the project operation and issuance of the demolition and relocation announcement, Jiechang Co. and Huamao Co. should enter into an agreement on demolition and relocation on the conditions above, and the specific locations and floors of real estates as compensation should be determined by consultation in the general project plan. Except the real estates of 11,070 square meters as the compensation for Huamao Co., the rest of the real estates should belong to Su Fulun and Hong Kong Yik Kwan Co. The real estates acquired by each party should be relatively centralized and arranged in a manner of combination of the good and the bad, and each party should bear the various expenses that should be paid by it according to the Regulation on Realty Management. This agreement also provided for real estate sales, default liabilities, term, etc.@#


上诉人长治市华茂副食果品有限公司 (以下简称华茂公司)与上诉人长治市杰昌房地产开发有限公司(以下简称杰昌公司)合作开发房地产合同纠纷一案,山西省高级人民法院于2005年6月5日作出 (2005)晋民初字第1号民事判决。华茂公司、杰昌公司均不服该判决,分别向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成合议庭,于2005年 9月20日进行了开庭审理。华茂公司的法定代表人刘华川及委托代理人田锐华、韩挺,杰昌公司的法定代表人苏福伦及委托代理人高原、张树勤到庭参加诉讼。本案现已审理终结。@#
一审法院经审理查明:2001年8月22日,山西省长治市建设局根据长治市城区副食果品公司《关于华茂商业园区开发改造方案的报告》向山西省长治市人民政府请示,山西省长治市计委于2001年11月 28日以长计投字(2001)216号批复同意长治市城区副食果品公司对华茂小区进行开发,项目总建筑面积43 787平方米。2001年12月31日,山西省长治市建委为长治市城区副食果品公司核发建设项目选址意见书和建设用地规划许可证。2002年1月 12日,山西省长治市人民政府办公厅以长政办发(2002)1号通知对华茂商业园区进行拆迁改造。2002年3月28日,长治市城区副食果品公司变更登记为长治市华茂副食果品有限公司,该公司变更登记前后的法定代表人均为刘华川。2002年4月21日,杰昌公司注册成立,法定代表人为刘华川。2002年4月27日,山西省长治市计委以长计投字(2002)172号通知同意华茂商业园区一期工程超市购物中心建设,建筑面积为28 380平方米。@#
2002年5月25日,华茂公司、苏福伦、香港益群企业贸易有限公司(以下简称香港益群公司)签订《协议书》约定合作开发华茂商住园,但该协议未履行。2002年7月6日,华茂公司、苏福伦、香港益群公司、陈培森签订合作开发华茂商业园区项目的《房地产合作开发协议书》约定,各方一致同意合作开发建设华茂商业园区项目,各方的权利和义务通过本协议予以规范。主要条款有:一是原华茂商业园区项目已经长治市长计投字(2001)216号、长建发 (2001)136号、长政办发(2002)1号、长计投字(2002)172号等文件批准,并办理了选址字58号建设项目选址意见书和长投 2001年编号用地66号建设用地规划许可证。现因项目建设需要,经三方友好协商,增加苏福伦、香港益群公司对该项目进行开发建设。二是项目用地范围中包括华茂公司自有出让土地,即长治国用(2001)字第044号土地使用面积15 293.9平方米及长治国用(2001)字第014号土地使用面积 2451.2平方米。三是开发方式为各方商定以杰昌公司作为对华茂商住步行街改造建设的项目公司;对杰昌公司的股东股权进行变更;华茂公司应配合苏福伦、香港益群公司在本协议签订后办理杰昌公司股东变更登记手续,所发生的费用,由苏福伦、香港益群公司支付。四是开发条件为根据华茂商住步行街建设规划,该项目分两期建设并由苏福伦、香港益群公司具体实施。