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Announcement of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Requesting Comments on the Decision of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks (Exposure Draft)

Announcement of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Requesting Comments on the Decision of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks (Exposure Draft) 


For the purposes of implementing the opening up policy of the banking industry, in consideration of the amendment to the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CBIRC”) has launched amendment to the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks, and drafted the Decision of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks (Exposure Draft), and hereby requests public comments. The public may submit their comments by the following means: 为落实银行业对外开放政策,结合《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》修改,银保监会启动了《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则》的修订工作,起草了《银保监会关于修改〈中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则〉的决定(征求意见稿)》,现向社会公开征求意见。公众可以通过以下途径反馈意见:
I. Log onto the legal information website of the Chinese government (website: http://www.chinalaw.gov.cn), and submit comments through the “Requests for Comments on Legislation” column of the main menu on the homepage.   一、登录中国政府法制信息网(网址:http://www.chinalaw.gov.cn),进入首页主菜单的“立法意见征集”栏目提出意见。
II. By email at: zhengqiuyijian@cbrc.gov.cn   二、通过电子邮件将意见发送至: zhengqiuyijian@cbrc.gov.cn
III. By letter at: Legal Department of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, A15 Jinrong Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100140, with “Comments on the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks” indicated on the envelop.   三、通过信函方式将意见寄至:北京市西城区金融大街甲15号银保监会法规部(邮编:100140),并请在信封上注明“外资银行管理条例实施细则征求意见”字样。
Deadline for submission of comments: December 27, 2018. 意见反馈截止时间为2018年12月27日。
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission 银保监会
November 28, 2018 2018年11月28日
Annex 1: 附件1:
Decision of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Amending the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks (Exposure Draft) 银保监会关于修改《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则》的决定(征求意见稿)
For the purposes of further expanding opening up of the banking industry, promoting the improvement of the competitiveness of the banking industry, enhancing the risk withstanding capacity of foreign-funded banks, and intensifying the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers, the CBIRC has decided to amend the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks (Order 7 [2015], CBRC) as follows. 为进一步扩大银行业对外开放,促进银行业竞争力提升,增强外资银行风险抵御能力,加大金融消费者权益保护,银保监会决定对《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则》(中国银行业监督管理委员会令2015年第7号)作如下修改。
I. One article is added after original Article 6 as Article 7.   一、在原第六条后增加一条,作为第七条
“Article 7 Where a foreign bank has formed a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank in the territory of China, when forming a branch of foreign bank, its wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank that has been formed in the territory of China shall, besides meeting the corresponding conditions prescribed in the Regulation and these Detailed Rules, meet the prudential conditions prescribed by the CBIRC. “第七条 外国银行已在中国境内设立外商独资银行或中外合资银行的,在设立外国银行分行时,除应当具备《条例》和本细则规定的相应条件外,其在中国境内己设外商独资银行或中外合资银行应当具备银保监会规定的审慎性条件。
“Where a foreign bank has formed a branch in the territory of China, when forming a wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, its branch that has been formed in the territory of China shall, besides meeting the corresponding conditions prescribed in the Regulation and these Detailed Rules, meet the prudential conditions prescribed by the CBIRC.” “外国银行已在中国境内设立外国银行分行的,在设立外商独资银行或中外合资银行时,除应当具备《条例》和本细则规定的相应条件外,其在中国境内已设外国银行分行应当具备银保监会规定的审慎性条件。”
II. One article is added after original Article 7 as Article 9.   二、在原第七条后增加一条,作为第九条
“Article 9 The working capital allocated by a foreign bank to a branch in the territory of China shall be calculated on a consolidated basis. Where a foreign bank forms a new branch in the territory of China and the working capital calculated on a consolidated basis satisfies the requirements for minimum quota and regulatory indicators, the foreign bank may authorize its branches in the territory of China to allocate working capital to the new branch in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.” “第九条 外国银行向中国境内分行拨付的营运资金合并计算。外国银行在中国境内增设分行,如合并计算的营运资金满足最低限额及监管指标要求,该外国银行可以授权中国境内分行按法规规定向增设分行拨付营运资金。”
III. Two articles are added after original Article 27 respectively as Articles 30 and 31.   三、在原第二十七条后增加两条,作为第三十条、第三十一条
“Article 30 For-profit foreign-funded banks carrying out the following business shall adopt the reporting system: “第三十条 外资银行营业性机构经营下列业务,适用报告制:
