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Provisions on the Administration of Port Construction [Expired]
港口建设管理规定 [失效]

Order of the Ministry of Communications 


(N0. 5 [2007])

The Provisions on the Administration of Port Construction, which were adopted at the second executive meeting of the Ministry of Communications on January 25, 2007, are hereby promulgated for effect as of June 1, 2007.

Minister Li Shenglin
部长 李盛霖

April 24, 2007

Provisions on the Administration of Port Construction

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ports, the Regulation on the Quality Administration of Construction Projects, the Regulation on the Survey and Design Administration of Construction Projects, and other laws and administrative regulations for the purposes of reinforcing the port construction administration, regulating the order of port construction market and ensuring the quality of port projects.   第一条 为加强港口建设管理,规范港口建设市场秩序,保证港口工程质量,根据《中华人民共和国港口法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》、《建设工程勘察设计管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

Article 2 These Provisions are applicable to the port construction projects (including the port construction projects supporting other construction projects) to be newly built, expanded and rebuilt as well as the construction of their supporting facilities within the territory of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内新建、扩建、改建港口建设项目(包括与其他建设项目配套建设的港口建设项目)及其配套设施的建设活动。

These Provisions are not applicable to the construction of military or fishery ports.

Article 3 The Ministry of Communications shall be responsible for the administration of port construction sector across the country, and be specifically responsible for the construction administration of the port construction projects which are subject to examination and approval, or ratification of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) or are subject to examination and approval of itself.   第三条 交通部负责全国港口建设的行业管理工作,并具体负责经国家发展和改革委员会审批、核准和经交通部审批的港口建设项目的建设管理工作。

The provincial communications administrative department shall be responsible for the administration of port construction sector within its own administrative area, and be specifically responsible for the construction administration of the port construction projects which are subject to examination and approval, or ratification of the relevant department under the provincial people's government.

The construction administration of any other port construction project shall be in the charge of the port administrative department at the locality of the port.

The aforesaid communications administrative departments at all levels and the port administrative departments at the locality of ports which are in charge of the administration of port construction shall be given a general name of port administrative department in these Provisions.

Article 4 The port construction shall conform to the layout plan and the overall plan of the port, and be governed by the laws, regulations, rules and technical standards on construction.   第四条 港口建设应当符合港口布局规划和港口总体规划,执行有关建设法律、法规、规章和技术标准。

Article 5 A project legal person responsibility system, bid invitation and tendering system, project supervision system and contract management system shall be implemented for port construction projects according to pertinent provisions of the state.   第五条 港口建设项目应当按照国家有关规定实行项目法人责任制度、招标投标制度、工程监理制度和合同管理制度。

Chapter II Procedural Administration of Port Construction 

第二章 港口建设程序管理

Article 6 The port construction shall be carried out according to the construction procedures and relevant provisions as set down by the state. No port construction procedure may be illegally simplified, unless it is otherwise provided for by the state.   第六条 港口建设应当按照国家规定的建设程序和有关规定进行。除国家另有规定外,不得擅自简化建设程序。

Article 7 The project proposal and the feasibility study report for a port construction project invested in by the government shall be subject to the examination and approval system, and the application report and the archival documents for a port construction project invested in by the enterprise shall be respectively subject to the ratification system and the archival filing system.   第七条 政府投资的港口建设项目的项目建议书和可行性研究报告实行审批制,企业投资的港口建设项目的项目申请报告、备案文件分别实行核准制、备案制。

Article 8 A port construction project invested in by the government shall be implemented according to the following procedures:   第八条 政府投资的港口建设项目,按照以下建设程序执行:

(1) Conducting advance feasibility research on the project, and formulating a project proposal; (一)开展工程预可行性研究,编制项目建议书;

(2) Conducting feasibility research on the project according to the project proposal as approved, and formulating a feasibility study report; (二)根据批准的项目建议书,进行工程可行性研究,编制可行性研究报告;

(3) Formulating preliminary design documents according to the feasibility study report as approved; (三)根据批准的可行性研究报告,编制初步设计文件;

(4) Formulating construction drawing design documents according to the preliminary design as approved; (四)根据批准的初步设计,编制施工图设计文件;

(5) Organizing the project supervision and carrying out the bid invitation for the construction according to the construction drawing as approved; (五)根据批准的施工图设计,组织项目监理、施工招标;