华茂公司负责将原改造建设单位由华茂公司变更为杰昌公司改造建设经营,负责办理杰昌公司开工前政府所有批文;华茂公司长治国用(2001)字第044号土地面积 15 293.9平方米和长治国用(2001)字第 014号土地使用面积2451.2平方米,纳入杰昌公司对华茂商住步行街整体开发建设;土地变更手续在拆迁协议签订后统一办理;华茂公司按一、二期开发进度负责该部分土地地上建筑物的拆迁补偿安置及“三通一平”,并承担由此发生的费用(拆迁保证金、搬迁、拆除、清运);华茂公司协同办理杰昌公司的股权变更手续和办理杰昌公司房地产开发经营的资质,所需费用由苏福伦、香港益群公司承担。苏福伦、香港益群公司负责除华茂公司提供项目建设用地以外部分土地的拆迁、安置及费用,并交纳该部分所需补交的土地出让金,负责除华茂公司承担的费用之外的本项目开发建设经营所需的全部资金的投入,负责杰昌公司具体运作,并对本项目整体进行规划设计、施工、销售,负责对其费用及项目公司注册资金的投入。五是分配与销售为华茂公司分得项目总建筑面积11 070平方米房产,其中一期为商场3700平方米[作为对华茂超市长治国用(2001)字第014号宗地及其上部建筑物的拆迁补偿安置的全部费用)、独立店面500平方米、住宅2205平方米;二期为商场1000平方米、独立店面1500平方米、住宅2165平方米;项目开始运作,拆迁公告发布时,即由杰昌公司与华茂公司按照以上条件签订拆迁安置协议,具体补偿房产的位置、层次,在项目总图中商定;除补偿华茂公司11 070平方米的房产外,其余的房产全部归苏福伦、香港益群公司所有;各方所得房产相对集中、好坏搭配,并按物业管理条例由各方各自承担应交的各项费用。协议还约定了房产销售、违约责任和期限等。@#
根据上述协议,2002年7月7日,杰昌公司的股东由刘华川、李钦定、李淑珍变更为刘华川、苏福伦和陈培森,法定代表人由刘华川变更为苏福伦。2002年11月20日,杰昌公司以出让的方式取得19 983.19平方米的土地使用权。2002年10月25日,杰昌公司向山西省长治市城区计委申请:杰昌公司通过报名等程序取得了市政府挂牌出让华茂项目土地的开发权,与土地部门签署了国有土地使用权出让合同,交纳了土地出让金并办理了国有土地使用证;杰昌公司对项目的规划设计进行了优化调整,项目总建筑面积为74 464平方米,分两期建设;……特申请变更立项,确立杰昌公司为项目开发主体,并申请将项目名称由“华茂商业园区”变更为“假日阳光广场”。@#
2002年11月1日,杰昌公司与华茂公司签订《拆迁安置协议》。主要约定:根据《长治市房屋拆迁管理实施办法》的规定及《房地产合作开发协议书》第五条第一款之约定,在坚持公平、守信的原则下,双方就拆迁安置中的有关事项,签订如下协议:杰昌公司将严格按照原《房地产合作开发协议书》第五条之规定对华茂公司拆迁房屋进行安置补偿,鉴于华茂公司流动资金欠缺及目前拆迁工作中遇到的实际困难,双方协商同意,在原协议基础上,华茂公司减少分取项目一期的住宅建筑面积800平方米,由杰昌公司按每平方米建筑面积1000元的价格进行现金补偿,即华茂公司分得项目总建筑面积10 270平方米(原为 11 070平方米)及现金补偿80万元。补偿房屋应相对集中,好坏搭配,具体补偿房产的位置、朝向、层次,在项目设计文件批准定稿后,在设计平面图纸中商定。本协议签订后,华茂公司即可将其长国用(2001)字第044号土地面积15 293.9平方米的土地使用权人变更为杰昌公司,待二期拆迁开始时,将长治市国用(2001)字第014号土地面积2451.2平方米的土地使用权人变更为杰昌公司。本协议签订后,华茂公司需按原《房地产合作开发协议书》之规定,按项目建设进度对其用地范围内的地上建筑物进行拆除和场地三通一平,并承担相应的费用和责任。该协议还约定了定金、土地使用证、建筑许可证、房屋所有权证等内容。@#
2002年12月31日,山西省长治市计委根据杰昌公司的申请以长计投字(2002) 604号批复:项目名称由原“华茂商业园区”更名为“假日阳光广场”;建设单位由华茂公司变更为杰昌公司;建设规模及主要内容:工程总用地面积19 983平方米,总建筑面积74 464平方米;总投资及资金来源:该项目总投资7500万元,资金全部由杰昌公司自筹解决。2003年6月19日,杰昌公司领取建设工程规划许可证。2003年 8月11日,山西省长治市计委以长计投字 (2003)328号通知,同意将“假日阳光广场”项目名称更名为“凯旋都汇广场”。@#