“(1) Issuance, redemption and underwriting of government bonds on a commission basis. “(一)代理发行、代理兑付、承销政府债券;
“(2) Custody, deposit, and safekeeping. “(二)托管、存管、保管;
“(3) Financial consulting and other consulting services. “(三)财务顾问等咨询服务;
“(4) Overseas wealth management on behalf of clients. “(四)代客境外理财;
“(5) Other business for which the CBIRC deems that the reporting system is applicable. “(五)银保监会认为适用报告制的其他业务。
“For the purposes of item (1) of paragraph 1, underwriting of government bonds includes underwriting of bonds issued by foreign governments in the territory of China. “第一款第(一)项所称的承销政府债券,包括承销外国政府在中国境内发行的债券。
“A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall, within five days of carrying out the business set out in paragraph 1, report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located, file the written materials on business development plan, risk control rules, operating procedures, system construction and other situations. “外资银行营业性机构应在开办第一款所列业务后5日内向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告,提交该项业务的展业计划、风险控制制度、操作规程和系统建设等情况的书面材料。
“A for-profit foreign-funded bank carrying out the business set out in paragraph 1 shall obtain the licensing of other departments according to the law and be handled according to its provisions. “外资银行营业性机构经营第一款所列业务,依法应获得其他部门许可的,依照其规定办理。
“Article 31 A for-profit foreign-funded bank may cooperate with the group of the parent bank on carrying out domestic and overseas business, maximize the global service advantages, and provide comprehensive financial services for clients in overseas issuance of bonds, listing, mergers and acquisitions, financing and other activities. “第三十一条 外资银行营业性机构可以依法与母行集团开展境内外业务协作,发挥全球服务优势,为客户在境外发债、上市、并购、融资等活动提供综合金融服务。
“A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall specify its responsibilities for providing business cooperation services in the group of the parent bank and profit distribution mechanism, and report the business cooperation with the group of the parent company in the previous year to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located at the end of the first quarter of each year.” “外资银行营业性机构应明确自身在母行集团内提供业务协作服务的职责、利润分配机制,并于每年一季度末将上一年度与母行集团业务协作开展情况向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告。”
IV. Paragraph 2 of original Article 29 is amended to read: “The working capital of a branch of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a branch of a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall be commensurate with its size of business and shall have been received.”   四、原第二十九条第二款改为“外商独资银行分行、中外合资银行分行营运资金应当与业务规模相适应且拨付到位。”
V. One article is added after original Article 29 as Article 34.   五、在原第二十九条后增加一条,作为第三十四条
“Article 34 A branch of foreign bank shall, when carrying out deposit business, declare to clients whether deposit insurance has been purchased for the deposit of the bank. “第三十四条 外国银行分行在开办存款业务时应当向客户声明本行存款是否投保存款保险。
“According to the provisions of the Deposit Insurance Regulation, except under the separate arrangements between China and other countries or regions on the deposit insurance system, no deposit insurance shall be purchased for the deposits of branches of foreign banks.” “根据《存款保险条例》规定,除中国与其他国家或地区之间对存款保险制度另有安排之外,外国银行分行存款不投保存款保险。”
VI. One article is added after original Article 30 as Article 36.   六、在原第三十条后增加一条,作为第三十六条
“Article 36 Where a foreign bank concurrently forms a wholly foreign-funded bank (or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank) and a branch in the territory of the China, the branch may only carry out wholesale business. “第三十六条 外国银行在中国境内同时设有外商独资银行(或中外合资银行)和外国银行分行的,该外国银行分行只能从事批发业务。
“For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, wholesale business means the business of clients other than individuals.” “前款所称批发业务,是指对除个人以外客户的业务。”
VII. One article is added after original Article 31 as Article 38.   七、在原第三十一条后增加一条,作为第三十八条
“Article 38 Where a foreign bank forms a number of branches in the territory of China, if the management bank has been approved to carry out derivative product transaction business, the management bank may perform the management duties, and may, under the premise of assessing and ensuring that other branches in the territory of China intending to carry out the derivative product transaction business meet the conditions, authorize it to carry out the derivative product transaction business, and report to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where the management bank is located. “第三十八条 外国银行在中国境内设立多家分行的,如管理行已获准开办衍生产品交易业务,该管理行可以履行管理职责,在评估并确保中国境内其他拟开办衍生产品交易业务的分行满足条件的前提下,授权其开办衍生产品交易业务,并向管理行所在地银保监会派出机构报告。
“A branch authorized by the management bank to carry out the derivative product transaction business shall comply with the relevant provisions on banking financial institutions' carrying out the derivative product transaction business, and report to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located, and may only carry out the derivative product transaction business after providing the letter of authorization issued by the management bank and the materials required for carrying out the derivative product transaction business.” “经管理行授权开办衍生产品交易业务的分行应当满足银行业金融机构开办衍生产品交易业务的相关规定,向所在地银保监会派出机构报告,提供管理行出具的授权书以及开办衍生产品交易业务所需的材料后方可开办衍生产品交易业务。”
