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Measures for the Implementation of International Competitive Bidding of Mechanical and Electrical Products (2004 Revision) [Expired]
机电产品国际招标投标实施办法(2004修订) [失效]

Order No.13 of [2004] of the Ministry of Commerce 



The Measures for the Implementation of International competitive bidding of Mechanical and Electrical Products were amended and adopted at the 11th executive meeting of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China on September 23, 2004, and the amended Measures for the Implementation of International competitive bidding of Mechanical and Electrical Products are hereby promulgated and shall come into force 30 days after the promulgation day.

Minister Bo Xilai
部长 薄熙来

November 1, 2004

Measures for the Implementation of International Competitive Bidding of Mechanical and Electrical Products



Contents 目录

Chapter I General Provisions  第一章 总则

Chapter II Scope of Bidding  第二章 招标范围

Chapter III Evaluation Experts  第三章 评审专家

Chapter IV Bidding Documents 第四章 招标文件

Chapter V Invitation to Bid and Bidding 第五章 招标投标

Chapter VI Tender Evaluation 第六章 评标

Chapter VII Publication and Challenges 第七章 公示及质疑

Chapter VIII Winning the Bid  第八章 中标

Chapter IX Legal Liabilities 第九章 法律责任

Chapter X Supplementary Provisions 第十章 附则


Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则

Article 1 With a view to standardizing the international competitive bidding activities of mechanical and electrical products, safeguarding the state interests, the social public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in the bidding activities, enhancing the economic performance and the efficiency of capital usage, and ensuring the quality of bidding and products, and establishing an open, fair, just, good faith and selecting-the-best competition mechanism and tender evaluation principles for the international competitive bidding, the present Measures are hereby formulated pursuant to such laws and regulations as the Bidding Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidding Law”) and to the rules of the State Council concerning the division of responsibilities of the administrative supervision over the bidding activities of the relevant departments.   第一条 为了规范机电产品国际招标投标活动,保护国家利益、社会公共利益和招标投标活动当事人的合法权益,提高经济效益和资金使用率,保证招标投标质量和产品质量,建立公开、公平、公正、诚信、择优的国际招标投标竞争机制和评标原则,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》(以下称《招标投标法》)等法律法规以及国务院对有关部门实施招标投标活动行政监督的职责分工,制订本办法。

Article 2 The present Measures shall be applicable to the international competitive bidding activities of mechanical and electrical products within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内进行机电产品国际招标投标活动,适用本办法。

Article 3 The Ministry of Commerce shall be the state administrative department which oversees the international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products, and be responsible for supervising and coordinating the international competitive bidding work of mechanical and electrical products of the whole country, formulating the relevant rules, adjusting and publishing the scope of international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products, examining and approving the qualifications of international competitive bidding institutions, and undertaking the routine work of the National Tender Evaluation Committee.   第三条 商务部是机电产品国际招标投标的国家行政主管部门,负责监督和协调全国机电产品的国际招标投标工作,制定相关规定;根据国家有关规定,调整、公布机电产品国际招标范围;审定国际招标机构资格;承担国家评标委员会日常工作。

The import and export administrative institutions of mechanical and electrical products (hereinafter referred to as “departments in-charge”) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities directly under state planning and all departments shall be responsible for supervising and coordinating the international competitive bidding activities of mechanical and electrical products within their respective regions and departments.

Article 4 In general, the international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products shall be carried out by the way of open bidding. Where the open tender method is unsuitable pursuant to laws and administrative regulations, the way of invitation to bid by request may be adopted. Any project which adopted the way of invitation to bid by request shall be reported to the Ministry of Commerce for archival filing, and invitation to bid by request shall be carried out pursuant to the handling formalities as specified in the present Measures.   第四条 机电产品国际招标投标一般应采用公开招标的方式进行;根据法律、行政法规的规定,不适宜公开招标的,可以采取邀请招标,采用邀请招标方式的项目应当向商务部备案,邀请招标应当按照本办法规定的操作程序进行。

The international procurement of mechanical and electrical products shall generally be carried out by way of international competitive bidding. Where the origins of products to be purchased have been confirmed within the territory, the domestic bidding method may be adopted. Where the international competitive bidding method is necessary for the procurement, no domestic bidding or any other method may be adopted to evade the international competitive bidding.

