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The Huangpu People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Municipality v. Chen Xiangguo (Case of Kidnapping)

The Huangpu People’s Procuratorate of Shanghai Municipality v. Chen Xiangguo (Case of Kidnapping)
(Case of Kidnapping)

The Huangpu People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Municipality v. Chen Xiangguo
(Case of Kidnapping)@#
Public Prosecution Organ: The Huangpu People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Municipality.@#
Defendant: Chen Xiangguo, male, 25 years old, jobless, resided at Longtang Village, Feidong County, Anhui Province, was arrested on July 7, 2005 for being suspected of kidnapping.@#
The Huangpu People's Procuratorate of Shanghai Municipality filed a public prosecution with the Huangpu People's Court of Shanghai Municipality against Chen Xiangguo (hereinafter referred to as Chen) for the crime of kidnapping.@#
The indictment s that: Chen extorted a huge sum of money from He Mingyao, the victim, by forcing Chen with a knife, trussing him up with a rope and menacing him with intimidatory words, etc., and appropriated the cash Mingyao brought with himself. Chen's acts violated Paragraph 1 of Article 239 of the Criminal Law of the People' Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Law) and constituted the crime of kidnapping. The prosecutor pleaded the court to impose criminal liabilities on Chen.@#
The prosecutor inquired the witnesses Zhao Xiuquan and Liu Chang in the court, and red out Mingyao's written statements, written testimonies of witnesses, on-site survey records, appraisal conclusion, Chen's confessions, and presented physical evidence, documentary evidence and audiovisual materials, etc.@#
Chen defended that: he had ever done a lot of things for Mingyao. In November 2002, Mingyao had a quarrel with someone else, and asked Chen to the scene. When Chen came to the scene, he found that he knew the the other party and let Mingyao go away. When Chen and that person drank and chatted, Chen had a fight with that person due to the bills, and that person injured Chen's belly with a knife. Chen was injured for Mingyao at that time, Mingyao should pay for Chen. After Chen had urged Mingyao for money for several times, Chen went to Hong Kong in April 2005, and forcing Mingyao to write an IOU saying “I borrowed 200,000 HK Dollars”, and Mingyao also consented to give 50,000-60,000 yuan to Chen when he came to Shanghai that time. On June 2, 2005, Chen just went to get the money from the hotel after having received Mingyao's phone call. Chen's acts were just an urge of payment of debts but not the crime of kidnapping.@#


被告人:陈祥国,男,25岁,无业,住安徽省肥东县龙塘乡,因涉嫌绑架于2005年 7月7日被逮捕。@#
起诉书指控:被告人陈祥国以勒索财物为目的,用刀子逼迫、绳子捆绑、言语威胁等手段,向被害人何明耀索要巨额钱款,并将何明耀随身携带的现金劫为已有。陈祥国的行为触犯《中华人民共和国刑法》 (以下简称刑法)第二百三十九条第一款,构成绑架罪,请依法追究刑事责任。@#
被告人陈祥国辩称:我曾为何明耀做过很多事。2002年11月,何明耀与人发生纠纷,叫我去了事。我去了以后,发现对方是我认识的人,就叫何明耀走了,我与对方喝酒闲聊,后因付账问题与对方打了起来,对方用刀将我腹部捅伤。此次是为何明耀受伤,何明耀应当付给我钱。在数次向何明耀索钱未果的情况下,我曾于2005年4月去香港,胁迫何明耀写下“借港币20万元”的借条,何明耀也答应此次来沪时给我 5-6万元。2005年6月2日,我是在接到何明耀的电话后去他住的酒店拿钱。我的行为是以暴力索债,不构成绑架罪。@#
2005年6月2日下午,被告人陈祥国接到原已相识的被害人何明耀(香港居民)的电话,得知何从香港来沪,并约其去酒店见面。当晚8时许,陈祥国携带装有事先购置的刀、绳、胶带、注射针筒、纸张等作案工具的“BOSS”牌皮包,来到何明耀入住的上海市西藏南路381号华美国际酒店702房间。双方见面闲聊片刻后,陈祥国突然从皮包内拿出砍刀,向何明耀索要15万元港币。在对方威逼下,何明耀称身边未带巨款,包内只有少量港币和人民币现金,陈祥国如果要可以拿去。陈祥国遂用绳子捆住何明耀手脚,持注有红色液体的针筒,佯装要给何明耀注射艾滋病毒,并佯装打电话对外联络,谎称楼下有同伴协助,以此向何明耀施加压力,继续索要钱款。何明耀提出可以打电话给香港的朋友,让朋友帮助筹钱后带到上海。在得到陈祥国应允后,何明耀即打电话与香港朋友联系,并借此机会用陈祥国听不懂的方言向朋友暗示自己已遭到劫持,要求朋友为其报警。在等待警方解救期间,何明耀告诉陈祥国,钱款要在6月4日方能到手。陈祥国进而将索要钱款的数额增加为港币20万元(折合人民币 21.3万元),逼迫何明耀按其所述先写下一张草稿,再照草稿誊写了一张“何明耀 2005年4月8日借陈浩强港币20万元”的借条,同时将何明耀放在包内的港币 3340元(折合人民币3557.1元)和人民币 600元劫走。@#

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