VIII. Original Article 32 is renumbered as Article 39, in which, paragraph 1 is deleted.   八、将原第三十二条改为第三十九条,删去第一款
Paragraph 2 is renumbered as paragraph 1 and amended to read: “To apply for carrying out the RMB business or expanding the range of service objects of RMB business, a for-profit foreign-funded bank shall meet the prudential conditions prescribed by the CBIRC and obtain the approval of the CBIRC or the local CBIRC office in the place where it is located.” 将第二款修改为“外资银行营业性机构申请经营人民币业务或扩大人民币业务服务对象范围,应当具备银保监会规定的审慎性条件,并经银保监会或所在地银保监局审批”,作为第一款。
Original paragraph 3 is renumbered as paragraph 2. 原第三款改为第二款。
Paragraphs 4 and 5 are deleted. 删去第四款、第五款。
One paragraph is added as paragraph 3: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank may, during the preparation period, carry out the preparation work for RMB business, and may, after passing the final inspection of the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located, file an application for carrying out RMB business at the time of opening.” 增加一款,作为第三款:“外资银行营业性机构在筹建期间可以开展人民币业务的筹备工作,经所在地银保监会派出机构验收合格后,可以在开业时提出经营人民币业务的申请。”
IX. One article is added after original Article 35 as Article 43.   九、在原第三十五条后增加一条,作为第四十三条
“Article 43 Where a foreign bank forms a number of branches in the territory of China, if the management bank has been approved to carry out RMB business, the management bank may perform the management duties, and may, under the premise of assessing and ensuring that other branches in the territory of China intending to carry out RMB business meet the conditions, authorize it to carry out RMB business, and report to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where the management bank is located. “第四十三条 外国银行在中国境内设立多家分行的,如管理行已获准经营人民币业务,该管理行可以履行管理职责,在评估并确保中国境内其他拟经营人民币业务的分行满足条件的前提下,授权其开办人民币业务,并向管理行所在地银保监会派出机构报告。
“Branches authorized by the management bank to carry out RMB business shall make preparations in accordance with the provisions of Article 41 of these Detailed Rules, and file the letters of authorization of the management bank for its carrying out RMB business with the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located. “经管理行授权经营人民币业务的分行应当按照本细则第四十一条的规定进行筹备,并将管理行对其经营人民币业务的授权书报送所在地银保监会派出机构。
“The local office of the CBIRC in the place where a branch of a foreign bank intending to carry out RMB business is located shall conduct final inspection according to the provisions of Article 42 of these Detailed Rules.” “拟经营人民币业务的外国银行分行所在地银保监会派出机构按照本细则第四十二条的规定进行验收。”
X. Original Article 55 is renumbered as Article 63, in which paragraph 2 is amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall, when carrying out outsourcing activities, file the assessment reports on the outsourcing activities with the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located on a regular basis.”   十、原第五十五条改为第六十三条,将第二款修改为“外资银行营业性机构在开展外包活动时,应当定期向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构递交外包活动的评估报告。”
One paragraph is added as paragraph 3: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank that encounters business operation, clients' information security, reputation and other events causing major impact when carrying out outsourcing activities shall report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located in a timely manner.” 增加一款作为第三款:“外资银行营业性机构在开展外包活动时如遇到对业务经营、客户信息安全、声誉等产生重大影响事件,应当及时向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告。”
XI. Original Article 56 is renumbered as Article 64 and amended to read:   十一、原第五十六条改为第六十四条,内容更换为
“Article 64 For the purposes of Article 44 of the Regulation, “public debts” means various deposits, interbank deposits (excluding deposits in overseas financial institutions) and interbank borrowings of branches of foreign banks (excluding borrowings from overseas financial institutions), and other liabilities recognized by the CBIRC. “第六十四条 《条例》第四十四条所称的公众负债指外国银行分行的各项存款、同业存放(不含境外金融机构存放)、同业拆入(不含从境外金融机构拆入),以及经银保监会认定的其他负债。
“For the purposes of Article 44 of the Regulation, holding qualified asset at a certain proportion of the amount of public debts means that a branch of a foreign bank shall hold qualified assets not less than 5% of the public debts. When the balance of qualified assets reaches 30% of the working capital, increase in holding is not required to be conducted. The CBIRC may require branches of foreign banks with relatively high risks and relatively weak risk management ability to increase the proportion prescribed in this paragraph. “《条例》第四十四条所称按公众负债额的一定比例持有合格资产是指外国银行分行应按不低于公众负债额的5%持有合格资产。合格资产余额达到营运资金的30%时可以不再增持。银保监会可以要求风险较高、风险管理能力较弱的外国银行分行提高本款规定的比例。