Article 5 The National Tender Evaluation Committee shall be responsible for supervision over and inspection of the international competitive bidding work of the projects which receive loans from international financial institutions, and be responsible for solving the relevant issues arising from the bidding process through coordination, examining the tender evaluation outcomes and issuing the Notice of Tender Evaluation Outcomes of the National Tender Evaluation Committee, and ensuring that the bidding activities comply with the principles of openness, fairness and justness.   第五条 国家评标委员会负责国际金融组织贷款项目国际招标投标工作的监督和检查,协调解决招标投标过程中的有关问题,审核评标结果并下发《国家评标委员会评标结果通知》,保证招标投标活动符合公开、公平、公正的原则。

Article 6 The Ministry of Commerce shall designate a special bidding website (hereinafter referred to as “the bidding website”) to offer network services for the international competitive bidding businesses of mechanical and electrical products. For the international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products, such procedures relating to the bidding business as setting up archives for the bidding project, archival filing of bidding documents, announcing bidding notices, selecting evaluation experts, publishing tender evaluation outcomes as well as handling challenges shall be accomplished at the bidding website.   第六条 商务部指定专门的招标网站(以下简称“招标网”)为机电产品国际招标业务提供网络服务。机电产品国际招标应当在招标网上完成招标项目建档、招标文件备案、招标公告发布、评审专家抽取、评标结果公示、质疑处理等招标业务的相关程序。

Article 7 The “tenderee” as referred to in the present Measures is a state organ, enterprise, public institution or any other organization which purchases mechanical and electrical products by way of international competitive bidding method when necessary.   第七条 本办法所称招标人,是指因使用需要提出通过国际招标方式采购机电产品的国家机关、企业、事业法人或其它组织。

The “tendering agency” as referred to in the present Measures is an enterprise as legal person, which meets certain conditions and has obtained the qualification for international competitive bidding after applying to the Ministry of Commerce and engages in the international tendering agency services of mechanical and electrical products.

The “tenderer” as specified in the present Measures refers to a domestic or foreign legal person or any other organization which participates in the bidding in response to the requirements of the bidding documents.


Chapter II Scope of Bidding 第二章 招标范围

Article 8 The procurement of the following mechanical and electrical products must be conducted by the way of international competitive bidding:   第八条 下列机电产品的采购必须进行国际招标:

(1)the mechanical and electrical products subject to the international procurement and used in such projects as infrastructures and public undertakings which have a bearing upon the social public interests, public safety. The concrete scope of the products shall be found in Attachment I; (一)关系社会公共利益、公众安全的基础设施、公用事业等项目中进行国际采购的机电产品,具体范围见附件一;

(2)the mechanical and electrical products subject to the international procurement and used in the investment projects which entirely or partly use State capitals; (二)全部或者部分使用国有资金投资项目中进行国际采购的机电产品;

(3)the mechanical and electrical products subject to the international procurement and used in the projects financed entirely or partly by the State; (三)全部或者部分使用国家融资项目中进行国际采购的机电产品;

(4)the mechanical and electrical products subject to the international procurement and used in the projects which use loans and aid funds from an international financial institution or foreign government (hereinafter referred to as “foreign loans”); (四)使用国际金融组织或者外国政府贷款、援助资金(以下简称国外贷款)项目中进行国际采购的机电产品;

(5)the mechanical and electrical products subject to the international procurement and used in the government procurement projects; and (五)政府采购项目中进行国际采购的机电产品;

(6)any other mechanical and electrical product subject to the international procurement pursuant to laws and administrative regulations. (六)其他依照法律、行政法规的规定需要国际招标采购的机电产品。

Article 9 The international competitive bidding may be unnecessary for any of the following conditions although it falls within the scope of bidding as listed by Article 8:   第九条 第八条所列招标范围中,属下列情况之一的,可以不进行国际招标:

(1)the mechanical and electrical products which are given by foreign countries or through gratuitous assistance; (一)国(境)外赠送或无偿援助的机电产品;

(2)the parts and components supporting the accessory manufacturing; (二)供生产配套用的零件及部件;

(3)used mechanical and electrical products; (三)旧机电产品;

(4)the estimated price of a one-time product procuring contract being less than 1,000,000 yuan; (四)一次采购产品合同估算价格在100万元人民币以下的;

(5)the price of mechanical and electrical products imported by foreign-funded enterprises being within the overall investment amount; (五)外商投资企业投资总额内进口的机电产品;