2003年11月8日,华茂公司与杰昌公司签订《补充协议书》,双方根据《房地产合作开发协议书》和《拆迁安置协议》,就项目分配补偿等具体问题协议如下:一是双方在项目运作过程中,应遵守互惠互利、诚实信用、合法等原则,涉及双方利益的事宜应互相透明及时沟通协商;二是补偿给华茂公司的房产面积、位置及其他要根据《拆迁安置协议》的约定进行补偿,具体补偿的类型、方位、面积、层次为:大小商场及店铺补偿面积、位置编号按双方签字的“建筑平面位置分配图”(附件一)及“商业补偿面积及位置编号表”(附件二)执行,住宅补偿面积位置编号按双方签字的“住宅补偿面积及位置编号表”(附件三)执行。协议还对设计变更相关事项约定:双方同意项目整体根据深圳设计装饰工程有限公司绘制的,并经长治市建设管理部门审批的全套施工图纸施工;杰昌公司应将立项文件、一书两证、施工许可证复印件在协议签订后15日内提交华茂公司一份备存;杰昌公司补偿给华茂公司的所有房产,按回迁安置对待,并协助华茂公司办理产权证及土地使用权证手续;华茂商业园区由杰昌公司整体开发,该园区的整体投资、规划、设计、建设、销售等均由杰昌公司负责;但根据合作原则,对上述问题,杰昌公司应及时与华茂公司沟通,涉及补偿华茂公司房产的设计、建设施工等相关问题,杰昌公司必须征求华茂公司意见,并取得华茂公司认可,不得自作主张,损害华茂公司利益;本协议与 2002年7月6日合作协议及以前双方签订的协议具有同等法律效力;本协议与以前协议不一致或有矛盾的,以本协议为准。根据双方当事人的协议以及政府部门的批准文件,杰昌公司对该项目进行了开发。华茂公司在与杰昌公司就房产分配签订补充协议后,称才知道杰昌公司开发面积由 43 787平方米增加为71 549.8平方米,作为合作开发主体请求就增加面积进行分配,为此双方发生纠纷。@#
2004年9月22日,华茂公司向山西省长治市中级人民法院起诉,杰昌公司提出管辖权异议。2004年11月20日山西省高级人民法院以(2004)晋立民终字第77号裁定本案由山西省高级人民法院提审。华茂公司起诉称,华茂公司作为开发单位开发华茂商业园区项目,是经山西省长治市改革发展计划委员会以长计投字(2001) 216号立项批准的,开发建设规模总面积为 43 787平方米。华茂公司为开发该项目,成立了杰昌公司,并办理了相关开发手续。 2002年7月6日,根据山西省长治市人民政府有关文件,华茂公司作为土地投资合作者,与苏福伦、香港益群公司、陈培森签订了合作开发华茂商业园区项目的《房地产合作开发协议书》。协议签订后,华茂公司出于对合作方的信任并根据协议,为杰昌公司办理了变更注册登记和土地变更手续。双方根据《房地产合作开发协议书》,针对为华茂公司分配的房地产定位及相关问题,又签订了《拆迁安置协议》,在该协议中同时还约定华茂公司提供的26.62亩土地上的建筑物由华茂公司自己拆迁。@#
杰昌公司作为合作方苏福伦、香港益群公司、陈培森的合作代表和该项目的项目公司,在经营过程中违反双方合作原则,对涉及该项目的重大事项,对华茂公司既不公开,也不透明。如办理该项目的后改文件资料、设计图纸及相关资料及变更项目名称等重大事项,均由杰昌公司擅自行事,既不征求华茂公司意见,也不向华茂公司提供,更不告知华茂公司。在2003年9月份之前,华茂公司多次提出异议,并就给华茂公司分配房地产和定位问题,曾反复多次要求杰昌公司提供全套图纸及相关资料,杰昌公司拒不提供。后经华茂公司咨询才发现给华茂公司分配的商场设计高度不合理,项目名称已被杰昌公司单方变更为“凯旋都汇广场”,为此双方发生纠纷。2003年11月8日,双方签订了《补充协议书》,该协议确定了双方运作原则,并对当时发生的部分争议问题和相关问题达成了协议。但在协商签订该协议时,杰昌公司故意隐瞒了该项目建设规模已变更增加为 71 549.8平方米的重要事实。杰昌公司未根据《补充协议书》第五条第2项约定,于 2003年11月18日才向华茂公司提供了该项目全套设计图纸和相关审批文件。由此发现杰昌公司不仅单方变更了该项目名称,同时在华茂公司开发使用土地面积不变的情况下,将原开发建设规模总面积 43 787平方米单方增加到71 549.8平方米,其中比原来增加27 762.8平方米,增加比例占61.2%。该增加的面积是在华茂公司所投资的26.62亩土地上增加和以该投资土地作为抵押向银行贷款形成的,无疑华茂公司的贡献是主要的。根据合作和公平原则及贡献大小,杰昌公司应按新增面积的50%的比例并按好坏位置、层次搭配原则和各类房产面积比例,为华茂公司再增加分配房产面积13 881.4平方米。同时认为杰昌公司变更该项目名称,属单方违约,也是对华茂公司合法权益的损害。故请求:1.判令杰昌公司在双方签订的《房地产合作开发协议书》和《补充协议书》基础上,对其单方扩大建设规模增加的开发建设面积27 762.8平方米,按50%的比例和各种类型房产面积比例,为华茂公司按照好坏位置、层次搭配原则增加分配面积共计 13 881.4平方米,其中住宅面积5480.38平方米,独立店铺2508.37平方米,大小商场 5894.04平方米;2.判令杰昌公司对合作项目决策的重大事项和全部预销售活动,由双方共同签字盖章办理手续,避免判决结果难以实现;3.判令杰昌公司恢复双方协议项目名称“华茂商住步行街”,停止和取消其单方变更的项目名称“凯旋都汇广场”及以该项目名称进行的预销售活动,并赔偿华茂公司经济损失100万元。@#

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