“For the purposes of Article 44 of the Regulation, qualified assets include government bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China, negotiable instruments issued by the People's Bank of China, financial bonds issued by the Chinese policy bank, fixed interbank deposits of over one month at designated institutions (including one month), and other assets recognized by the CBIRC, among others. Assets that have been pledged or otherwise treated by the method affecting the disposal of assets are not qualified assets. “《条例》第四十四条所称的合格资产包括中国财政部发行的国债、中国人民银行发行的票据、中国政策性银行发行的金融债、在指定机构的1个月以上(含1个月)的定期同业存款,以及经银保监会认可的其他资产等。已进行质押或者采取其他影响资产支配权处理方式的资产不属于合格资产。
“Designated institutions means non-affiliated incorporated banks that are formed in the territory of China and characterized by stable operation and certain strength. Qualified assets of a branch of a foreign bank existing in the form of fixed interbank deposit shall be deposited in not more than three designated institutions. “指定机构是指在中国境内设立的、经营稳健且具有一定实力的非关联法人银行。外国银行分行以定期同业存款形式存在的合格资产应当存放在3家或3家以下指定机构。
“A branch of a foreign bank shall calculate its ratio of qualified assets on a daily basis, and maintain the ratio prescribed. And branches of foreign banks shall be assessed on a consolidated basis in the territory of China. “外国银行分行应当每日计算并保持规定的合格资产比例,按照外国银行在中国境内分行合并考核。
“The management bank of a branch of a foreign bank shall, on a monthly basis, report the qualified assets at the branches in the territory of China to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located. The contents to be reported include the amount, term and interest rate of fixed deposits in bank, as well as the amount, form and maturity date of other qualified assets, among others.” “外国银行分行管理行应当每月向所在地银保监会派出机构报告在中国境内分行合格资产的存在情况。报告内容包括定期存款的存放银行、金额、期限和利率,其他合格资产的金额、形式和到期日等。”
XII. Original Article 57 is renumbered as Article 65, in which paragraph 2 is amended to read: “The ratio prescribed in Article 45 of the Regulation shall be calculated for a branch of a foreign bank in the territory of China on a consolidated basis and on the basis of the quarter-end balance. The management bank of a branch of a foreign bank shall, on a quarterly basis, report to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.”   十二、原第五十七条改为第六十五条,第二款改为“《条例》第四十五条所规定的比例,按照外国银行在中国境内分行合并计算,按季末余额考核。外国银行分行管理行应当每季向所在地银保监会派出机构报告。”
One paragraph is added as paragraph 3: “Under the principle of reciprocity, for a foreign bank whose capital adequacy ratio continuously complies with the provisions of the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where it is located and the banking regulatory authority of the State Council, the CBIRC may decide that its branches are not subject to the restriction of ratio prescribed in paragraph 1 of Article 45 of the Regulation.” 增加一款作为第三款:“基于对等原则,对于资本充足率持续符合所在国家或地区金融监管当局以及国务院银行业监督管理机构规定的外国银行,银保监会可以决定其分行不受《条例》第四十五条第一款规定的比例限制。”
XIII. Original Article 58 is renumbered as Article 66.   十三、原第五十八条改为第六十六条
“Article 66 The current assets of a branch of a foreign bank include cash, gold, deposits in the People's Bank of China, interbank deposits, interbank loans to be due in one month, interbank lending to be due in one month, net amount on the asset side generated from transactions with overseas affiliated banks and their subsidiary institutions to be due in one month, interest receivable and other accounts receivable to be due in one month, loans to be due in one month, bond investments to be due in one month, other bond investments that may be cashed at any time on the secondary markets at home and abroad, and other assets that may be cashed in one month. Among the aforesaid assets, those expected to be unrecoverable shall be deducted. The part of qualified assets used for satisfying the minimum supervision requirements of Article 64 shall not be included in current assets. “第六十六条 外国银行分行的流动性资产包括现金、黄金、在中国人民银行存款、存放同业、1个月内到期的拆放同业、1个月内到期的借出同业、1个月内到期的境外联行往来及附属机构往来的资产方净额、1个月内到期的应收利息及其他应收款、1个月内到期的贷款、1个月内到期的债券投资、在国内外二级市场上可随时变现的其他债券投资、其他1个月内可变现的资产。上述各项资产中应当扣除预计不可收回的部分。合格资产中用于满足第六十四条最低监管要求的部分不计入流动性资产。
The current liabilities of a branch of a foreign bank include current deposits, fixed deposits to be due in one month, interbank deposits, interbank borrowings to be due in one month, net amount on the liability side generated from transactions with overseas affiliated banks and their subsidiary institutions to be due in one month, interest payable and other accounts payable to be due in one month, and other liabilities to be due in one month. Frozen deposits shall not be included in current liabilities. “外国银行分行的流动性负债包括活期存款、1个月内到期的定期存款、同业存放、1个月内到期的同业拆入、1个月内到期的借入同业、1个月内到期的境外联行往来及附属机构往来的负债方净额、1个月内到期的应付利息及其他应付款、其他1个月内到期的负债。冻结存款不计入流动性负债。
“A branch of a foreign bank shall calculate its liquidity ratio on a daily basis, and maintain the liquidity ratio prescribed in Article 46 of the Regulation. And branches of foreign banks shall be assessed on a consolidated basis in the territory of China. The management bank of a branch of a foreign bank shall, on a monthly basis, report to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” “外国银行分行应当每日计算并保持《条例》第四十六条规定的流动性比例,按照外国银行在中国境内分行合并考核。外国银行分行管理行应当每月向所在地银保监会派出机构报告。”