(6)the samples and prototypes of machines for the use of research and development of productive enterprises and scientific research institutes; (六)供生产企业及科研机构研究开发用的样品样机;

(7)the special products or special trades as specified by the State Council and the mechanical and electrical products for meeting the national significant emergencies; (七)国务院确定的特殊产品或者特定行业以及为应对国家重大突发事件需要的机电产品;

(8)the amount of preference of mechanical and electrical products being more than 50% of the estimated price of the product procuring contract when the manufacturer offers discounts; (八)产品生产商优惠供货时,优惠金额超过产品合同估算价格50%的机电产品;

(9)the special moulds necessary for the production of productive enterprises; (九)供生产企业生产需要的专用模具;

(10) the parts and components for the use of maintaining the products; or (十)供产品维修用的零件及部件;

(11) any other mechanical and electrical products unfitting for the international procurement pursuant to laws and administrative regulations. (十一)根据法律、行政法规的规定,其他不适宜进行国际招标采购的机电产品。


Chapter III Evaluation Experts 第三章 评审专家

Article 10 The Ministry of Commerce shall establish the national and local two-level system of expert databases at the bidding website, conduct dynamic administration on the experts of expert database, train them and make adjustments on time.   第十条 商务部在招标网建立国家、地方两级专家库,并对专家库内的专家实行动态管理,对专家进行培训及实时调整。

Article 11 The experts needed for the international competitive bidding activities of mechanical and electrical products shall be selected randomly from the national and local two-level system of expert databases at the bidding website by the tendering agency and owners. No tendering agency or owner may abandon the experts selected randomly without justifiable reasons, and an expert selected shall reply to the tendering agency in written form if he can't participate in the evaluation work of the bidding project due to objective factors. And the tendering agency shall state the causes on the website and carry out another random selection of experts upon receipt of the reply. Where the number of times for selecting experts exceeds three times, it shall be reported to the corresponding administrative department for archival filing, and then the random re-selection of experts shall be carried out.   第十一条 机电产品国际招标活动中所需专家必须由招标机构及业主在招标网上从国家、地方两级专家库中采用随机抽取的方式产生。招标机构及业主不得无故废弃随机抽取的专家,抽取到的专家因客观原因不能参加招标项目评审工作的,应当以书面形式回复招标机构。招标机构收到回复后应当在网上注明原因并重新随机抽取专家。抽取专家次数超过三次的,应当报相应主管部门备案后,重新随机抽取专家。

Article 12 An expert shall put forward an application by himself and be recommended by the department in-charge or a tendering agency for entering into the expert database. Any recommended expert shall fill in a “Recommendation Form of Evaluation Experts of International Competitive Bidding of Mechanical and Electrical Products”, which shall be signed or sealed by the recommendation entity and submitted to the bidding website and be reported to the Ministry of Commerce for archival filing at the same time.   第十二条 专家进入专家库应当由本人提出申请,经主管部门或招标机构推荐。被推荐的专家需填写“机电产品国际招标评审专家推荐表”并经推荐单位签章提交招标网,同时报商务部备案。

To serve as an expert, one shall:

(1)love the bidding undertaking and actively participate in the tender evaluation; (一)热爱招标事业,积极参加招标的评审活动;

(2)be familiar with the state laws, regulation and policies relating to bidding; (二)熟悉国家有关招标投标的法律、法规、政策;

(3)have fine political and professional quality, and abide by laws and observe disciplines; (三)有良好的政治素质和职业道德,遵纪守法;

(4)have an undergraduate degree or the same educational level or above; (四)具有大学本科或同等以上学力;

(5)have a senior title in technology or economics or the same professional level, and have engaged in the related fields for more than eight years. For the experts engaging in the fields of new and high technology, the said conditions may be relaxed to some degree; and (五)具有高级技术、经济职称或同等专业水平,并从事相关领域八年以上。从事高新技术领域工作的专家以上条件可适当放宽;

(6)be familiar with the domestic and overseas technical levels and developmental trends in his professional field. (六)熟悉本专业领域国内外技术水平和发展动向。

Any expert who both complies with the conditions as set forth in the preceding paragraph and possesses any of the following conditions may be recommended to be an expert of the national expert database:

(1)having a professional title of professor; (一)具有教授级职称的;