(6) Conducting the preparatory work before construction according to the pertinent provisions of the state, and going through the formalities for archival filing of start-up at the port administrative department; (六)根据国家有关规定,进行施工前准备工作,并向港口行政管理部门办理开工备案手续;

(7) Organizing the project construction after archival filing; (七)备案后组织工程实施;

(8) Formulating the materials about the completion of project, and making various preparations for the completion-based check and acceptance of the project, upon the completion of the project; and (八)工程完工后,编制竣工材料,进行工程竣工验收的各项准备工作;

(9) The port administrative department carrying out the completion-based check and acceptance according to the limit of power. (九)港口行政管理部门按权限组织竣工验收。

Article 9 A port construction project invested in by the enterprise shall be implemented according to the following procedures:   第九条 企业投资的港口建设项目,按照以下建设程序执行:

(1) Conducting advance feasibility research on the project, and formulating a feasibility study report on the project; (一)开展工程可行性研究,编制工程可行性研究报告;

(2) Formulating a project application report or archival documents according to the feasibility study report on the project, and going through the formalities for ratification or archival filing; (二)根据工程可行性研究报告,编制项目申请报告或者备案文件,履行核准或者备案手续;

(3) Formulating preliminary design documents according to the project application report or archival documents as ratified or filed; (三)根据核准或者备案的项目申请报告或者备案文件,编制初步设计文件;

(4) Formulating construction drawing design documents according to the preliminary design as approved; (四)根据批准的初步设计,编制施工图设计文件;

(5) Organizing the project supervision and carrying out the bid invitation for the construction according to the construction drawing design as approved; (五)根据批准的施工图设计,组织项目监理、施工招标;

(6) Conducting the preparatory work before construction according to the pertinent provisions of the state, and going through the formalities for archival filing of start-up at the port administrative department; (六)根据国家有关规定,进行施工前准备工作,并向港口行政管理部门办理开工备案手续;

(7) Organizing the project construction after archival filing; (七)备案后组织工程实施;

(8) Formulating the materials about the completion of project, and making various preparations for the completion-based check and acceptance of the project, upon the completion of the project; and (八)工程完工后,编制竣工验收材料,进行工程竣工验收的各项准备工作;

(9) The port administrative department carrying out the completion-based check and acceptance according to the limit of power. (九)港口行政管理部门按权限组织竣工验收。

Article 10 The proposal for a port construction project subject to the examination and approval system shall meet the following basic requirements:   第十条 实行审批制的港口建设项目的项目建议书应当符合以下基本要求:

(1) The advance feasibility research for the port construction project has been conducted; (一)开展了港口建设项目工程预可行性研究;

(2) The construction scheme conforms to the port plan; (二)建设方案符合港口规划;

(3) The proposal satisfies the depth requirement for formulation of the advance feasibility research for the water transportation project; and (三)符合有关编制水运工程预可行性研究、项目建议书的深度要求;

(4) The proposal satisfies the pertinent national and industrial provisions. (四)符合国家和行业的有关规定。

Article 11 To apply for examination and approval of the proposal for a port construction project, an applicant shall provide the following materials:   第十一条 申请港口建设项目的项目建议书审批,应当提供以下材料:

(1) application documents in duplicate; (一)申请文件一式2份;

(2) a project proposal in quintuplicate and a corresponding electronic version; (二)项目建议书一式5份和相应的电子版本1份;

(3) an advance project feasibility report in quintuplicate and a corresponding electronic version; and (三)工程预可行性研究报告一式5份和相应的电子版本1份;

(4) other materials that the examination department requires to be provided according to the requirements for the project. (四)审批部门根据项目需要要求提供的其他材料。

Article 12 The feasibility study report for a port construction project subject to the examination and approval system shall meet the following basic requirements:   第十二条 实行审批制的港口建设项目可行性研究报告应当符合以下基本要求:

(1) Conforming to the port plan; (一)符合港口规划;

(2) Conforming to the project proposal as approved; (二)符合经批准的项目建议书;

(3) Conforming to the depth requirement for formulation of the feasibility study report for a water transportation project; and (三)符合有关编制水运工程可行性研究报告的深度要求;

(4) Conforming to the relevant national and industrial provisions. (四)符合国家和行业的有关规定和技术标准、规范。

Article 13 To apply for examination and approval of the feasibility study report for a port construction project, an applicant shall provide the following materials:   第十三条 申请港口建设项目可行性研究报告审批,应当提供以下材料:

(1) application documents in duplicate (including the feasibility study report); (一)申请文件一式2份(含可行性研究报告);

(2) a project proposal in quintuplicate and a corresponding electronic version; (二)工程可行性研究报告一式5份和相应的电子版本1份;

(3) the approval, commitment, proof or appraisal opinions presented by related entities as required by pertinent provisions; and (三)有关规定所要求的相关单位的许可、承诺、证明或者评估意见;

(4) other materials that are required to be provided according to the requirements for the project. (四)根据项目需要要求提供的其他材料。

Article 14 The application report for a port construction project subject to the ratification system shall include the following contents:   第十四条 实行核准制的港口建设项目的项目申请报告应包括以下内容:

(1) conditions about the project applicant; (一)项目申报单位情况;

(2) conditions about the project to be constructed; (二)拟建项目情况;

(3) the relevant plan and the land for construction purpose; (三)相关规划与建设用地;

(4) the analysis of resources utilization and energy consumption; (四)资源利用和能源耗用分析;

(5) the analysis of the impact on ecological environment; and (五)生态环境影响分析;

(6) the analysis of economic and social effects. (六)经济和社会效果分析。

Article 15 To apply for ratification of the application report for a port construction project, an applicant shall provide the following materials:   第十五条 申请港口建设项目的项目申请报告核准,应当提供以下材料:

(1) an application report for the project in quintuplicate and a corresponding electronic version; (一)项目申请报告一式5份和相应的电子版本1份;

(2) the feasibility study report on the construction project in quintuplicate and a corresponding electronic version; (二)建设项目工程可行性研究报告一式5份和相应的电子版本1份;

(3) the urban planning opinions issued by the urban planning administrative department; (三)城市规划行政主管部门出具的城市规划意见;

(4) the advance examination opinions about the use of land for the project as issued by the administrative department for land and resources; (四)国土资源行政主管部门出具的项目用地预审意见;

(5) the examination and approval opinions about the documents on evaluation of environmental impact as issued by the environmental protection administrative department; and (五)环境保护行政主管部门出具的环境影响评价文件的审批意见;

(6) other documents that should be provided according to pertinent laws and regulations. (六)根据有关法律法规应提交的其他文件。

Article 16 As for a port construction project subject to the archival filing system, the project undertaking entity shall go through the archival filing formalities according to the measures for the administration of construction projects as formulated by the provincial people's government.   第十六条 实行备案制的港口建设项目,项目单位应按省级人民政府制定的建设项目备案管理办法的要求,履行备案手续。

Article 17 Port shorelines shall be subject to administrative licensing system. Deep port shorelines shall be subject to the approval of the Ministry of Communications together with the NDRC. Non-deep port shorelines shall be subject to the approval of the port administrative department. No separate examination and approval formality needs to be gone through for the use of port shorelines for a port construction project as approved by the NDRC.   第十七条 港口岸线实行行政许可制度。港口深水岸线由交通部会同国家发展和改革委员会批准;港口非深水岸线由港口行政管理部门批准。国家发展和改革委员会批准建设的港口建设项目使用港口岸线,不再另行办理使用港口岸线的审批手续。

Specific procedures and requirements for examination and approval of port shorelines shall be separately formulated.

Article 18 The administrative licensing system shall be implemented for the design of a port project. The design of a port project is divided into such two stages as preliminary design and construction drawing design. The preliminary design of a port project shall be subject to the examination and approval of the competent port administrative department according to the limit of power as prescribed in Article 3, and the construction drawing design shall be subject to the examination and approval of the local port administrative department.   第十八条 港口工程设计实行行政许可制度。港口工程设计分为初步设计和施工图设计两个阶段。港口工程初步设计按照第三条规定的权限由相应的港口行政管理部门审批,施工图设计由港口所在地港口行政管理部门审批。

Article 19 The preliminary design of a port project shall conform to the following basic requirements:   第十九条 港口工程初步设计应当符合以下基本要求:

(1) The construction plan conforms to the overall port plan as approved by the examination and approval organ; (一)建设方案符合经审批机关批准的港口总体规划;

(2) The main construction items, scale and standards, etc. conform to the feasibility study report as approved by the examination and approval organ or the project application report or archival filing documents as approved or filed; (二)项目建设主要内容、规模及标准等符合经审批机关批准的可行性研究报告或者经核准、备案的项目申请报告或者备案文件;



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