XIV. Two articles are added after original Article 65 as Articles 74 and 75.   十四、在原第六十五条后增加两条,作为第七十四条、第七十五条
“Article 74 A foreign bank that concurrently forms a wholly foreign-funded bank (or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank) and a branch in the territory of China shall specify their respective functional positioning and governance structure, establish a risk isolation mechanism for management, business, personnel and information, among others, ensure that their respective names, products and external business premises are differentiated, and implement independent management and business operation. “第七十四条 外国银行在中国境内同时设有外商独资银行(或中外合资银行)和外国银行分行的,应当明确各自的功能定位与治理架构,建立管理、业务、人员和信息等风险隔离机制,确保各自的机构名称、产品和对外营业场所有所区分,实行自主管理和自主经营。
“Article 75 Transactions between a wholly foreign-funded bank (or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank) and a branch of a foreign bank formed in the territory of China must follow the commercial principle, and the transaction conditions shall not be superior to the conditions for transactions with non-affiliated parties.” “第七十五条 外国银行在中国境内设立的外商独资银行(或中外合资银行)与外国银行分行之间进行的交易必须符合商业原则,交易条件不得优于与非关联方进行交易的条件。”
XV. Original Article 91 is renumbered as Article 101.   十五、原第九十一条改为第一百零一条
“After completing liquidation, a branch of a foreign bank shall report to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located 5 days prior to the withdrawal of the qualified assets, and file the report on completion of liquidation, tax cancellation certificate, and other written materials.” “外国银行分行完成清算后,应当在提取合格资产5日前向所在地银保监会派出机构报告,提交清算完成情况的报告、税务注销证明等书面材料。”
XVI. One article is added after original Article 98 as Article 109.   十六、在原第九十八条后增加一条,作为第一百零九条
“Article 109 The CBIRC shall assume primary supervision responsibility for foreign-funded banks under its direct supervision, and direct local offices to carry out supervision of foreign-funded banks.” “第一百零九条 银保监会对直接监管的外资银行承担监管主体责任,并指导派出机构开展外资银行监管工作。”
Concurrently, original Articles 22, 23, 24, 49, 51, 52, 55, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 70, 74, 83, 86, 87, 90, 91 and 92 shall be accordingly amended. 同时对原第二十二条、原第二十三条、原第二十四条、原第四十九条、原第五十一条、原第五十二条、原第五十五条、原第六十二条、原第六十三条、原第六十六条、原第六十八条、原第六十九条、原第七十条、原第七十四条、原第八十三条、原第八十六条、原第八十七条、原第九十条、原第九十一条、原第九十二条作相应修改。
Original Article 22 is renumbered as Article 24 and amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank that needs to suspend business for not less than three days nor more than six months shall, within five days after suspension of business, report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located, and explain the duration of the suspension period, the cause, and the arrangements during the period. To suspend business, a for-profit foreign-funded bank shall publish an announcement outside its business premise, specifying its arrangements during the suspension period. A local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located shall report the business suspension of for-profit foreign-funded banks within its jurisdiction to the CBIRC level by level in a timely manner.” 原第二十二条改为第二十四条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构临时停业3天以上6个月以下,应当在临时停业后5日内向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告,说明临时停业时间、理由及停业期间安排。外资银行营业性机构临时停业的,应当在营业场所外公告,说明临时停业期间的安排。所在地银保监会派出机构应当及时将辖内外资银行营业性机构临时停业情况逐级报送银保监会。”
Original Article 23 is renumbered as Article 25, in which, paragraph 1 is amended to read: “Upon expiry of the suspension period or elimination of the cause of suspension, a for-profit foreign-funded bank suspending business shall resume business, and shall report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located within five days after resuming business. Where its business premise has been rebuilt, the for-profit foreign-funded bank shall file a photocopy of the letter of intent to lease or purchase the business premise and a photocopy of the safety and fire-control conformance certificate with the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located before resuming business.” 原第二十三条改为第二十五条,第一款修改为“临时停业期限届满或者导致临时停业的原因消除,临时停业机构应当复业。外资银行营业性机构应当在复业后5日内向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告。营业场所重新修建的,外资银行营业性机构应当向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报送营业场所的租赁或者购买合同意向书的复印件、安全和消防合格证明的复印件方可复业。”
Original Article 24 is renumbered as Article 26, in which paragraph 2 is amended to read: “Where capital verification is required, the for-profit foreign-funded bank shall submit a capital verification certificate issued by a qualified accounting firm lawfully formed in the territory of China to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located. Where final inspection is required, the local office of the CBIRC at the place where the for-profit foreign-funded bank is located shall conduct final inspection.” 原第二十四条改为第二十六条,第二款修改为“需要验资的,外资银行营业性机构应当将在中国境内依法设立的合格会计师事务所出具的验资证明报送银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构。需要验收的,外资银行营业性机构所在地银保监会派出机构应当进行验收。”