(2)having undertaken any evaluation work of a large-scale national bidding project in the last five years; (二)近五年承担过国家大型项目招标评审工作的;

(3)enjoying a state allowance; or (三)享受国家津贴的;

(4)having ever won a national level scientific prize. (四)获得过国家级科学奖励的。

Article 13 An expert shall perform the following duties pursuant to the rules:   第十三条 专家应当按规定履行以下职责:

(1)to undertake the work of examining and approving the bidding documents of the international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products; (一)承担机电产品国际招标中招标文件的审核工作;

(2)to undertake the evaluation work belonging to the Tender Evaluation Committee. The evaluation experts shall fill in the evaluation opinions respectively and assume the responsibilities for the opinions put forward by themselves; (二)承担评标委员会的评标工作,评标专家应当分别填写评标意见并对所提意见承担责任;

(3)to participate in the deliberation work of the issues challenged; and (三)参加对质疑问题的审议工作;

(4)to report any problem arising from the process of tender evaluation to the departments concerned, and put forward opinions and suggestions. (四)向有关部门反映招标项目评审过程中的问题,提出意见和建议。

The experts shall be responsible for the evaluated items of the international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products, and assume the corresponding responsibilities.

Article 14 The number of experts selected randomly shall be the number of experts actually needed. Where the one-time entrusted bidding amount of an international competitive bidding project is more than 5 million US Dollars, more than half of the needed experts shall be selected from the national expert database.   第十四条 随机抽取专家人数为实际所需专家人数。一次委托招标金额在五百万美元及以上的国际招标项目,所需专家的二分之一以上应从国家级专家库中抽取。

For the same package under the same item of serial number of bidding project, each expert may only participate in one of such two kinds of work as the examination and approval of bidding documents or the tender evaluation. No external expert who has interests with the present bidding project or with the tenderee or any manufacturer may be selected as an expert by the tendering agency, and another selection of experts shall be required.

Article 15 Any expert who is employed to participate in the evaluation work of international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products shall abide by the following work regulations:   第十五条 专家受聘参与机电产品国际招标评审工作时应遵守以下工作守则:

(1)to seriously enforce the state laws, regulations and policies relating to bidding; (一)认真贯彻执行国家有关招标投标的法律、法规和政策;

(2)to scrupulously perform duties, strictly keep secrets and be honest and self-disciplined; (二)恪守职责,严守秘密,廉洁自律;

(3)to participate in the evaluation work of the bidding objectively, impartially and fairly; and (三)客观、公正、公平地参与招标评审工作;

(4)to withdraw on his own initiative if he has any interests with the bidding project or with the tenderee or any manufacturer. (四)与招标项目或投标人及其制造商有利害关系的应主动回避。

Article 16 In case the number of experts in the expert database is insufficient for the necessary number when selecting experts, the tendering agency and the tenderee may recommend experts by themselves, but the recommendation forms of the experts meeting the conditions shall be submitted to the bidding website so that they may enter into the national or local expert database as supplementary experts pursuant to the related rules, and another random selection of the necessary experts shall be carried out.   第十六条 在抽取专家时,如专家库中的专家数量不足以满足所需专家人数,不足部分可由招标机构和招标人自行推荐,但应当按照有关规定将符合条件的专家推荐表提交招标网补充进入国家或地方专家库,再随机抽取所需要的专家人数。

Article 17 In case the category of the bidding project is not included in the categories of trades or majors in the expert database, the tendering agency may file an application to the bidding website for the addition of such category, and the bidding website may put the recommended experts in the newly added category.   第十七条 专家库中的行业或专业分类如未包括招标项目所属分类,招标机构可向招标网提出增加分类的申请,招标网可将推荐的专家转入新增分类。

Article 18 Once the name list of experts is fixed upon selection, it shall be strictly kept secret. Any disclosure of secrets shall be reported to the corresponding department in-charge and another selection of experts in the expert database shall be carried out in addition to investigating the liabilities of the parties concerned. In case the disclosure of secrets has an impact upon the tender evaluation, the former bidding documents or tender evaluation outcomes shall become invalid.   第十八条 专家名单一经抽取确定,必须严格保密。如有泄密,除追究当事人责任外,还应当报相应的主管部门并重新在专家库中抽取专家。如果泄密对招标评标产生影响,原招标文件或评标结果无效。

