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Ningxia Yinghai Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. v. Ningxia Yinghai Yinchuan Building Materials Co., Ltd. and the Third party PetroChina Ningxia Chemical Factory (case on disputes over creditor's rights)

Ningxia Yinghai Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. v. Ningxia Yinghai Yinchuan Building Materials Co., Ltd. and the Third party PetroChina Ningxia Chemical Factory (case on disputes over creditor's rights)
(case on disputes over creditor's rights)

Ningxia Yinghai Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. v. Ningxia Yinghai Yinchuan Building Materials Co., Ltd. and the Third party PetroChina Ningxia Chemical Factory
(A case on disputes over creditor's rights)@#
For a case in which the shareholder holds that there is a debtor-creditor relationship between him and the company and the company recognizes such relationship, but other shareholders of the company have objection to such relationship, the people's court shall make a comprehensive analysis of the evidence of all parties concerned. Where the evidence is insufficient to prove the existence of such debtor-creditor relationship, the people's court shall not confirm the existence of such relationship.@#
Supreme People's Court@#
Civil Judgment@#
No. 19 [2010], Civil Division II, Final@#
Appellant (plaintiff in the trial of the first instance): Ningxia Yinghai Building Materials Group Co., Ltd., residing at the south of Gucheng Village, Zhongning County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.@#
Legal representative: Lou Yan, general director of this Company.@#
Attorney: Tang Laifa, legal counselor of this Company.@#
Appellee (defendant in the trial of the first instance): Ningxia Yinghai Yinchuan Building Materials Co., Ltd., residing at five kilometers away from Xixia District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.@#
Legal representative: Fan Hailong, company chairman.@#
Attorney: Hao Zining, lawyer of the Fude Law Office.@#
Appellee (third party in the trial of the first instance): PetroChina Ningxia Chemical Factory, residing at No. 1338 Beijing West Road, Xixia District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.@#
Legal representative: Yong Ruisheng, factory director.@#
Attorney: Hu Yonggang, legal counselor of this Factory.@#
Attorney: Chang Junbao, lawyer of Desheng Law Firm.@#
The appellant, Ningxia Yinghai Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. (“Yinghai Group”) lodged an appeal with this Court against the Civil Judgment No. 8 [2009] Civil Division I, First Instance, Higher People's Court of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region for the disputes over creditor's rights between it and the appellee, Ningxia Yinghai Yinchuan Building Materials Co., Ltd. (“Yinghai Yinchuan Company”) and PetroChina Ningxia Chemical Factory (“Ningxia Chemical Factory”). This Court legally formed a collegial panel comprising Mr. Wang Dongmin as presiding judge, Mr. Lei Jiping and Mr. Liu Congli, an acting judge, to try the case. Court clerk Bai Xue kept transcripts of the trial. So far, the trial of this case has been concluded.@#


上诉人宁夏瀛海建材集团有限公司 (以下简称瀛海集团)因与被上诉人宁夏瀛海银川建材有限公司(以下简称瀛海银川公司)、中国石油宁夏化工厂(以下简称宁夏化工厂)债权纠纷案,不服宁夏回族自治区高级人民法院(2009)宁民商初字第8号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成由审判员王东敏担任审判长,审判员雷继平、代理审判员刘崇理参加的合议庭进行了审理。书记员白雪担任记录。本案现已审理终结。@#
一审法院查明:瀛海集团系范海龙独资的私营企业宁夏中宁县第二水泥厂改制变更而来。1998年11月10日,宁夏中宁县第二水泥厂改制为宁夏瀛海中宁建材有限公司,三名股东为范海龙、范中华、范中宁(三人为父子关系),法定代表人为范海龙,2003年8月19日,宁夏瀛海中宁建材有限公司名称变更为宁夏瀛海建材集团有限公司,股东和法定代表人均未变更。1998年10月16日,宁夏中宁县第二水泥厂与宁夏化工厂共同出资设立瀛海银川公司。 2007年11月15日,宁夏化工厂向宁夏回族自治区高级人民法院提起诉讼,请求判令瀛海银川公司向宁夏化工厂分配利润 2358.5万元并收购宁夏化工厂持有的瀛海银川公司股权。该院在审理中委托审计评估机构对瀛海银川公司的盈亏和资产情况进行司法鉴定,瀛海银川公司要求将公司建立之初使用瀛海集团的材料和水泥熟料作为债务列入审计报告予以核减。审计报告认为,代购材料款和使用水泥熟料款一直未进行相互账务处理,未对上述事项进行审计调整。该院在(2007)宁民商初字第 33号民事判决中未支持瀛海银川公司的这一主张。双方当事人均不服该判决,向本院提起上诉。本院经审理,于2009年5月15日以(2008)民二终字第162号民事裁定发回重审。2009年7月1日,瀛海集团变更为一人有限公司,法定代表人变更为范海龙的儿媳楼艳。@#
一审法院认为:本案瀛海集团、瀛海银川公司属于两个独立的有限公司,但均属范氏家族的关联公司,经营范围相同或者相近,相互之间可能发生经济往来。但是,瀛海银川公司知道或者应当知道宁夏化工厂作为股东是瀛海银川公司的利益攸关方,在长达十年期间,对于公司的债权债务,应当按照我国公司法、会计法等法律法规以及规章的规定,建立完备的会计制度。公司法一百六十四条规定:“公司应当依照法律、法规和国务院财政部门的规定建立本公司的财务、会计制度”,会计法十条规定:“下列经济业务事项,应当办理会计手续,进行会计核算:(二)财物的收发、增减和使用;(三)债权债务的发生和结算;……”瀛海集团、瀛海银川公司均未能提供有效证据证明对债权债务进行账务记载和会计核算。故瀛海集团仅以《材料临时入库单》、《进厂原材料或其他材料磅码单》、《1999年至2003年银川公司拉熟料明细》 (以下统称为原材料单)而无其他证据印证仍不足以证明其事实主张,其诉讼请求不予支持。由于既没有证据证明瀛海集团、瀛海银川公司约定债权债务履行期限,也没有证据证明瀛海集团曾主张过债权和瀛海银川公司拒不履行债务的事实,宁夏化工厂提出瀛海集团的诉讼请求已经超过诉讼时效期间的理由不能成立。根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第六十四条第一款、最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第二条的规定,以(2009)宁民商初字第 8号民事判决驳回瀛海集团的诉讼请求,案件受理费144 309元由瀛海集团负担。@#

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