Original Article 49 is renumbered as Article 57 and amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall establish internal control rules and business operating procedures commensurate with its business development and, before the end of March every year, file the revisions of internal control rules and operating procedures with the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第四十九条改为第五十七条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构应当建立与其业务发展相适应的内部控制制度和业务操作规程,并于每年3月末前将内部控制制度和业务操作规程的修订内容报送银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构。”
Original Article 51 is renumbered as Article 59 and amended to read: “Upon completion of an internal audit, a for-profit foreign-funded bank shall timely file the internal audit report with the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located which may communicate with the internal auditors of the for-profit foreign-funded bank in an appropriate way.” 原第五十一条改为第五十九条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构结束内部审计后,应当及时将内审报告报送银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构,银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构可以采取适当方式与外资银行营业性机构的内审人员沟通。”
Original Article 52 is renumbered as Article 60 and amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall establish loan risk classification rules and report the correspondence between its loan risk classification standards and the classification standards prescribed by the CBIRC to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第五十二条改为第六十条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构应当建立贷款风险分类制度,并将贷款风险分类标准与银保监会规定的分类标准的对应关系报送银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构。”
Original Article 55 is renumbered as Article 63 and amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall develop relevant policies and management rules for business outsourcing, including the decision-making procedures for business outsourcing, the evaluation and management of outsourcing service providers, and the measures and contingency plans for information confidentiality and safety, among others. 原第五十五条改为第六十三条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构应当制定与业务外包相关的政策和管理制度,包括业务外包的决策程序、对外包方的评价和管理、控制银行信息保密性和安全性的措施和应急计划等。
“Before entering into an outsourcing agreement, a for-profit foreign-funded bank shall report the major risks involved in the agreement on business outsourcing and the corresponding risk aversion measures to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” “外资银行营业性机构签署业务外包协议前应当向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告业务外包协议的主要风险及相应的风险规避措施等。”
Original Article 62 is renumbered as Article 70 and amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall, at the end of each quarter, report information on large-sum cross-border capital flows and asset transfers as required by the CBIRC to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第六十二条改为第七十条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构应当按照银保监会的规定,每季度末将跨境大额资金流动和资产转移情况报送银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构。”
Article 63 is renumbered as Article 71 and amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank credit assets transferred from the head office or any affiliated bank that transfers credit assets from the head office or any affiliated bank shall, within five days after transfer, report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located and file the written materials on the amount, term, classification, guarantee, and other information on the credit assets transferred.” 原第六十三条改为第七十一条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构由总行或者联行转入信贷资产,应当在转入信贷资产后5日内向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告,提交关于转入信贷资产的金额、期限、分类及担保等情况的书面材料。”
Original Article 66 is renumbered as Article 77 and amended to read: 原第六十六条改为第七十七条,修改为:
“Article 77 A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall report the following major matters to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located in a timely manner: “第七十七条 外资银行营业性机构应当向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构及时报告下列重大事项:
“(1) A serious problem occurring in its financial status or business operation. “(一)财务状况和经营活动出现重大问题;
“(2) A significant adjustment to its operating strategies. “(二)经营策略的重大调整;
“(3) Except for the cause of force majeure, the bank suspending business for not more than two days when it is not a legal holiday shall report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located seven days in advance in writing. “(三)除不可抗力原因外,外资银行营业性机构在法定节假日以外的日期暂停营业2日以内,应当提前7日向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构书面报告;
“(4) An important resolution of the board of directors of a wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank. “(四)外商独资银行、中外合资银行的重要董事会决议;