Article 19 After the evaluation work of the specific project undertaken by the employed experts ends, the department in-charge or the tendering agency shall evaluate the experts in such aspects as the capacity, level and fulfillment of duties. The evaluation outcomes shall be divided into excellent, competent or incompetent, and be filed for archival purposes on the bidding website.   第十九条 专家受聘承担的具体项目评审工作结束后,主管部门或招标机构应对专家的能力、水平、履行职责等方面进行评价,评价结果分为优秀、称职和不称职,评价结果在招标网备案。


Chapter IV Bidding Documents 第四章 招标文件

Article 20 A tenderee may, pursuant to the commercial and technical requirements of mechanical and electrical products to be purchased, compile bidding documents by itself, or entrust a tendering agency or consulting service institution to compile bidding documents. The bidding documents mainly include the following:   第二十条 招标人根据所需机电产品的商务和技术要求自行编制招标文件或委托招标机构、咨询服务机构编制招标文件。招标文件主要包括下列内容:

(1) the written invitation to bids; (一)投标邀请书;

(2) general instructions to tenderers; (二)投标人须知;

(3) names, quantities and technical specifications of the products under bidding; (三)招标产品的名称、数量、技术规格;

(4) contract clauses; (四)合同条款;

(5) contract format; and (五)合同格式;

(6) attachments: (六)附件:

(a) the format of a tender letter; 1、投标书格式;

(b) a table for opening tenders; 2、开标一览表;

(c) a tender quotation by different items; 3、投标分项报价表;

(d) a table of product descriptions; 4、产品说明一览表;

(e) a deviation chart of technical specifications; 5、技术规格偏离表;

(f) a deviation chart of commercial clauses; 6、商务条款偏离表;

(g) the format of letter of guarantee of tender bond; 7、投标保证金保函格式;

(h) the format of power of attorney of legal representative; 8、法定代表人授权书格式;

(i) the qualification certificate format; 9、资格证明格式;

(j) the format of letter of guarantee of performance bond; 10、履约保证金保函格式;

(k) the format of letter of guarantee of advance payment of the bank; 11、预付款银行保函格式;

(l) a sample of letter of credit; and 12、信用证样本;

(m) other materials needed. 13、其他所需资料。

Article 21 In addition to the items as prescribed in Article 20 of the present Measures, the bidding documents shall contain the performance requirements and evaluation basis for the tenderers and the manufacturers.   第二十一条 除本办法第二十条规定的内容外,招标文件还应包括对投标人和制造商的业绩要求和评标依据。

To the important commercial and technical clauses (parameters) in the bidding documents, an asterisk “*” shall be added and it shall also be stated that if any of the clauses (parameters) with an asterisk “*” has not been satisfied, it will result in the annulment of the bid.

The evaluation basis not only constitutes the important commercial and technical clauses (parameters) which will result in the annulment of the bid, but also includes the maximum permissive deviation scope and largest number of terms in general commercial and technical clauses (parameters) and the calculation methods for adjusting the evaluated price within the permissive scope of deviation and number of clauses. The rate for raising the deviation price of general parameters shall commonly be 0.5% and the maximum shall not exceed 1%. No discriminatory clause or unreasonable requirement may be written down in the bidding document to exclude potential tenderers.

Article 22 The lowest evaluation method shall commonly be adopted for the international competitive bidding of mechanical and electrical products. Due to special factors, a comprehensive evaluation method (method for giving marks) may be used for the tender evaluation of a bidding project. Under this circumstance, its bidding documents shall explicitly prescribe the scoring methods and standards for all commercial requirements and technical parameters and shall be reported to the Ministry of Commerce for archival filing through the bidding website. All scoring methods and standards shall be an indivisible part of the bidding documents and be made public to the tenderers.   第二十二条 机电产品国际招标一般采用最低评标价法进行评标。因特殊原因,需要使用综合评价法(即打分法)进行评标的招标项目,其招标文件必须详细规定各项商务要求和技术参数的评分方法和标准,并通过招标网向商务部备案。所有评分方法和标准应当作为招标文件不可分割的一部分并对投标人公开。

Article 23 The tendering agency shall send the bidding documents to the evaluation expert panel for examination and approval after their compilation, and report them to the corresponding department in-charge for archival filing through the bidding website. The number of the members of the evaluation expert panel undertaking the work of examining and approving the bidding documents shall be an odd number of three or more experts.   第二十三条 招标文件制定后,招标机构应当将招标文件送评审专家组审核,并通过招标网报送相应的主管部门备案。承担招标文件审核的评审专家组应有三名以上单数组成。

The tendering agency may only mark the serial number of the bid and may not state the tenderee or the project name when it sends the bidding documents to the evaluation expert panel for examination and approval.

Article 24 When the evaluation expert panel examines and approves the bidding documents, they shall mainly examine and approve whether the commercial and technical clauses are discriminatory or unreasonable and whether the compiled contents in the bidding documents will cause more than three potential tenderers to compete, and shall fill its examination and approval opinions in the experts' opinion forms concerning the examination and approval of bidding documents (see Attachment II).   第二十四条 评审专家组在审核招标文件时,主要审核商务、技术条款是否存在歧视性条款或不合理的条件及招标文件编制内容是否构成三个以上潜在投标人参与竞争,并将审核意见填入专家审核招标文件意见表(见附件二)。

Article 25 After the bidding documents are examined and approved by the evaluation expert panel, the tendering agency shall send all the examination and approval opinions and the final revisions of the bidding documents to the corresponding department in-charge for archival filing through the bidding website, and shall report the original examination and approval opinions of the evaluation expert panel and the opinions of the tendering agency to the corresponding department in-charge for archival filing. The opinions of the tendering agency shall include the explicit reasons for adopting or not adopting the opinions of the experts.   第二十五条 招标文件经评审专家组审核后,招标机构应当将招标文件的所有审核意见及招标文件最终修改部分的内容通过招标网报送相应的主管部门备案,同时将评审专家组审核意见的原始资料以及招标机构的意见报送相应的主管部门备案。招标机构的意见应当包括是否采纳专家意见的详细理由。

The department in-charge shall reply to the tendering agency through the bidding website within three days upon receipt of the said archival filing materials. The said time limit may be extended if coordination is required.

Article 26 The tendering agency shall report the revisions and reasons to the corresponding department in-charge for archival filing through the bidding website 15 days before the date for opening the bid in case it needs to revise the bidding documents which have been put on sale, according to the tenderee's demands. The tendering agency shall inform all those that have received the bidding documents of the revisions in written form. The revisions shall be one part of the bidding documents.   第二十六条 招标机构根据招标人的要求,需对已经发售的招标文件进行修改的,应当在开标日十五日前,通过招标网将修改的内容及理由报相应主管部门备案。招标机构将修改的内容以书面形式通知所有招标文件收受人,该修改内容为招标文件的组成部分。


Chapter V Invitation to Bid and Bidding 第五章 招标投标

Article 27 The tenderee or the tendering agency may make a bid announcement in other medias besides the mediae and the bidding website designated by the State upon receipt of the reply concerning the archival filing of the bidding documents.   第二十七条 招标人或招标机构在收到招标文件备案复函后,除应在国家指定的媒体以及招标网上发布招标公告外,也可同时在其他媒体上刊登招标公告。

The period of announcement for the bidding documents is also the period for putting on sale, which may not be less than 20 days beginning from the announcement date of the bid documents to the expiry day for the bidding, and may not be less than 50 days for large-scale equipment or complete sets of equipment.

Article 28 A tenderer shall compile the tender documents according to the requirements of the bidding documents, and indicate article by article whether it meets the requirements and conditions as put forward by the bidding documents in accordance with its own commercial capabilities and technical level. For the technical parameters with an asterisk (“*”), technical supporting materials shall be provided in the tender documents, otherwise the tender documents will not be recognized when evaluation is made on them.   第二十八条 投标人应当根据招标文件要求编制投标文件,并根据自己的商务能力、技术水平对招标文件提出的要求和条件逐条标明满足与否。对带星号(“*”)的技术参数必须在投标文件中提供技术支持资料,未提供的,评标时不予认可。

Article 29 In case any tenderer believes that the bidding documents which have been put on sale contain discriminatory clauses or unreasonable requirements, he shall put forward his objections to the corresponding department in-charge in written form five days before the date for opening the bidding, and shall submit the corresponding certificates at the same time.   第二十九条 如果投标人认为已公开发售的招标文件含有歧视性条款或不合理的要求,应当在开标日五日以前以书面形式向相应的主管部门提出异议,同时提交相应的证明资料。

The tendering agency or the department in-charge shall deal with objections put forward by the tenderers prior to the bid opening and inform the corresponding tenderers of the settlement results.