“(5) A change in the bylaws, registered capital or registered address of the head office of the branch of the foreign bank or of a shareholder of the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank. “(五)外国银行分行的总行、外商独资银行或者中外合资银行股东的章程、注册资本和注册地址的变更;
“(6) The merger, division or any other restructuring matter of the head office of the branch of the foreign bank or of a shareholder of the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, and a change in the board chairman or president (chief executive officer or general manager). “(六)外国银行分行的总行、外商独资银行或者中外合资银行股东的合并、分立等重组事项以及董事长或者行长(首席执行官、总经理)的变更;
“(7) A serious problem occurring in the financial status or business operation of the head office of the branch of the foreign bank or of a shareholder of the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank. “(七)外国银行分行的总行、外商独资银行或者中外合资银行股东的财务状况和经营活动出现重大问题;
“(8) A major case occurring in the head office of the branch of the foreign bank or of a shareholder of the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank. “(八)外国银行分行的总行、外商独资银行或者中外合资银行股东发生重大案件;
“(9) A significant regulatory measure taken by the financial regulatory authority of the country or region where the head office of the branch of the foreign bank or of the foreign shareholder of the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank is located or the country or region where any other overseas branch is located. “(九)外国银行分行的总行、外商独资银行或者中外合资银行外方股东所在国家或者地区以及其他海外分支机构所在国家或者地区金融监管当局对其实施的重大监管措施;
“(10) A significant change in the financial regulatory laws, regulations or systems of the country or region where the head office of the branch of the foreign bank or of the foreign shareholder of the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank is located. “(十)外国银行分行的总行、外商独资银行或者中外合资银行外方股东所在国家或者地区金融监管法规和金融监管体系的重大变化;
“(11) Other matters required by the CBIRC. “(十一)银保监会要求报告的其他事项。”
Original Article 68 is renumbered as Article 79 and amended to read: “Where a non-formal employee of a foreign-funded bank's institution in the territory of China consecutively works therefor for more than 20 days or for more than 30 days cumulatively in 90 days, the foreign-funded bank shall report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第六十八条改为第七十九条,修改为“非外资银行在中国境内机构正式员工,在该机构连续工作超过20日或者在90日内累计工作超过30日的,外资银行应当向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报告。”
Original Article 69 is renumbered as Article 80 and amended to read: 原第六十九条改为第八十条,修改为:
“Article 80 A wholly foreign-funded bank, a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank, or a foreign bank with two or more branches in the territory of China shall, after the end of each fiscal year, retain a qualified accounting firm lawfully formed in the territory of China to audit all its for-profit institutions in the territory of China on a consolidated basis and shall, within four months after the end of each fiscal year, submit an audit report and a management proposal to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC at the place where the head office or management bank of the wholly foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank is located. “第八十条 外商独资银行、中外合资银行和在中国境内设立2家及2家以上分行的外国银行,应当在每个会计年度结束后聘请在中国境内依法设立的合格会计师事务所对该机构在中国境内所有营业性机构进行并表或者合并审计,并在会计年度结束后4个月内将审计报告和管理建议书报送银保监会或外商独资银行、中外合资银行总行或者管理行所在地银保监会派出机构。
“A branch of a foreign bank shall, after the end of each fiscal year, retain a qualified accounting firm lawfully formed in the territory of China to conduct audit and shall, within four months after the end of an accounting year, submit an audit report and an management proposal to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” “外国银行分行应当在每个会计年度结束后聘请在中国境内依法设立的合格会计师事务所进行审计,并在会计年度结束后4个月内将审计报告和管理建议书报送所在地银保监会派出机构。”
Original Article 70 is renumbered as Article 81 and amended to read: “A for-profit foreign-funded bank shall, one month before it retains a qualified accounting firm lawfully formed in the territory of China to conduct annual audit or audit of other items, submit the basic materials on the accounting firm and its certified public accountants who participate in the audit to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第七十条改为第八十一条,修改为“外资银行营业性机构聘请在中国境内依法设立的合格会计师事务所进行年度或者其他项目审计1个月前,应当将会计师事务所及其参加审计的注册会计师的基本资料报送银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构。”
Original Article 74 is renumbered as Article 85, in which paragraph 1 is amended to read: “A wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall, within six months after the end of an accounting year, submit the annual reports of the wholly foreign-funded bank and its shareholders or the annual reports of the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank and its shareholders to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC at the place where its head office is located.” 原第七十四条改为第八十五条,第一款修改为“外商独资银行、中外合资银行应当在会计年度结束后6个月内向银保监会或其总行所在地银保监会派出机构报送外商独资银行及其股东、中外合资银行及其股东的年报。”