Article 30 A tenderer shall register at the bidding website free of charge and send the tender documents to the bidding site prior to the specified deadline for the bid. The tenderer may supplement, revise, or withdraw the tender documents submitted prior to the specified deadline for the bidding. The supplements and revisions shall be one part of the tender documents. No tenderer may supplement or revise the tender documents after the deadline for the bidding.   第三十条 投标人在规定投标截止时间前,应当在招标网免费注册,并将投标文件送达投标地点。投标人可以在规定投标截止时间前对已提交的投标文件进行补充、修改或撤回。补充、修改的内容应当作为投标文件的组成部分。投标人不得在投标截止时间后对投标文件进行补充、修改。

Article 31 Where there are less than three tenderers when the bidding expires, the bid opening shall be called off and another invitation to bid in accordance with the present Measures shall be carried out.   第三十一条 当投标截止时间到达时,投标人少于三个的应停止开标,并依照本办法重新组织招标。

For the bidding products of two or more tenderees being produced by the same manufacturer or integrator, they will be computed as one tenderee. For two or more integrators using the products of the same manufacturer for one part of their integrated products, they will be computed as different integrators.

Article 32 The tendering agency shall open the bid at the specified time and site, and invite the tenderee, tenderers and the related persons to participate in it.   第三十二条 招标机构应当按照招标公告规定的时间、地点进行开标。开标时,应当邀请招标人、投标人及有关人员参加。

The tender scheme and tender announcement (announcement of changing prices and other announcements) of the tenderers shall be called out altogether when opening the tenders, otherwise they will not be recognized when tenders are evaluated. The tender sum shall not include the products or services other than those as required by the bidding documents, otherwise it may not be reduced when tenders are evaluated.

The tenderee or the tendering agency shall make records for the opening of the tenders when opening tenders, and make records through the bidding website within two days after the opening of the tenders.


Chapter VI Tender Evaluation 第六章 评标

Article 33 A tender evaluation committee established pursuant to the present Measures shall be responsible for the tender evaluation. The number of members of the tender evaluation committee shall be an odd number of more than 5 persons and it shall be composed of the experts with senior professional titles or with corresponding professional level in such related fields as technology, economics, the tenderee and the representative of the tendering agency. Among them, no less than two thirds shall be the experts in the technology and economics fields.   第三十三条 评标由依照本办法组建的评标委员会负责。评标委员会由具有高级职称或同等专业水平的技术、经济等相关领域专家、招标人和招标机构代表等五人以上单数组成,其中技术、经济等方面专家人数不得少于成员总数的三分之二。

No tendering agency or any other person may disclose the contents of the bidding project which are about to be evaluated and the circumstances relating to the tenderee and tenderers to any tender evaluation expert prior to the opening of the tenders.

Article 34 The name list of the members of the tender evaluation committee shall be kept confidential before the tender evaluation outcomes are made public. The tenderee and the tendering agency shall take measures to ensure that the tender evaluation be conducted in a strictly confidential manner. No entity or individual may interfere in or influence the process or outcomes of the tender evaluation.   第三十四条 评标委员会成员名单在评标结果公示前必须保密。招标人和招标机构应当采取措施保证评标工作在严格保密的情况下进行。在评标工作中,任何单位和个人不得干预、影响评标过程和结果。

Article 35 The tender evaluation committee shall evaluate the tender documents in strict accordance with the commercial and technical clauses as stipulated in the bidding documents, and no criterions other than those as specified in the bidding documents may be the basis for tender evaluation unless it is otherwise prescribed by the laws and administrative regulations. Each member of the tender evaluation committee shall separately fill in the evaluation opinion form of the tender evaluation committee (see Attachment III) when the tender evaluation ends. The evaluation opinion forms shall be an indispensable part of the tender evaluation report.   第三十五条 评标委员会应严格按照招标文件规定的商务、技术条款对投标文件进行评审,招标文件中没有规定的任何标准不得作为评标依据,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。评标委员会的每位成员在评标结束时,必须分别填写评标委员会成员评标意见表(见附件三),评标意见表是评标报告必不可少的一部分。

When the lowest evaluation method is adopted, the person with the lowest evaluated price will be the recommended bid winner. When the comprehensive evaluation method is adopted, the person with the highest comprehensive marks will be the recommended bid winner.

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