Original Article 83 is renumbered as Article 94 and amended to read: “The members of the liquidation group shall include the president (general manager), accounting supervisor, certified public accountants, and other persons designated by the CBIRC. The liquidation group of a wholly foreign-funded bank or a Chinese-foreign equity joint venture bank shall also include shareholders' representatives and the chairman of the board of directors. The members of the liquidation group shall be subject to the approval of the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第八十三条改为第九十四条,修改为“清算组成员包括行长(总经理)、会计主管、中国注册会计师以及银保监会指定的其他人员。外商独资银行、中外合资银行清算组还应当包括股东代表和董事长。清算组成员应当报经银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构同意。”
Original Article 86 is renumbered as Article 97 and amended to read: “The CBIRC or its local offices shall be responsible for supervising the dissolution and liquidation process of the for-profit foreign-funded banks and their branch offices that are dissolved or closed. The major matters and liquidation results shall be reported to the CBIRC level by level.” 原第八十六条改为第九十七条,修改为“银保监会或其派出机构负责监督被解散或者关闭的外资银行营业性机构及其分支机构解散与清算过程。重大事项和清算结果应逐级报至银保监会。”
Original Article 87 is renumbered as Article 98 and amended to read: “A liquidation group shall, within 30 days from the date of formation, retain a qualified accounting firm lawfully formed in the territory of China to conduct audit and shall, within 60 days from the day when it retains the said accounting firm, submit an audit report to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第八十七条改为第九十八条,修改为“清算组应当自成立之日起30日内聘请在中国境内依法设立的合格会计师事务所进行审计,自聘请之日起60日内向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报送审计报告。”
Original Article 90 is renumbered as Article 101 and amended to read: “A liquidation group shall, not later than the 10th day of each month, submit a report on debt repayment, disposal of assets, repayment of loans, and cancellation of accounts, among others, to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located.” 原第九十条改为第一百零一条,修改为“清算组应当在每月10号前向银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构报送有关债务清偿、资产处置、贷款清收、销户等情况的报告。”
Original Article 91 is renumbered as Article 102 and amended to read: “After completing liquidation, a branch of a foreign bank shall report to the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located 5 days prior to the withdrawal of the qualified assets, and file the report on completion of liquidation, tax cancellation certificate, and other written materials, among others.” 原第九十一条改为第一百零二条,修改为:“ 外国银行分行完成清算后,应当在提取合格资产5日前向所在地银保监会派出机构报告,提交清算完成情况的报告、税务注销证明等书面材料。”
Original Article 92 is renumbered as Article 103 and amended to read: “Upon completion of liquidation, a liquidation group shall prepare a liquidation report, file it with the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located for confirmation, submit it to the administrative department for industry and commercial for applying for cancellation of industrial and commercial registration, and issue an announcement on a national newspaper designated by the CBIRC and a local newspaper designated by the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located. The liquidation group shall, at least three days before the date of announcement, report the contents of the announcement to the CBIRC or the local office of the CBIRC in the place where it is located in writing.” 原第九十二条改为第一百零三条,修改为“清算工作结束后,清算组应当制作清算报告,报送银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构确认,并报送工商行政管理机关申请注销工商登记,在银保监会指定的全国性报纸和所在地银保监会派出机构指定的地方性报纸上公告。清算组应当将公告内容在公告日3日前书面报至银保监会或所在地银保监会派出机构。”
XVII. In the original Detailed Rules, “CBRC” is replaced with “CBIRC” and “local offices of the CBRC” is replaced with “local offices of the CBIRC.”   十七、将原细则的“中国银监会”改为“银保监会”,“银监局”改为“银保监局”
XVIII. Article 100 of the original Detailed Rules is deleted.   十八、删去原细则第一百条
This Decision shall come into force on MMDD, YY, 本决定自 年 月 日起施行。
upon which the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Banks shall be accordingly amended according to this Decision and be re-issued after the numbering of relevant articles is adjusted accordingly. 中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则》根据本决定作相应修改,并对条文序号作相应调整,重新公布。

第一章 总则

   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》和《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),制定本细则。
   第二条 《条例》所称国务院银行业监督管理机构是指中国银行保险监督管理委员会(以下简称银保监会),所称银行业监督管理机构是指银保监会及其派出机构。

第二章 设立与登记

   第三条 《条例》和本细则所称审慎性条件,至少包括下列内容:
   第四条 《条例》十一条所称主要股东,是指持有拟设中外合资银行资本总额或者股份总额50%以上,或者不持有资本总额或者股份总额50%以上但有下列情形之一的商业银行:
   第五条 有下列情形之一的,不得作为拟设外商独资银行、中外合资银行的股东:
   第六条 《条例》十条至第十二条所称提出设立申请前1年年末是指截至申请日的上一会计年度末。
   第七条 外国银行已在中国境内设立外商独资银行或中外合资银行的,在设立外国银行分行时,除应当具备《条例》和本细则规定的相应条件外,其在中国境内已设外商独资银行或中外合资银行应当具备银保监会规定的审慎性条件。
   第八条 外国银行在中国境内增设分行,除应当具备《条例》九条、第十二条规定的条件外,其在中国境内已设分行应当具备银保监会规定的审慎性条件。
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